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      • The Covenant theology of Francis Roberts

        임원택 Calvin Theological Seminary 2000 해외박사

        RANK : 2879

        이 연구의 목적은 잉글랜드 청교도인 프란시스 로버츠(1609-1675)의 언약신학이 어떻게 개혁주의 전통 주류에 서있으며 17세기 "언약" 혹은 "계약" 신학의 발전을 규정하는데 도움을 주는가를 보이는 것이다. 특히 로버츠의 언약신학은 웨스트민스터 총회 후의 잉글랜드 언약사상의 발전과 정교화를 반영할 뿐만 아니라 잉글랜드 개혁주의 저자들, 스코틀랜드 개혁주의 저자들, 그리고 유럽 특히 네덜란드의 개혁주의 저자들 사이에 진행된 대화를 입증한다. 개혁주의적 정통주의 신학과 관계해서 로버츠의 언약신학을 평가하기 위해 이 연구는 로버츠의 신학과 그의 선배 청교도들의 신학을 비교함과 그의 신학이 더 이른 시기의 개혁주의적 언약사상과 연속성 가운데 서있는 방식을 밝힘에 주된 관심을 둔다. 로버츠는 하나님의 언약을 행위언약과 은혜언약으로 가르지 않고 행위언약과 믿음언약으로 가른다. 모든 언약이 은혜언약인 반면, 믿음언약은 타락후에 체결된 언약을 이르기 때문이다. 로버츠는 믿음언약의 조건성을 확신한다. 그는 하나님의 은혜가 선행함을 확고히 고백하는 한편, 예수 그리스도께 대한 거짓 없는 믿음을 믿음언약에서 인간 편에 요구되는 필요 조건이라 여긴다. 로버츠는 17세기 후반에 활동한 그의 동시대인들처럼 처음에는 있었으나 이제는 폐지된 행위언약을 논한다. 로버츠는 믿음언약을 약속언약과 성취언약, 즉 새언약으로 나눈다. 그는 약속언약을 여섯 시기로 구분한다. 즉, (1) 타락후 아담부터 노아까지, (2) 노아부터 아브라함까지, (3) 아브라함부터 모세까지, (4) 모세부터 다윗까지, (5) 다윗부터 바벨론 유수까지, 그리고 (6) 바벨론 유수부터 예수 그리스도의 죽으심까지로 구분한다. 이 논문은 로버츠판(版) "언약신학"이 이전의 학자들이 언약신학을 율법주의에 빠지고 종교개혁과 비연속적인 것으로, 혹은 당대의 개혁주의 정통신학에 거스르는 새로운 성서신학으로 단순하게 분석한 것을 허용하지 않음을 보인다. 마찬가지로 이 논문은 언약전통을 단방적인 것과 양방적인 것으로 이분함도 17세기 잉글랜드 언약전통의 발전 분석에 도움이 되지 않음을 보인다. 끝으로, 이 논문은 로버츠의 언약신학을 영국과 대륙의 개혁주의 신학 사이에 존재했던 연속성과 접촉의 중요한 증거로 제시한다.

      • The Form, Aspect, and Definition of Anglo-Saxon Identity A study of Medieval British words, deeds, and things

        Roberts, Christopher M Arizona State University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        In this dissertation I argue that medieval peoples used a different style of identity from those applied to them by later scholarship and question the relevance of applying modern terms for identity groups (e.g., ethnicity or nationality) to the description of medieval social units. I propose we think of identity as a social construct comprised of three articulating facets, which I call: form, aspect, and definition. The form of identity is its manifestation in behavior and symbolic markers; its aspect is the perception of these forms by people; and its definition is the combination of these perceptions into a social category. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, I examine each facet individually before synthesizing the results. I study the form of identity through an analysis of styles in material culture using a consensus analysis to determine how well objects decorated with the same motif do communicating a shared idea to members of a social group. I explore the aspect of identity through a whole-corpus linguistics approach to Old English, in which I study the co-occurrence of words for "a people" and other semantic fields to refine our understanding of Old English perceptions of social identity. Finally, I investigate the definition of identity by comparing narrations of identity in Old English verse and prose in order to see how authors were able to use vocabulary and imagery to describe the identity of their subjects. In my conclusion I demonstrate that the people of Medieval England had a concept of identity based on the metaphor of a village meeting or a feast, in which smaller, innate groups were thought to aggregate into new heterogeneous wholes. The nature and scale of these groups changed over the course of the Anglo-Saxon period but some of the names used to refer to these units remained constant. Thus, I suggest scholars need to apply a culturally relevant concept of identity when describing the people who lived in Medieval Britain, one that might not match contemporary models, and be cognizant of the fact that medieval groups were not the same as their modern descendants.

      • Human collective behavior

        Roberts, Michael E Indiana University 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This work examines the extent to which human group behavior is explained by simple individual rules, which combine and interact to create emergent group behavior. Human collective behavior is examined through a set of three controlled, experimental tasks that explore behavior in competitive, indirectly cooperative, and directly cooperative group situations. The competitive task tests group distribution to resources in a spatial environment under a variety of perceptual, spatial, and food rate conditions, and a novel explanation for resource undermatching is proposed to account for the observed matching behavior, switching behavior, and wealth disparities. The competitive foraging task also shows a contingent use of public and private information according to the perceptual information available in each experimental condition. The indirect cooperation task examines the factors that affect spatial trail formation as humans navigate to their destinations. Individuals are shown to place special emphasis on canonical axes, and more importantly, individuals show a reluctance to deviate from a direct route when first traveling to a destination, and the same bias may affect individual and group behavior in more abstract goal-oriented tasks. The direct cooperation task examines the ability of group members to coordinate their contributions when only a group outcome is important, much like the challenges faced by teams and committees. Individuals appear to follow a simple, adaptive set of rules, and the greater task difficulty for large groups promotes differentiation and role specialization among its members. Agent-based models are described and analyzed for each of these tasks, providing more detailed explanations of the rules used by individual group members. The three experimental paradigms are also compared and contrasted with respect to observed group inefficiencies, use of public and private information, types of environmental information, and whether individuals exhibited specialization.

      • Empirical essays on auctions

        Roberts, James W Northwestern University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This dissertation is focused on improving society's understanding of auctions. Each of the three chapters aims to achieve this goal through methodological, policy and experimental analysis of this commonly used mechanism, respectively. Chapter one addresses the need to account for unobserved heterogeneity in auctions to improve our estimates of the distribution of bidder values. The method uses reserve prices to allow the distribution of bidders' private information to depend on the realization of the unobserved heterogeneity. The identifying assumption is that reserve prices are monotonic in the realization of unobserved heterogeneity and sellers are not required to set reserve prices optimally. The model can be estimated using only transaction prices. The paper proposes an estimation method and derives the asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimator. Working with data on used car auctions, the paper shows that controlling for unobserved heterogeneity affects estimates of the distribution of bidder values and impacts predicted outcomes dramatically. Chapter two analyzes whether a market-wide warranty policy issued by the market maker can substitute for individual retailers' reputations. The context is a buyer protection program instituted by an online auction marketplace, covering big-ticket investment items such as tractors and metalworking equipment. The creation of the new warranty policy allows us to analyze the ability of such a policy to substitute for sellers' reputations and promote a more competitive market for lesser-known or less reputable sellers. The findings suggest that such a policy does have an impact and lowers the premium earned by better-known sellers. Also, the policy had a "flattening effect" on the importance of reputation that before varied at different price levels. The policy decreased the failure rates of small sellers and increased the number of bids they receive. There is evidence that sellers of items which will not be fully covered, due to the fact that their item will sell for more than the maximum amount dictated by policy guidelines, alter their behavior by lowering the starting bid for their items by as much as 50%. To further support these results, I perform falsification exercises, which demonstrate that markets for items nominally covered by the policy, but technically ineligible due to the policy's specifications on minimum price, remain unaffected by the policy. Chapter three was co-authored with Seda Ertac and Ali Hortacsu. It investigates entry decisions into first and second price auctions using an experimental design to extract information on willingness-to-pay to enter (WTE). We find that subjects tend to overpay to enter both auction formats. In particular, if the subjects believe they will be bidding against bidders following the risk-neutral Nash strategy, their WTE is greater than the optimal risk-neutral amount 97% of the time for first-price auctions (FPA) and 90% for second-price auctions (SPA). If they believe that they are bidding against subjects who bid as do the other subjects, they submit a WTE that is too high 92% of the time for FPA and 69% of the time for SPA. We also find, in line with previous studies, significant overbidding in both the FPA and SPA. We then investigate whether introducing risk aversion (RA) or "joy of winning" (JOY) can explain the joint observation of over-entry and overbidding. In particular, using bid data alone, we structurally estimate three models, one allowing RA only, one allowing for JOY only and one allowing for both RA and JOY. While a model with JOY alone overestimates WTE, we find that RA alone can explain 38% of WTE but a model with both RA and JOY (where RA is estimated using FPA bids, and JOY is estimated using SPA bids) can explain 65% of WTE. Moreover, JOY appears to explain nearly all of the of the male WTE but only 44% of the female WTE.

      • "Steady Hammer": Origins of American Counterterrorism in the Dime Novel World of William J. Flynn

        Roberts, Brent Sidney Montana State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2847

        This dissertation traces the life and times of William J. Flynn (1867-1928) as a means of understanding popular attitudes toward anarchism and terrorism, as well as expectations for protection from these forces, at the dawn of the twentieth century. Flynn was constantly at the nexus of law enforcement, serving as jailkeeper in the New York County correctional system; as agent, regional director, and national director of the U.S. Secret Service; and as director of the Bureau of Investigation. He also led a creative literary life, penning memoirs of his cases as novels and newspaper serials, and writing stories and editing a detective fiction magazine after his retirement from government service. Drawing on theories of popular culture of Russel Nye, as well as concepts of power and discourse of Michel Foucault, this study examined Flynn's literary works, historical documents from the Secret Service, Bureau of Investigation, and U.S. Railroad Administration, and popular dime novels to capture public perception of anarchists and expectations for protection from the terrorist threat. Anarchists were portrayed generally as unclean and often of foreign origin, while counter-anarchists appeared as capable, sharp-witted, affluent men and women. Temporality forms an important aspect of the study, demonstrating that Flynn's counterterrorist approach, as well as expectations for protection from terrorist violence, were rooted in elements of time. In a period when most detective work was financed by private individuals, Flynn built an identity for himself as a competent public official, and more importantly through his work and writings established the federal government as the primary entity capable of meeting the demands of protecting American citizens in the early twentieth century. Following retirement, Flynn continued his literary endeavors, always blurring the line between fact and fiction, generally cloaking his own adventures, all worthy of dime novels themselves, with a veneer of fiction.

      • Demonstrating the art of factor analysis: Bridging the gap between the world of the factor analyst and the world of the developmental researcher

        Riley, Jennifer Roberts University of Minnesota 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2845

        Several reviews of the use of factor analysis within psychology (Fabrigar, Wegener, MacCullum, & Strahan, 1999; Ford, MacCullum, & Tait, 1986; Russell, 2002) suggest many researchers make errors indicating they are not fully aware of the issues involved in applying, interpreting, and presenting factor analytic techniques. These errors further suggest a discrepancy between the knowledge of statisticians developing factor analytic techniques and the practical translation of that knowledge to developmental researchers. To bridge this information gap, the current paper outlines the key decisions involved in conducting a factor analysis: choosing the analytic method, determining the number of factors, selecting an estimation method, rotating the factors, interpreting the factor loadings, and presenting the findings. In addition, an example using the Revised Class Play (RCP; Masten, Morison, & Pellegrini, 1985) illustrates these decisions and the role of statistical and theoretical guidelines in the factor analytic process. Within this example, RCP data were analyzed with factor analysis to examine the underlying structure of social competence in third through sixth grade males and females. In keeping with that research question, the number of factors was selected based upon fit indices, previous findings, and the interpretability and meaningfulness of the solution. In addition, analyses used maximum likelihood estimation and oblique rotation. The example provides clarity to interpreting possible contradictory findings in the area of RCP research and illustrates an appropriate application of factor analysis. It also aims at providing a more common language between factor analysts and developmental researchers.

      • The "Khan Variations" for solo marimba by Alejandro Vinao: Musical analysis and performance practice

        Roberts, John Francis University of North Texas 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The Khan Variations is the first work for solo marimba by Argentinean composer Alejandro Vinao (b.1951). Since publication in 2001, Khan Variations has been performed at many international percussion festivals and is often a repertoire choice for performers in the final round of numerous marimba competitions. This thesis and accompanying lecture recital provide a supplemental guide to Alejandro Vinao's Khan Variations, focusing on analytical and structural theory, as well as performance practice, thus filling the void of information on this piece in the percussion community. Khan Variations was jointly commissioned by twelve of the world's prominent marimba performers and educators, including: Michael Burritt, Jack Van Geem, William Moersch, Robert Van Sice, and Nancy Zeltsman. The project organizer of the Khan Variations commission was Nancy Zeltsman, Chair of the Percussion Department at the Boston Conservatory and a leader in the field of commissioning new marimba works. Utilizing William Moersch's organization New Music Marimba as the financial conduit, Zeltsman and her group issued this commission in 1999. Alejandro Vinao studied composition with the Russian composer Jacobo Ficher in Buenos Aires, and Vinao later went on to complete his doctorate in composition from City University in London. His works span the genres of opera, choir, orchestra, electroacoustic chamber music, and more than twenty film scores. Vinao's composing style is influenced by Mexican-American composer Conlon Nancarrow and Islamic religious music known as Qawwali. Alejandro Vinao's works typically contain complex rhythmic structures and use rhythm as the main element for musical form and development. The impetus for this thesis is to provide a musical analysis and performance guide for The Khan Variations by Alejandro Vinao. This thesis also illuminates the significance of the joint commission led by Nancy Zeltsman, and highlights the influences and inspirations of Alejandro Vinao as a rising composer of international renown.

      • Neither Fish Nor Fowl: Imagining Bisexuality in the Cinema

        Roberts, Beth Carol New York University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation investigates how bisexuality is represented in the cinema. Its key components include a genealogy of critical and theoretical discourses in the field and a discourse analysis of selected film texts and their critical reception. Based on this research, I argue that the coding of bisexuality depends not only on the ordering of same- and other-sex attractions, but also on their frequency and duration. That is, the medium is as important as the form to the legibility of bisexuality in the movies. For just as narratives activate (or negate) spatio-temporal configurations of bisexuality, expressing it as the coincidence or coexistence of hetero- and homosexual activities, so too does the time/space continuum of the cinema arbitrate the ways viewers read those events. What is at work here is not simply a coding, which transfers a set of meanings from text to text regardless of its formal architecture, but rather three kinds of codes (sexuality, narrative, cinema) that cascade in ways that have both ideological and epistemological implications. In its deconstruction of this coding, the dissertation finds methodologies centered on the issues of representation and visibility inadequate, as they tend not to explore the contingencies of discursive formations and systems of knowledge. The semiotic approach I propose allows us to intervene in critical and theoretical discourses that, often to the detriment of bisexuality, leave unexamined the relation between texts and contexts, artifacts and documents. Finally, the codes at work in its imaging still limit and delimit how we see and know bisexuality in the movies, but these constraints are instructive for those of us in bisexual studies. Perhaps we should focus less on the possibilities of an inscrutable future than on the challenges of a complicated past. For it is in the way we cherish our sexual histories, composed as they are of events and experiences that may no longer bear any obvious relation to our present selves, that makes bisexual people neither straight nor gay.

      • Perceptions of research administrators on the value of certification

        Roberts, Thomas J University of Central Florida 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived value of certification to research administration professionals and demographic characteristics. This study sought to determine whether those who have attained the Certificate in Research Administration (CRA) perceive a benefit to their careers and why most research administrators do not attempt certification. The primary research question studied is concerned with the relationship between perceived value of the CRA to research administration professionals and demographic characteristics. The survey instrument, Research Administrator Survey, was electronically distributed to 277 research administrators based in the Southeast region of the National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA). A total of 230 surveys were completed and returned for a usable return rate of 83%. The research revealed that CRAB consistently perceived the value of certification to be greater than non-certified research administrators; however, the majority of both CRAB and non-certified research administrators perception was that becoming certified would, or did, enhance their knowledge as research administrators. Overall, the majority of non-certified research administrators reported that their reason for not attempting certification was that they did not believe there was any benefit to becoming certified, but when all the other reasons for not attempting certification are closely examined, the responses taken as a whole indicate that as many non-certified research administrators may perceive a benefit to becoming certified as those who do not perceive a benefit. In summary, the data indicated that non-certified research administrators do perceive some benefit to certification. It is recommended that the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) attempt to be more closely aligned with the with National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) and the Society of Research Administrators International (SRA) since research administrators report having extremely positive professional development experiences with these organizations. It is further recommended that research be conducted to determine if curriculum at the university level should be developed in research administration management. Finally, it is recommended that NCURA and SRA engage in research to determine how many people are involved in the profession of research administration to help make decisions in regard to continuing adult education.

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