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      • KCI등재

        자율주행자동차 음성 에이전트의 상황설명과 의사결정 요청이 탑승자 경험에 미치는 영향 - 콘텐츠 소비 맥락을 중심으로 -

        이석호 ( Lee¸ Suk Ho ),신유정 ( Shin¸ Yujung ),최준호 ( Choi¸ Junho ) 디자인융복합학회(구.한국인포디자인학회) 2021 디자인융복합연구 Vol.20 No.4

        이 연구는 고도화된 자율주행 환경에서 비주행과업인 미디어 콘텐츠를 소비하고 있는 탑승자에 대한 최적의 에이전트 정보 제공 방식을 탐구하고자 한다. 이에 주행 관련 정보를 상황설명 정보와 의사결정 요청 제공 여부에 따라 구분하고, 사용자 경험 요인으로써 신뢰감, 통제감, 사용의도를 측정하였다. 그 결과, 상황설명 정보가 제공되었을 때 모든 사용자 경험 요인에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 의사결정 요청의 경우에도 동일하게 나타났다. 이 연구는 고도화된 완전자율주행 환경에서 주행 관련 정보 제공을 위한 탑승자와 차량 간의 효과적인 상호작용 방식에 대한 설계 가이드라인을 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. In this study, in order to explore the optimal method of providing information to passengers who are consuming media content in an advanced autonomous driving environment, the driving-related information was classified according to whether situational information and decision-making request are provided. As a dependent variable, Trust, Controllability, and Intense to Use were measured. As a result, it was confirmed that when situational information was provided, it positively affects to all of the dependant variables. And the same results were also found in the case of decision-making request. This study has implications for presenting a design guideline for an effective interaction method between occupants and vehicles in an fully advanced autonomous driving environment.

      • KCI등재

        『맹자(孟子)』를 척도로 본 조선후기 공전(公田) 담론의 경세학적 층차

        윤석호 ( Yoon¸ Suk Ho ) 연세사학연구회 2021 學林 Vol.48 No.-

        『孟子』는 삼대의 이상적인 토지제도가 仁政이라는 이념, 分田과 制祿이라는 원리, 井田制와 公田이라는 제도를 통해 운영되었음을 회고했지만, 그 구체적인 실상까지는 알지 못했다. 또한 이상으로부터 단절된 현실에 살았던 그는, 삼대로부터 무엇을 또한 어떻게 실현할 수 있는지를 명확히 알려주지 않았다. 공전에 대한 경학적·경세학적 과제를 후대 유자들에게 남겨놓은 것이다. 조선후기는 전근대의 한국사에 있어 삼대적 이상으로부터 가장 멀리 떠나온 시기였지만 ‘공전’을 소환한 다양한 경세 담론이 제기된 시기이기도 했다. 먼저 李縡는 ‘因時’라는 프리즘으로 공전의 이상성을 재해석했다. 공전의 이념은 현실에까지 왜곡되지 않는 보편성을 지니지만, 그것의 구현은 당시의 제도를 통해 가능하다는 것이다. 삼대와의 질적 차이 속에서 유학의 이상을 선택적으로 실현하기 위한, 그래서 공전의 원형을 저변으로 하되 ‘제록’ 중심의 제도들을 통해 인정의 이념을 달성하려던 현실화된 공전 담론인 것이다. 柳馨遠은 공전 원리에 고금을 관통하는 보편성을 부여했다. 특히 삼대의 기내봉건에 대한 의문을 제기했는데, 이는 현실의 군현제 하에서 정전제가 실행될 수 있게 하는 경학적 근거가 되었다. 그리고 공전 원리에 입각한 국가체제를 『반계수록』에 정밀하게 설계했다. 맹자가 남겨 놓은 두 가지 과제를 ‘分田’과 ‘制祿’의 통합으로 풀어냈던, 또한 그로 인해 국가체제의 규모에서 개혁안을 논정했던 조선시대 최초의 경세 담론이었던 것이다. 丁若鏞은 공전 설치의 시공을 삼대 전역으로 확대했고, 9職의 전업과 이원적 수취체제를 상정했으며, 이상세율로서의 1/10을 기각했다. 나아가 다산은 ‘공전체제’를 모델로 한 점진적이고도 전면적인 개혁을 『경세유표』에서 기획했다. 이념과 원리, 그리고 제도의 총체로서의 공전이 국가 체제의 중핵이 되는, 즉 보편적 통치체제로서의 ‘공전체제’를 창안한 것이다. 이처럼 『맹자』가 전한 원형으로서의 공전은 현실에서의 다양한 공전들로 재해석되었다. 그 경학적·경세학적 변주에는 많은 유자들이 동참하고 있었으며, 이 과정에서 ‘公田’의 실질은 다양한 스펙트럼으로 분화되었다. 비록 ‘공전들’의 지향은 달랐을지라도, 그들이 공히 公田[井田]을 경세의 장에서 운위했음은 공전으로 표상되는 ‘공공성’을 시대적 과제로 인식했음을 뜻하는 것이기도 하다. 이는 유학의 이상적 전장이 명확한 하나의 제도적 실체가 아님을, 그래서 현실의 다양한 요구와 지향에 상응할 여지가 있음을 보여준다. 아울러 ‘分田’의 실현을 타진했던 유자들이 치자의 세습적 특권에 대해 공통적으로 문제를 제기했음은 주목되는 지점이다. 『Mencius』 recalled the ideal land system of Confucianism, in which Gonjeon(公田) was a core institution. However, he did not provide specific information. Moreover, living in a reality that differed from the ideal, Mencius did not clearly explain what shape this ideal should take and how to realize it. As a result, the task of elaborating on 『Mencius』’s explanation of Gongjeon in the lights of Confucian Classics and statecraft was left to later Confucian scholars. The late Joseon Dynasty was the farthest period from the ideal in the Korean history of the premodern era, but it was also the time when various statecraft discourses were produced that evoked Gongjeon. First, Lee Jae(李縡) reinterpreted the ideal of Gongjeon through a prism called Insi(因時). He believed that the ideology of Gongjeon had universality that still applied even today, but that it could only be achieved through the system that was in place then. His was a realistic revolutionary discourse to selectively realize the ideal of Gongjeon, so as to achieve Injoeng(仁政) through a Zerok(制祿)-centered system. Yu Hyeong won(柳馨遠) regarded the principle of Gongjeon(公田) as a universality that penetrated the past and the present. In particular, he denied the implementation of the feudal system(封建制) in Wangki(王畿), which became the logical link for seeking the feasibility of Jengjeonje(井田制) under the rational bureaucracy(郡縣制). In 『PangyeSurok(磻溪隨錄)』, he specifically designed a state system based on the principle of Gongjeon. It was the first major discourse of the Joseon Dynasty that solved the two tasks bequeathed by Mencius through the integration of Bunjoen(分田) and Zerok(制祿), and thus discussed the reform plan on the scale of the national system. Jung Yak yong(丁若鏞) invented the System of State on Gongjeon(公田體制), in which Gongjeon(公田) was a key law. He argued that only farmers should gain land, and that land gainers should co-cultivate the Gongjeon(公田) for paying tax on land. He also insisted that people who did not receive farmland should become experts in other occupations. His vision was of a country where professionalization was achieved in all industries, including agriculture. Furthermore, in 『GyeongseYupyo(經世遺表)』 he planned a gradual and sweeping reform modeled on the System of State on Gongjeon. Thus, the idea of Gongjeon conveyed by 『Mencius』 was reinterpreted as various gonjeons. Many Confucian scholars fed the variations, and in the process, the substance of Gongjeon was split into various strands. This shows that the ideal Confucian system is not institutionally clear, so there is room for adapting it to the various demands and goals of reality.

      • A study on Efficient Technique for Storytelling of Children’s Edutainment TV Animation

        Sukho Lee,Jaemyung Kim,Roy Wilson 한국디자인지식학회 2007 한국디자인지식학회 Conference Vol.2007 No.8

        The main targets of the edutainment market in Korea area preschool and lower elementary school children. Edutainment content for preschoolers has had a balanced growth, but Edutainment content for lower elementary school students is focused on comic books and online. The majority of TV content has violent expressions and stories, and if we think about a ripple effect on TV, excellent edutainment content for lower elementary children is urgently needed. And storytelling of edutainment TV animation should fill up the constituent of edutainment, animation, and TV series. To make a long run story (at least 6 months), a system that could efficiently combine educational constituent with entertainment is needed. On this study, we would like to present an more efficient storytelling system by inquiring into the requirements of edutainment content and introducing RPG elements in animation storytelling.

      • A 512 Cycles/MB, Enhanced Fast Motion Estimation Strategy for 1080p High Profile H.264/AVC

        Sukho Lee,Seongmo Park,Jongwon Park 대한전자공학회 2009 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2009 No.7

        We present an enhanced fast motion estimation algorithm for Full HD (1080p) High Profile H.264/AVC. Most of processing cycles are occupied with motion estimation and use external memory access to fetch samples, which degrades the performance of the encoder. A novel approach to fast motion estimation with that uses shared multi-bank memory can solve these problems. The proposed enhanced hierarchical search algorithm is suitable for fast motion vector (MV) searches for high-quality resolution images. The proposed algorithm not only achieves an 87.5% reduction of computational complexity compared with the full search algorithm in the JM reference software, but also sustains the video quality without any conspicuous PSNR loss.


        Contractile Force Measurements of Cardiac Myocytes Using a Micro-manipulation System

        Sukho Park,Seokkyu Ryu,Seokchang Ryu,Deokho Kim,Byungkyu Kim 대한기계학회 2006 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.20 No.5

        In order to develop a cell based robot, we present a micro-mechanical force measurement system for the biological muscle actuators, which utilize glucose as a power source. The proposed measurement system is composed of a micro-manipulator, a force transducer with a glass probe, a signal processor, an inverted microscope and video recording system. Using this measurement system, the contractile force and frequency of the cardiac myocytes were measured in real time and the magnitudes of the contractile force of each cardiac myocyte under different conditions were compared. From the quantitative experimental results, we could estimate that the force of cardiac myocytes is about 20~40 μN, and show that there are differences between the control cells and the micro-patterned cells.


        A Paddling Based Locomotive Mechanism for Capsule Endoscopes

        Sukho Park,Hyunjun Park,Sungjin Park,Byungkyu Kim 대한기계학회 2006 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.20 No.7

        Diagnosis and treatment using the conventional flexible endoscope in gastro-intestinal tract are very common since advanced and instrumented endoscopes allow diagnosis and treatment by introducing the human body through natural orifices. However, the operation of endoscope is very labor intensive work and gives patients some pains. As an alternative, therefore, the capsule endoscope is developed for the diagnosis of digestive organs. Although the capsule endoscope has conveniences for diagnosis, it is passively moved by the peristaltic waves of gastro-intestinal tract and thus has some limitations for doctor to get the image of the organ and to diagnose more thoroughly. As a solution of these problems, various locomotive mechanisms for capsule endoscopes are introduced. In our proposed mechanism, the capsule-type microrobot has synchronized multiple legs that are actuated by a linear actuator and two mobile cylinders inside of the capsule. For the feasibility test of the proposed microrobot, a series of in-vitro experiments using small intestine without incision were carried out. From the experimental results, our proposed microrobot can advance along the 3D curved and sloped path with the velocity of about 3.29~6.26 ㎜/sec and 35.1~66.7% of theoretical velocity. Finally, the proposed locomotive mechanism can be not only applicable to micro capsule endoscopes but also effective to advance inside of gastro-intestinal tract.

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