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      • KCI등재

        수요자중심과 아동중심의 초등교육학적 의미 분석

        권동택 한국초등교육학회 2004 초등교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        수요자중심 혹은 아동중심교육이 초등교육현장에 실질적으로 내면화되기 위해서는 교육학적 의미의 재검토가 요구된다. 수요자중심의 의미를 학습자의 요구 혹은 필요에 전적으로 응하는 것이 아니라, 학습자 개개인의 능력이나 적성에 맞는 교육적 가치체제의 제공이라고 한다면, 이는 아동중심교육과 그 교육적 본질 측면에서 함께 논의될 수 있다. 무엇보다도 수요자중심과 아동중심교육은 학습자에게 유의미한 교육적 경험을 제공해준다는 데에 공유된 인식을 갖고 있다. 따라서 수요자중심교육과 아동중심교육은 초등교육의 근본적인 본질이 유지되는 토대 하에서 추구되어야 하며, 기존의 초등학교교육체제를 개선하고 교육현장에 실질적으로 내면화될 수 있는 변혁적 교육철학이 되기 위해서는 일상 용어의 개념이 아닌 교육적 용어로 그 의미는 한정될 필요가 있다. The purposes of this paper are analyze and reflect the elementary educational meaning about customercentered and childcentered. In order to perform this purpose, It is need to investigate the educational meaning of customercentered education according to nature related to education, and child-centered education according to unmatured being, needs, interest, and experience. The application of free market principle to schooling has brought about contrary response, but educational system was not exceptional in changing society that is to adopt free market principle to reconstruct all sector of society. And childcentered education takes emphasis on child s needs, interest and experience combined his world of experience with the culture and value in society. In this point, education according to needs, interest and experience is the one not by the child s individual curriculum established by its own but by the curriculum formed with the full appreciation of social needs and child's needs. If education according to needs is that of teaching what a child desires, it may satisfy its individual needs, but can t satisfy the social needs. Thus to perform the function of elementary education, we need to understand educational meanings about customercentered and childcentered linguistically considering the side of elementary educational nature.

      • 신경망을 이용한 ATM 망에서 트래픽 제어에 관한 연구

        서동신,김희철,임방택,나상동 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1996 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.1

        A traffic control using back-propagation neural networks propose for the ATM communications networks. This paper proposes adaptive call admission control using back-propagation algorithm in link capacity control. In this paper, back-propagation algorithm is trained to estimate call admission rate from traffic load and link capacity, and link capacity assignment is optimized by back-propagation algorithm method which used learning rate and moment term. Therefore, simulation results yield efficient ATM traffic control which use neural networks training between quality of service(QOS) and traffic parameter in the number of class 1, 2 and evaluate call loss rate 10exp(-6) using the Erlang-Bequation by trained back-propagation neural networks.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학교교육 효과성과 총체적 질 관리 통합 모형 개발 연구

        권동택 한국초등교육학회 2002 초등교육연구 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 초등학교교육의 특수성을 고려하여, 초등학교교육의 효과성 구성 변인과 총체적 질 관리의 구성 변인을 추출·분석하고, 초등학교교육 효과성과 총체적 질 관리의 통합 모형을 개발하는데 목적을 두고, 문헌 고찰에 의한 이론적 연구와 질문지 조사활동 및 자료분석에 의한 통계적 연구 등 다양한 연구 방법을 적용하였다. 먼저 학교교육 효과성과 총체적 질 관리의 구성 변인을 추출·분석하고 종합 분석된 통합 모형의 구성 변인을 중심으로 통합 모형의 검증을 위한 최종 질문지를 개발하였으며, 타당도와 신뢰도에 의해 확정된 질문지를 통하여 통합 모형을 검증하기 위해 SPAA-AMOS 4.0 통계프로그램에 의한 적합도 지수에 의하여 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 이론 모형은 초등학교교육 효과성과 총체적 질 관리 통합 모형으로 적합하다는 것이 검증되었으며, 각 모형의 각 변인간의 경로 관계를 검증한 결과, 변인간의 관계가 의의있는 것으로 확인되었다. The purposes of his study are to investigate relationships between effectiveness and quality related to elementary education, and to develop an Integration Model of Educational Effectiveness and Total Quality Management in Elementary Schools. For the purposes, this study was designed as follows; First, by reviewing the related literature about Educational Effectiveness and Total Quality Management, a theoretical model was constructed. Second, a questionnaire was developed to measure the major factors of the Integration Model to be suitable for elementary schools. That was verified by examining the validity(Factor analysis) and reliability(Cronbach's a coefficient and test-reliability). SPSS-AMOS 4.0 was adopted to test the relationship between the theoretical Integration Model and each variables. The model fitness was identified by using the chi-square statistics(0.25), Goodness-of-Fit Index(GFI 0.94), Adjusted Goodness-off Fit Index(AGFL, 0.85), Normed Fit Index(NFI, 0.93), and Non Normed Fit Index(NNFL, 0.95). The conclusion of this study based upon the results is that the Integration Model of Educational Effectiveness and Total Quality Management could be useful and applied to elementary schools. However, educational organization has its uniqueness of system, and the paradigm which able to manage the quality is required. To discuss the effectiveness and quality, it is necessary to consider the intrinsic nature of elementary education and the related stakeholders.

      • 도로교의 충격계수산정을 위한 이동 군하중 모형의 개발

        허택녕,권순동,윤태호 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Recently there has been significant damage in the road bridges due to large and overloaded trucks. Especially because moving truck loads have dynamic characteristics, the dynamic stresses that are larger than static stresses are occurred in road bridges. Therefore it is necessary to develop dynamic truck model to evaluate the dynamic response of road bridges The objectives of this study are to develop truck model which can provide a better estimation of the dynamic responses of road bridges during the passage of design truck. The bridge type is simply supported bridge and the spans of bridges are 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, and 50m. The impact factors of bridges with different speed under various conditions such as truck speed, span length, running types are evaluated by the developed procedure. Also, impact factors of road bridge computed from the developed procedure are compared with the existing Based on the results of this study, it is found that the developed dynamic model of design truck is appropriate to obtain the dynamic response of rad bridges. It is concluded that the dynamic effects such as truck speed, road roughness, starting and braking conditions of truck are reasonably considered in the dynamic analysis of bridges.

      • Swaging에 의한 Autofrettage 加工의 有限要素解析

        李澤淳,金東燮,李輝遠 영남대학교 공업기술연구소 1984 연구보고 Vol.12 No.1

        Elastic-Plastic stress analysis has been carried out on an auto-frettage processed cylinder by mechanical push swaging. The analysis using finite element method was based on the incremental stress-strain relationship at the von-Mises yielding criterion and Prandtl-Reuss hypothesis in a axially symmetric plain stress condition. By this method, not only permanent enlargement of inner bore diameter but also residual stress distribution was calculated as a function of mandrel diameter. In consequence, enlargement of an autofrettage processed cylinder has good agreement between theoretical and experimental results. Thus, in autofrettage process the bore size and residual stress can be predicated using this method.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등교육의 관점에서 본 기초교육의 의미

        권동택 한국초등교육학회 2003 초등교육연구 Vol.16 No.2

        초등교육이 대상으로 하는 초등학령기 아동의 삶과 앎을 고려하지 않는 초등교육의 성격은 그 본질을 간과하는 것이다. 따라서 본 글은 초등교육의 개념화를 위한 노력의 일환으로 아동의 삶의 세계와 앎의 방식과 밀접하게 관련된 기초교육의 관점에서 기초성의 의미와 초등교육의 본질적 성격을 논하고자 한다. 초등교육의 기본 성격으로서의 기초성은 학문의 논리적 위계 수준의 관점으로 초보적인 수준으로서의 기초와 앎의 근본으로서의 기초가 있으며, 또한 사회·문화적 관점으로 현 시대를 살아가는데 필요한 앎의 기보적 요소와 문화적 전통으로서의 본직적 요소가 있다. 또한 초등교육에서의 기초성 논의에 있어서 무엇보다도 중요한 것은 아동의 삶과 앎의 세계를 간과해서는 안 된다는 것이다. 이러한 기초성의 의미 하에, 초등학교에서의 기초교육은 아동들의 학습력 강화를 통한 기초학습 기능, 아동들의 사회적 기능의 습득을 통한 사회화 기능, 아동들의 전인적 발달을 통한 자아 발달의 기능 관점에서 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this paper are to understand the basic education of elementary education based upon the nature of elementary education, and to discuss on the conceptualization of elementary education as a basic education. The elementary school has a unique opportunity to influence the basic skills of a child's further schooling and of his intellectual life in the real world. In the points, the elementary education is very important in child's real world. The elementary school has a major purpose concerned with the basic skill of child to ways of knowing, socialization, and self-realization as a basic education, But the conceptualization of elementary education can be complete and difficult. There are many ways of knowing about the child' world, both physically and spiritually. One of the roles of the basic education is to orient child to the major ways of knowing about the world. Therefore, it is necessary for the elementary education as a basic education to expose child to real world through the ways of knowing. And the basic education orients child to the major social functions that characterize our society. These ways of knowing as a basic skill and socialization are central components for the conceptualization of elementary education as a basic education. In these points, the elementary education as a basic education is charged with the responsibility of start point for the formal process of preparing child for meaningful integration onto the world.

      • 鐵馬山地域의 Joint 硏究

        朴喜斗,권동희,孫龍澤,郭永浩 동국대학교 대학원 1985 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to contribute the data for clarifying the geomorphic characteristics by comparing the joint strikes with stream directions. Joint sets, strikes, and dips are measured in the outcrops by the standards established by K,E, Lowe. The field data are illustrated by the joint map, rose diagrams, point diagram, contour diagram. To know the relation between joint patterns and stream directions Spearman’s r is adapted. The joint patterns in Chulmasan area are concentrated on the tree main strikes that range from N36W to N45W and from N56W to N65W and from N26E to N35E. These strikes represent a master joint set, 33.3% of the total frequency of this area. The stream direction frequency distribution is concentrated to the above ranges and is 40.7% in the above ranges. Spearman’ r is 0.52 and so we have come to concluded that there is amount of corelation between the joint patterns and the stream directions.

      • 인장하중을 받는 의사등방성 복합재 적층판의 피로손상

        양광영,임경택,이동하,김택현,김인권 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 1999 機械技術硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this work is to investigate fatigue damage of quasi-isotropic laminates under tensile loading in different directions. Low cycle fatigue tests of [O/-60/+60]s laminates and [+30/-30/90]s laminates were carried out. Materials systems used are AS4/Epoxy and AS4/PEEK. The fatigue damage of [+30/-30/90]s is very different from that of [O/-60/+60]s. The position of delamination generated at AS4/Epoxy and AS4/PEEK laminates were differentiated by the matrix difference that is, we suppose, the value of both G (critical energy release rate of mode-I) and G (critical energy release rate of mode-Ⅲ) difference. The experimental results are compared with the result obtained from the method of determining strain energy release rate components proposed by the authors.

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