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        한문과(漢文科) 교수(敎授),학습(學習) 방법(方法) 연구(硏究)의 성과(成果)와 방향(方向)

        송병렬 ( Pyung Nyul Song ) 한국한문교육학회 2011 한문교육논집 Vol.37 No.-

        한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구가 처음부터 활발했던 것은 아니다. 연구는 두 가지 형태로 발표되었다. 즉 ``교수 방법``과 ``교수·학습 모형``이 그것이다. ``교수 방법``의 성과는 강덕희의 「기초 조어표의 활용을 통한 조어표의 효과적인 지도방안」부터 비롯했다. 이후 김우용의 「특활을 통한 한문과 학습지도가 학습자의 학력신장에 미치는 영향」에서 ``한자카드 놀이법``을, 조규남은 「그림을 활용한 한자지도법 연구」에서 한자를 그림으로 제시는 방법을 제시하였다. 그러나 이들 논문은 지도안의 성격을 띠는 것이었다. 배원룡은 「한문과 교수·학습 지도 방법」에서 ``융판 활용 한자어 지도법``에서 ``비교 학습법``, ``색출 학습법``, ``역할 놀이 카드 활용법`` 등의 다양한 학습법을 제시하였으나, 기존의 교육공학의 매체 제작 및 활용의 수준이었다. 이들 교수 방법은 대체로 모색과 모방의 수준이었다. 이에 한 걸음 더 나아간 것은 백원철의 「한문과 학습의 전통적 낭독법에 대하여-한문과 학습의 효과적 일방안의 모색-」, 이태희의 「근체시의 4단 구성과 그림으로 하는 한시 수업」, 이복규의 「옛날 이야기와 수수께끼를 통한 한자 한문 학습」, 송병렬의 「한문교과교육에서 ``한자의 짜임`` 지도 방법의 일고찰」, 김은경의 「문화유산을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수·학습 방법」, 김재영의 「신문, 방송을 활용한 한자·한자어 교수 학습 방법」 등이다. 이들 논문은 한문과의 독자적인 방법을 제시하였다. 교수 모형에 대한 성과는 원용석이 「한자어 교수·학습 모형」에서 한자어 교수 모형을 제시했다. 백광호는 「한문과에 적용 가능한 웹기반 수업과 문제중심학습」에서 한문과 구성주의 이론에 따른 교수 모형을 소개했다. 김연수는 『한시 교육에서 구성주의 교수·학습 방법 연구』에서, 김재영은 「독자 반응 중심 한시 교수·학습 모형에서 ``인지적 도제 중심의 한시 교수·학습 모형``과 ``텍스트 중심 교수·학습 모형``을 제시하였다. 위의 두 모형은 앞서 제시한 구성주의 이론을 적극 수용한 데서 나온 성과물이다. 송병렬은 「한문과 교수·학습의 협동학습 모형 적용」에서 구성주의에 따른 협동학습을 한문과에 적용하여 ``학습자 중심의 교수·학습 모형``의 사례를 보고하였다. 이경우는 「UCC를 기반으로 하는 한시 학습 방법 연구」에서 ``동영상 활용 수업 모형``을 제시하였다. 이같은 연구 성과는 2000년 이후 매우 활발하게 전개되었다. 그러나 이같은 활발한 연구에도 불구하고 체계화 등 몇 가지 문제점을 안고 있었다. 이에 김재영이 「한문과 교수·학습방법의 체계화방안」에서, 송병렬이 「한문과 교수?학습의 이론과 방법」에서 각기 ``교수 방법``을 분류를 시도하였다. 즉 교수 방법의 체계화를 시도한 것이다. 이러한 분류의 체계화는 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대해 체계적으로 연구할 수 있도록 방향을 제시한 것이다. 또한 최근 한문과 교수·학습 방법 연구는 국제적인 학술대회의 개최 등으로 세계화할 조짐이다. 특히 중국·홍콩·대만 등의 국가들이 한자·한문의 교수 방법에 대한 연구가 활발해지고 있다. 이들과의 교류로 인해서 새로운 연구 주제와 범위가 확산되었다. 역시 교수·학습 방법 연구에도 새로운 방향이 열린 것이다. 그동안 한문과 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구는 100여 편 이상이 될 정도로 많은 편이나, 대체로 중복이 많다. 이는 교수·학습 방법 연구에 대한 미숙함도 있지만, ``교수 방법, 모형`` 등에 대한 차이를 분류하고 체계화하지 못했기 때문이다. 그러나 매우 주목할 만한 연구도 많았으며, 이들이 한문과 교수·학습 방법 연구에 기여하고 있음을 확인했다. Aspect of the study for the teaching-learning of Chinese Character can be integrated to three things in general. They are teaching method, teaching-learning model and classification of teaching method. The achivement of the teaching method had begun from 「An effective guide plan of coinage chart through the use of basic coinage chart」 by Kang Duk Hee. Since Chinese Character teaching through extracurricular activities have on the learner`s academic ability」, and Jo Kyu Nam showed the method that indicates Chinese Character as a picture in 「Study of the teaching method of Chinese Character using pictures」. However, these papers were kinds of guidance plan. After them, Bae Won Ryong presented many learning methods such as ``Chinese Character teaching which uses felt boards``, ``Comparing``, ``Searching`` and ``Application of cards on role-playing``, though, these were the level of imitation and search on the whole. Taking a stronger point of view, there are 「About the traditional elocution in Chinese Character study-Searching for effective way of Chinese Character-」 by Baek Won Chul, 「Four step-construction of modern-style poetry and Chinese poem class using picture」 by Lee Tae hee, 「Chinese character and Chinese classics learning though old stories and puzzles」 by Lee Bok Kyu, 「A Thought about the Method to Teach ``The Principle of Creation of Chinese Characters`` in Chinese character Education」 by Song Pyung Nyul, 「Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters and Words Written in Chinese Characters Utilizing Cultural Heritage」by Kim Eun-kyung and 「A Method of Teaching and Learning Chinese Characters Using Newspaper and Broadcasting」by Kim Jae-young. They showed their own ways in Chinese Characters. The result concerned with teaching models indicated Chinese words teaching models in 「Chinese words teaching-learning models」 by Won yong suk. Baek Kwang-ho introduced a new teaching models that are based on the Chinese Character`s constructivism theory in 「Web-based course and problem-based learning that can be applied to Chinese Character」. Kim Yeon soo showed ``Cognitive apprentice centered Chinese poem Teaching-Learning model`` and `` Text centered Teaching-Learning model`` in 「Constructivism method study of teaching-learning in Chinese poem education」, Kim Jae-young did in 「Readers` Responce centered Chinese Poem Teaching-Learning Model」. Those two models are the results of accepting constructivism which were mentioned before this actively. Song Pyung-nyul reported the example of ``Teaching-learning model focused learners`` to apply cooperative learning following to constructivism in 「Cooperative model Application of Chinese Character teaching-learning」. Lee kyung woo presented ``Model of lesson that uses video`` in 「A study on teaching and learning method of Chinese poem using U.C.C in education」. Systematization of teaching method was tried by Kim Jae-young in 「A study on How to Systemize Teaching-Learning in Classical Chinese」, and Song Pyung-nyul in 「Theory and method of Chinese Character teaching·learning」by attempting to classify each ``teaching method``. Systematization in classification has contributed to the methodical study of Chinese character teaching-learning method. Until now, there were many studies about the method of Chinese character teaching-learning method as many as more than 100, however, they have many overlaps. Because they are not only unfamiliar about the study of Chinese character teaching-learning method but failed to classify the difference of the things like ``Teaching method and model``. Though, many scholars` achivements were very noticable and played a role to expand the subject matter education of Chinese Character. Recently, it looks like being globalized through the things like holding international symposiums. Especially in the countries that include China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc, the study is lively being conducted. Therefore, interaction with them will be connected to the expand of the new subject and range soon.

      • KCI등재

        Agricultural Process and Food Engineering : Analysis and Modelling of Vibration Performance for Multi-layered Corrugated Structure

        ( Jin Nyul Kim ),( Jae Min Sim ),( Min Jung Park ),( Chi Seok Kim ),( Jong Soon Kim ),( Jong Min Park ) 한국농업기계학회 2013 바이오시스템공학 Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze for resonant frequency, vibration transmissibility and damping ratio of multi-layered corrugated structures using a random vibration test. Methods: The random vibration test was performed by the ASTM D4728 specifications using two paperboards (S120, K180) and two types of flutes (A/F, B/F). Damping ratio of the multi-layered corrugated structures was estimated using a theoretical equation derived from the measured resonant frequency and transmissibility. Results: The resonant frequency and vibration transmissibility of the multi-layered corrugated structures of K180 and B-flute were higher than those of S120 and A-flute, respectively; however, the damping ratio of each sample had the opposite tendency. The resonant frequency was inversely proportional to the sample thickness and static stress; vibration transmissibility and damping ratio were not correlated with sample thickness and static stress. In addition, we developed a mathematical model of the resonant frequency with variables of sample thickness and static stress. Conclusions: Results of this study can be useful for environment-friendly and optimal packaging design since vibration has been a key factor in cushioning packaging design.

      • KCI등재

        기획주제(企劃主題) : 동아시아 각국의 한자, 한문 교육 연구의 새로운 과제; The searching the manner and practical plan of Chinese character vocabulary education

        ( Pyung Nyul Song ) 한국한자한문교육학회 2013 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.31 No.-

        This thesis is a paper that suggested the necessity of method and plan for vocabulary education of Chinese character, and it says that teaching and learning methods suitable for certain vocabulary should be developed, escaping from the existing teaching and learning method. Chinese character vocabulary in language life mainly consists of the relation vocabulary( structure word) that has a grammatical systematic formation in usual, and this purpose of the education of Chinese character is improving ``literacy``. For this, the manners like ``a teaching method utilizing word formation``, ``a playing Chinese character card method`` and ``a teaching method of utilizing felt boards`` were suggested as teaching and learning methods, Though, all of them are still in the state using the formation of Chinese character. Chinese character vocabulary has the most word families. Word family is related to not only the utility of vocabulary and word formation but also, the process perceiving vocabulary. Therefore, it needs to find the method and the plan using word families in teaching and learning. Chinese character vocabulary used in the Chinese classics is different from the vocabulary used in daily life. There are monosyllabic words and polysyllabic words. Some polysyllabic coincide with the daily words, but others were made in the quality of Chinese character. The monosyllabic vocabularies have derivative, expansional and extensional meanings accompanying with the basic meaning. 1 here are the methods like ``a map that centered radical``, ``an analysis of the structure``, ``a method of using sources``, ``a method of using dictionary``, `` a learning method of using dictionary``, ``a learning method of using image cut`` and ``a method using Chinese character card`` that are focused on the source of Six manners(c). There are very diverse teaching and learning methods developed rather than the Chinese character vocabulary in language life. Also, there are different vocabularies like words originated from the ancient stories, sound lending words and abbreviated words included in literatures. In these cases, there were still no developments in the methodical aspect of teaching and learning. Their formation processes are unique. Thus, it must be developed the appropriate way for the process. Of the polysyllabic words, ``compressible vocabulary`` is formed through the process of ``story→compression``, and a learner acquires the vocabulary through the principle of ``identification of vocabulary→understanding process of compressing and likening vocabulary→figuring out meaning``. ``argot vocabulary`` is formed through the process of ``cutting a Chinese character phrase in the sentence→ transformation of meaning``, and a learner studies through the principle of ``perceiving vocabulary→ understanding the process of transformation→figuring out meaning``. ``adjective vocabulary`` is formed through the process of ``state of a thirig→identification of the state→being expressed to spoken word→lending the similar sound in Chinese character``, and a learner acquires through the principle of ``identification of vocabulary→figuring out the process of sound-lending for vocabulary-identification of Korean imitative words or mimetic words replaced →figuring out meaning``. In conclusion, teaching and learning methods and plans that are appropriate for the process of forming and perceiving vocabulary are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        자유주제 : 교육과정(敎育課程) 편제(編制) 변화(變化) 및 운영(運營) 실태(實態)와 한문과(漢文科) 교육(敎育)의 위상(位相) 변화(變化)

        宋秉烈 ( Pyeong Nyul Song ) 동방한문학회 2013 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.57

        본 논문은 국가 수준의 제5차 교육과정 이후 편제가 변화됨에 따라 한문과의 위상이 변화된 것에 관한 연구이다. 제5차 교육과정 이후 교육과정의 편제는 국어, 영어, 수학 과목의 단위 시수를 증가시켰다. 국어, 영어, 수학 과목의 편중은 ‘과목수 축소’를 통하여 학습자의 부담을 덜어준다는 취지였다. 그러나 학교 교육과정 운영의 실제는 국어, 영어, 수학 과목의 비정상적인 운영을 부추겨왔음이 밝혀졌다. 과목 편제에서 증가된 단위 시수를 입시 준비를 위한 문제 풀이 또는 선행학습으로 낭비하여 왔음도 밝혀졌다. 일부 특정 과목에 대한 집중 편제는 상대적으로 다른 과목의 소외 또는 배제를 의미하는 것이었으며, 이로 인한 국어, 영어, 수학 외의 과목은 단위 시수의 감소를 감수해야 했다. 중학교 한문은 제5차 교육과정 필수 과목으로 단위 시수 3~5에서2009년 교육과정에서는 선택 과목으로 단위 시수 평균 1.0으로 그 위상이 약화되었다. 고등학교 한문1과 한문2는 5차 교육과정에서 고등학교 한문1 공통 필수과목 4단위, 고등학교 한문2는 과정별 필수로 4단위였다. 그러나 2009년 교육과정에서는 고등학교 한문1 ‘기술·가정/ 제2외국어/ 한문/ 교양 4개 교과(군)에 속하는 선택과목으로, 고등학교 한문2는 과정은 제시되었으나 편제 시수는 학교 자율에 맡겨져 있다. 대체로 학교 교육과정은 입시 과목을 위주로 편성되는 것을 감안한다면 고등학교 한문2는 학교에서 선택을 하지 않을 것이다. 국가수준의 교육과정은 시대의 요구에 의해서 바뀔 수 있다. 그러나 국가수준의 교육과정을 학교에서 운영할 수 있도록 분권화한 것은 자치 교육의 실천의 중요한요소이다. 그러나 학교 교육과정의 자율적 운영을 입시 위주의 선행학습 또는 참고서 및 문제 풀이로 진행하는 것은 분명히 교육과정의 낭비이다. 국어, 영어, 수학과목에 편제 단위 편중은 한문을 비롯한 다른 교과목의 주요한 교육 목표의 실현을 양보한 것이다. 국가수준의 교육과정에서부터 현재의 낭비되고 있는 학교 교육과정의 파행적 운영을 중지시켜야 할 것이며, 현행의 교육과정을 원점에서 재검토해야 할 것이다. This paper is a study about the change in the status of Chinese Character Department according to the change of the organization after the fifth Country-level curriculum. After the fifth curriculum, the organization of curriculum increased the standard course hours of Korean, English, math. The concentration to the subjects-Korean, English, math- is aimed at easing the learner`s burden through the reduction of the number of subjects. However, the reality of the curriculum operation in school showed that it had incited the abnormal management of those subjects. It also proved that the standard course hours that were increased in the subject organization had been wasted on solving problems or prerequisite learning for preparing the entrance examination. The concentrated form for some specific subjects relatively meant the alienation or the exclusion on the other subjects, and the others had to submit to reduce the standard course hours. The position of Chinese character in middle school deteriorated from having 3 to 5 standard course hours as a mandatory subject in the fifth curriculum to having only 1 hour in average as a optional subjects in 2009 curriculum. In highschool, Chinese character one had 4 standard course hours as a common mandatory subject and Chinese character two had 4 hours as a mandatory subject according to the curriculum, However, Chinese character one was changed to an optional course that was included in the group of subjects-technology·home economics/ the second foreign language/Chinese character/liberal art, and Chinese character two is being run its standard course hours with each school`s autonomy, though its curriculum was suggested. Considering that school curriculums are generally formed for the sake of the subjects which are included in the entrance exam, Chinese character two would not be chosen at school. Country-level curriculum can be changed by the requirement of the age. Nevertheless, it is the important element of practicing autonomous education that the Country-level curriculum was decentralized to operate it independently at school. However, it is definitely wasting the curriculum to run the independent operation of curriculum in the way of solving problems, reference books or prerequisite learning for preparing the entrance examination. The unequal distribution of the organized hours to Korean, English and math is that the realization of major educational purpose in other subjects including Chinese character was conceded. The present limping operation of school curriculum that is being dissipated from the Country-level curriculum has to be stopped, and it needs to review the current curriculum in the beginning.

      • KCI등재

        Spectral approach to quantum searching on Markov chains—the complete bipartite graph

        Choi Nark Nyul,Lee Min-Ho 한국물리학회 2023 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.83 No.11

        Since Grover devised a quantum algorithm for unstructured search, generalization of the algorithm to structured data sets represented by graphs has been an important research topic. The introduction of absorbing marked vertices provided a breakthrough for this problem, and recently it was proved that a quantum walk search algorithm replacing the marked vertices by partially absorbing vertices can fnd a marked vertex in any reversible Markov chain with any number of marked vertices. However, in contrast, the proof based on the quantum fast-forwarding technique gives little intuition about the underlying mechanism, while the spectral analysis of Grover’s algorithm leads to understanding of the searching mechanism as a rotation in a two-dimensional space. For a spectral approach to the quantum search on Markov chains, we consider as a nontrivial example the complete bipartite graph consisting of two sets X1 and X2 and the marked vertices being only in X2. By analytically determining the spectral information of the quantum walk, we demonstrate that the quantum algorithm shows quadratic speed-up compared to the corresponding classical search method. And we fnd that the quantum search is described in terms of a two-state model for that case.

      • KCI등재

        기획1 : 한국한자학(韓國漢字學)의 미학적(美學的) 접근(接近)(1) ; 한문교육(漢文敎育)의 미학적 접근

        송병렬 ( Pyung Nyul Song ) 동방한문학회 2011 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.49

        한자를 대할 때 처음으로 느끼는 것은 한자의 상형적 특징이다. 이는 사물의 모양을 본뜨는 데에서 출발했기 때문이다. 다른 문자에 비해 복잡한 모양을 지니는 것도 상형의 특징에서 비롯한 것이다. 상형의 특징 때문에 획수가 많은 것도 사실이지만, 상형성은 한자라는 문자를 아름답게 보이게 하는 형상미를 제공해 준다. 또한 한자는 다양한 어휘의 확장을 위해 이미 있는 기존의 글자를 결합하여 글자를 만드는 특징을 지닌다. 글자와 글자의 결합은 새로운 어휘에 대한 의미와 함께 결합 원리에 대한 이야기를 동반한다. 이러한 결합자의 원리에 대한 이야기는 字源을 분명하게 밝혀주는 경우도 있지만, 의도적으로 만들어지는 것도 있다. 결국은 자원에 대한 이야기는 한자를 기억하기 유리하게 하며 그러한 이야기는 한자 어휘에 흥미를 끌게하는 助字美를 제공한다. 한문 산문은 전통적으로 先秦兩漢과 唐宋의 정통 문언 어법을 토대로 작성된 문예적 경향을 지닌 산문과 함께 공용문·실용문 가운데서도 그 형식미나 주제의식면에서 문예물로서 향유되는 산문들로서 字間·行間·行文 등을 통한 전개방식과 수사법을 통한 다양한 표현방식은 주제를 전달하는 효과적인 것으로 한문 산문의 즐거움을 제공한다. 학습자들이 한문의 미학을 수용하는 데에는 가능한 범위가 있다. 한문 교육에 있어서 미학적 교육은 교육적 측면에서 접근해야 한다. 따라서 한자 및 한문 산문에 대한 이론은 교육과정으로 수렴되어야 할 것이다. It is hieroglyphic characteristic of Chinese character that we feel, facing Chinese character at first. Because it started from being imitative of object`s shape. It also began from hieroglyphic characteristic that Chinese character has more complicated shape than other written language. It is true that Chinese character has many stroke count because of the hieroglyphic characteristic, however, it also offers beauty of shape which make Chinese character look beautifully. Moreover, Chinese character has a feature that makes a word combining already existing words for expansion of diverse words. Combining a word with other word accompanies a story about combination principle with a meaning of the new word. The stories about the principle of a combined word sometimes define the root of it clearly, but there are some cases made intentionally. As a result, these stories make Chinese character more easy to memory and offer the beauty of making words that interest people in Chinese character. Chinese phrases are traditionally those enjoyed as the literature fares in official language and practical language with the phrases that have literary tendency and are written on the basis of legitimate grammar in previous two Han, Tang and Sung. And the developing method through spaces between letters, lines and writing and various methods of expression through rhetoric offer enjoyment of Chinese phrase by delivering the subject effectively.

      • PLC출력부 노이즈가 입력부에 미치는 영향에 관한 고찰

        김정열(Jung-Nyul Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2011 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.16 No.1

        In this paper described on back emf noise effect produced by relay coil(AC 220[V]) which connected output Programmable Logic Controller(PLC). The first method measuring is at the PLC nput terminal of noise waveform without source noise filter and output relay coil of surge killer. The Second measuring is at the PLC input terminal of noise waveform with source noise filter. The third, measuring noise waveform input be connected source noise filter and output relay coil of with surge killer. The amplitude of the first method noise waveform signal showed peak-peak ±25[V], second way showed peak-peak±10[V], and the third way showed peak-peak ±5[V].

      • PWM 인버터출력 마이크로 서지전압에 관한 고찰

        김정열(Jung-Nyul Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2012 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.17 No.1

        This paper deals with the Inverter causes the micro surge voltage because of high speed switching of PWM Inverter. Micro surge voltage brings about noise in PLC control system. Experiment is performed that Inverter frequence varied 30[Hz], 40[Hz], 50[Hz], and 60[Hz], measuring for the noise of PLC control system fixed in one control box Inverter/PLC. The suppressible countermeasure is suggested by theoretical consideration.

      • 듀티비 변화에 의한 직류전동기소음 특성

        김정열(Jung-Nyul Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2008 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.13 No.4

        There are a several control scheme that generate a variable dc voltage in chopper system. The typical one of control scheme is to vary duty ratio, which is the ratio of on-period vs control period. This paper describes the characteristics of a dc motor drive to be operating by the chopper, which is made of transistor darington connection. The pulse of transistor base drive is made by control circuits using NE 555 timer IC. It is introduced to control the armature voltage of dc motor through the experiment. The amplitude of noise is diminished from the value of 80% duty ratio in this result, because the inertia of motor is a very small.

      • KCI등재

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