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        Effectiveness of Information and Communications Technology-Based Interventions for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

        김선영,이상열,Sungyoung Lee,Committee of IT-convergence Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome 대한비만학회 2022 Journal of obesity & metabolic syndrome Vol.31 No.3

        The rapid increase in the obese population is a problem indicates the need for measures to prevent and treat obesity. Since the early 2000s, worldwide digital health has focused on obesity management. Information and communication technology (ICT)-based obesity intervention can be an efficient method for treating obesity and metabolic syndrome, has no time limitations, and is an inexpensive and easily accessible treatment modality for both physicians and patients. Previous studies have confirmed the effects of ICT-based interventions for obesity and metabolic syndrome management for behavioral improvement in lifestyle modification. In addition, ICT-based interventions in obese and metabolic syndrome patients are recommended as part of a comprehensive strategy for weight loss and maintenance. The Committee of IT-convergence Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome was established by the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity in 2021, and had been gathering theoretical and clinical evidence in digital therapeutics fields and developing new methods for managing obesity and metabolic syndrome. As part of this effort, if the “obesity management prototype” is commercialized, it will be available for convenient treatment of individuals with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        급성호흡곤란증후군의 전국 실태조사 보고

        대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 급성호흡곤란증후군 전국 실태조사 소위원회,Scientific Subcommittee for National Survey of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease 대한결핵및호흡기학회 1997 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.44 No.1

        연구배경 : 급성호흡곤란증후군은 국내에서도 여러 병원에서 적지 않게 경험하고 있으며 관련된 임상 및 기초연구가 지속적으로 보고되고 있으나 그 정의에 따라 발생빈도와 예후가 크게 달라질 수 있어 통일된 정의에 의한 국내 실태조사의 필요성이 점증하게 되었다. 본 학회에서는 1992년 American-European Consensus Conference에서 정한 급성호흡곤란증후군의 정의에 따라 전국적인 전향적 실태조사를 실시하였다. 본 실태조사의 목적은 첫째, 본 증후군의 발생 요인을 분석 하고 둘째, 사망률 및 사망원인을 조사하고 셋째, 예후에 관련된 인자들을 분석하여 향후 급성호흡곤란증후군의 임상 및 연구자료로 활용하고자 함이다. 방법 : 전국에 위치한 대학병원 및 400병상 이상의 종합병원 중 호흡기내과 의사가 있는 총 66개 병원을 대상으로 1995년 8월 l일 부터 1 996년 8월 31일까지 설문지 작성을 의뢰하였다. 본 실태조사에 응답한 24개의 병원의 167예를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 통계분석은 SAS통계 프로그램을 이용하여 사망과 관련된 인자 분석에는 logistic regression법을 그 외는 $x^2$-검정 혹은 t-검정법을 시행하였으며 각 수치는 평균(${\pm}$ 표준편차) 및 위험도(95% 신뢰구간)로 표기하였다. 결과 : l. 환자들의 평균연령은 56.5세(${\pm}$ 17.2세)이었으며 남자 110명(65.9%) 여자 57명(34.1%)이었다. 2. 발생원인은 감염 (78.1%), 흡인(16.6%), 외상(11.6%), 쇽(8.5%) 등이었다. 3. 치료방법으로서 인공호흡기 치료는 95.2%(159/167예 ), 호기말 양압치료는 적용여부의 확인이 가능했던 141예 중 129예(91.5%)에서 시행 되었으며, 스테로이드를 사용한 경우는 22.8%(38/167예)였고 혈역동학적 감시장치로서 SwanGanz도자를 사용한 경우는 9예(5.4%) 이었다. 4. 사망률은 71.9%(120/167예)이었으며 발생 후 사망까지의 기간은 평균 11일(${\pm}$ 13.1일)이었다. 사망원인으로는 호흡부전이 가장 많았으며(52예, 43.7%), 패혈증(43예, 36.1%), 심부전(9예, 76%), 간부전(8예, 6.7%) 등이었다. 5. 연령이 60세 이상일 경우 사망률이 78.7%로서 60세 미만 66.7% 에 비해 사망률이 높은 경향을 보였으나(P=0.08), 성별, 유발질환이 감염성인군과 비감염성인 군들 사이, 염상 경과 중 다장기 발생이 증가된 군과 감소된 군들 사이 및 스테로이드 사용여부는 사망률의 유의한 차이가 없었다. 6. 생존군과 사망군과의 비교에서 유의한 차이를 보인 지표는 맥박 수, 혈소판 수, 알부민 치, 혈당, 24시간 소변량, 동맥혈 pH. $Pa0_2$, $PaCO_2$, $Sa0_2$, 폐포-동맥혈 산소분압 차이, 흡입가스내 산소분율, $PaO_2/FIO_2$, PEEP/$FI0_2$ 이었다. 7. 사망과 관련된 인자들로는 본 증후군 발생시 호흡부전외 다른 동반질환이 있는 경우가 없는 경우에 비하여 사망위험도가 증가하는 경향을 보였고(odd ratio 2.69; 0.88-8.22, P=0.08) 나이와 성별로 보정한 후에는 그 사망위험도가 4.30배(1.20-15.39, P<0.05)로 유의하게 증가되었다. 또한 다른 장기의 부전이 없는 경우에 비하여 동반된 타장기부전의 장기수가 l개인 경우는 사망위험도가 2.59배(1.13-5.97, P<0.05), 2개 이상인 경우는 3.89배(1.08-14.03, P<0.05)로서 타장기부전 수가 많을수록 사망위험도가 증가하였 다($x^2$=7.34, P<0.01,). 또한 발생시점의 APACHE III 점수가 높을수록 사망위험도가 증가하였는데($x^2$=9.12, P<0.01) 100점 이상일 경우 50점 미만인 경우보다 6.67배(1.39-32.08, P<0.05) 더 높았다. 8. 성별, 연령(6 Introduction : The outcome and incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) could be variable related to the varied definitions used for ARDS by researchers. The purpose of the national survey was to define the risk factors of ARDS and investigate the prognostic indicies related to mortality of ARDS in Korea according to the definition of ARDS determined by the American-European Concensus Conference on 1992 year. Methods : A Multicenter registry of 48 University or University-affliated hospital and 18 general hospital s equipped with more than 400 patient's beds conducted over 13 months of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome using the same registry protocol. Results : 1. In the 12 months of the registry, 167 patients were enrolled at the 24 hospitals. 2. The mean age was 56.5 years (${\pm}17.2$ years) and there was a 1.9:1 ratio of males to females. 3. Sepsis was the most common risk factors (78.1%), followed by aspiration (16.6%), trauma (11.6%), and shock (8.5%). 4 The overall mortality rate was 71.9%. The mean duration was 11 days (${\pm}13.1$ days) from the diagnosis of ARDS to the death. Respiratory insufficiency appeared to be a major cause in 43.7% of the deaths followed by sepsis (36.1%), heart failure (7.6%) and hepatic failure (6.7%). 5. There were no significant differences in mortality based on sex or age. No significant difference in mortality in infectious versus noninfectious causes of ARDS was found. 6. There were significant differences in the pulse rate, platelet numbers, serum albumin and glucose levels, the amounts of 24 hour urine, arterial pH, $Pa0_2$, $PaCO_2$, $Sa0_2$, alveolar-arterial oxygen differences, $PaO_2/FIO_2$, and PEEP/$FI0_2$ between the survivors and the deaths on study days 1 through 6 of the first week after enrollment. 7. The survivors had significantly less organ failure and lower APACHE III scores at the time of diagnosis of ARDS (P<0.05). 8. The numbers of organ failure (odd ratio 1.95, 95% confidence intervals:1.05-3.61, P=0.03) and the score of APACHE III (odd ratio 1.59, 95% confidence interval:1.01-2.50, P=0.04) appeared to be independent risk factors of the mortality in the patients with ARDS. Conclusions : The mortality was 71.9% of total 167 patients in this investigation using the definition of American-European Consensus Conference on 1992 year, and the respiratory insufficiency was the leading cause of the death. In addition, the numbers of organ failure and the score of APACHE III at the time of diagnosis of ARDS appeared to be independent risk factors of the mortality in the patients with ARDS.

      • KCI등재

        건성안에서 결막 압흔세포검사를 이용한 비타민 A 함유 누액의 치료효과의 평가

        김은철,주천기,Efficacy of Vitamin A-containing Lubricant in Dry Eye Syndrome 대한안과학회 2008 대한안과학회지 Vol.49 No.11

        Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of topical vitamin A-containing lubricant in dry eye patients. Methods: Three hundred eyes of 150 patients with dry eye (Schirmer I test≤10 mm, BUT≤10 seconds) were divided into three groups. Preservative-containing artificial tears, preservative-free artificial tears, and vitamin A-containing lubricant were administrated to Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (N=50). We evaluated and checked symptom scores, tear film breakup time (tBUT), Schirmer I test results, corneal fluorescein stain scores, and impression cytology immediately and at 1, 2, and 3 months after treatment. Results: Mean tBUT and goblet cell density significantly increased from 5.06±1.25 to 6.76±1.21 sec and from 125.62±61.52 to 192.86±69.38 cell/mm2, respectively, after 2 months in group 3 (P<0.05). Impression cytology grade significantly decreased from 2.14±0.38 to 1.67±0.41 after 2 months in group 3 (P<0.05). The Schirmer I test score significantly increased from 9.12±4.15 to 12.83±0.96 mm, and the corneal stain score decreased from 2.13±0.95 to 1.18±0.68 after 3 months in group 3 (P<0.05). Conclusions: The improvement of symptoms and the stabilization of tear films and ocular surfaces suggested that treatment with vitamin A-containing lubricant for dry eye was effective. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2008;49(11):1729-1736

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Features of Geriatric Syndromes in Older Koreans with Diabetes Mellitus

        문신제,노용균,윤종률,Ki Un Jang,Hun Jong Jung,Hyung Joon Yoo,장학철,Geriatric Syndromes Study Group of Korea Geriatrics Society 대한노인병학회 2019 Annals of geriatric medicine and research Vol.23 No.4

        Background: This study explored the prevalence and clinical characteristics of geriatric syndromes among Korean older adults with diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods: We used data from the 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans to analyze the classic geriatric syndromes of polypharmacy, urinary incontinence, falls, cognitive impairment, and functional impairment according to the presence of DM. Results: Among 10,299 participants aged 65 years or older, 2,395 had DM. The prevalence of polypharmacy was 64.1% in the DM group and 31.6% in the non-DM group (p<0.001). One or more falls per year occurred in 18.7% of participants with DM compared with 14.9% of those without DM (p<0.001). The prevalence of urinary incontinence was significantly higher in the DM group (3.8%) than in the non-DM group (2.5%) (p=0.001). The prevalence of cognitive impairment was 17.7% in the DM group versus 14.9% in the non-DM group (p=0.001). Functional impairment occurred in 32.2% of participants in the DM group compared with 26.8% of participants in the non-DM group (p<0.001). Finally, the number of geriatric syndromes was significantly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with DM. Conclusion: The results of this study showed a higher prevalence of geriatric syndromes among older Korean adults with DM. In addition, the coexistence of multiple geriatric syndromes was associated with CVD and CKD among patients with DM. These findings support the current guidelines for older adults with DM that recommend assessment for geriatric syndromes.

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