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      • KCI등재

        원통형조사창에서의 절리선 길이분포를 이용한 암반 내 절리직경분포 추정에 관한 연구

        전기환(Kihwan Jeon),송재준(Jae-Joon Song),조영도(Young-Do Jo) 한국암반공학회 2011 터널과지하공간 Vol.21 No.5

        본 연구에서는 암반 내 원통형 공동면에 나타나는 절리선 길이분포를 이용하여 암반 내에 존재하는 절리의 직경분포를 추정하기 위한 알고리듬을 제안하였다. 암반 내 절리의 직경분포를 추정하기 위해서 송재준(2005)에 의해 제시된 Joint Center Volume(JCV)의 개념이 적용되었다. 평면 조사창에 나타나는 절리선에 대한 JCV 값을 산정하는 송재준(2005)의 알고리듬을 확장하여 원통형 공동면을 조사창으로 하는 경우의 암반 내절리 직경분포 추정을 위해 전수조사 기법을 적용한 JCV 계산 알고리듬을 개발하였다. 추정된 절리 직경분포는 Monte-Carlo 시뮬레이션 기법을 이용하여 절리직경 모분포와 비교 검증하였으며 추정된 절리 직경분포가 모분포와 20% 내외의 오차 범위에서 수렴하는 것을 확인하였다. This study suggests an algorithm for estimating joint diameter distribution in rock mass from the joint trace length distribution around a circular tunnel. For estimating the joint diameter distribution the concept of Joint Center Volume (JCV) suggested by Song. (2005) was applied and the calculation method of JCV for the cylindrical window survey was developed by using the complete survey method. The estimated joint diameter distribution was verified against the original joint diameter distribution by Monte-Carlo simulation. It was observed that the estimated joint diameter distribution was converged to the original joint diameter distribution with less than 20% of error.

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 일부 대학생 모발 중 수은 농도에 관한 연구

        송미라,조태진,전혜리,김종오,손부순,Song, Mi-Ra,Cho, Tae-Jin,Jeon, Hye-Li,Kim, Jong-O,Son, Bu-Soon 한국환경보건학회 2009 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        This study analysed the mercury concentration in the hair of 62 students (male : 21, female : 41) of D university in Najusi, Jeon-Nam area. Also, questionnaire, which developed by NIES, were completed by the students. According to the questionnaire, most of the students had a higher intake of meat than that of fish. Also, among the students, there were many smokes and many had dental treatment with amalgam. Based on the gender, female showed 1.024 ${\mu}g/g$ and male showed 0.882 ${\mu}g/g$ of the mercury concentration. This means that female students had higher level of mercury in their hair, but it was not a significant statistic difference. Comparing by the intake frequency of meat, processed food stuffs, protein foods, it shows the more they at the higher mercury concentration was observed. According to the intake frequency of fish, when the number of times they intake increased, the mercury concentration was higher. Under one time was 0.857 ${\mu}g/g$ and twice or more times were 1.152 ${\mu}g/g$, which showed a significant statistical difference (p<0.05). Depending on the Life style, the mercury concentration in the hair was high with workout, outdoor activities, and direct smoking. The mercury concentration in the hair showed no difference for whether they received amalgam treatment but the personal dietary habit and the Living condition affects strongly on the mercury concentration level.

      • KCI등재

        李達 詩와 15·6세기 學唐과의 관련 양상

        전송열 洌上古典硏究會 2005 열상고전연구 Vol.21 No.-

        蓀谷 李達의 시가 唐詩에 淵源하며 또한 그것을 적극 模擬하여 이루어낸 결과물이라는 사실은 당연한 것으로 여겨진다. 따라서 지금까지 그의 시에 대한 연구는 그의 시의 연원이 唐詩라는 것과 그리고 이에 따라 시에서의 唐風的 특성을 규명해내는 작업이 주류를 이루어 왔다. 하지만 그의 시가 일방적으로 唐代 시인들의 시에서 영향을 받아 모의한 것으로만 해석함으로써 지나치게 비교문학적인 관접에만 머무르는 것은 문제가 있다. 말하자면 이달 시의 연원을 우리 漢詩史的인 맥락으로도 한번 접근해 볼 필요가 있다는 것이다. 즉 이달 시의 연원을 唐詩에다 그 직접적인 연원을 두되 한편으로는 이보다 한걸음 더 나아가 우리 한시의 내재적인 축적과 발전적 계승의 결과로도 볼 필요가 있다. 따라서 본고는 이달의 시를 단순히 중국 唐代 시인들의 영향과 그 模擬의 결과로만 보지 않고 이달 이전부터 꾸준히 이루어져 온 우리 漢詩史 중 특히 15·6세기 學唐 작품들과의 구체적인 비교·분석을 통하여 이달의 시가 前代의 唐風的 특징들을 공유하면서도 한편으로는 차별화 된다는 관점에서 그 관련 양상을 밝힌 것이다. It is accepted as a fact that Lee Dal's poems came from Tang's poetry and resulte by imitating them. Therefore, scholars in common have discovered that his poems were originated in Tang's poetry and found the characteristics of Tang poetic style from them. However, the existing explanation that his poems just imitated Tang's poetry cannot be accepted as a fact without any argument. That is only one perspective. We can approach to his poems with another view point of the history of Chinese poetry. It might he suggested that we need to consider that though his poems which came from Tang's poetry: the results of intrinsic accumulation and developmental succession of Chinese poetry. Consequently, the article indicates that Lee Dal's poems not only have the characteristics of Tang poetic style, but also can be differentiated from them. The methodology that is used to analyze the result was comparative study between Lee Dal's poems and poetry of 15-16 century's Learning-Tang with the perspective of the history of Chinese poetry.

      • KCI등재

        鄭知常의 「送人」次韻詩考

        전송열 洌上古典硏究會 2003 열상고전연구 Vol.17 No.-

        정지상의 「송인」에 대한 차운시가 주제적인 측면에서, 또 그 표현에 있어서 어떻게 변용되고 있는가를 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 「송인」은 비록 이별시였지만 이별외에도 懷古, 采蓮曲, 戀情, 德化, 敍情, 哀悼, 風流 등 매우 다양하게 변용 되었다. 그리고 차운된 시기도 조선초에서부터 시작하여 구한말에 이르기까지 조선시대 전체에 걸쳐 오랫동안 차운 되어 왔다. 그런데 보다 특이한 것은 조선 후기로 가면 갈수록 더욱 더 많은 양의 차운시들과 함께 수준 높은 작품들이 많이 나타났다는 점이다. 이것은 후기의 작가들이 原韻의 의경을 단순히 답습하지 않고 나름대로의 개성을 나타내고자 노력한 결과로 보인다. 현재까지 발견되는 차운시의 수는 모두 33명의 작가에 의해 쓰여진 35題 47首이다. 이 중 이별과 회고, 악부체인 채련곡으로 변용된 시들이 가장 많이 나타난다. 차운시들은 대개 원운의 표현을 그대로 답습하거나 아니면 약간씩 변용한 것이 대부분이다. 하지만 이 가운데에서도 몇몇의 시들은 원운의 시적 수준에 버금갈 정도로 뛰어난 표현적 감각을 보여주기도 한다. 이 「송인」에 대한 차운시가 어떠한 작가의 시보다도 더 많이 차운된 데에는 시인들마다 원운이 가지는 뛰어난 작품성을 자신도 한 번 시험해 보고자하는 의도와 함께 시가 지어진 곳이 시인·묵객들이 가장 많이 찾는다는 대동강이라는 역사적 현장 때문이라는 점도 지적할 수 있다. 한편 이러한 차운시의 한계로 지적할 수 있는 것은 몇몇 시를 제외하고는 대부분의 시들이 결국 원운이 지니는 시적 수준을 능가하지 못한 채 원운의 분위기를 흉내내는 데에만 그쳐버렸다는 점이다. 이것은 달리 말하면 原韻의 구속이 곧 그 시인의 시적 역량이 어느 정도인지를 구체적으로 보여주는 좋은 예가 된다고도 볼 수 있을 것이다. I examined poems imitating the rhyme of Jeong Ji-Sang's poem Sending Off the Beloved, based on the theme and the reshaping of the expressions. There are 47 poems written by 33 different poets imitating the rhyme of Sending Off the Beloved in the collections of selected poems till now. Sending Off the Beloved was a poem on farewell, but its rhyme was used not only on farewell but on reflections, lotus-picking songs, feeling of love, praising the virtue of king, feeling of grief, and etc. in other various poems. Many poets had been imitating the rhyme of Sending Off the Beloved from early Jo-sun dynasty to late old-Korea for long time. Especially there were more excellent poems in times of late Jo-sun dynasty than in early Jo-sun dynasty, because the poets in late times were trying to present their own personalities in their denying to merely follow the characteristics of the original poem. It seems that there are tow reasons why Jeong Ji-Sang's Sending Off the Beloved had been imitated more than any other poets' poems. One is that many poets of late times had the intentions to present the excellence of the original poem in their own works. And the other is that the original poem was written by historic Dae-Dong river, the most frequently-visited place by poets and calligraphers. There is a critical point that most late poets, except a few, had ended in imitating the rhymic atmosphere of the original poem, not exceeding the level of it. This is a good example that the 'bound of rhyme'-to write a poem following other poem's rhyme-can reveal the writer's poetic capability.

      • 旣成服 製作을 위한 치수分布에 관한 硏究〔Ⅳ〕 : 25歲~60歲 以上 女性의 體型別 치수分布

        宋泰玉,李全淑,兪熹子 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1979 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        旣成服 製作에 필요한 우리나라 女性의 體型分類를 目的으로 1,108名의 25세~60세 이상의 旣婚女性을 對象으로 11部位의 値數를 計側하여 그 分布를 究明하였다. 옷의 種類에 따라 體型을 分類하였고, 옷의 種類에 따라 부위의 치수를 측정하여 年齡別 平均置와 標準偏差를 구하고 相關關係를 구하였다. 본문의 <표 17,18,19>에서 옷의 종류별, 體型別 衣服製作 個數를 表示하면 <표21>과 같다. This study is done as one of the serials of "Study on the Distribution of size Korean Woman for Ready-made Clothes." 11items of 1,108 Korean married women from 25 to 60 years of ages that were grouped in 7 classes were maesured. In results of Analysis of the measureing data, the grading and distribution of cloth size obtaioned as follows.

      • 이산화티타늄계 광촉매를 이용한 벤젠의 처리 특성

        전의찬,송민종,김전희 동신대학교 환경연구소 1999 환경연구 Vol.4 No.1

        An available methods for abating VOC(including Benzene) are thermal or catalytic incineration, liquid absorption, solid adsorption, condensing, membranes, biodegradation and plasma discharge, but a number of defects are these VOC abating methods, including ; requires a auxiliary fuel, generate secondary pollutants(waste catalysts, waste absorbents, waste adsorbents, ozone, etc.), a large scale, etc.. But photoactive catalysts, when illuminated with UV-light, generate highly reactive radicals that can oxidize the organic contaminants in gas. One methods to increase the efficiency of the process, and thereby reduce the light energy requirement, is by developing more active catalysts. Because of, ball type TiO₂ catalyst were obtained commercially and/or prepared in laboratory were examined for their photoacivity, and they are TiO₂ added some annex(Al₂O₃, SiO₂, KsO, P₂O_(5), etc.). The organic compounds used to identify the best photo catalysis condition were benzene. This study also examined the impact of catalyst structure, light intensity, existence of oxygen as an electron acceptor and Benzene initial concentration on the reaction kinetics. Labratory experiments were performed to investigate TiO₂ photo catalysis for treating test gas contaminated with Benzene. and TiO₂ photo catalysis efficiency for mineralization of Benzene is also evaluated. The photo oxidation of Benzene was carried out in a photo catalytic reactor at room temperature. I performed BTX photo catalytic oxidation experiments using a single-pass annular reactor. The organic-contaminated gas was prepared in Teflon sampling bag(25L) and passing through photo catalytic reactor by vacuum pump which is located reactor outlet. The BTX diluted with mixture air or nitrogen gas. Flow rates for test gas stream were controlled by micro flow meter going out the reactor. The reactor illuminated with 15W near-UV lamp, BLB lamp or Fluorescent lamp. The light intensity at the catalyst surface were estimated to be 0.8 to 6mW cm-2s-1. The inner cell of the reactor was packed with ball type titanium dioxide(Ø 6mm). Benzene was determined by GC-FID of gas samples taken from the a glass sampling bulb which was located at reactor outlet by gas-tight syringe. TiO₂ photo catalysis for treating test gas contaminated with Benzene. and TiO₂ photo catalysis efficiency for mineralization of Benzene is also evaluated. Using the anatase type photo catalyst, Benzene conversion rate is greater than that of rutile(92% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene using anatase type photo catalyst, 80% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene using rutile type photo catalyst at 0.5L/min) Effect of light intensity on the rate of Benzene photo catalytic decomposition was investigated by three type lamps within the reactor. When light intensity to increase, the Benzene conversion rate to increase. Using the BLB lamp showed higher activity than the Fluorescent lamp, but UV lamp showed the hight photo catalytic activity(26% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene with Fluorescent lamp, 63.5% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene with BLB lamp, 92% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene with UV lamp at 0.5L/min). Experiments with added oxygen as an electron acceptor improved the reaction rate considerably(92% conversion of 100ppmv Benzene without oxygen, 66.1% conversion of same Benzene concentration with mixture air at 0.5L/min). The Benzene conversion rate begins to decrease while Benzene initial concentration begins to increase. We have thus concentrated our effects on the study of Benzene degradation kinetics in vary initial Benzene concentration.

      • 환경기초시설 중 하·폐수처리과정으로부터의 GHG 배출량 예측 : 광주·전남지역을 중심으로 Kwang ju·Chollanado

        전의찬,김전희,송민종 동신대학교 환경연구소 2000 환경연구 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 환경기초시설 중에서 생활하수와 산업폐수 처리장에서 발생하는 특히 광주·전남 지역을 중심으로 온실가스의 배출량과 장래 저감 잠재성을 평가하고, 기후변화협약을 대비한 국가 Inventory의 기초자료로 이용될 수 있도록 하였으며, 결론적으로 하ㆍ폐수부문에서 온실가스 배출 잠재성을 감소시키기 위한 방안으로 먼저 하수 및 폐수의 체계적인 수집이 이루어져야 하며, 수집된 하ㆍ폐수는 반드시 적절한 처리과정을 통하여 수계에 배출되어져야 한다. 또한 적절한 처리과정 중에 배출되는 온실기체의 대기 중으로의 누설을 억제하고 회수율을 높이는 관리대책이 수립되어야 하며, 회수율을 높이는 대책은 하ㆍ폐수부문에서 온실가스 배출 잠재력에 대한 저감율에 대하여 좀더 효율적임을 알 수 있다. 또한 상기와 같은 저감방법 외에도 하ㆍ폐수부문에서의 온실가스 저감잠재력을 위하여 정부는 온실가스 배출량을 계산하는데 필요한 여러 가지 자료를 확보하고, 좀더 신뢰할 수 있는 온실가스 배출량을 산출하며, 이들 자료를 토대로 정부는 하ㆍ폐수부문에서의 온실가스 저감잠재력을 위하여 연차적으로 관리대책을 설정해야 한다. 그리고 이에 대한 검중체계를 마련하여 전ㆍ후 효과분석을 해야 할 것이다. This study evaluated greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and future reduction potential emitted from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment system in Kwangju city and Chollanamdo. For decreasing of GHG emissions potential, systematic collection method of domestic and industrial wastewate is established and collected domestic and industrial wastewater is treated reasonal wastewater treatment process. GHG which is leak from wastewater treatment process to air was controled, Control policy which are increasing recovery ratio was established. In addition to decreasing method, Government make sure of variable data fro estimating GHG emissions quality and evaluated GHG emissions quality reliable method.

      • 이산화티타늄계 광촉매를 이용한 톨루엔의 처리 특성

        전의찬,송민종,김전희 동신대학교 환경연구소 2000 환경연구 Vol.5 No.1

        각종 급ㆍ만성의 건강장해를 일으킬 뿐만 아니라, 광화학 반응에 의해 오존을 형성하는 것으로 알려진 휘발성유기화합물 중 대표적인 물질인 톨루엔을 광촉매산화법으로 처리할 경우 최적 처리조건을 분석하고자 광촉매의 결정구조, 광원의 세기, 전자수용체로서 산소의 유무 등에 따른 톨루엔의 처리효율을 분석하였다. 실험결과 루틸령 결정구조에 비해 아나타제형 결정구조를 갖는 이산화티타늄의 톨루엔 처리효율이 높게 나타났으며, 광원의 세기가 높을수록 전자수용체로서 산소가 존재할 경우 높은 처리효율을 나타내었다. 시간과 공간적인 제약으로 물, 오존 그리고 증기와 같은 다양한 전자수용체가 존재할 경우의 톨루엔의 처리효율을 파악하지 못하였으며, 온도, 습도 및 촉매활성에 영향을 주는 여러 가지 인자들을 대상으로 그것들의 변화에 따른 처리효율의 고찰을 못하였다. 앞으로 보다 효율적인 이산화티타늄계 광촉매의 제조방법 개발과 이산화티타늄계 광촉매를 이용한 다양한 VOC 처리방법의 개발이 요구된다. An available methods for abating VOC(including Toluene) are thermal or catalytic incineration, liquid absorption, solid adsorption, condensing, membranes, biodegradation and plasma discharge, but a number of defects are these VOC abating methods, including ; requires a auxiliary fuel, generate secondary pollutants(waste catalysts, waste absorbents, waste adsorbents, ozone, etc.), a large scale, etc.. But photoactive catalysts, when illuminated with UV-light, generate highly reactive radicals that can oxidize the organic contaminants in gas. One methods to increase the efficiency of the process, and thereby reduce the light energy requirement, is by developing more active catalysts. Because of, ball type TiO2 catalyst were obtained commercially and/or prepared in laboratory were examined for their photoacivity, and they are TiO2 added some annex(Al203, SiO2, KsO, P205, etc.). The organic compounds used to identify the best photocatalysis condition were toluene. This study also examined the impact of catalyst structure, light intensity, existence of oxygen as an electron acceptor and Toluene initial concentration on the reaction kinetics. Labratory experiments were performed to investigate TiO2 photocataysis for treating test gas contaminated with Toluene. and TiO2 photocatalysis efficiency for mineralization of Toluene is also evaluated. The photooxidation of Toluene was carried out in a photocatalytic reactor at room temperature. I performed Toluene photocatalytic oxidation experiments using a single-pass annular reactor. The organic-contaminated gas was prepared in teflon sampling bag(25L) and passing through photocatalytic reactor by vacuum pump which is located reactor outlet. The Toluene diluted with mixture air or nitrogen gas. Flow rates for test gas stream were controlled by micro flow meter going out the reactor. The reactor illuminated with 15W near-UV lamp, BLB lamp or Fluorescent lamp. The light intensity at the catalyst surface were estimated to be 0.8 to 6㎽ ㎝-2s-1. The inner cell of the reactor was packed with ball type titanium dioxide(φ 6㎜). Toluene was determined by GC-FID of gas samples taken from the a glass sampling bulb which was located at reactor outlet by gas-tight syringe. TiO2 photocataysis for treating test gas contaminated with Toluene. and TiO2 photocatalysis efficiency for mineralization of Toluene is also evaluated. Using the anatase type photocatalyst, Touene conversion rate is greater than that of rutile(86.1% conversion of 100ppmv Toluene using anatase type photocatalyst, 78% conversion of 100ppmv Touene using rutile type photocatalyst at 0.5L/min) Effect of light intensity on the rate of Toluene photocatalytic decomposition was investigated by three type lamps within the reactor. When light intensity to increase, the Toluene conversion rate to increase. Using the BLB lamp showed higher activity than the Fluorescent lamp, but UV lamp showed the hight photocatalytic activity(19.1% conversion of 100ppmv Toluene with Fluorescent lamp, 60.4% conversion of 100ppmv Toluene with BLB lamp, 86.1% conversion of 100ppmv Toluene with UV lamp at 0.5L/min). Experiments with added oxygen as an electron acceptor improved the reaction rate considerably(86.1% conversion of 100ppmv Toluene without oxygen, 62.5% conversion of same Toluene concentration with mixture air at 0.5L/min).

      • AO법에 있어서 혐기조 구성의 변화에 따른 인제거 양상

        김전희,백순기,송민종 東新大學校 工業技術硏究所 1998 工業技術硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        The Anaerobic-Oxic process is a modified activated sludge process that combines Anaerobic and Oxic section in sequence. This process has a merit which is the simultaneous removal of rrganic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. The conclusions are as follows. ; The COD_(Cr) removal efficiency by the Anaerobic-Oxic process was 95.8%. Almost all of the COD_(Cr) was removed in an anaerobic tank. The COD_(Cr) removal rate by the Anaerobic-Oxic process was little better than that of standard activated sludge process(89.1%). The PO₄-P removal rate by the Anaerobic-Oxic process was 49.48% showing slightly higher dfficiency than that of standard activated sludge process(33.1%). It is considered that the Anaerobic-Oxic process is effective in 'the removal of phosphorus. It can be seen that phosphorus removal microbes in MLSS released phosphorus in anaerobic tank and phosphorus was up taken into sludge in aerobic phase.

      • 고급산화기법을 이용한 수중의 BTXs 처리 특성

        김전희,송민종,백순기 동신대학교 환경연구소 1999 환경연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구에서는 광산화공정의 실험으로 자외선과 산화제에 의한 BTXs의 제거특성을 파악하기 위하여 실험장치를 실험실규모로 제작하여, 광원의 세기, 산화제의 종류 및 주입량(오존 및 과산화수소) 둥을 변화시키면서 접촉시간에 따른 BTXs의 처리효율을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. UV 강도변화에 따른 BTXs의 제거특성은 UV, 강도가 증가함에 따라 광분해가 향상되었고,특히 UV 강도가 30W가 15W일 때 보다 7.9%의 상승효과를 보인 xylene이 제거가 잘되었다. UV/H202 공정에서 H2O2의 주입량이 200 mg/L일 때 제거효율이 약간 높은 효율을 보였으며, UV와 H2O2를 이용한 처리에서 xylene > toluene >benzene의 순으로 제거효율이 나타났고, UV/H202/03 공정에서 H202/03의 비가 2일 때 처리대상물질의 제거효율이 높은 것으로 나타났다, 특히 toluene의 제거효율은 H202/03의 비가 3일 경우에 91.5%로 처리가 잘되는 것으로 나타났다. Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate removal efficiency of BTXs in water for advanced oxidation processes. Parameters using experiment is change of UV intensity, oxidant(H₂0₂, 0₃). The conclusions are as follows. ; Effect of light intensity on the rate of BTXs removal was investigated by three type lamps within the reactor. When light intensity to inscrease, the BTXs removal efficiency to increase. And treatment of BTXs with light had an effect on xylenes. Consequently, simultaneous treatment of UV/H₂0₂/0₃ was more effective than individual treatment of 0₃, H₂0₂.

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