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        1960년대 초 북한 문학비평의 수정주의 비판론 - 김창석 『미학개론』과 연극 <소문 없이 큰일 했네> 논쟁 -

        김성수 ( Kim¸ Seong-su ) 반교어문학회 2021 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.- No.57

        이 글은 북한문학비평사 기획 연구의 일환으로, 1960년대 초 북한 사회주의적 사실주의 문학예술의 ‘수정주의 비판’론을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 수정주의 비판론은 소련의 스탈린 독재에 동참하지 않은 유고슬라비아의 독자노선을 비판했던 정치 투쟁에서 비롯되었다. 문예 분야에서의 수정주의 비판은 김창석의 『미학개론』(1959)과 경희극 <소문 없이 큰일 했네>(1962)가 천리마운동이 활발하던 북한 현실을 왜곡했다고 비판받았던 미학 논쟁이다. 이 연극은 조선작가동맹 극문학분과와 조선연극인동맹의 토론회와 후속 평론에서 집중적으로 비판되었다. 즉, 풍자 경희극을 빙자하여 천리마운동의 시대정신을 비방하고 서구식 극작법으로 사상적 미학적 오류를 범했다는 것이다. 이는 연극을 지도한 김창석과 그의 수정주의 미학의 부르주아적 편향 탓으로 비판되었다. 김창석처럼 소련 미학을 교조적 축자적으로 수용하면 수정주의로 왜곡되기 쉽기에 북한 현실에 맞게 수령의 교시 중심으로 창조적으로 적용하는 것으로 논쟁은 정리되었다. 이를 계기로 1956년 이래의 도식주의 비판론이 초래한 북한 문학예술의 우편향, 또는 사회주의적 사실주의의 풍부화, 우경화를 비판하고 대안으로 천리마운동의 당 문학론과 수령론이 강화되는 미학적 방향이 정착되었다. 주체문예론으로 일원화된 북한 정전에서 존재가 지워진 김창석 미학과 <소문 없이 큰일 했네>를 복원, 복권하여 통일 코리아 문학사의 일부로 재구성할 수 있다. This article is one of the planned studies of the criticism of North Korean literature, and aims to analyze the controversy over the 'Criticism of Revisionism' in Socialist realism literary art in the early 1960s. Criticism of revisionism stems from a political struggle that criticized Yugoslavia's independent line against the Soviet dictatorship of Stalin. Criticism of revisionism stems from the political struggle against Yugoslavia's independent line against the Soviet dictatorship of Stalin. 'Criticism of Revisionism' in literature and art is an aesthetic debate that was criticized for distorting the reality that the Chollima Movement was actively taking place in Kim Chang-seok's Introduction to Aesthetics(1959) and light comedy < They solved the problem without a rumor >(1962). The drama play was intensively criticized by the play division of the North Korean Writers' League, the debate held by the North Korean Theater Workers' League, and the literary critics that followed. In other words, using a light comedy satire as an excuse, he slandered the Chollima Movement and showed ideological and aesthetic fallacies with Western-style playwriting. This was criticized for the fallacies of Kim Chang-seok and his aesthetic revisionism, who instructed the creation and performance of plays. Like Kim Chang-seok, if the Soviet theory of socialist realism is accepted in dogmatic terms, it is likely to be distorted into revisionism. Therefore, it was concluded that the theory should be transformed and applied, centering on the leadership of Kim Il-sung, according to the North Korean reality. With the controversy over the 'Criticism of Revisionism', the right direction of North Korean literary art and various transformations of socialist realism caused by the criticism of schematism were stopped. Instead, the Communist Party's policy propaganda and leader's personal worship were strengthened unilaterally. Kim Chang-seok's aesthetic theory and < They solved the problem without a rumor >, whose existence has been erased from the North Korean canon, can be restored and reinstated as a part of the history of literature of Unification Korea.

      • KCI등재

        북한문학 연구에서 코리아문화 연구로 : 평화체제로의 도정과 북한문학 연구의 과제

        김성수 ( Kim¸ Seong-su ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2020 민족문학사연구 Vol.74 No.-

        이 글에서는 2020년 현재 우리 학계의 북한문학 연구사를 메타비평적으로 검토한다. 지난 반 세기동안의 북한문학 전공자들을 1,2,3세대 세대별로 나누어 각 시기의 연구 쟁점과 과제를 간략히 점검한다. 이는 한반도가 냉전체제를 끝내고 평화체제를 향한 길목에서 북한문학 연구의 방향을 새로 찾기 위함이다. 이 글에서는 기존 연구 대부분이 북한문학을 사회적 정치적 반영물로 보는 역사주의적 방법론의 성과와 한계를 동시에 보였다고 고찰하였다. 그래서 북한문학 연구의 새로운 의제로 개념사적 접근과 매체론적 관점을 제안한다. 이는 북한문학의 정전이란 과연 무엇인가 하는 비판적 문제 제기에 답을 찾기 위한 방도이다. 우리가 앞으로 연구할 것은 남한 중심의 기준으로 남한 독자와 연구자가 보고 싶은 것만 선택해서 의미와 가치를 부여한 ‘북한문학’이 아니다. 북한의 입장을 존중해서, 남한이 원하는 북한문학만이 아닌 이북 지역에서 창작되고 유통된 ‘조선문학’을 실상 그대로 연구해야 한다. 이 원칙은 북한의 독자와 학자들이 ‘남조선문학’을 대할때도 동일하게 적용된다. 따라서 기존의 ‘(남)한국/(북)조선’문학의 대결구도를 해체하고 상위 개념인 ‘코리아문학’으로 재구조화해야 학문적 진전과 교류가 가능하다. 앞으로 남한국문학과 북조선문학을, 코리언 디아스포라(혈연)의 한글문학(언어)을 포괄한 ‘코리아문화’의 일환으로 다루자고 제안한다. 가령 유튜브에 ‘e-Korea’ 같은 서버를 만들어 한반도(지역), 한겨레 디아스포라(혈연)와 코리아어계(한국어권역)를 포괄하는 디지털 아카이브를 상설화하는 식으로 전 지구적 플랫폼을 구축해서 자율적으로 운영하자는 것이다. 한글문학에 대한 연구방법도 종이책을 대상으로 한 아날로그적 분석 같은 접근법을 지양하고, 유튜브 같은 디지털 플랫폼에서의 다양한 변형을 자유롭게 상상하고 의미화하는 테크놀로지 분석 등을 활용할 수 있다. This article reviews the research history of North Korean literature in our South Korean academic circles as of 2020. The scholars majoring in North Korean literature are divided by generation to briefly examine the issues and tasks of research. This is to find a new direction for literature research on the path toward a peace regime after the Korean Peninsula ended the Cold War. In this article, it is considered that the existing research shows the achievements and limitations of the historicist methodology that sees literature as a social and political reflection. So, as a new agenda for the study of North Korean literature, I propose a Conceptual historical approach and a Media theory perspective. This is a way to find answers to the critical question of what North Korean literary canon is. What we will study in the future is not North Korean literature in which meaning and value are given by selecting only what South Korean readers and researchers want to see as a South Korean-centered standard. We must respect North Korea’s position and study Korean literature[조선문학] created and distributed in North Korea, not North Korean literature[북한문학] that South Korea wants. This principle applies equally to North Korean readers and scholars when dealing with South Korean literature[남조선문학]. Therefore, it is necessary to dismantle the confrontational composition of literature between the two Koreas and restructure it into a higher concept, ‘Korean Literature’. For example, South Korean Literature[남한국문학] and North Korean Literature[북조선문학] are treated as part of the ‘Korean culture’ that includes Korean Diaspora’s Korean Literature. For example, we create a server like “e-Korea” on YouTube. There, the digital culture and arts archives covering the Korean Peninsula, the Hankyoreh diaspora & the Korean language(Koreanphone) will be permanently established. In this way, it operates a platform that produces and distributes Korean literature globally. The research method of Korean literature also avoids an approach such as analog analysis for paper books. Instead, It utilizes culture technology analysis that freely tracks various transformations on the digital platform.

      • KCI등재

        코리아 문학 통일과 디아스포라 담론의 욕망 ― 연변 문예지의 매체사적 쟁점

        金成洙 ( Kim¸ Seong-su ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2021 大東文化硏究 Vol.115 No.-

        이 글은 연변 조선족 문예지의 매체사적 쟁점 분석을 목표로 한다. 이를 통해 남북 한문학의 ‘통일’ 의제가 가진 당위성을 반성하고 ‘디아스포라 문학’ 담론이 한국문학의 영토를 넓히려는 욕망에서 과연 자유로운지 탐색한다. 대안으로 (남)한국-(북)조선과 코리언 디아스포라 및 코리아어권(Koreanphone) 문학의 상호 동등한 소통을 제안한다. 이러한 문제의식으로 문예지 『연변문예』(1951), 『천지』(1985), 『연변문학』(1998)의 통시적 계보와 쟁점을 분석하였다. 또한 잡지 미디어 콘텐츠의 매체사적 쟁점을 공시적으로 분석하여 조선족문학의 민족지적 정체성을 탐색하였다. 그 결과 연변 문예지가 사회주의적 선전지로 출발했지만, 연변의 민족문화유산 교양과 조선족의 문학적 정체성, 그리고 친북한에서 친남한으로 대외관계가 변화한 것을 알 수 있었다. 연변 문예지의 정체성은, 중국 당국의 정책 선전지라는 기본 전제 위에 ‘(중)조선족-(북)조선-(남)한국’을 문화적으로 소통하는 창구 구실도 있겠지만 가장 중요한 것은 조선족의 문학적 독자성이다. 가령 김일성이 창작했다는 북한의 혁명가극 <피바다>와 『연변문학』(1959)에 수록된 까마귀의 촌극 대본 「혈해지창」 논쟁이 좋은 예이다. 이를 간과하고 조선족문학을 코리아문학 남북의 통일과 디아스포라 담론으로 통합하려는 것은 일종의 서울중심주의적 욕망의 산물이기에 반성이 필요하다. This article aims to analyze media historical issues of Chinese ethnic Korean literature magazines in Yanbian area. Through this, it will reflect on the legitimacy of the “unification” agenda of literature between the two Koreas and examine whether the “diaspora literature” discourse is free from the desire to expand the territory of Korean literature. As an alternative to this reflection, we propose inter-Korean equal communication of the Korean diaspora and “Koreanphone” literature. With this awareness, we analyzed media historical issues in the literary magazines Yŏnbyŏn munye(Yanbian Literature and Art, 1951), Ch’ŏnji(Heaven and Earth, 1985) and Yŏnbyŏn munhak(Yanbian Literature, 1998). It also explored the ethnological identity of Chinese ethnic Korean literature by analyzing the media historical issues of the magazine’s media contents cross-sectionally. As a result, Yanbian’s literary magazine started out as a socialist propaganda media, but it could be seen that Yanbian’s cultural heritage culture, ethnic Koreans’ literary identity, and foreign relations changed from pro-North Korea to pro-South Korea. The identity of Yanbian literature magazine serves as a window for cultural “communication” of “Chinese-North-South Korea” on the basic premise of the Chinese authorities’ policy propaganda, but the most important thing is the literary identity of the Chinese ethnic Koreans. A good example is the controversy over the North Korea’s revolutionary opera “Blood Sea(피바다)” created by Kim Il-sung and the amateur play script “Song of Blood(혈해지창)” by the Crow(pen-name) in the Yŏnbyŏn munhak(1959). Ignoring this fact and trying to integrate Chinese ethnic Korean literature as a medium for unification of inter-Korean literature or as part of overseas Korean diaspora literature discourse are a kind of Seoul centralism’s desire, so self-reflection is essential.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Crystallinity of Low Molar Ratio Urea-Formaldehyde Resins Modified with Cellulose Nanomaterials

        ( Seongsu Park ),( Byung-dae Park ) 한국목재공학회 2021 목재공학 Vol.49 No.2

        Inherent crystalline domains present in low formaldehyde to urea (F/U) molar ratio urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins are responsible for their poor adhesion in wood-based composite panels. To modify the crystallinity of low molar ratio (LMR) UF resins, this study investigates the additional effect of cellulose nanomaterials (CNMs), such as cellulose microfibrils (CMFs), cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs), and TEMPO-oxidized CNFs (TEMPO-CNFs) on the crystallinity of modified LMR UF resins. First, two modification methods (post-mixing and in situ) were compared for modified LMR UF resins with TEMPO-CNFs. The modified UF resins with TEMPO-CNFs decreased the nonvolatile solid contents, while increasing the viscosity and gel time. However, the in situ modification of UF resins with TEMPO-CNFs showed lower crystallinity than that of post-mixing. Then, the in situ method was compared for all CNMs to modify LMR UF resins. The modified UF resins with CMFs using the in situ method increased nonvolatile solid contents and viscosity but decreased the gel time. The crystallinity of UF resins modified with TEMPO-CNFs was the lowest even though the crystalline domains were not significantly changed for all modified UF resins. These results suggest that these CNMs should be modified to prevent the formation of crystalline domains in LMR UF resins.

      • KCI등재

        On-chip electroporation system of Polyimide film with sheath flow design for efficient delivery of molecules into microalgae

        Seongsu Kang,Bolam Kim,Se-Jun Yim,Jin-Oh Kim,Dong-Pyo Kim,Yeu-Chun Kim 한국공업화학회 2020 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.88 No.-

        Electroporation technique has recently emerged as a tool for delivery of foreign molecules into cells. However, the electroporation has many critical hurdles to overcome in cell viability, delivery efficiency,and productivity. To overcome the hurdles with a single platform, we devised a polyimide (PI)film-basedon- chip electroporation system that shields the cells from the electrodes with four sheathflows,enabling a 3Dflow focusing. This on-chip electroporation with a double forced-flow (OE-DFF)configuration enhances the cell viability to such an extent that even with a long spiral channel for highmolecular delivery efficiency, which is detrimental to the cell viability due to longer exposure to theelectricfield, the cell viability is still increased substantially. The advantages provided by the OE-DFFsystem is demonstrated with afluorescent probe molecule (FITC-BSA) and pPtCrCFP plasmid deliveredinto Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, one of the challenging cell lines to transform. The continuous nature oftheflow system assures high throughput. This novel approach in microfluidic science is expected togreatly contribute to algal research as an efficient electroporation tool as well as to broad applications.

      • Big-Data Analysis for Manufacturing Processes of Medium Density Fiberboard Production

        ( Seongsu Park ),( Byung-dae Park ),( Yongku Kim ) 한국목재공학회 2021 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2021 No.1

        Medium density fiberboard (MDF) is a type of wood-based composite manufctured by reconstituting wood fibers into panel with binding adhesive under hot-pressing at high temperature and pressure. The properties of MDF depend on various manufacturing factors such as board density, moisture content, pressure, temperature, resin content, etc. Most of the manufacturing processes of a commercial production of MDF are controlled by various sensors and parameters, which results in a large quantity of big-data in daily production. However, there are a very limited report on the big-data analysis for the manufacturing process of MDF production. Therefore, this presentation atttempts to demonstrate a big-data analysis for the manufacturing process of MDF production, and to find manufacturing parameters that are significantly affecting the properties of MDF produced. In this work, about 400 millions data with 1,300 variables were selected and then sorted 95,000 data with 416 variables for the big-data analysis using three statistical regression models such as Ridge, Lasso and ElasticNet, using R program. The results from the three models were compared and discussed.


        SEONGSU KIM,DANIEL C. FELDMAN 한국고용노사관계학회 2001 한국노사관계학회 학술대회 Vol.2001 No.6

        This study uses a continuity theory of aging to understand when individuals will pursue bridge employment and the role which bridge employment plays in adjustment to retirement. Results suggest that employees with better health, greater organizational tenure, working spouses, and dependent children were more likely to take bridge employment, while age and salary at time of retirement were inversely related to extent of bridge employment. Moreover, bridge employment is strongly related to both retirem ent satisfaction and overall life satisfaction. In addition, volunteer work and leisure activity complement bridge employment in facilitating adjustment to retirement. Implications of the results for future theory development, methodological improvement, and management practice are discussed as well.

      • Thermal Cure Kinetics of Low-Molar-Ratio Urea-Formaldehyde Resins Modified with Dialdehyde Cellulose

        ( Seongsu Park ),( Byung-dae Park ) 한국목재공학회 2021 한국목재공학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.2021 No.1

        This work reports thermal cure kinetics of low-molar-ratio (LMR) urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins modified with dialdehyde cellulose (DAC) using different kinetic analysis methods to understand the effect of DAC addition, and to find the best model for the modified LMR UF resins with DAC. Two types of kinetic methods such as model-fitting method (Kissinger method) and model-free kinetics method (Friedman, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose method) were used to compare the thermal cure kinetics of the modified LMR UF resins with DAC. The kinetic parameters were determined by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).

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