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        개인정보(個人情報) 처리위탁(處理委託)의 법적 규율에 관한 소고(小考) - 유럽 GDPR, 일본법과의 비교를 포함하여 -

        한승수 ( Han¸ Seungsoo ) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트법연구소 2020 문화.미디어.엔터테인먼트 법 Vol.14 No.2

        개인정보의 보호에 관한 법률(이하 ‘개인정보보호법’)을 비롯한 소위 데이터 3법이 대대적으로 개정되어 시행되었다. 이 개정에 여러 눈에 띄는 변화가 있는데, 본고에서는 개인정보 처리위탁에 관하여 검토한다. 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호에 관한 법률에서 담고 있던 여러 개인정보 관련 규정이 사라지면서, 우리 개인정보보호법이 개인정보 처리 위탁에 관하여는 통합적으로 규율하게 되었는데, 이러한 변화는 전체적으로 긍정적으로 평가될 수 있다. 그러나 보다 구체적으로 보면 조금 더 생각해볼 점이 있다. 먼저, 취급위탁에 있어 동의 요건은 사라졌지만 여전히 모든 수탁자를 공개하도록 되어 있는데 이러한 공개가 실질적으로 개인정보자기결정권의 보장에 주는 유익함보다 그로 인해 야기되는 위험성이 더 커 보인다. 또한 실제 위수탁의 양상을 볼 때 수탁자의 책임을 법령에서 일률적으로 규정할 필요도 없다고 생각된다. 기본적으로 위탁에 관한 기존의 관점을 바꿀 필요가 있지 않은가 싶다. 즉, 개인정보의 처리위탁을 개인정보 처리에 있어서 일정한 위험을 야기하는 예외적인 양상이 아니라 현대사회의 통상적인 업무처리 방식으로 인정할 필요가 있다. 이러한 사고는 유럽 GDPR이나 일본 개인정보보호법의 내용에서도 확인할 수 있다. 그로부터 처리위탁을 업무처리에 있어서 하나의 선택지로서 이해하고 그러한 위탁자의 선택에 대해 위탁자 스스로 책임을 지도록 필요한 규율을 하는 방향으로 생각하여야 한다. 즉, 처리위탁은 개인정보자기결정권의 문제와 직결된 것이 아니라고 할 것이어서 정보주체의 개입의 문제가 아니라 적절한 업무처리 혹은 안전한 관리의 시각에서 접근하여야 할 것이다. 그러한 시각에서 보면 모든 수탁자를 명시하도록 하는 현행 개인정보보호법 규정은 일부 개선할 필요가 있어 보인다. The so-called ‘three data acts’, including the Personal Information Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "PIPA"), were revised and implemented extensively. Although there are many notable changes in this amendment, this article review the consignment of personal data processing. With the disappearance of various personal data-related regulations contained in the Information and Communication Network Utilization Promotion and Information Protection Act, the PIPA has become integrated with respect to the consignment of personal data processing, and these changes can be evaluated positively overall. But more specifically, there is something to think about. First, though the consent requirement for handling consignment has disappeared, all consignees are still required to be disclosed. However, the risks arising from such disclosure seem greater than the benefits provided to guarantee the right to self-determination of personal data. In addition, in view of the actual consignment practice, it seems that there is no need to uniformly regulate the responsibility of the consignee. Basically, it seems necessary to change the existing perspective on consignment. In other words, it is necessary to recognize the consignment of personal data as the usual way of doing business in modern society, rather than an exceptional aspect that causes a certain risk in the processing of personal data. These ideas can also be found in the content of the European GDPR and the Japanese Personal Data Act. From that point on, we have to understand it as an option in the performance of their duties, and consider it in a way that the consignors itself is responsible for the choice of themselves. In other words, the consignment of processing is not directly related to the issue of the right to self-determination of personal data, so it should be approached from the perspective of proper business handling or safe management, not from the intervention of the data owners. From that point of view, it seems necessary to make some improvements to the current PIPA which requires all consignees to be specified.

      • KCI등재

        Development of relational river data model based on river network for multi-dimensional river information system

        Seungsoo Choi,Dongsu Kim,Hojun You 한국수자원학회 2018 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.51 No.4

        최근 ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) 등 첨단장비를 활용한 유량 및 하상측정, 각종 하천기본계획 수립 시 확보되는 횡단측정 자료, 식생 및 서식처 등 하천환경과 생태자료, 드론 등을 활용한 영상자료 등 방대한 하천 정보가 확보되고 있으며, 다기능보 등 다양한 하천구조물 및 친수구역이 증가하는 등 이전과 비교하여 괄목할만한 수준으로 정보의 양이 증가하고 있다. 이에 따라 다양한 하천정보를 체계적으로 저장, 관리, 공유하기 위하여 표준화 된 데이터 모델의 수립이 필요하다. 하천 정보의 경우 하천 시설물, 하천 단면측량 자료, 하천 시계열 측정 자료 등이 특정 하천을 중심으로 관리되는 반면, 기존 데이터 모델 연구에서는 특정 주제도에 기반하여 하천 정보가 레이어 형식으로 제공되어 상호 연계되지 않아 하천 정보의 효율적 관리측면에서 적합하지 않았다. 또한 신규 정보를 추가 시 기존 데이터 모델의 과다한 수정이 필요하고, 기존의 데이터 모델의 경우 표준화되지 않아 활용성이 매우 낮고, 유역중심으로 구성되어 특정 조건에 해당되는 하천 정보 검색이 어려운 단점이 존재하였다. 본 연구에서는 기존의 주제도 및 레이어 형식으로 구성되어 있던 데이터 모델 형식에서 벗어나 하천흐름선을 기준으로 데이터모델을 구축하는 방안을 제시하였으며, 하천흐름선과 하천 시설물, 단면 측량 자료, 계측 자료를 순차적으로 수용하고, 최근 신규로 생성되고 있는 다차원 하천 정보의 추가 시 기존 데이터 모델의 형식을 수정하지 않고 유연하게 대응할 수 있는 관계형 데이터 모델을 구상하였다. 또한, 하천과 유역의 논리적 저장방안 고려하여 한 개의 하천을 다수의 세그먼트로 구분하여 코드(Reach Code)를 부여하는 방안을 제시하였으며, 구상한 데이터모델을 통하여 국가하천과 지방하천 등 유역의 다양성을 포함하는 한강권역의 섬강유역을 시범하천으로 구축하였다. A vast amount of riverine spatial dataset have recently become available, which include hydrodynamic and morphological survey data by advanced instrumentations such as ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), transect measurements obtained through building various river basic plans, riverine environmental and ecological data, optical images using UAVs, river facilities like multi-purposed weir and hydrophilic sectors. In this regard, a standardized data model has been subsequently required in order to efficiently store, manage, and share riverine spatial dataset. Given that riverine spatial dataset such as river facility, transect measurement, time-varying observed data should be synthetically managed along specified river network, conventional data model showed a tendency to maintain them individually in a form of separate layer corresponding to each theme, which can miss their spatial relationship, thereby resulting in inefficiency to derive synthetic information. Moreover, the data model had to be significantly modified to ingest newly produced data and hampered efficient searches for specific conditions. To avoid such drawbacks for layer-based data model, this research proposed a relational data model in conjunction with river network which could be a backbone to relate additional spatial dataset such as flowline, river facility, transect measurement and surveyed dataset. The new data model contains flexibility to minimize changes of its structure when it deals with any multi-dimensional river data, and assigned reach code for multiple river segments delineated from a river. To realize the newly developed data model, Seom river was applied, where geographic informations related with national and local rivers are available.

      • KCI등재후보

        An updated review of case-control studies of lung cancer and indoor radon-Is indoor radon the risk factor for lung cancer?

        Seungsoo Sheen,Keu Sung Lee,Wou Young Chung,Saeil Nam,Dae Ryong Kang 대한직업환경의학회 2016 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.28 No.-

        Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. Smoking is definitely the most important risk factor for lung cancer. Radon (<SUP>222</SUP>Rn) is a natural gas produced from radium (<SUP>226</SUP>Ra) in the decay series of uranium (<SUP>238</SUP>U). Radon exposure is the second most common cause of lung cancer and the first risk factor for lung cancer in never-smokers. Case–control studies have provided epidemiological evidence of the causative relationship between indoor radon exposure and lung cancer. Twenty-four case–control study papers were found by our search strategy from the PubMed database. Among them, seven studies showed that indoor radon has a statistically significant association with lung cancer. The studies performed in radon-prone areas showed a more positive association between radon and lung cancer. Reviewed papers had inconsistent results on the dose–response relationship between indoor radon and lung cancer risk. Further refined case–control studies will be required to evaluate the relationship between radon and lung cancer. Sufficient study sample size, proper interview methods, valid and precise indoor radon measurement, wide range of indoor radon, and appropriate control of confounders such as smoking status should be considered in further case–control studies.

      • KCI등재

        Is Preoperative Pyuria Associated with Postoperative Febrile Complication after Ureteroscopic Ureter or Renal Stone Removal?

        Seungsoo Lee 대한요로생식기감염학회 2020 Urogenital Tract Infection Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose: The association between preoperative pyuria and postoperative febrile complications after ureteroscopic ureter or renal stone removal was examined.Materials and Methods: From June 2014 to July 2016, 110 patients who underwent ureteroscopic ureter or renal stone removal by a single surgeon were evaluated. The patients were categorized as the “pyuria group” and “nonpyuria group.” The sex, age, stone laterality, stone location, stone size, preoperative urine culture results, and postoperative complications in each group were analyzed. Results: The pyuria and nonpyuria groups were comprised of 55 patients each. The mean ages the pyuria and nonpyuria groups were 58.4±16.1 years and 54.4±13.2 years, respectively. There were respectively, 43 and 12 unilateral and bilateral stones in the pyuria group, and 53 and two in the nonpyuria group. The stone sizes of the pyuria and nonpyuria groups were 13.1±5.4 mm and 11.1±4.7 mm, respectively. The pyuria group contained more patients with bilateral stones and larger stones than the nonpyuria group. Five and two postoperative febrile complications were encountered in the pyuria group and the nonpyuria group, respectively. No significant difference in febrile complications was observed between the two groups. In logistic regression analysis, bilateral stones and larger stones were associated with pyuria.Conclusions: In ureteroscopic stone removal surgery, preoperative pyuria was associated with bilateral and larger stones, but there were no associations with febrile complications.

      • KCI등재

        Von Brunn’s Nest in an Incidental Bladder Mass Found during Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate

        Seungsoo Lee 대한요로생식기감염학회 2020 Urogenital Tract Infection Vol.15 No.1

        A 62-year-old male with benign prostatic hyperplasia underwent holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. During surgery, a small nodular mass was found incidentally in the trigone of the bladder. The lesion was removed completely by a transurethral resection with a bipolar device. A pathology examination of the lesion indicated von Brunn’s nests.

      • Generalized Advanced Region Correlation (G-ARC) Scheme for BOC(m, n) Modulated Code Tracking in Future GNSS

        Seungsoo Yoo,Youngyoon Lee,Seokho Yoon,Sun Yong Kim 대한전자공학회 2008 ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Ci Vol.2008 No.7

        This paper proposes a generalized advanced region correlation (G-ARC) scheme for BOC(m, n) modulated code tracking, and demonstrates tracking bias and running average in static channels. The correlation values between the time-delayed pseudo noise code and received signal remain almost unchanged, due to the multipath signals being received later than a line-of-sight signal. Based on this observation, we have proposed the advanced region correlation (ARC) scheme. However, the ARC scheme uses only one ARC branch. So, the energy of the other sub-peaks is wasted. To tackle this problem, we proposed a generalized the ARC scheme that exploits all sub-peaks for BOC(m, n) modulated spreading code tracking.

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