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      • Advancing equality and collaboration in dyadic relations: Application of cost equalization principle

        Takeuchi, M. May Washington State University 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The dissertation is divided in two related articles, each of which addresses how and to what extent it is possible to alter social structure in the context of small groups. The first article, "Reduction of Inequality in Dyads: The Role of Environmental Reinforcement," quantitatively demonstrates the significance of environmental reinforcement to reduce behavioral inequalities in dyads. The dynamics of stability and change of behavioral structure are presented in a multi-dimensional model that describes the balancing mechanism through which the structure emerges. The results of a computerized experiment demonstrate that in task-oriented interaction where actors are interdependent, pre-existing behavioral inequalities change in such a way to reflect the probability of environmental reinforcement that each actor receives, and inequality measured at each of three variables echoes throughout the system cyclically via domino effect. The cyclical nature of the process contributes not only to the stabilization of unequal structure but also to its reduction, which is only possible through alteration of the environmental reinforcement. The findings suggest the importance of social intervention (e.g., affirmative action) in altering rigid status structure and restoring equality among members in the context of small groups. The second article, "Development of Collaborative Behavior in Dyadic Conflict," makes a deductive attempt to identify conditions where collaborative behavior emerges on the task dimension of conflicting interaction in the integrative context. The results of the iteration based on the cost-equalization for actors' behaviors demonstrate that collaborative resolution of dyadic conflict is possible even where competitive behavior is not suppressed by socio-emotional components. However, it requires some action on the part of the advantaged actor in an asymmetrical relationship. While collaboration can bring benefits to the advantaged actor as an individual and the dyad as a whole, it results in nothing but costs to the disadvantaged actor as an individual. Thus, for the collaborative resolution of conflict to occur, it is critical that the advantaged actor uses that advantage to initiate collaboration, not to dominate the interaction. The noblesse oblige of the "advantaged," especially their responsibility for the well-being of the group, is discussed.

      • 한국어 '-고 있다’의 사용 양상 및 교육 방안 연구 : 일본어권 한국어 학습자를 대상으로

        Takeuchi, Noriko 고려대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        본 연구는 일본어권 한국어 학습자의 ‘-고 있다’의 사용 양상을 분석하여 효과적인 교육 방안을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그 결과 외국어 학습의 있어서 모어의 영향이 상당히 크기 때문에 교육 방법에서는 모어와의 관련을 학습자가 파악할 수 있도록 제시하는 것이 중요하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 우선 본 연구에서는 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’의 영향으로 일본어권 한국어 학습자가 ‘-고 있다’를 많이 사용하는 경향에 주목하였다. 다음으로 그 원인을 찾아보기 위해 ‘-ている(-teiru)’와 ‘-고 있다’의 의미를 살펴보고 실제로 학습자가 작성한 글을 분석하였다. 나아가 현재 한국어 교재에서의 ‘-고 있다’ 제시 방법을 살펴보면서 보다 더 효과적인 교육 방안을 제안하였다. 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’에 관해서는 시제와 상 관점에서 많은 연구가 되어 왔다. 2장에서는 한국어 ‘-고 있다’와 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’의 의미를 각각 살펴보고 대조하면서 공통점과 차이점을 보았다. 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’가 나타내는 기본적인 의미는 ‘동작 계속’, ‘결과 계속’, ‘단순 상태’, ‘경험’, ‘반복·습관’이 고 이들 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’에 해당하는 한국어 표현은 ‘-고 있다’, ‘-어 있다’, ‘-ㄴ/는다’, ‘-었-’, 형용사 등 다양하다는 것을 알 수 있다. 3장에서는 실제로 학습자가 작성한 작문 말뭉치를 이용하여 일본어권 한국어 학습자의 ‘-고 있다’ 사용 양상을 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’의 기본적인 5가지의 의미 즉 ‘동작 계속’, ‘결과 계속’, ‘단순 상태’, ‘경험’, ‘습관, 반복’으로 나누어서 살펴보았다. 그 결과 일본어권 학습자들은 초급에서 고급까지 일본어 ‘-ている(-teiru)’의 영향으로 ‘-고 있다’를 사용하는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 그러므로 4장에서는 한국어 교재에서 ‘-고 있다’가 어떻게 설명되어 있는지를 살펴보고 보다 더 효과적인 교육 방안을 제안하였다. 교재 분석의 결과 ‘진행’은 ‘-고 있다’로, ‘상태’는 ‘-어 있다’로 나타낸다는 설명은 일본어권 학습자에게는 충분하지 않다. 이에 따른 제안과 개선안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘-고 있다’는 ‘동작 계속’을 나타내는 표현이라고 제시하는데 한국어에서는 ‘-ㄴ/는다’형으로도 자연스럽게 ‘동작 계속’을 나타낼 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 둘째, ‘입다’, ‘쓰다’와 같은 착탈 동사와 ‘타다’ 등 ‘-고 있다’로 ‘동작 계속’과 ‘결과 상태’의 의미를 나타내는 이면성이 있는 동사에 관해서도 명시적으로 설명하는 것이 효과적일 것이다. 셋째, ‘-고 있다’와 같은 계속상을 나타내는 ‘-어 있다’를 제시하는 데 ‘-고 있다’와 관련시켜 제시하는 것이 필요하다. 넷째, 일본어 ‘-ている’와 대응하는 한국어 표현을 제시하는 것이 필요하다.

      • Issues related to female study-abroad returnees: A comparative analysis of Japan and Thailand

        Takeuchi, Ai University of Minnesota 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        One characteristic of globalization is its impact on higher education as reflected in an increasing flow of international students across borders. With the rise in the total number of international students globally, the gap between male and female representation in the international student body has been steadily narrowing. Despite the rise in the number of female international students, however, little has been written on gender issues in relation to international students in U.S. higher education institutions. Furthermore, limited cross-national research has been conducted on study abroad returnees. This research examines two neglected issues related to study abroad; female study abroad participants and their post-study abroad experiences. Specifically, it explores the post study abroad decisions and reentry experiences of Japanese and Thai women through multiple data collection methods including surveys and interviews. The research first addresses the factors that influence Japanese and Thai female students' post-study abroad destinations. It then explores the re-adaptation of the Japanese and Thai female returnees to family, friends, jobs, in particular, and to daily life in general. The quantitative analysis reveals Thais' strong intention to return home while indicating Japanese' ambiguous attitudes about post study abroad destinations. The findings further identify some common themes shared by both Japanese and Thai female returnees, despite social, economic, and cultural differences between the two nations. One of the most powerful themes discovered from both survey and interview data was the power of family; indicating its considerable impact on the mobility decision of both Japanese and Thais. However, further examination reveals that this parental influence was more powerful for Thais than Japanese. Other common themes for the two groups are; female-specific reentry, transformation through study abroad experiences, and the importance of workplace in terms of determining the magnitude of reverse culture shock. Also, the combined etic-emic process of data analysis identifies some country-specific themes, such as the self-segregation of Thai students on the U.S. campus, and differences in job-hunting strategies and processes.

      • Do managers have market timing ability in firms issuing and repurchasing equity?

        Takeuchi, Lawrence Shin The University of Chicago 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Several studies find little evidence that insider trading around primary seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) and open-market repurchase announcements can predict future returns, raising doubts that managers could be knowingly timing the market with these corporate decisions. In the first chapter I show that long-run returns after SEOs are significantly related to prior insider trading activity when returns are measured from the announcement date rather than the issue date as in previous studies. The result arises because a significant proportion of the market reaction to the insider signals occurs between the announcement and issue dates. Furthermore, using repurchase announcements to identify firms that are potentially taking advantage of underpriced shares omits firms that are acting under previously announced buyback programs and includes firms that announce but do not actually repurchase shares. Although the results for firms announcing repurchases are inconsistent, insider signals robustly predict long-run returns for firms making net reductions to common equity outstanding. Overall, the evidence is consistent with the version of the market timing hypothesis in which managers possess superior information about firm values. These findings, however, raise the question of why insider trading regulations do not prevent informed trading by managers before SEO and repurchase announcements. The second chapter analyzes civil insider trading cases brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the period between 1990 and 2007. I find that enforcement activity is heavily concentrated in cases involving mergers and earnings announcements, but is almost completely absent for cases involving many other corporate events, including SEOs and repurchases. Company insiders are significantly more likely to make informed trades before announcements for events with no SEC enforcement precedent as well as those with low enforcement activity over time. The results are consistent with enforcement influencing insiders' perceived risk of trading beyond the mere existence of insider trading prohibitions.

      • Essays on time preference and combinatorial auctions

        Takeuchi, Kan University of Michigan 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation consists of three essays in experimental economics. The first essay analyzes the time preference and intertemporal choice behavior of human subjects. The second essay studies a new combinatorial auction mechanism in a laboratory setting. In the last essay, we compare several combinatorial auction mechanisms to solve scheduling problems. The first essay presents a laboratory experiment on time preferences to deepen our understanding. Specifically I propose a new experimental design and test its implications. Unlike existing designs, my unique experimental design does not impose any parametric assumptions on the utility function, which allows me to identify the time discount function independently of the form of the utility function. My generalized model successfully shows that subjects exhibit increasing impatience over time. This observation has not been reported in previous studies, which estimate only decreasing impatience. The main findings of my study are: (1) about two-thirds of subjects exhibit future bias and (2) the time discount function is an inverse S-curve, suggesting an expanded notion of the present. In the second essay, we study two package auction mechanisms in a laboratory setting, a sealed bid Vickrey auction and an ascending version of Vickrey, the iBEA auction. Unlike the single-unit Vickrey auction, where bidders tend to overbid in the laboratory, most of our bidders either underbid or bid their true values. Furthermore, at the aggregate level, Vickrey generates significantly higher revenue and efficiency than iBEA. We also find that human bidders learn from their robot opponents when robot strategies are myopic best responses. In the third essay, we explore the possibility of auction mechanisms, applying them to a scheduling problem. We apply concepts from mechanism design to compare different resource allocation schemes in a laboratory. The findings illustrate the utility of economic approaches in understanding issues that emerge in large-scale collaborations, such as entire scientific and engineering communities.

      • Investigations into the biological implications of the antibody-catalyzed oxidation of water

        Takeuchi, Cindy A The Scripps Research Institute 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Antibodies act as critical recognition molecules in adaptive immune responses and enhancers of innate effector functions, by binding tightly and specifically to antigens and recruiting downstream effectors for the elimination of foreign and unwanted material. As such, antibodies are not associated with self-sufficient effector functions. However, a major discovery has suggested that the reactivity and regulatory roles of antibodies are not fully understood. Recently, it has been found that antibodies have the intrinsic ability to convert singlet oxygen (1O2*) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O 2). This finding led to the proposition that antibodies not only mediate binding events and coordinate immune responses, but antibodies are also active molecules that could be directly involved in inflammation and disease. This thesis examines the potential relevance of the antibody-catalyzed oxidation pathway in human neutrophils. While direct evidence for involvement was not demonstrated (Chapter Two), the intriguing discovery that an oxidant with the chemical signature of O3 is present uncovers a reactive oxygen species not previously detected in biological systems. To further our understanding of this fascinating process, a number of orthogonal chemical probes for ozone were tested in vitro and with human neutrophils (Chapter Three). Chapter Four reviews the discovery of cholesterol ozonolysis products in human atherosclerosic tissue, the result of a study of the antibody-catalyzed oxidation pathway in the context of atherosclerosis. Finally, Chapter Five describes investigations performed in vitro to determine what contributions these newly found compounds can make to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

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