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        온라인을 활용한 글쓰기 상담지도 활성화 방안 연구

        김태경 ( Kim¸ Tae Kyung ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원 2021 人文科學 Vol.- No.82

        본 논문에서는 S대학교 글쓰기클리닉 사례를 활용하여 온라인을 활용한 비대면 글쓰기 상담의 가능성과 효과 그리고 개선 방향을 논의하였다. 이를 위해 교양교육에서 의사소통 교육 특히 글쓰기 교육이 갖는 위상과 주요 내용을 확인하고 교양교육의 목표 달성에 있어 글쓰기 교육이 중요하며 글쓰기 교육의 효과적 수행을 위해 비교과 영역의 글쓰기 상담 시스템 활용이 중요하다는 점을 논하였다. 그리고 글쓰기 상담 지도 및 비교과 영역 상담 지도에 관한 여러 선행 연구 분석을 통해 온라인을 활용한 비대면 상담 지도 활성화 방안에 대한 연구가 필요하다는 점을 제안했다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 본 연구에서는 S대학교 글쓰기클리닉의 실제 사례를 바탕으로 비대면 상담의 활용 가능성과 성과를 점검하고 상담 활성화를 위한 몇 가지 아이디어를 제안한다. This study has discussed the possibility, effect and improvement direction of non-face-to-face writing consultation using online by utilizing the case of a writing clinic at S university. To this end, it has reaffirmed the status of communication education, especially writing education, and its main contents in liberal arts education. It has also discussed that writing education is necessary for effective liberal arts education and that the use of writing counseling systems in the non-curriculum area is important for effective implementation of writing education. In addition, through various prior research analyses on writing counseling guidance and non-curriculum area counseling guidance, it has also suggested that research on ways to activate non-face-to-face counseling guidance using online is necessary. Based on these discussions, this study has examined the usability and performance of non-face-to-face counseling based on the actual case of a writing clinic at S University and suggested some ideas for activating counseling.

      • KCI등재

        지시사의 사용능력과 지각경험의 개념성 문제

        김태경 ( Kim¸ Tae-kyung ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2017 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.28

        지시사주의 (Demonstrativism)로 대표되는 개념주의자 맥도웰(McDowell 1994)과 브루어 (Brewer 1999)는 우리가 가진 개념으로 포착할 수 없는 세밀한 내용들을 지각경험이 표상한다 할지라도 우리는 지시사 개념 (demonstrative concepts)의 사용을 통해 지각 경험의 개념성을 확보할 수 있다고 주장한다. 반면 헥 (Heck 2000) 과 리바인 (Levine 2010)과 같은 비개념주의자들은 주체가 지시사 개념을 소유하고 사용할 수 있는 것이 어떻게 세계가 그러한 방식-지시사적으로 (demonstratively)-으로 주체에게 드러나는 것임을 증명하는지를 설명할 수 없다고 주장한다. 말하자면, 지시사를 사용할 수 있는 능력이 어째서 지시사적 경험을 발생시키는 원인이 되는지 적절한 설명을 하지 못하고 있다는 주장이다. 이 논문은 이 문제를 지각 경험의 상위단계 -personal level of experience-에서의 개념적 능력이 ‘subpersonal mental states’와 같은 하위단계를 모두 포함하는 지각 경험의 전체과정에서의 개념성을 어떻게 확보할 수 있는지의 문제와 연결되어 있다고 보고, 개념주의자 입장에서 이 문제에 대한 해결방안을 모색해 본다. 이를 위해, 필자는 먼저 지각의 하위단계에서의 지각적 표상이 지각자가 소유한 개념과 무관하게 일어난다 할지라도 그러한 단계에서의 내용의 존재가 상위단계에서의 주체의 개념적 능력의 개입 이외에 어떤 방식으로 확인 가능할 수 있는지에 대한 물음으로 시작하여, 지각 주체의 개념적 능력이 지각 경험의 초기 단계에서 부터 작동하지 않는다 하더라도, 우리는 지시사의 사용을 통해 지각적 표상내용에 대한 지시사적 확인을 바탕으로 지각 경험의 개념성과 지각 내용의 존재는 입증될 수 있음을 주장할 것이다. Conceptualists such as McDowell (1994) and Brewer (1999) argue that even if we encounter more fine-grained colours than our concept of colours, we can still conceptually grasp the target colour by using demonstratives such as ‘that shade’. Hence, if we use the demonstrative concept properly, we can conceptually grasp the target colour. However non-conceptualists, Heck (2000) and Levine (2010) in particular, point out that just because demonstrative concepts are available when the subject is having perceptual experience, this does not necessarily imply the conceptual character of her experience. That is to say, the conceptual character of experience such as the world represented demonstratively cannot be inferred from the subject’s ability to use perceptual demonstratives. This paper examines this issue in the light of neuro-philosophical distinction of experience- subpersonal and persona level-, then investigates how this issue could be solved in conceptualism. To do this, this paper starts to bring out a question of whether there is a certain way to access to perceptual content (even in a subpersonal state) except a subject’s conceptual engagement. Then I argue that demonstrativism shows how we are able to demonstratively engage with perceptual representational content (therefore, conceptual) even if the occurrence of perception does not require any conceptual capacity from its subject.

      • KCI등재

        비인간적 존재들의 지각 경험이 갖는 표상적 내용에 대한 개념주의적 접근

        김태경 ( Kim¸ Tae-kyung ) 한국가톨릭철학회 2019 가톨릭철학 Vol.0 No.32

        지각 경험의 내용이 전적으로 개념적 내용으로만 구성되지 않음을 주장하는 비개념주의의 이론 중 하나는 동물과 같은 비인간적 존재들의 지각 경험을 근거로 지각적 표상 내용의 비개념적 측면이 있음을 강조하는 것이다. 비개념주의자 피콕과 헐리에 따르면, 동물과 같은 존재들은 우리 인간과 마찬가지로 지각 경험을 하는 것이 가능하고, 우리와 동일한 표상적 내용을 갖는다. 하지만 이들은 우리가 갖는 개념 혹은 개념적 능력을 소유하고 있지 않기 때문에 이들의 지각적 표상의 내용은 비개념적 내용에 해당된다. 만일 이들의 주장이 옳다면, 비인간적 존재들의 지각 경험과 그러한 경험을 구성하는 내용은 특정한 방식으로 증명될 수 있고, 지각 경험의 표상적 내용은 지각의 주체가 소유한 개념 혹은 개념적 능력으로 부터 독립되어 구성된다는 것 또한 증명될 수 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 접근 방식이 갖는 두 가지 문제를 지적한다. 첫째, 비인간적 존재들의 내적 경험을 ‘지각의 가능조건(an enabling condition of perception)’만으로 판단 할 수 없다는 것이고 둘째는, 지각 주체와 대상사이의 ‘지향적 인과관계(intentional causation)’의 성립을 명확히 밝힐 수 없다는 점이다. 이로부터 본 논문은 지각 경험의 내용의 개념성과 비개념성을 판단하는 데 있어 동물의 지각적 표상의 가능성을 전제로 논의하는 것은 ‘마치 그럴듯한 귀속(as-if attribution)’에 기반한 논증임을 주장할 것이다. One of the non-conceptualist accounts (in particular, Peacocke 1983; Hurley 1998) appeals to animal experience, in order to show that there may be non-conceptual content on the ground that conceptually unsophisticated creatures, such as honeybees and human infants, can enjoy perceptual experience without possessing or entertaining any concept at all as human adults do. If those studies are correct, they seem to provide appropriate reasons for accepting non-conceptualism and also suggest that it may be possible for us to have a content of experience without possessing or entertaining any concept at all. With very popular experiments of perceptual constancy―honeybees and human infants, I indicate two potential problems involved in the empirical studies of non-conceptual character of experience. First, it is assumed that we can share the inner experience of animals through a physiological analysis of vision and the physical properties of colours. Second, this type of study seems to involve excessive and arbitrary interpretation of non-conceptual creatures’ intentional attitudes, i.e., misinterpretation of intentional causation. Then I argue that it is ‘as-if attribution of perceptual representation’ if the non-conceptualists above start from a very strong premise that animals have perceptual representational content by looking at neurophisiological facts and those creatures’ beaviours toward a target object.

      • KCI등재
      • Does Metaverse Improve the Effectiveness of Trade Show?

        Taekyung Kim,Sunyoung Hlee 한국경영정보학회 2021 한국경영정보학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        This study aims to examine the effects of key elements of exhibitors’ satisfaction on positive behavior intention in the metaverse environment of a trade show context. We set word of mouth and willingness to return as predictive behavioral intention regressed by satisfaction - satisfaction with selfperformance and satisfaction with metaverse environment (immersion), in detail. To collect data, a virtual metaverse trade show environment is created based on Gather Town, a metaverse platform for conference meetings. This work-inprogress paper contains detail information on research motivation, hypotheses, environment settings, and empirical study plans. Data will be collected from multiple companies participating in the International Sourcing Fair 2021 in Seoul. We expect that this study will introduce a new way of predicting exhibitor’s business innovation through the application of metaverse trade shows without any hurdle of the Pandemic.

      • KCI등재
      • Do You Know Why People Support You in a Crowdfunding Platform? Perceived Diagnosticity and Information Richness

        Taekyung Kim,Huaxin Wang 한국경영정보학회 2016 한국경영정보학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2016 No.11

        Compared to traditional e-commerce or other Internet-based service, a unique feature of crowdfunding is that crowdfunding projects usually target to produce in-progress (i.e., not-yet-matured or not-yet-seen) items. This feature results in crowdfunding investors are lacking of project related views from prior participants or third-parties. In reality, a project web page is usually the main approach for crowdfunding founders to demonstrate their entrepreneurial ideas. From another perspective, a project online presentation is almost the solely information source for investors to judge the project. The reasons why prospective investors could make decisions based upon such a limited information source may include two aspects: (1) the project presentation per se could be perceived having the capacity to deliver project relevant information that may be helpful for investors to judge the quality of the project; and (2) investors might be confident in their abilities of successfully completing an online investment behavior even though the information they faced is imperfect. Firstly, concerning the capacity of conveying project relevant information, project presentation with various combinations of media types may be different. Information richness of project presentation is employed in this study to describe the extent to which a project presentation with a mixture of various media types (i.e., Text, Text-Image, Text-Video and Text-Image-Video) has the capacity to convey project related information (i.e., project attributes). In line with the Media Richness Theory (MRT), each type of communication medium has a certain level of ability to deliver information cues. Thus, we could reasonably infer that the more types of media applied in a project presentation, the more information cues (i.e., project attributes) might be demonstrated. In other word, a combination of more media types (e.g., Text-Image-Video) used in project presentation is expected to facilitate higher level of information richness, which is expected to be capable of delivering more project attribute information. Further, in order to examine the information relevance and utilization of project presentation for judging the quality of project, perceived diagnosticity is employed in this study. In particular, perceived diagnosticity refers to the extent to which individuals perceive a project presentation having the ability of delivering project relevant information that could assist them in understanding and evaluating the quality of the project. More diagnostic project presentation is expected to have the ability of carrying more project attributes in improving investor’s probability of utilizing the information to assess the project. Except project presentation per se, investor has responsibilities to judge, evaluate and select right actions to accomplish the task of funding online. Investor’s confidence in the ability of accomplishing an online investment is described as computer self-efficacy. Basically, higher level of computer efficacy is expected to have higher confidence of correctly judging a project by analyzing information presented in the project presentation. Additionally, individuals may form overall evaluations of a project after their browsing the project online presentation, which could be recognized as attitudes toward the project. Investors’ favorable attitudes toward a project may enable them to perceive the benefit of investing to the project, which may result in a higher investment intention, and vice versa. Overall, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of information richness and computer efficacy on perceived diagnosticity of project presentation; and further, to examine the extent to which perceived diagnosticity could influence investor’s attitude towards a project and subsequent decision-making. Also, the moderating effects of information richness and computer efficacy on the relation between attitude and investment intention are investigated in this study. Laboratory experiments were used to collect data. 224 subjects were recruited to participate in the experiments. Four levels of information richness of project presentation (i.e., (1) Text (Base condition), (2) Text and Image, (3) Text and Video, and (4) Title, Image and Video) were constructed to test our hypotheses. The experimental results show that (1) compared to a low level of combination of media types, a combination of more media types used in project presentation lead to higher perceived diagnosticity of project presentation; (2) computer self-efficacy exerts positively influence on perceived diagnosticity; (3) perceived diagnosticity of project presentation is a strong predictor of attitude towards a project and investment intention. Moreover, the relation between attitude and investment intention could be partially moderated by information richness. In particular, only when the project presentation use a combination of text-image-video media type, can the association of attitude-investment intention be strengthened. Other combinations of media types used in project presentation exert non-significant effects on the relation between attitude and investment intention. In addition, the moderating effects of investor’s computer efficacy have also been checked. Results indicate that computer efficacy is not a significant moderator. The findings in this study contribute to the stream of theory development in that we applied information richness theory to the context of crowdfunding. Information richness is combined with the mixture of media types used in the project presentation, which has not been highlighted. Secondly, this study contributes to the literature of perceived diagnosticity. It facilitates understanding why individuals could overcome cognitive barriers to make decisions upon limited information in the context of crowdfunding. In addition, this study contributes to the application of expectancy-value model by indicating the associations among perceived diagnosticity, attitude towards a project and investment intention in crowdfunding settings. The positive findings of this study also contribute to crowdfunding practitioners by suggesting them to improve the information richness of project presentations by combing various media types; ultimately, to enhance the utilization of relevant information delivered by the project presentation.

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