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        白村江敗戦後の倭国と新羅 · 唐関係 -『日本書紀』対外関係記事の批判的検討 -

        仁藤敦史(Nito Atsushi) 경북대학교 인문학술원 2020 동서인문 Vol.0 No.14

        본고는 7세기 후반의 동아시아 정세를 왜국을 중심으로 개관한 것이다. 전제로 개신정치(改新政治)를 ‘급진적인 고토쿠대왕(孝徳大王)의 개혁’(친당 · 신라파)와 ‘저항세력’인 나카노오오에(中大兄)(친백제파)의 대립으로 평가해서 ‘조화적인 균형외교가 아니라 고토쿠(孝徳)와 나카노오오에(中大兄)를 권력핵으로 하는 두 파벌세력이 길항’하는 분열외교로 해석했다. 그후 고토쿠(孝徳)파의 실각으로 사이메이(斉明) · 덴지(天智)의 백제지지파가 세력을 얻어 백촌강에서의 패배로 이르렀다. 당 · 신라에 대한 방위적 정책을 한 후에 신라와는 고구려 멸망 후인 668년에 교섭을 재개했다. 그러나 견당사 기사의 분석에 따르면 당과는 오오토모황자(大友皇子)가 주도한 오오미조정(近江朝廷) 시기를 제외하면 다이호(大寶) 견당사(遣唐使)까지 군사적인 긴장관계는 완화되지 않았다. 당과 신라의 대립으로 덴지(天智)기 후반에는 왜국에서도 친당 · 백제파와 친신라파의 대립관계가 생겼다. 나카토미노카마타리(中臣鎌足)나 오오아마토황자(大海人皇子)는 친신라파로 생각되고 오오토모황자(大友皇子)는 친당 · 백제파였다. 덴지천황(天智天皇)은 친백제파이었지만 백촌강 패전으로 대당관계 개선에는 소극적이었다고 생각된다. 덴무(天武)기에 양호했던 신라와의 관계는 지토(持統)기에 악화하고 701년 다이호(大寶) 견당사로 당과의 관계가 최종적으로 개선되었다고 평가된다. This paper gives an overview of the geopolitical situation in East Asia in the latter half of the 7th century, with a particular focus on We (倭). The reform politics is seen as a result of the conflict between the “progressive reform of Emperor Kotoku (孝德)”, who represented the pro-Tang (唐) dynasty Silla (新羅) faction, and “resisting force of Nakano-oe (中大兄)”, who represented the pro-Baekje (百濟) faction. The situation can be interpreted as a split diplomacy that was not “harmoniously balanced” but was instead antagonistic, with Kotoku and the Nakanooe as the core powers at each end of this antagonism. With the fall of the Kotoku faction, the Baekje supporters of Saimei (斉明) and Tenjii (天智) gained power but were defeated at Baekchon River (白村江). A defensive policy against Tang dynasty and Silla was adopted and negotiations only resumed after the fall of Goguryeo (高句麗) in 668. However, an analysis of the article regarding the envoy to Tang dynasty revealed that military tensions between the two parties were not eased until the envoy was sent in 701, except during the Omi (近江) Court led by Prince Otomo (大友). The confrontation between Tang dynasty and Silla in the latter half of the Tenji period led to a We confrontation between the pro-Tang dynasty and Baekje faction and the pro-Silla faction. Nakatomi no Kamatari (中臣鎌足) and the Prince Ooama (大海人) were considered to be pro-Silla, while and Prince Otomo was on the side of Tang dynasty and Baekje. While Emperor Tenji was pro-Baekje, it is likely that he was nonetheless reluctant to improve the relationship with Tang dynasty because of the defeat of Baekchon River. The relationship with Silla, which was cordial during the Tenmu (天武) era, deteriorated during the Jito (持統) period, and it is believed that the relationship with Tang dynasty finally improved by the envoy sent to Tang dynasty in 701.

      • KCI등재


        PAOLO CANONICO,STEFANO CONSIGLIO,ERNESTO DE NITO,GIANLUIGI MANGIA 한국행정학회 2012 International Review of Public Administration Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper, we analyze the mechanisms adopted by criminal firms in order to thrive in the business of public works. We submit that resource dependency theory (RDT) can shed light on this area. We find that criminal firms use a variety of techniques to alter the behavior of actors in procurement processes. We claim that the best way to analyze this phenomenon is by integrating the traditional RDT strategies codified in Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) with an understanding of these criminal techniques. We adopt a qualitative research methodology, relying on official judiciary sources in order to develop and validate the concept’s objects of analysis. Our work has been supported by leading Italian magistrates actively engaged in combating the penetration of criminal firms into legal businesses.

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