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      • KCI등재
      • 난삭재료의 연삭성 평가

        이상태,이후성,정윤교 國立 昌原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2000 産技硏論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The accuracy of machinindg using grinding wheels depend upon the combined parameters that are depth of cut, the speed of workpiece and wheel, the state of wheel surface and kinds of grinding wheel. If this parameters apply inadequately for grinding work, it'll break out the abnormal states such as grinding crack and grinding burn. Therefore, this paper aims at analysing the variations of grinding forces that are closely concerned this abnormal states, proposing the normal and proper conditions of grinding work, an making up the economic grinding.

      • 중소기업형 CIM시스템 구축을 위한 생산계획수립 및 실적파악 모듈

        최후곤,신완선,장중순,서준성,여명구,안동근,김진봉 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1996 論文集 Vol.47 No.2

        This study Focuses on developing several modules involved in an integrated production information system for medium- or small-sized industries. The modules of order management, quality control, production scheduling, and shop management are executed for an example case industry. The potential values of this research includes that the major information modules to collect, analysis, and display production data and shop data for constructing the computer integrated manufacturing system(CIMS) are programmed with various features of medium- or small-sized industries

      • KCI등재

        집단정신치료의 내용과 과정

        윤성철,이후경 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate important therapeutic factors in encounter group and compare these therapeutic factors with those in long-term outpatient group psychotherapy, to understand the content and process in real cases for facilitation of interpersonal learning which is important for long-term outpatient group psychotherapy, and to acquire basic data of long-term outpatient group psychotherapy on the basis of this understanding. Methods : The subject was 7 encounter groups, composed of 41 persons. We used short from of Yalom's Q-sort to find important therapeutic factors in encounter group. We selected 2 cases for analying the process and content in these cases. Results : Three of the most important therpeutic factors were existential factors', 'self understanding', and 'interpersonal learning(input)'. Conclusion : We suggest that interpersonal learning is the most important therapeutic factor in encounter group.

      • KCI등재

        집단정신치료와 싸이코드라마

        윤성철,이후경 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.2

        In this paper, first of all we compared psychoanalysis with psychodrama by a historical point of view. Next, we reviewed group psychotherapy generally and considered the position of psychodrama through the comparison with various types of group psychotherapy. On the basis of this consideration, we compared Yalom's group psychotherapy as a typical type of group psychotherapy with psychodrama. Lastly, we discussed the application of group psychotherapy and psychodrama to each other. Psychoanalysis, psychodrama, and group psychotherapy developed separately at similar times in different fields. Finally, these three fields met with one another in the field of psychiatry. Each of these three fields changed itself as a result of absorbing various things from one another. Therefore, nowadays these fields became to have a close relation with one another. Psychodrama is in a position as a type of group psychotherapies, so it is important to understand group psychotherapy generally for understanding psychodrama. Psychodrama has similar aspects to other group psychotherapies, but also has different aspects from other group psychotherapies. When we understand these aspects, we can conduct therapeutic works effectively in practice. Psychodrama's methods can be applied to group psychotherapy and group psychotherapy's theories can applied to psychodrama. When psychodrama and group psychotherapy takes good points from the other side they can make progress.

      • 凍結溫度에 대한 植物의 反應과 生存戰略

        김성복,이창후,강성구 高麗大學校 自然資源科學硏究所 1998 自然資源科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        식물은 여러 온도조건에서 생육하고 있으며 조직이 빙점 이하의 온도에 노출되면 내동성의 정도에 따라 다양한 피해정도를 나타내게 된다. 동결에 의한 식물세포의 피해과정을 과거 다양한 가설로 설명하여왔으나 최근에는 막의 이상접근이라는 공통된 현상을 기초로 한 가설로 설명하고 있다. 막의 이상접근을 동결상해의 원인으로 하면 저온순화에 의한 동결과정중에 세포에서 발생하는 구조변화 및 인공적인 동결보존과정에서의 동결상해 방어기구를 개념적으로 설명하는 것이 가능하다. 그러나 이 가설은 복잡한 생리기능을 나타내는 식물세포와 동결과정에서 발생하는 물리 화학적인 stress의 상호작용을 설명하기에는 아직 불충분하다. 한편, 식물은 동결이라는 극한상황에 적응하기 위하여 세포외동결이나 과냉각, 기관외동결로 대표되는 생존전략을 진화, 발전시켜 왔다. 어떤 생존전략을 선택하느냐에 따라서 식물이 적응, 생존할 수 있는 한계온도가 결정되며, 식물의 지리적 분포도 결정되다. 과냉각에 의해 내동성을 획득하는 경우 균질핵생성온도인 -40℃가 내동성의 한계가 되며, 기관외동결이나 세포외동결에 의한 내동성은 세포가 동결탈수에 저항할 수 있는 능력에 의해 결정되며 제한이 없다. 따라서 과냉각에 의해 내동성을 획득하고 있는 농작물의 재배지역의 한계는 과냉각특성을 이용한 재배적 기법이나 육종기법을 이용하여 세포외동결 및 기관외동결특성을 도입하는 방법 등에 의해 극복할 수 있을 것이다. 식물이 내동성을 획득하는 과정을 분자수준에서 분석하는 기법이 주목을 받고 있다. 저온에 감응한 세포에서 발생하는 유전자의 전사나 최종산물인 단백질 등을 분석하여 저온순화과정을 밝히고자 하는 노력으로 많은 단백질이 확인되었으나 이들이 내동성의 획득에 관여하는 역할은 아직 명확하지 않다. 한편에서는 내동성의 획득에 관련된 유전자를 cloning하여 형질전환 식물체의 육성이 시도되고 있다. 이와 같이 생명공학에 의해 가까운 미래에 생산성이 높고 내동성이 강한 식물을 창출하기 위해서도 내동성이라는 현상을 보다 명확히 할 필요가 있으며, 생물학을 시작으로 물리학, 화학 등의 광범위한 분야의 협력을 얻어 종합적으로 식물이 지니고 있는 동결이라는 극한상황에 대한 적응능력을 밝힐 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        비행청소년을 위한 대집단 사이코드라마의 치료요인

        이후경,현지은,윤성철,김선재 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.6

        연구목적 : 본 연구는 초범 및 경범인 비행청소년을 위한 대집단 사이코드라마(이하 사이코드라마라 함)를 개발하여 실시하고, 치료요인을 중심으로 비행청소년 사이코드라마의 효과 및 특징을 조사하여, 사이코드라마를 비행청소년을 위한 효과적, 효율적인 치료프로그램으로 활용할 수 있는 기반을 마련하고자 하는 목적으로 실시되었다. 방 법 : 연구대상은 1998년 7월부터 12월까지 서울시립청소년수련관의 사랑의 교실에 참여한 비행청소년 827명(남자759명, 여자 68명)이었으며, 나이는 평균 15.92세였다. 비행청소년에 적용되는 사이코드라마 개발을 위해 정신과전문의를 중심으로 한 치료팀을 구성하였고, 기초작업으로는 1998년 1월부터 6월까지 사이코드라마를 시행하면서 ①warming-up(소집단모임), ③action(상황극과 본극), ③sharing(공유)으로 이루어진 기본구조를 만들었으며, 진행의 기본목표와 기본원칙을 설정하였다. 사이코드라마시행한 후 매 회마다 13가지 치료요인 척도로 치료요인을 조사하고, 사이코드라마 평가 설문지로 사이코드라마에 대한 유익도, 흥미도, 참여도를 조사하였다. 결 과 : 본 사이코드라마에 대한 평가 결과를 보면 47.4%가 유익한 것으로 평가하였고 이에 비해 12.1%만이 유익하지 않았다고 하였으며, 49.2%가 재미있었다고 하였고 이해 비해 16.0%만이 재미없었다고 하였다. 전체 대상자들의 치료요인을 보면 실존적 인자가 최상위를 차지하였으며, 다음으로 보편성, 치료자와 동일시, 희망의 고취가 순서대로 상위순위를 차지하였다. 전체 대상자를 순수관객, 상황극 참가자, 보조자아, 공유참가자의 4집단으로 나누어 치료요인을 비교해 보면, 순수관객의 치료요인 순위는 대체로 전체 집단의 치료요인 순위와 유사하였으며, 상황극 참가자의 경우 다른 구성원들에 비해 카타르시스가 약간 높은 순위를 차지하였고, 보조자아의 경우 다른 구성원들에 비해 구성원의 조언과 치료자의 조언이 상대적으로 높은 순위를 차지하였으며, 공유 참가자의 경우에는 다른 구성원들에 비해 집단응집력이 비교적 높은 순위를 차지하였다. 결 론 : 비행청소년의 수는 나날이 증가하고 있으나 예산 문제와 전문가의 부재 등으로 인해 이들을 위해 적절한 치료프로그램을 시행하기 어려운 실정이다. 본 사이코드라마는 대집단으로 시행되므로 비용면에서 경제적이며, 치료자가 한번에 많은 비행청소년에게 접근할 수 있어 시간적으로 효율적이라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 본 사이코드라마를 비행청소년을 위한 치료프로그램으로 적극적으로 활용할 필요가 있을 것으로 생각된다. Objectives : This study is designed to develop a large group phychodrama for light delin-quent adolescents (hereinafter called as "Psychodrama") thereby determining therapeutic factors for dealing with them. Methods : The study was conducted in the program of Seoul Metropolitan Youth Centre called "the class of love" during the period of July through December, 1998. The subjects consisted of a total of 827 young delinquents(759 boys and 68 girls, with the average age of 15.9 years old). To develop "this psychodrama", after we composed of therapeutic team centered by psychiatrists, we prepared from January to June, 1998 by practicing psychodrama with delinquent adolescents and by analyzing the results. "This psychodrama" has three basic steps: ① warming-up(small group meeting), ② action(situation drama and main drama), ③ sharing. A survey of treatments, from a pool of participating adolescents, based on evaluation sheets and 13 therapeutic factors scale followed every session of this psychodrama. Results : "This psychodrama" was helpful for 47.4%, interesting for 49.2%, not helpful for 12.1% and not interesting for 16%. In the whole group of subjects, the important therapeutic factors were existential factor, universality, identification with the therapist and the instillation of hope in the order of rank. When categorized in four different groups(audience, participants in situation drama, auxiliary egos, participants in sharing) the 4 groups displayed different results to one another. First, the therapeutic factors of audience were similar to that others. Third, auxiliary egos were leading in the guidance of members and therapists. Fourth, participants in sharing displayed higher group cohesiveness. Conclusion : As it is getting harder to find program's suitable for the treatment of increasing number of delinquents due to limited budget and experts, this psychodrama could be more cost-effective than any other measures.

      • 전라남도 관광상품 및 관광기념품 개발

        김성후 동신대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The paper is focused on the measures to upgrade the tourism image of the Province of Chonnma and improve the satisfaction of inbound tourists in the region by developing many particular tour courses. It is very important to develop a variety of tour courses and culture-related tour services, and make various souvenirs in order to take advantage of tourism resources scattered in the Province of Chonnam. To implement regional tourism policy effectively after coordinating these complicated factors in the region, the Province of Chonnam needs to set out aggressively.

      • 3경간 연속 중로식 강아치교의 내풍안정성을 고려한 라이즈 비 특성

        강성후,박선준,최명기 東新大學校 工業技術硏究所 2004 工業技術硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The most important element is a rise ratio when regarding beauty and economics of arch bridges. Only the effect of dead load has been considered to decide the rise ratio. In this study, when going over the rise ratio of arch bridges, examined the problems, that the determination of the rise ratio by the dead load has, by adding the factor of a determination of optimum rise ratio, which is not only the effect of the dead load that has been currently considered but also the problem with respect to wind resistant dynamic stability that is now taken seriously. Synthetically, when deciding rise ratio that is investigated in basic step of design, it is not necessary to consider the evaluation wind resistant dynamic stability. Therefore the result of this research can be summarized as followes ; If it is identify oneself with rise ratio that the divided ratio due to the tie girder of the 3 continuous spans half-through steel arch bridges cannot cause a big effect in stability the wind resistant dynamic stability. If it is identify oneself with the relative stiffness ratio and girder depth ratio of the 3 continuous spans half-through steel arch bridges that the rise ratio proposes that it uses 0.10~0.30, divided ratio due to tie girder proposes that it uses 1.0~2.5 because of the wind resistant dynamic stability and the stress of the hanger. The rise ratio proposes that it uses 0.16~0.18 is given by the Japanese bridge construction association to obtained in investigation equation between an arch span length and the rise, using 0.1~0.2 at the basic design phase and the divided ratio which using 1.5 due to tie girder generally has been employed to main results and very well agrees with a research accomplishment results.

      • KCI등재

        문제행동 청소년을 위한 대인관계 집단치료 효과

        이후경,안현주,김선재,윤성철,봉수연 大韓神經精神醫學會 2003 신경정신의학 Vol.42 No.5

        Objectives : Fast change and confusion of the value system in society affect the identity formation of adolescents. So Adlescents' behavioral problems seem to be increasing yearly. It is known that the interpersonal group therapy is the most effective treatment modality among many group programs for adolescents with behavioral problems. Objectives of this study are as follows ; first, evaluate therapeutic effects of the interpersonal group therapy for adolescents with behavioral problems second, examine the therapeutic factors ; third, analyze the group process : fourth, orgamize the group therapy for adolescents with behavioral problems as an applicable treatment modality. The types of group therapy performed in this study are small, closed, homogeneous, outpatient, timelimited, and adolescent group. Methods : This study was carried out at one of the adolescents mental health services in Uiwang Mental Health Center, from April to June and from September to November in 2000. The subjects were 2nd grade students in K middle school with behavioral proplems. The experimental groups were composed of 4 groups including 2 male groups and 2 female groups (male 11, female 17), and the control groups matched the same conditions as the experimental groups (male 10, female 19). The group therapy was performed weekly in CA (club activity) time, and it took 60-70 minutes at one time. They met total 10 sessions including preparatory meeting and termination meeting. Before and after this program, self-rating scales (behavioral problems, aggression, and impulsivity) were applied for subjects, and the teacher rating scales (behavioral problems, aggression and impulsivity) were performed by teachers in charge. After each session, Yalom's 13 therapeutic factors scale was perfbrmed. At the last meeting, total assessment questionnaire was compleled. Results : The mean scores of all self-rating scales (behavioral problem, aggression, and impulsivity) were lower in the experimental groups (both male and female group) than the control groups, but not significant statistically except the behavioral problem scale of female students. The mean scores of all teacher rating scales (behavioral problem, aggression, and impulsivity) were lower in the experimental groups (both male and female group) in comparison with the control groups, all significant statistically. As faras the therapeutic factors are concerned ; first, the mean scores of all therapeutic factors in female students were higher than in male students and the mean scores of all therapeutic factors in the later half sessions were higher than the former half sessions ; second, catharsis and existential factor were high in all students and sessions ; third, identification with therapist factor was high in all students and sessions : fourth, during the later half sessions, interpersonal input was relatively high in male students and socializing technique was relatively high in female students. Its forthe total assessment questionnaires ; 100% of male students and 88.2% of female students reported that they were helped by this group therapy ; 100% of male students and 82.4% of female students reported that they would participate willingly if future opportunity of the same group therapy is given for them. Conclusion : Adolescents with behavioral problems who participated in this study showed the decrease of behavioral problems and the change of aggressive and impulsive attitudes in comparison with the control groups although they had some differences between male and female students. The group therapy with adolescents would be practiced more broadly and extensively though there are several accompanied problems including the difficulty of structuring, the deficit of motivation, and financial problem.

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