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      • KCI등재

        공동창조(Co-creation)기반의 공공미술사업을 통한 지역혁신 효과분석:

        이태헌(Lee, Tai Hun),정하영(Jeong, Hayeong),홍순구(Hong, Soon-Goo) 한국지방정부학회 2017 지방정부연구 Vol.21 No.3

        지역 정체성 생성과 지속가능한 성장을 위해서는 공공이 책임을 가지고 운영하는 문화예술정책이 필수적이다. 최근에는 공공미술사업과 지역재생사업의 결합을 통해 낙후된 지역의 혁신을 시도하는 사업들이 다양하게 실시되고 있다. 실례로 벽화조성 및 조형작품 설치 등을 통한 주거환경개선 사업을 들 수 있다. 벽화와 조형물은 낙후된 지역에 활력을불어넣고 사람들의 이목을 집중시키기 위한 시도로는 효과적이지만 주민의 참여가 한정되고 일회적인 정책의 한계를가진다. 다대포 무지개공단의 홍티아트센터에서는 이러한 공공미술정책의 한계를 극복하기 위해 Co-creation 개념에기반 한 입주예술가 지원 사업을 통해 지역주민들과 공공미술 활동을 지난 3년간 실시해 왔다. 본 연구에서는 홍티아트센터의 입주예술가 지원 사업에 대한 혁신 효과를 분석함으로써 공동가치창출과정과 지역재생의 유효성을 검토하였다. 여행비용법(TCM)에 기반한 지불의사비용 도출 및 비용편익 분석 결과, 2015년과 2016년의 홍티아트센터는 예산대비 약 2.5배의 비용편익률을 나타내었다. 본 연구는 서부산권 지역재생을 위해 현재진행 중인 공공미술정책인 홍티아트센터의 입주예술가 지원 사업에 대한 분석을 통하여 사업의 유효성을 입증함으로써 실무적 기여를 하였다. 또한입주예술가 지원사업을 통한 지역의 공동가치창출과정을 설명함으로써 지역정책분야에 학술적 기여를 하였다. For the creation of regional identity and sustainable growth, culture and arts policies run by public institutions are essential. Recently, there have been diverse attempts to innovate depressed regions by linking public art projects to regional regeneration projects. The main projects are residential environment improvement projects such as painting community murals and installing sculptures in public spaces. Mural paintings and sculptures are effective as an attempt to bring vitality to depressed areas and focus people s attention, but residents’ participation is limited. That is, it is a one-sided policy. In order to overcome the limitations of public art policies, the Hongdae Art Center of Dadaepo Rainbow Complex has been conducting public art activities for the last three years by collaborating with local residents through the artist residency support project based on the concept of co-creation. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of community value creation process and regional regeneration by analyzing the regional innovation effect on the residency project of Hongtae Art Center in Busan. As a result of the travel cost analysis and the cost benefit analysis, the Hongtai Art Center in 2015 and 2016 showed a cost benefit rate of about 2.5 times the budget. This study contributed to practical work by verifying the validity of the public art project through the analysis of the residency project of the Hong-art Center, the public art policy currently in progress for the regeneration of the Western Area of Busan Metropolitan City. It also contributed to academic research in the field of regional policy by demonstrating the process of regional value creation through the residency project.

      • KCI등재

        사카모토 료마의 국가 건설사상

        임태홍(Lim Tai-hong) 한국정치사상학회 2004 정치사상연구 Vol.10 No.2

        이 연구는 사카모토 료마의 ‘선중팔책’이 나오게 된 배경과 그 사상적인 특징을 살펴본 것이다. 그의 제안은 단순한 구상에 머문 것이 아니라 이후 ‘대정봉환’이나 ‘메이지유신’ 등으로 현실화되었다. 그의 정치적 입장은 분열되어 있는 각 정치세력을 하나로 묶어 강력한 통일정부를 만드는 데에 있었기 때문에, 그에 대한 연구는 일본 근대의 정치사상을 이해하는데 있어 그리고 아직도 진정한 의미의 민족국가 수립을 못하고 있는 우리 민족에게는 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 본론에서는 ‘선중팔책’을 중심으로 사카모토 료마의 행적과 그 배경을 살펴보고 ‘선중팔책’의 내용과 특징을 고찰하였다. 특징을 명확히 하기위해서 멀리 중국과 한국의 사례와 비교해보았다. 중국의 경우는 태평천국시기에 룽훙(容?)이 태명천국에 제시한 방안과 청말의 쑨원(孫文)이 리홍장(李鴻章)에게 제출한 건의안, 그리고 한국은 동학 운동시기의 폐정개혁안과 갑신정변시 개화파가 제시한 신 정령 14개 조항을 참고하였다. 사카모토 료마의 ‘선중팔책’은 메이지 유신 직전에 제시되었는데, 그 당시 일본의 대표적인 건국 방략이라고 할 수 있다. 그의 제안은 국가의 정체(政體), 사법, 행정, 의회, 외교, 헌법, 군대 등 범위가 광범위하며 어느 한쪽으로 편증되어 있지 않다. 그리고 지국의 문제를 일본을 넘어선 국제적인 시간에서 파악하려는 특징이 강하다. 또한 ‘선중팔책’에는 서구의 의회정치나 법률, 외교 등의 제도를 적극적으로 받아들이려고 한 사카모토 료마의 노력이 뚜렷이 드러나 있다. 중국이나 우리나라의 개혁안과 비교해 보면, 사카모토 료마와 그 주변 사람들의 상황인식이 얼마나 폭이 넓고 깊이가 있었는가를 잘 알 수 있다. ‘선중팔책’은 이미 서양에서 진행되고 있었던 근대 국가 건설의 핵심을 정확히 짚어내고 또 그러한 시대적인 방향을 정확히 제시하였다는 점에서 매우 평가할 만한 방책이었다고 할 수 있을 것이다. This paper examines the Sakamoto Ryoma's "Great Plan at Sea" or eight-point plan, which he wrote aboard ship in 1867. Especially, It is focused on the background of the plan's formation and its feature as a nation building thought. Sakamoto's plan was very important. Because it was not merely an idea, but became a real after a few months. For example by his proposal, Yoshinobu Tokugawa, the 15th Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate, returned his political power to the Emperor, that is the so-cold "The Return of Sovereignty"(Taisei Houkan) of November 1867. In the main part, the writer examines the Sakamoto Ryoma's circumstance and analyzes the contents and the feature of the Sakamoto's plan. In order to clarify the plan's feature, this paper attempts to compare the plan to the Long Hong's(容?) proposal to Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Sun yatsen's(孫文) suggestion to Lee Hong-Chang(李鴻章), the Jeon Bong-Jun's(全琫準) reforming politics plan in the Dong Hak movement, and the reformists' 14 suggestions of the Military Revolution (the Kapshin coup) in 1884. The eight-point plan of Sakamoto Ryoma was suggested right before Meiji Restoration(1868). It was a representative plan for nation building in the era of Modern Japan. Sakamoto's proposal broadly included the system of government, judicature, administration, assembly, diplomacy, constitution, and troops, etc. Although the plan was concern with the domestic affairs of Japan, it had the international judgment, and was most distinctively beyond the boundary of the country. In the Sakamoto's plan, there was a remarkable effort to receive the Westem civilization of the times. Comparing with the cases of Long Hong's, Sun yatsen's, and Jeon Bong-Jun's, Sakamoto's recognition about the era and the circumstance around his country was very spacious and very deep. In conclusion, Sakamoto Ryoma seemed to have a clear grasp of the essence of nation building movement of Western Countries, and his eight-point plan for Modern Japan showed his country the correct way of the new times.

      • 효율적인 상업부기교과 학습을 위한 CAI 프로그램설계 및 구현에 관한 연구

        홍인식,신태균 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1998 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.3

        In the information society, reasonable and efficient attitude is required in ordinary life. It is regarded as a liberal art in these days therefore commercial book-keeping is needed not only by people who engage in business but also by common people. For this reason, the students should take the commercial economics, commercial book-keeping and electronic data processing system as compulsory subjects in vocational course of general high school in 6th curriculum. The purpose of this paper is to examine how commercial book-keeping using the CAI program can influence classwork achievement and to search for an effective learning method to implement this program.

      • KCI등재

        일반의지의 실현으로서 국가 그리고 그 거울로서 정당 : 프랑스 정당정치와 정당 민주주의 French Party Politics and Party

        홍태영 서강대학교 사회과학연구소 2003 社會科學硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        1789년의 대혁명 이후 일반의지의 실현으로서 국가라는 관념은 프랑스의 대부분의 정치세력들이 공유하고 있는 공통된 정치문화이다. 따라서 이 글에서 이러한 독특한 국가 개념을 먼저 살펴보고, 이어서 정당정치의 특수성을 파악하고자 한다. 일반의지의 실현으로서 국가에 대한 관념은 각각의 정당들로 하여금 특정 계급 정당이기보다는 지속적으로 일반의지를 대표하는 정당으로서 자리매김하고자 노력하게 했다. 특히 사회당의 경우도 계급정당으로서의 정체성보다는 공화국 내에서 사회주의의 실현이라는 관념을 형성시킨다. 5공화국에서 대통령제로의 전환 이후 당총재의 카리스마에 기대어 조직된 우파 정당과 70년대 통합이후 세력을 확대하면서 권력장악의 목표로 제도권 정당으로서의 면모를 갖추기 노력하는 사회당간의 대립구도가 형성된다. 두 개의 대표적인 정당은 당내에 민주주의적 제도의 확립보다는 각기의 독특한 구조-카리스마와 분파-속에서 대의제민주주의의 핵심적인 기제로서 정당의 위상을 확립시키려 노력한다. The French share the idea of State as realization of the general will after the French Revolution. This article reviews, first, this idea of State and, second, the particularity of party politics. This conception of State as realization of the general will demands that the political parties make effort to have party's identity as not the party of a certain class but that of a nation. In particular, the Socialist Party forms the idea of realization of socialism in the Republic, more than identity of labor class party. After the change for presidentialism in the 5th Republic, the structure of opposition shapes between the republican party that is organised by the charisma of the president and the socialist party that strives the win of Presidential election after unification of plural socialists in 1970's. These two parties make efforts the mechanism of substantial representation in the their particular party structure.

      • 液膜에 의한 벤젠과 노말헥산 混合物의 分離能과 膜의 安定性

        洪裕植,鄭泰秀 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1995 論文集 Vol.46 No.1

        In the separation of benzene-n-hexane mixture by liquid emulsion membrane in a batch system, investigated was the effect of surfactants and their concentration on the permeability, separation factor and membrane stability for various contact and settling times. Nonionic and anionic surfactants were used. Beyond the anionic surfactants concentration of 0.1wt% and the nonionic surfactants concentration of 0.2wt%, the fraction of permeation and membrane breakup increased as the surfactant concentration increased. The separation factor reached its highest value at the surfactant concentration of 0.1wt% for the anionic surfactants and 0.2wt% for the nonionic surfactants when the percentage of membrane breakup was smallest. The percentage of membrane breakup was higher when glycerol was added as a protective agent than not.

      • 예술의 양식이 패션 스타일에 미친 영향 : 1985년부터 1992년까지 유행스타일을 중심으로

        홍종대,유태순 효성여자대학교 산업미술연구소 1994 산업미술 Vol.4 No.-

        Many fashion designers have created new works through the methods of changing the past style by introducing the past art-style to dress and ornaments since 1980's, for the inner beauty and outer beauty which have an art-style could offer not only an inducement to design as an expressive means for the dress and ornaments, but motive to social receptivity as fashion phenomenon. In such views, this study was carried out to examine the process how an outer form has been changed by an introduction of art-style that is an expressive means of dress and ornaments for the fashion, and to find the method how its inner beauty has been assimilated and affected in the social receptive step, as investigating an effect of art style to fashion-style. the purposes of this study are as follow; First, to analyze an inner meaning and outer form that the art-style have influenced on the fashion-style from 1985-1992. Second, to analyze an effect of art-style to outer from of fashion-style with an effect of inner beauty to fashion phenomenon. Third, to explain the fashion phenomenon as revealing an evolutionary relation between art fashion and current thought of times that accepted and expressed art-style with the constituent elements of dress and ornaments such as line, color, and material. This study examined characteristics of works in pret-a-porter Collection, Paris where in the center of creating fashion by art-style that have influenced on the fashion-style, and then analyzed the form's changes which have been adjusted to fashion style by the constituent element(color, material, line, trimming, detail, and silhouette) and manner of dress. Also, this study analyzed how the art fashion that can bbe a motive power for the changes of fashion-style in times will have influence on or be expressed to the given form as investigating the fashion environments such as society, politics, economy, culture psychology and technique which the art-style is socially accepted and expressed through the study on literatures. The results are as follows: 1. Art-style that have influenced on the fashion-style from 1985 to 1992 was the constructivism and post-modernism. 2. What the constructivism could be accepted to society was due to resistance on the decorative. Accordingly, unpolished culture became to expressed to constructivism who has sought the stronger vector from the simple thing. 3. The constructivism that was introduced to fashion tried to fulfill new body-conscious spatial construction on human body in pursuit of formalization of construction, function, and form as well as to seek dynamic rhythm in the unsymmertical order. 4. The post-modernism that used the reconstructed past style as a motif of new idea for style's rapid changes was socially accepted, for it imparted the spiritual abundance and visual joy in re-interpreting special culture and tradition of each area by cosmopolistanism and localism of post-ideology, especially due to the new\wave spirit of new generation who sought new things in the process of destroying preconceived sense of value and existing order. 5. The post-modernism expressed has expressed sex, attractiveness, eroticism created new style of resisting to the elegant and polished beauty due to an effect of pop-art as formal change, brought the begger style and japanese-look into vogue that ignores the basic principle and form of dress and ornament by Punk-style. Also, not only it created the fashion-style of closed up it without to deny characteristics of men and women by Androgynous-fashion, but it expressed the Folkore and Ethnik fashion which gave the spiritual abundance and visual joy to the moderns as introducing culture and dress of minority race into the fashion. the Elology-fashion made possible the loose look that expressed the floral design by fashion which selected the nature destroyed up-to-date as motif, and Anti-fashion made possible Kitsch, Hoodrum, and Grunge-fashion as antiartistic, anti-moral, and anti-rational style of Dadaism. The several cultural fashions have been expressed in open society with the mix and match look as pluralism. The Fin de Siecle factors such as avant-grade expression, Decadance and Det-tester that rised above the daily life were also expressed to the fashion.

      • 정치경제학(e´conomic politique)에서 경제학(science e´conomique)으로 : 프랑스에서 학과(discipline)로서 사회과학 탄생의 한 예 An Example of the Birth of Social Sciences as Discipline in Franc

        홍태영 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2001 한국사회과학 Vol.23 No.1

        이 글은 19세기말 프랑스의 국민국가의 완성 속에서 등장하는 제반의 사회과학의 탄생을 분석하는 데 있어서 하나의 예로서 경제학의 형성과정을 분석한다. 아담 스미스에 의해 체계화된 경제학이 근대에 발생했을 당시의 모습은 이전의 계약론적 전통이라는 정치철학의 문제설정을 시장이라는 개념에 의해 극복하면서 사회에 대한 총체적인 인식과 진단 및 처방이라는 문제설정을 가지고 있었다. 따라서 19세기 중반 발달하는 정치경제학은 자신의 틀 내에 경제학적 문제설정 뿐만 아니라 철학적, 도덕적 문제 설정을 포괄하고 있었으며, 그것은 하나의 사회과학으로서가 아니라 사회과학 그 자체임을 자처하였다. 이러한 정치경제학은 19세기 중반에 등장하는 궁핍화 및 민주주의 문제에 대해하여 경제적 자유주의의 문제설정을 통해 해결하려 한다. 이러한 주류 정치경제학의 확립과정은 자신들과 다른 방법론과 개념을 가진 이들, 특히 왈라스로 대표되는 집단을 철저하게 배제해 나가는 과정이기도 했다. 하지만 왈라스에 의한 한계효용 혁명은 정치경제학이 자신의 영역을 효용에 대한 학문으로 한정시키는 경제학으로 전환되는 과정이었고, 여타의 부문은 다른 사회과학 즉 사회학, 정치학 등의 영역으로 넘겨주게 된다. This article is to examine the processes of the formation of economic science which is an example of the birth of social sciences in the establishment of Nation-State in the 19th century. The economic science in Adam Smith has problematic of total knowledge, analysis and prescription of society, surmounting that of political philosophy of contractual theory by the conception of market. Therefore, political economy in the mid-19th century doesn't include only a problematic of economic science, but also that of philosophy and of moral. This is not as a social science, but the social science as such. This political economy wanted to solve the problems of pauperism and democracy through economic liberalism. The process of the formation of this political economy is also that of exclusion of other groups who have different methodology and conception of political economy, particularly that of Leon Walras. But the marginal Revolution of Walras is process of transformation of economic science as a science of utility, and another parts is surrendered in the political science and the sociology.

      • KCI등재후보

        젠더화된 공화국 : 프랑스혁명과 여성의 영역 The French Revolution and Woman's Sphere

        홍태영 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 2004 아시아여성연구 Vol.43 No.2

        이 글은 근대정치의 형성에 중요한 계기가 되는 프랑스 혁명을 젠더의 문제를 통해 살펴봄으로써 근대의 성별분업구조와 성적 정체성 형성의 문제를 역사적 전개과정을 통해 논의하고자 하였다. 프랑스 혁명은 근대정치를 형성하는 주체의 문제로서 시민권의 문제와 그것의 실현의 방식으로서 민주주의와 대의제 문제를 제기하였고, 그것들에 대한 나름대로의 해결방식을 다양한 실험들을 통해 제시하였다. 그러한 과정에서 가장 진보적이고 포괄적인 틀로서 제시된 '공화국' 개념은 사실상 폐쇄적인, 무엇보다도 여성을 배제하는 남성중심적 공화국, 즉 '젠더화된 공화국'이었다. 젠더화된 공화국의 의미는 단순히 정치적 권리로부터 여성의 배제라는 것을 넘어서 근대 형성기의 한 지점에서 분출된 다양한 사회적 가치들과 의미들이 공과 사의 분리, 젠더개념과 근대적 가족의 형성 속에서 새롭게 '배치'되고 나아가 근대의 주체들이 그러한 사회적 가치들과 의미들을 내면화하는 사회적 구조를 형성시켰다는 의미이다. This article examines historical process of formation of sexual division and identity in modern historical process, examining the French Revolution as moment of formation of modern politics. The French Revolution brings up problems of citizenship as subject of modern politics and of representation and democracy as its realization, and proposes solutions in the many experiments. Republic, proposed as progressive and comprehensive cadre, is a gendered republic, which excludes in fact women. Gendered Republic signifies, first of all, women’s exclusion of political right. And, it sets in order social values and significations in the formation of division of public and private, of gender and of modern family. Moreover, it forms social structure which makes interiorization of the social values and signification by modern subject.

      • 濕과 體液의 關係에 對한 實驗的 硏究 : 水液의 腹腔注射와 濕狀態의 比較 硏究 Comparative study on the relations between the abdominal injection of water and damp state in rats

        洪茂昌,金完熙,河兌炫 慶熙大學校韓醫科大學韓醫學硏究所 1995 慶熙韓醫大論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        Dampness and dryness are the relative concepts of the state which decided by humidity. In the view of Oriental physiology they are the ambient factor stimulate a living body and the phenomenal state decided by the metabolism of body water; pathogenic factors and some kinds of syndrome pathologically. This study attempted to examine whether the damp state(濕狀態) of body can be expressed by bodyfluid volume. 7 weeks old, 280±5g, Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: normal, sample 1 and sample 2. 0.9% (sample 1) and 0.45% (sample 2) NaCl water solution were injected into the abdomen of each sample group. As the indices of adaptation for the internal environmental changes, blood Hct, serum osmotic pressure and serum electrolytes levels were investigated every 15 min. for an hour. The results were as follows: Serum ?? concentration was increased in sample 1 at 15 and 30 min. after the injection and decreased in sample 2 at 15min.; Serum osmotic pressure appears no change in sample 1, while decreased in sample 2 from 15 to 60 min. From above, it can be concluded the state induced from abdominal injection of 0.45% NaCl ws was more similar to the damp state than the state from 0.95% NaCl ws. The changes were most prominent at 15 and 30 min. and living body appears quick accommodation to these, and thus it recovered almost normally at 60 min. after the injection.

      • KCI등재

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