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      • Active timing based techniques for attack attribution through stepping stones

        Peng, Pai North Carolina State University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247615

        The purpose of the research is to study the active timing based techniques used for attack attribution through stepping stone computers, where attackers sequentially connect through multiple intermediate hosts to hide their traces. The difficulties of tracing back such attacks come from not only the normal operations of networks and stepping stones, but also the intentional interference of the attackers. Encryption, repacketization, timing perturbation, and meaningless chaff packets could all significantly affect attribution result. In this dissertation, I have investigated multiple research problems related to the active timing based attack attribution. First, I present a correlation scheme that can successfully identify stepping stone connections even if both chaff packets and timing perturbations are introduced by attackers simultaneously. In this scheme, we enhance the existing active watermark schemes and focus on identifying the possible corresponding packets in the flows to be correlated. We develop a series of algorithms to effectively and efficiently decode the embedded watermarks when chaff packets are inserted, and use theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation to validate these algorithms. We also investigate how our correlation scheme can be used to deal with the countermeasure when stepping stone connections are split and then merged, and propose an approach to mitigate the problem of packet loss and retransmission. Next, I present the research on the secrecy issues of the quantization based watermark scheme. We propose an attacking approach based on analyzing the one-way packet transit delays between adjacent stepping stones. Our attack contains several techniques that can infer important watermark parameters and remove/duplicate the embedded watermarks. These techniques enable an attacker to defeat the watermarking system in certain cases by removing watermarks from the stepping stone connections, or replicating watermarks to non-stepping stone connections. We have also developed techniques to detect in realtime whether a stepping stone connection is being watermarked for trace-back purpose. Experiments using real-world data are performed and the results demonstrate that for the quantization based watermark scheme, (1) embedded watermarks can be successfully recovered and duplicated when the watermark parameters are not chosen carefully, and (2) the watermark existence in a network flow can be quickly detected. Third, I present the research result on the secrecy of the probabilistic watermark scheme. Following the ideas of analyzing the quantization based watermark scheme, we propose attacks that can detect the watermark existence, recovery important watermark parameters, and remove/duplicate watermark to effectively defeat the watermark scheme. We also investigate the problem of realtime watermark recovery and removal, and propose an online attacking algorithm. Experiments are then conducted to validate our analysis. Finally, I investigate the secrecy issues of the interval based watermark scheme and propose several security enhancements to deter possible timing analysis attacks. I demonstrate that the interval based scheme is not robust against several attacks we construct, which can quickly detect watermark existence, recover watermark parameters and defeat the watermark scheme. Through experiment, we validate that the improved scheme with security enhancements will significantly increase the resistance to all of these severe attacks.

      • 한·중·일 서비스무역 국제경쟁력에 관한 비교 연구

        PENG XIAOWEI 한국해양대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247375

        1970년대 이후 국제 서비스무역이 급격히 증가하고 있다. 경제 글로벌화의 심화와 산업구조의 조정에 따라 서비스무역은 각국의 경제무역 활동에서 점점 더 중요해지고 있다. 최근 몇 년간 서비스무역의 증가속도는 전 세계 GDP의 증가속도를 초과하여 전 세계 경제성장의 중요한 추진력이 되고 있다. 한⦁중⦁일 3국은 지리적 이점으로 무역이 활발히 이루어져 세계경제에 큰 영향을 끼친다. 본 논문은 비교우위이론, 경쟁우위이론, 국가경쟁력이론을 바탕으로 해당지수를 가지고 국제경쟁력을 측정하여 한⦁중⦁일 3국 서비스무역의 국제경쟁력을 비교 분석한다. 먼저, 논문의 배경, 목적과 선행연구를 소개한다. 또한 서비스무역의 개념, 분류와 관련이론 및 한⦁중⦁일 3국의 서비스무역의 발전현황을 설명한다. 둘째, 최근 10년간 3국 서비스무역의 수출입 데이터를 기초로 국제경쟁력 측정지수를 결합하여 3국 서비스무역 전체부문의 경쟁력, 산업 내 경쟁력과 산업 간 경쟁력을 계산하고 3국의 서비스무역의 국제경쟁력을 체계적으로 비교하여 결론을 내린다. 서비스무역의 전체부문 경쟁력의 경우, 한국은 서비스무역의 개방도가 가장 높고, 중국은 서비스무역의 시장점유율이 가장 높으며, 일본은 서비스무역의 경쟁력이 가장 강하다. 한국과 일본은 서비스무역 분야에서 비교우위를 가지고 있다. 산업 내 경쟁력에 대해 말하자면 전통 서비스무역은 3국 서비스무역 분야에서 여전히 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 한국과 중국은 아직 신흥 서비스무역 분야에서 경쟁력이 약하고 발전이 더디다. 반면 일본 서비스무역은 신흥 서비스부문의 발전이 비교적 완전하고 국제경쟁력을 가지고 있다. 그러나 일본보다 한국과 중국의 서비스무역의 발전 공간과 잠재력이 더 크다. 산업간 경쟁력에 대해 한국은 운송서비스부문과 건설서비스부문, 중국은 가공서비스부문과 통신컴퓨터정보부문, 일본은 여행서비스부문과 지적재산권사용료에서 경쟁력이 있다. 셋째, 다이아몬드 모형에서 언급되고 있는 4가지 내부요인과 2가지 외부요인을 이용하여 한⦁중⦁일 서비스무역의 경쟁력에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하여 설명하였다. 마지막으로, 결과를 분석하여 논문의 결론을 얻어낸다. 한국과 일본의 서비스무역의 발전경험을 비교하여, "RCEP"의 체결, "일대일로"의 제안, 한중 FTA에 근거하고 중국 서비스무역의 발전을 위해 중국 서비스무역의 국제경쟁력을 높이는 구체적인 조치와 대책을 제시한다. 키워드: 세계화; 서비스무역; 국제경쟁력지수; 다이아몬드모형

      • A research on synthesis and luminescent properties of rare-earth ions activated nanomaterials for versatile applications

        DU PENG The Graduate School of Kyung Hee Univeristy 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247374

        With the rapid development of science and technique, the interest in developing novel materials, particularly, the trivalent rare-earth ions activated nanoparticles, for multifunctional applications is increasing. Nowadays, the applications of the trivalent rare-earth activated nanoparticles for non-contact optical thermometry by means of the fluorescence intensity ratio (FIR) based on the thermally coupled levels of rare-earth ions have received considerable attention because of their noble and impressive characteristics of real-time monitoring, fast response, high special resolution, and so on. Apart from the optical thermometer, the phosphor converted white light-emitting diodes (WLEDs) were also intensively studied as the next generation lighting source on account of their favorite merits including energy saving, ecofriendly and long working lifetime. To fulfill these applications, the rare-earth ions activated nanoparticles should have the characteristics of high thermal stability, high luminescence efficiency and can be pumped by near-ultraviolet (NUV) or near-infrared light. In comparison with other host matrixes, the rare-earth ions activated molybdate and tungstate, which possessed strong absorption in ultraviolet region and can shift the energy to activators, have been extensively researched for optical temperature sensors and solid-state lighting. However, the previous achievements are still far away from the requirement of the industry manufacture. Hence, there is still a huge challenge to search for novel rare-earth ions activated nanoparticles with splendid stability and high efficiency for non-invasion optical thermometry and indoor lighting. On the other hand, the scientists also paid much attention to develop the rare-earth ion activated nanoparticles with homogenous shape and nontoxicity so as to extend their applications in the fields of bioimaing, plant growth and latent fingerprint detection. Up to date, since the fluorides have low phonon energy, they were considered as excellent luminescent matrixes for rare-earth ions. Currently, some routes, such as sol-gel method, hydrothermal method, solvothermal method and co-precipitation method, were proposed to prepare the rare-earth ions activated fluorides. Unfortunately, these techniques suffer from some deadly drawbacks including high calcination temperature, long reaction time, insufficient product and complex experimental process. Thus, an ultra-rapid facile preparation technology, which can be carried out at low temperature, is expected to be developed to synthetic the uniform rare-earth ions activated fluoride nanoparticles. In this dissertation, the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated Na0.5Gd0.5MoO4 and Eu3+-activated La2MoO6-La2WO6 nanoparticles were sintered by utilizing the critic acid assistant sol-gel route. The field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the X-ray diffraction were employed to characterize the microstructure and phase compositions of the prepared nanoparticles. Under 980 nm light irradiation, the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated Na0.5Gd0.5MoO4 nanoparticles emitted glaring upconverison (UC) emissions originating from the 4f-4f transitions of Er3+ ions and the UC emission intensities were dependent on the dopant content. With the help of the temperature dependent green UC emission spectra as well as the FIR route, the temperature sensing behaviors of the resultant nanoparticles were studied. Likewise, the Eu3+-activated La2MoO6-La2WO6 nanoparticles had broad absorption in the NUV region and were found to be efficiently excited by 379 nm light. Under NUV (379 nm) light excitation, the visible red lights were seen in the Eu3+-activated La2MoO6-La2WO6 nanoparticles and the photoluminescence (PL) emission intensities were also dependent on the doping concentration. Furthermore, through mixing the Eu3+-activated La2MoO6-La2WO6 nanoparticles with commercial blue-emitting and green-emitting phosphors, a novel WLEDs device, which can emit bright white light with proper color rending index (CRI) and correlated color temperature (CCT) values, was fabricated. These achieved results suggested that the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated Na0.5Gd0.5MoO4 and Eu3+-activated La2MoO6-La2WO6 nanoparticles had promising applications for optical thermometer and solid-state lighting, respectively. By the hydrothermal method, series of Ho3+-activated NaYbF4 and Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaYF4 nanoparticles were sintered. The TEM images revealed that all the compounds were composed of homogenous nanoparticles with regular shape. Under 980 nm excitation, these obtained nanoparticles exhibited intense UC emission properties. The Ho3+-activated NaYbF4 nanoparticles did not only possess low toxicity but also exhibited potential application in bioimaging. The feasibility of the Ho3+-activated NaYbF4 nanoparticles for the latent fingerprint detection application was confirmed. By means of the FIR route, the optical thermometric behaviors of the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaYF4 nanoparticles were investigated. In addition, the sensor sensitivities of the designed nanoparticles were determined to be dependent on the calcination temperature. These achievements demonstrated that the rare-earth ions activated fluoride nanoparticles, which were prepared by hydrothermal method, can be applied in the fields of bioimaging, latent fingerprint detection and optical thermometry. In the other side, a new ultrafast reaction, which can be operated at room temperature, was proposed to rare-earth ions activated fluoride nanoparticles. After one minute reaction at ambient temperature, the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaBiF4 and Eu3+-activated NaBiF4 nanoparticles were prepared. Through tuning the content of NH4F, the phase structure and morphology of the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaBiF4 nanoparticles were modified. When the 14 mmol of NH4F was added, the Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaBiF4 compounds did not only exhibit pure phase structure but also consisted of uniformly spherical nanoparticles. Through analyzing the temperature dependent UC emission spectra, the optical thermometric behaviors of the synthesized nanoparticles were studied. Furthermore, the prepared Er3+/Yb3+-coactivated NaBiF4 nanoparticles were also revealed to have the ability to convert the incident energy into heat. Likewise, under NUV (394 nm) light excitation, the Eu3+-activated NaBiF4 nanoparticles exhibited dazzling red light with high color purity. The Eu3+ ion concentration shows significant effect on the PL emission performance of the resultant nanoparticles. With the aid of the Judd-Oflet theory, the estimated optical intensity parameters confirmed that the dopants occupied the low symmetry sites in the host lattices. Through integrating the NUV chip, Eu3+-activated NaBiF4 nanoparticles, commercial blue-emitting and green-emitting compounds, a new WLEDs device that can emit white light with suitable CCT and CRI values was developed. Additionally, the Eu3+-activated NaBiF4 nanoparticles can also be used as fluorescence probe to track the transportation process of the studied nanoparticles in plant cells. These results suggested that rare-earth ions activated fluoride nanoparticles, which were synthesized by the one minute reaction process at room temperature, were promising candidates for optical thermometer, optical heater, WLEDs and fluorescence probe in plant cells.

      • The healing effect of platelet-rich plasma on xenograft in peri-implant bone defects in rabbits

        Wang Peng Department of Dentistry, Graduate School of Inha U 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247374

        목적 : PRP (platelet-rich plasma) 와 같은 치유인자와 결합된 생체 재료는 잠재적인 가치를 가진다. Bovine-derived xenograft는 osseointegration 능력이 있는 생체친화적인 골전도성 골이식재로 인식되어 왔다. 많은 구강악안면 수술에서 PRP는 치유를 촉진시키는 가치있는 부가 재료로 부각되었다. 하지만 PRP의 재생능력과 골이식에서 사용했을 때의 실질적인 이득에 대하여는 논란이 되어왔다. 본 논문의 목적은 임플란트 주위 골결손의 치유에 PRP와 xenograft를 함께 사용했을 때의 영향을 평가하기 위한 것이다. 재료 및 방법 : 12마리의 토끼에 임플란트 식립하고 동시에 골이식을 시행하였다. 술 전에 실험할 각 토끼의 혈액을 채취하여 PRP를 준비하였다. 각 토끼의 좌측 및 우측 경골(tibia)에 원통형 골결손부(지름 7 mm, 깊이 3 mm)를 만들고, 총 24개의 티타늄 임플란트(지름 3 mm, 길이 8.5 mm)를 식립하였다. 따라서 임플란트 상부의 표면과 주변골 사이에 평균4 mm의 간극이 형성되었다. 대조군은 xenograft만 사용하여 간극에 골이식하였고, 실험군은 xenograft 와 PRP를 함께 사용하였다. 1주, 2주, 3주, 4주, 5주 및 6주의 치유기간에 과량의 KCl을 이용하여 토끼를 희생켰다. 한번에 2마리의 토끼를 희생시켜 임플란트와 주변골 시료를 얻었고, 조직학적인 분석을 시행하였다. 결과 : 대조군에서 최근에 형성된 골과 더 나은 골치유가 관찰되었다. 조직형태측정 분석 결과, 대조군의 평균 골-임플란트 접촉비율이 실험군보다 통계적으로 유의한 차이로 높게 나타났다. (25.23% vs. 8.16%; P < 0.05, independent-simple t-test, ANOVA). 결론 : 임플란트 주위 골결손의 치료에 있어서 bovine-derived xenograft에 PRP를 첨가하는 것은 임플란트 주위골의 치유를 지연시킬 수 있다. Objectives: The association of biomaterial combined with repair factor like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has prospective values. Bovine-derived xenograft has been identified as an osteoconductive and biocompatible grafting material that provides osseointegration ability. PRP has become a valuable adjunctive agent to promote healing in a lot of dental and oral surgery procedures. However, there are controversies with respect to the regenerative capacity of PRP and the real benefits of its use in bone grafts. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of PRP combined with xenograft for the repair of peri-implant bone defects. Materials and Methods: Twelve rabbits were used in this study, and the experimental surgery and implant installation were performed simultaneously. Autologous PRP was prepared before the surgical procedure. An intrabony defect (7.0 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm deep) was created in the tibia of each rabbit; then 24 titanium dental implants (3.0 mm in diameter and 8.5 mm long) were inserted into these osteotomy sites. Thus, a standardized gap (4.0 mm) was established between the surrounding bony walls and the implant surface. The gaps were treated with either xenograft alone (control group) or xenograft combined with PRP (experimental group). After healing for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, the rabbits were sacrificed with an overdose of KCl solution. Two rabbits were killed at each time, and the samples including dental implants and surrounding bone were collected and processed for histological analysis. Results: More newly formed bone and a better bone healing process were observed in control group. The histomorphometric analysis revealed that the mean percentage of bone-to-implant contact in the control group was significantly higher than the experimental group (25.23% vs. 8.16%; P < 0.05, independent-simple t-test, ANOVA). Conclusion: The results indicate that the addition of PRP to bovine-derived xenograft in the repair of bone defects around the implant, PRP may delay peri-implant bone healing.

      • 편측 및 양측 저항과 플라이오메트릭 복합훈련이 근력, 민첩성, 이동속도와 인체 비대칭에 미치는 영향

        PENG JINGNA 세종대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        This study aims to clarify the effects of 8-week unilateral and bilateral resistance and plyometrics training on muscle strength, agility, movement speed and limb asymmetry in college table tennis players. 22 male table tennis players from X University in Hunan Province were pre-tested, and then randomly assigned to unilateral complex training group (UCG, n=9), bilateral complex training group (BCG, n=8) and control group (CON, n=5), and the unilateral complex training group was unilateral complex resistance and plyometrics training were performed, the bilateral complex group performed bilateral complex resistance and plyometrics training, the control group did not perform unilateral or bilateral complex training for training 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Afterwards, based on post-measurement records, the data were analyzed using two-way repeated measures ANOVA, paired t-test and post-validated by least significant difference (LSD). The analysis results showed no significant difference in muscle strength between the UCG and the BCG. The muscle strength of each group was significantly increased at different measurement times. No obvious change was found in Squat (1RM) of the CON, which was only significantly different from that of the BCG (p<.05). Second, there was no significant difference in agility between the UCG and the BCG. In terms of improving agility at different measurement times, both groups exhibited a significant improvement in execution capability in post-test compared with that in pre-test. Third, except for 30 m sprint, significant differences were observed in movement speed in 3 m lateral slide and Nebraska test between the UCG and the BCG (p<.05). The movement speed significantly increased in each group at different measurement times, and the UCG had a more positive impact on the players’ movement speed than the BCG. Finally, as for limb asymmetry, except for the differences in the asymmetry rates of forearms and calves and YBT of lower limbs, the differences were significant in the asymmetry rates of upper arms, thighs, left and right hand grip strength, and left and right leg CMJ, as well as the YBT of upper limbs between the UCG and the BCG. The limb asymmetry of each group was improved at different measurement times, and the UCG had a better positive impact on the limb asymmetry of players.Overall, the research results demonstrate that unilateral and bilateral resistance and plyometrics training have positive effects on the improvement in muscle strength, agility, movement speed and limb asymmetry in college table tennis players, while unilateral complex training presents a more positive effect on the improvement in movement speed and limb asymmetry. Therefore, when designing a physical fitness training plan for table tennis players, coaches should combine the unilateral specificity of programs, and add unilateral resistance and plyometrics training in physical fitness training to assist bilateral training, so as to further enhance players’ physical abilities, improve limb asymmetry, and promote their athletic performance. Keywords : Unilateral Resistance and Plyometrics Training, table tennis players, Muscle Strength, Agility, Movement Speed, Limb Asymmetry 본 연구의 목적은 8주간의 편측 및 양측 저항과 플라이오메트릭 복합훈련이 대학 탁구선수의 근력, 민첩성, 이동속도와 인체 비대칭에 미치는 영향에 대해 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 후난성의 X 대학교에 재학 중인 대학 남자 탁구선수 22명을 사전측정 후 UCG(n=9), BCG(n=8)와 CON(n=5)로 배정하여 8주간 주 3회 훈련을 진행하였다. 이후 사후측정을 실시하여 도출된 기록을 통해 이원 반복측정 분산분석(two-way repeated measure ANOVA), 대응 t-검증(paired t-test)과 사후 검증(least significance difference: LS D)으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 근력에서 편측 복합훈련 그룹과 양측 복합훈련 그룹 간 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았으며, 측정 시간에 따라 각 그룹의 근력이 유의하게 향상을 보인 반면, Squat(1RM)는 통제 그룹에서는 유의한 변화가 없었으나 양측 복합훈련 그룹만 및 통제 그룹 사이에 유의한 차이가 있었다(p<.05). 둘째, 민첩성에서 편측 복합훈련 그룹과 양측 복합훈련 그룹 간 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았으며, 각 그룹의 측정 시기에 따른 민첩성 향상에서 두 그룹 모두 사전대비 사후에 유의한 수행력 향상을 보였다. 셋째, 이동속도에서 30m sprint를 제외하고 3m lateral slide와 Nebraska 편측 복합훈련 그룹과 양측 복합훈련 그룹이 유의한 차이를 보였고(p<.05), 측정 시간에 따라 각 그룹의 이동속도가 유의하게 향상하였으며, 편측 복합훈련 그룹이 양측 복합훈련 그룹보다 선수의 이동속도에 더 긍정적인 영향을 보였다. 넷째, 인체 비대칭에서 전완과 하퇴 둘레 비대칭율, 하지 Y-Balance Test의 차값을 제외하고, 편측 복합훈련 그룹과 양측 복합훈련 그룹의 상완, 대퇴 둘레 비대칭율, 악력, Counter Movement Jump의 비대칭율, 상지 Y-Balance Test의 차값은 모두 유의한 차이가 있었으며, 측정 시간에 따른 각 그룹의 인체 비대칭은 개선되었으며, 편측 복합훈련 그룹이 양측 복합훈련 그룹보다 선수의 인체 비대칭에 더 좋은 긍정적인 효과를 나타냈다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면, 편측 및 양측 저항과 플라이오메트릭 훈련은 대학 탁구선수의 근력, 민첩성, 이동속도 및 인체 비대칭 향상과 개선에 긍정적인 영향을 보인 반면, 편측 복합훈련은 이동속도 및 인체 비대칭 향상과 개선에 더 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 탁구선수의 체력 훈련을 계획할 때, 종목의 편측 특이성과 결합하여 체력 훈련에 편측 저항과 플라이오메트릭 훈련을 추가하여 양측 훈련을 보조하고 선수의 신체 능력을 더욱 향상시키며 인체의 비대칭성을 개선하여 선수의 경기력 향상을 도모해야 할 것으로 사료된다. 주요어: 편측 저항과 플라이오메트릭 복합훈련, 탁구선수, 근력, 민첩성, 이동속도, 인체 비대칭

      • 지역 금융 통합과 금융 발전 : 베이징-톈진-허베이 지역과 장강삼각주 지역의 비교연구

        PENG SHIQI 경희대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        베이징-톈진-허베이 지역의 경제 발전은 미래를 위한 새로운 수도 경제권을 만들 고 지역 발전 메커니즘의 혁신을 촉진하기 위해 중요하여서, 베이징-톈진-허베이의 협력과 발전이 중국의 국가 전략의 일부가 될 정도이다. 그러나 오랫동안 베이징-톈 진-허베이 지역 금융 통합의 발전이 느려 지역 간 금융 자원의 흐름과 통일된 금융 시장 형성에 도움이 되지 않았고 베이징-톈진-허베이 지역의 발전에 시너지 효과를 만들지 못했다. 반면 장강삼각주 지역의 금융 통합 수준은 중국의 다른 경제권과 비교할 때 선도 적인 위치에 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 베이징-텐진-허베이와 장강 삼각주 간의 지역 금융 통합 비교를 출발점으로 삼아 먼저 연구의 배경과 관련 이론적 토대를 소개한 다음 베이징-텐진-허베이와 장강 삼각주 간의 지역 금융 통합 수준에 대한 정성 분 석을 수행하고, 주로 저축율과 투자율을 비교하고, 두 지역 모두 베이징-톈진-허베이 지역의 금융 통합 수준이 낮다는 결론을 내린다. 또한 정부와 규제 기관의 지역 금 융 통합 수준 촉진과 각 지역 내 금융 기관의 협력을 비교하고, 베이징-톈진-허베이 지역의 금융 통합 수준이 낮은 이유로는 지역 내 금융발전 수준의 차이, 행정 장벽, 이익 조정 메커니즘의 부재, 현행 금융 산업 관리 메커니즘의 불합리성 등을 제시한 다. 마지막으로 합리적인 분업과 포지셔닝을 통해 비교 우위를 충분히 활용하고, 지 역 전체를 포괄하는 금융 협력 계획을 수립하고, 효과적인 이익 조정 및 공유 메커 니즘을 구축하고, 지역 금융 조정 및 규제의 소통 및 홍보를 위한 플랫폼을 구축하 고, 시장 주도 방식을 고수해야 한다고 제안한다. 베이징-톈진-허베이 협력 발전의 배경하에서 본 연구 결과는 베이징-톈진-허베이 지역 금융 통합 추진에 이론적 근거를 제공하고, 베이징-톈진-허베이 금융 관리 부 서 간의 정보 소통을 위한 플랫폼을 구축하고, 규제 업무를 조정하는 데 도움이 되 는 좋은 금융 환경을 구축하고, 베이징-톈진-허베이 금융 통합 수준을 향상시켜 금 융 서비스가 경제 통합에 더 잘 봉사하고 베이징-텐진-허베이 지역의 협력 발전을 종합적으로 촉진할 수 있는 중요한 실질적인 의미가 있다. The development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is pivotal in forming an innovative and forward-thinking economic zone in the capital area, a key component of China's national policy. This area's growth has been significant for the country's strategy. Nonetheless, financial integration in this region has progressed slowly, impacting the distribution of financial resources and the establishment of a unified financial market. This has adversely affected the region's collective development. In contrast, the Yangtze River Delta stands out in China for its high level of financial integration. This thesis compares the financial integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei with the Yangtze River Delta, beginning with an introduction to the study's background and theoretical framework. It performs a qualitative analysis of both regions, focusing on financial metrics like savings and investment rates. My findings indicate a lower level of financial integration in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. The study also explores the influence of government policies, regulatory agency initiatives, and financial institution collaborations on regional financial integration. It identifies several factors hindering Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei's financial integration, including uneven financial development, administrative barriers, the lack of a mechanism for interest rate adjustment, and inefficiencies in the current financial industry management. In addistion, I propose strategies for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, including optimizing comparative advantages through strategic planning, implementing an all-encompassing financial cooperation strategy, establishing mechanisms for profit adjustment and sharing, and creating platforms for better coordination and regulation in regional finance, all while keeping a market-oriented approach. This research offers valuable insights for the ongoing development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei collaboration. It lays a theoretical groundwork for enhancing financial integration in the region, proposes the creation of an information exchange platform among financial management departments, and suggests ways to create a conducive financial environment for better regulatory coordination. These recommendations aim to improve the financial integration level in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, allowing financial services to more effectively contribute to economic unity and the overall collaborative progress of the region.

      • A Smart Sensing System for Road Condition Classification via Lock Embedded IMU on Dock-Less Shared Bikes

        Peng, Daiyan 부산대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        At present, the world has entered the era of high-speed information. Geographic information is an essential part of the information age. However, different from route information, the provision of road surface information in geographic information systems is still rare. This part of the information can be used in route planning, road maintenance and other situations to help to make decisions. However, most of the previous studies on road surface information only investigated road anomalies. The few that can provide more information using expensive methods that make it challenging to collect data widely. Furthermore, some of the studies provided not very accurate results. Therefore, it is necessary to design a multi-pavement information collection system with vast scale data collection potential. To construct such an information collection system, three machine learning methods (decision tree, random forest and linear discriminant analysis) are applied to road information processing to generate a classifier system for classifying different roads. Specific statistical features of the data segmented by sliding windows are generated and will eventually be used for model training and validation. To deal with the problem of high hardware cost, the inertial measurement unit (IMU) is used as the data collecting sensor. Meanwhile, to make large-scale data collection more feasible, shared bikes have used for data collection. The large number of shared bikes make massive data collection possible. To make data collection on shared bikes possible, the feasibility of the algorithm on embedded devices needs to be considered. Therefore, the embedded feasibility of the algorithm is investigated in this paper. The results show that the system described in this paper can support single rides within 60 minutes. To verify the effect of the above system, this paper investigated the common road conditions in urban construction. Twelve road conditions were divided into three different categories (road texture, abnormal events, uphill and downhill) and classified. Two common types of shared bikes, Hellobike and Mobike, were used in the experiment. Ten male subjects and ten female subjects, a total of 20, participated in the collection of the 12 kinds of road information. The experimental results show that the leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) accuracy of decision tree, random forest and linear discriminant classifiers of five different road textures (asphalt, brick path, pebble path, stone path and bumpy path) are 88.74%, 92.65% and 98.81%, respectively. The decision tree, random forest and linear discriminant classifier LOOCV results of five abnormal events and normal riding are 96.28%, 98.72% and 97.92%, respectively. In the uphill and downhill LOOCV, the validation results of the three machine learning algorithms are 88.85%, 90.52% and 90.48%, respectively. To further verify the embedded feasibility of the system, the system was transplanted to the development board for real-time video demonstration shooting. Due to the difference in size and installation mode between the development board used for video shooting and the board used for data collection, the real-time results failed to achieve the same performance as the offline validation, but it can also be used to identify road conditions correctly for the majority of the time. KEY WORDS: Road condition, classifier, machine learning, shared bike

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