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      • The Company of Jesus in Colonial Brazil and Mexico: Missionary Encounters with Amerindian Healers and Spiritual Leaders, 1550-1625

        Rutherford, Jessica The Ohio State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2017 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In this dissertation, I argue that Jesuit missionary writings in the Americas demonized and appropriated indigenous sources of medical knowledge, contributing to the exclusion of indigenous voices from the archive of the western history of science and medicine. I take a critical look at the way in which Jesuits implemented a discourse of sorcery as a strategy to delegitimize Amerindian healers and spiritual leaders that stood in opposition to the colonial occupation of present-day Brazil and Mexico. In chapter 1, I illuminate the cognitive operations behind the Jesuit impulse to impose Christianity on native communities through a reading of Jesuit-authored letters from colonial Brazil, including missionary correspondence from Jose de Anchieta, Fernão Cardim, and Antonio Vieira as well as a set of anonymous letters penned from São Vicente. In these documents we find that— given the swiftness of smallpox outbreaks—encounters among Jesuit missionaries and Amerindians were often structured around an urgent need to care for the sick, making the study of local medicines all the more necessary. In chapter 2, I analyze Portuguese Jesuit Fernão Cardim's appropriation of indigenous botanical information in his natural history, known today under the title Tratados da Terra e Gente do Brasil [Treatises on the Land and People of Brazil] (1583-1601). As Cardim's text demonstrates, missionaries wrote natural histories to serve as conversion manuals, set alongside useful information on how to survive in foreign places. In my final chapter, I bring in a natural history from another area of the Americas, Jose de Acosta's Historia natural y moral de las Indias [Natural and Moral History of the Indies] (Sevilla 1590), to demonstrate the systematic approach that the Company of Jesus took in their study of American nature. As visitors to the missions in the Americas, both Cardim and Acosta drew heavily from locally based Jose de Anchieta and Juan de Tovar as they compiled their studies on colonial Brazil and Mexico respectively. I focus my reading of Acosta's natural history on the spiritual politics of Nahua-Christian ritual encounters in present-day Mexico. I analyze the way in which Jesuit missionaries' ambivalent representations of American botanical medicine worked to value indigenous knowledge of the natural world for practical use, while they criminalized native healers based on alternative spiritual application. This study focuses on how demonizing discourses, religious in ideology and spiritual in scope, use the notion of universal truth-value and geo-privileged spaces of representation to commit acts of epistemological violence against oppressed communities. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the Jesuit discourse of sorcery was used to legitimize the Christian missionary's "right" to possess indigenous land and extract their natural resources for their own gain, whether spiritual or economic. In order to polemicize the authority that Europeans assumed in these cross-cultural exchanges, this research dialogues with postcolonial debates on the geo-politics of knowledge and power in colonial Latin American studies. Specifically, I work beyond the confines of present-day national borders that have traditionally separated the study of Brazil and Mexico, and I challenge Western-dominated paradigms of scientific authority to highlight the contribution of indigenous knowledge to the history of science and medicine.

      • Policy change in Japan: The Tokyo metropolitan government's regulation of diesel emissions

        Rutherford, Daniel John Stanford University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Since the mid-1980s, Japan has suffered from what is arguably the developed world's worst problem with pollution from diesel-powered trucks and buses. On August 27th, 1999, Japan's laissez faire policy toward diesel emissions came to an abrupt end when the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG), under controversial Governor Shintaro Ishihara, announced "Operation No Diesel", a policy advocating stronger local and national regulation of diesel emissions. This dissertation adopts an interdisciplinary case study methodology to explain Tokyo's sudden decision to locally regulate diesel emissions, the influence "Operation No Diesel" had on central policy, and how Tokyo overcame barriers to regulatory implementation. I also estimate the impact of those regulations on on-road diesel emissions in Tokyo. To explain local and central policy change, I apply an analytical framework integrating two models of the policy process: a punctuated equilibrium model, which describes rapid policy change, and an administrative centralization model, which characterizes intergovernmental relations in Japan. I argue that local policy change was catalyzed by Ishihara's efforts to force the TMG bureaucracy to adopt an anti-central stance following his election in 1999, measures that overturned the institutional basis for policy centralization. "Operation No Diesel," in turn, catalyzed central policy change by disrupting interest group politics underlying the central policy subsystem. In the second half of this dissertation, I consider how TMG was able to implement its regulations, as well as how those regulations impacted emissions in Tokyo. I argue; that three factors in particular---administrative flexibility, Tokyo's very large administrative capacity, and the hypercompetitive nature of the automobile and petroleum industries---allowed TMG to overcome barriers to implementation. The final part of this dissertation introduces a simplified emissions model suggesting that the bulk of reductions in diesel emissions after 2002 directly linked to central and local environmental policy---70% for PM, and 30% for NOx---are attributable to Tokyo's local regulations. In closing, this dissertation considers how "Operation No Diesel" challenges the existing understanding of policy change in Japan as incremental, centralized, and mediated by the bureaucracy rather than by politicians.

      • Soldiers into Nazis? The German infantry's war in northwest Russia, 1941--1944

        Rutherford, Jeffrey Cameron The University of Texas at Austin 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This work seeks both to modify and challenge the prevailing view of an ideologically-driven Army intent on realizing Hitler's racist goals in the Soviet Union. One way of measuring the ideological commitment of the Army's soldiers is through an examination of the divisional level. Each of the three divisions under examination was recruited from a geographically and culturally distinct area, allowing the soldiers of the 121st, 123rd and 126th Infantry Divisions to recreate the sense of community unique to their home region: East Prussia, Berlin and Rhineland-Westphalia, respectively. The differences between social classes, traditional political allegiances and confessions found in these regions was thus transferred to these divisions and these distinctions allow for a more precise investigation of what types of men were more or less likely to subscribe to the German war of annihilation in the Soviet Union. Unlike much of the literature which examines the ideological nature of the war and the military conflict separately, this study looks at combat and occupation in tandem. Through the use of official military records, ranging from the Army down to the regimental level, as well as previously unused diaries and letters written by the men of these three divisions, a complex and varied picture of the German Army's activities and motivations arises. Firstly, while ideological concerns certainly played a role in determining the actions of these divisions, other more tangible problems, such as food and clothing shortages and numerical weakness, were more important issues in determining the Army's frequent savage interactions with civilians. Second, instead of the war serving to increasingly radicalize the behavior of the troops, the German Army began to significantly modify its conduct in hopes of winning the cooperation of Soviet civilians in late 1942 and 1943 before reverting to Scorched Earth policy in 1944. Internal mechanisms within the Army led to these changes in behavior: when a conciliatory policy was viewed as necessary to win the war, it was implemented; when the Army believed unadulterated violence was the means to victory, radical policies were carried out by its forces.

      • What are the effects of tax abatements and government incentives on economic development? A study of select Texas cities

        Rutherford, Jerry W The University of Texas at Dallas 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The debate over whether government incentives and tax abatements will enhance economic development continues to receive serious consideration by granting agencies. The State of Texas authorized the use of economic development programs via the Development Corporation Act in 1989 and various incentives have been used by Texas cities since its enactment. Currently, all fifty states and over 13,000 cities utilize many types of government incentives to stimulate economic development. While many government agencies continue to utilize incentives, there are no published financial models to help determine if the use of taxpayer dollars to stimulate economic development is a good financial investment of resources. This paper is an attempt to determine if the goals of granting economic development incentives have been realized and to shed light on the organizational and service characteristics that make it more likely that the results of offering a particular incentive will be positive. To ascertain the research goal, the financial models (slightly modified) of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and the Payback Method were studied for seven Texas cities with unique characteristics. In addition to utilizing the models, several personal interviews were conducted of economic development professionals to understand the practical application of the incentives. While practicing economic development professionals acknowledge that all decisions to grant or not grant economic incentive applications are not purely financial and include political consideration, this dissertation seeks to add a financial calculation that may be considered in the decision making process. Of the seven cities studied, five showed positive results while two showed negative results.

      • Interests and attitudes of engineering students

        Rutherford, Brian Utah State University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Engineering programs have been less successful than other professions in achieving gender equity. Analyses of gender differences in the attitudes and interests of engineering students may help illuminate ways to combat the underrepresentation of women in engineering. This study examined data collected from 863 engineering students who attended 15 American universities from fall 2005 through spring 2006 using an online survey. The survey was designed to understand the backgrounds, academic preparation, motivation, interests, and attitudes of engineering students. To determine whether males and females received different academic preparation prior to entering engineering, the survey examined participants' mathematics, science, and technical coursework taken in high school. The questions probed students' comfort and interest level in mathematics, science, and technology/engineering and investigated student interest in the three fundamental engineering activities by asking 49 design, build, and analyze questions on topics covering a variety of engineering disciplines. A combination of question formats was used including pre-categorized demographic information, 5-point Likert scales, and open-ended responses. Gender similarities and differences were identified and their implications were considered for the recruitment and retention of engineers. Female engineering students in this study were equally or better prepared than males to major in engineering based on the number and types of science and mathematics classes taken in high school. However, statistically significant gender differences were found in the attitudes and interests of engineering students. The difference in the comfort level, interest in learning, being able to demonstrate, or in performing stem skills depended on the question topic rather than gender. The areas with the highest comfort and interest level were often different for females and males. Several topics and curriculum areas of high interest to both genders related to engineering education in several engineering disciplines were identified. It appears that females and males were motivated to choose engineering as a career for different reasons. Analysis revealed that female engineering students are generally more altruistic and less interested in "things" than male engineering students. This study also found that females were comfortable in mathematics or science, but were less comfortable using computers, tools, and machines---all essential engineering skills.

      • Development of a multi-directional direct simple shear testing device for characterization of the cyclic shear response of marine clays

        Rutherford, Cassandra Janel Texas A&M University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation describes the development of a new multi-directional direct simple shear testing device, the Texas A&M Multi-directional Direct Simple Shear (TAMU-MDSS), for testing marine soil samples under conditions, which simulate, at the element level, the state of stress acting within a submarine slope under dynamic loading. Prototype testing and an experimental program to characterize the response of marine clays to complex loading conditions are presented. The work is divided into four major components: 1) Equipment Development: Design and construction of a prototype multi-directional direct simple shear testing device (TAMU-MDSS) that addresses the limitations of previous devices. 2) Support systems: selection of control software, development of data acquisition system and design of back pressure systems for direct pore pressure measurements. 3) Prototype Testing: performance of the TAMU MDSS system and testing of strain-control and stress-control capabilities. 4) Experimental Testing: characterize the response of marine clays to monotonic, dynamic and random loads. The two-directional monotonic, cyclic, circular and figure-8 tests demonstrated the undrained shear strength increases with increasing initial shear stress, tau c (i.e, slope), for shearing in the same direction (equivalent to downhill). The strength decreases for shearing in the direction opposite to the initial stress (shearing uphill). The response is as brittle for shearing in the same direction as the shear stress applied during consolidation (tauc) and ductile for shearing opposite to tauc. These findings have important implications for the stability of the slope, predicting that forces acting downward in the slope direction will need to mobilize less strain to reach peak strength and initiate failure. This information provides insight into the behavior of marine soils under complex loading conditions, and provides high quality laboratory data for use in constitutive and finite element model development for analysis of submarine slopes.

      • Academics and economics: The Yin and Yang of for-profit higher education. A case study of the University of Phoenix (Arizona)

        Rutherford, Gregory Franklin The University of Texas at Austin 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The purpose of this study was to investigate how the University of Phoenix defines and implements a balance of academics and economics in curriculum and operations. The University of Phoenix is organized as a for-profit institution and has the largest enrollment of any university in the United States. Tremendous growth has occurred in large proprietary colleges in recent years. According to the literature, for-profit higher education is an understudied area of which knowledge could be useful. The University of Phoenix has been the most successful of the for-profits in recruiting students and generating revenue. As the growth of for-profit education continues, so does the controversy in academic, governing, and accrediting bodies concerning the legitimacy of for-profit colleges. The common points of contention pointed out by critics include: predominant use of adjunct faculty, acceptance of work experience for credit, lack of library resources, high relative tuition, management of financial aid, recruiting techniques, use of distance-learning methods, study groups, and the profit motive. Central to the controversy is a philosophical debate concerning the business orientation versus the virtues of education. Qualitative research methods were used to collect data. The primary source of data came from twenty-one semi-structured interviews with University of Phoenix stakeholders. Another significant source of data was documentation related to the history and operation of the University. Three major themes were found in the research: (1) a desire to accrue value to the consumer, primarily students and their employers, termed Consumer Stakeholder Value; (2) a desire to improve business value which is referred to as Business Stakeholder Value; and (3) an acknowledged tension that exists between the extremes found in the values of academics and economics, referred to as The Tension. Throughout this research, a sense of complimentary opposites influenced the researcher to develop a theoretical model of how the University of Phoenix defines balance. This was done using the Tai Chi symbol representing Yin and Yang.

      • Irrational actors: Literature and logic in early modern England

        Rutherford, James Princeton University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In Irrational Actors: Literature, Logic, and Religious Experience I provide a new history of early modern logic, as seen through the work of authors---including Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, Thomas Middleton, and John Milton---who are not known for being logicians, and in many cases might have denied the appellation. I demonstrate, nevertheless, that only by examining logic through the lens of literature is it possible to explain the stakes of early modern innovations in logical method for phenomenal experience, for interpersonal communication and, ultimately, for salvation. The reception of logic by poets and playwrights is complex: they do not merely read logic texts in a vacuum, but interpret it within a climate of controversial opinion. In the early modern period, logic became a subject of unprecedented notoriety, due in large part to the controversial life and career of the logician Petrus Ramus, whose death in the purge of Protestants in Paris during the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre helped to link logical method with religious and political conviction. Observing the violent debates of their age, early modern authors could not help but realize that though logic had pretensions to rigorous objectivity, its conclusions tended to vary with its context. It is, I argue, this paradox that fascinated authors like Marlowe, Shakespeare, Middleton, and Milton. In works like Doctor Faustus, Hamlet, The Changeling, and Paradise Lost, these authors make constant use of logical forms, but they do so in order to arrive at a wide variety of results. In their hands, logic proves to be a surprisingly versatile, and aesthetically rich, instrument.

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