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      • 外国語教育におけるネイティブ教師の役割に関する研究 : 韓国中学校での日本語教育 : 외국어교육에 있어서 원어민교사의 역할에 관한 연구 : 한국중학교 일본어교육

        Miyuki, Ebina 경북대학교 교육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247343

        韓国中等教育 第二外国語教育においては、1997年度に第7次教育課程が公表されて以来、コミュニケーション能力育成に重点がおかれ、2009改訂教育課程でもコミュニケーション能力に付け加え、市民意識を培うことが重要視された 。また2015改訂教育課程では意思疎通能力、外国文化への理解および尊重、情報検索及び活用能力といった内容が重要視されている 。このような教育課程の目標を達成するために、教育現場では様々な授業形態が実施されており、ネイティブ教師を授業に参加させるティームティーチングもそのひとつである。 韓国では1996年に中等教育英語科でNTの派遣が始まり、以来コミュニケーション能力向上の成果が多く報告されているが、中等教育日本語科においてはNTに関する研究もわずかにとどまっている 。さらには韓国人教師と NTとのティームティーチング授業効果報告も少なく、その中でもNTの授業参加により能力向上が期待できる口頭能力の評価を行っている研究では、独自の評価基準を当てはめたものなど、その評価の客観性があいまいなものが多い。 本研究では特にティームティーチングの後の口頭能力向上の効果測定において、従来の研究で客観性の欠如していた評価の方法とは違い、口頭能力をより客観的に測るためにJFS準拠ロールプレイテストを使用する。具体的方法としては、まずNTである論者が韓国中学校の正規日本語授業 において1年を通してKTとティームティーチング授業を実施し、その授業内容を基礎資料とする。次にアンケートにより中学生の日本語学習状況や生徒の意識を把握し、NTが授業に参加することによって得られる効果やNTに期待される役割などをまとる。さらにティームティーチング授業における口頭能力向上の効果を測るためにJFS準拠ロールプレイテストを使用して評価を行い、評価実施までのプロセスや結果から、NTの役割を検証するための一考察を行いたい。本研究は実践研究でもあるのだが、韓国中等教育機関でNTが参加するティームティーチング授業の実践および評価において、何かしら示唆を与えうる有意義な研究になることを期待する。 본 논문은 한국중등교육 일본어과 팀티칭수업 및 팀티칭수업 후의 말하기 평가를 통한 원어민 교사의 역할을 고찰하는 것을 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 한국 중등교육 외국어교육에서는 제7차 교육과정 이후 2015개정교육과정에 있기까지 의사소통능력신장 중점에 학습목표를 두고 왔다. 이 목표를 달성하기 위한 수업형태로 원어민 교사가 수업에 참여하는 팀티칭수업이 많이 도입해왔다. 그러나 영어교과와 달리 제2외국어 일본어교과에서는 원어민 교사의 고용수가 많지 않아 그에 따른 팀티칭수업 연구도 활성화되고 있지 않는 것이 사실이다. 일본어 팀티칭수업 선행연구의 대부분은 설문조사를 이용한 학생과 교사들의 인식변화를 조사한 보고이다. 그 중에서 특히 원어민 교사가 수업에 참여하는 걸로 능력향상이 기대되는 말하기능력을 측정한 연구는 그 평가기준이 보편적이지도 객관적이지도 않는 것이 많다. 이런 점에서 의사소통능력향상을 목표로 둔 교육과정 아래 실시되고 있는 원어민 참여 팀티칭 수업과 그 수업평가방법에 있어서 다양한 측정방법 연구 필요성이 절실하다. 우선 팀티칭 효과를 측정 연구하기 앞서 원어민 교사와 한국인교사의 팀티칭수업에 대한 내용을 전반적으로 설명하고, 원어민인 저자가 한국중등교육 중학교 정규일본어수업에서 1년간 실시한 팀티칭수업 수업계획 및 실시내용을 기본자료로 활용했다. 다음으로는 원어민교사 미배치중학교와 원어민 배치중학교 학생들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 중학생들이 정규 일본어수업 외에 어떤 일본어수업을 받고 있는지 학습상황파악을 했다. 또한 미배치중학교 학생들에게는 원어민 교사가 있으면 기대하는 점은 무엇인지, 원어민 배치중학교 학생들에게는 팀티칭수업을 받아서 어떤 능력이 향상되었다고 생각하는지 등 을 조사했으며 그 내용을 도대로 원어민교사의 역할을 고찰하였다. 또한 원어민 교사가 수업에 참석 기대되는 의사소통능력향상에 초점을 맞추어 그 능력을 측정하는 평가방법에 있어서 지금까지의 객관성이 부족한 평가방법과 달리 JFS준거 롤플레이테스트를 사용하여 말하기평가를 실시했다. 앞으로 일본어원어민교사가 중등교육현장에서 실시할 팀티칭수업에서 이 연구내용이 참고자료의 하나가 되었으면 한다.

      • Matsuri in Shimomura: Experience, performance, and history in a Japanese festival

        Hirayama, Miyuki Indiana University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        This dissertation explores the relationship between a community and tradition through the examination of <italic>matsuri</italic> (festivals) in Shimomura. Shimomura is a rice-farming village in Japan. The festivals at Kamo Jinja (Shrine) in spring and in fall are celebrated by the whole community. The purpose of these festivals is to pray to the tutelary deity for a rich harvest. The festivals are traditional and symbolic for the village. They are also considered to be living historical documents, and to provide initiations for children into the community. The festivals offer the community an opportunity to socialize, maintain solidarity, and discuss their history. I describe and examine the festivals based on two premises. The first premise is that individuals create festivals. Presenting individual experiences and perspectives is the center of my study. The stories people tell show that the <italic>matsuri</italic> have different meanings for different individuals. The second premise is that the festivals are public events, and they involve complex social and cultural processes. Using a semiotic approach, I interpret the symbolic forms of various rituals in the festivals. The enactment of the festivals establishes a historical link to an old village from the Middle Ages, and it transforms community within Shimomura, a unique old village with prestigious heritage. During the rapid social change of the latter half of the 20<super>th </super> century, tradition in Shimomura was renegotiated, recontexualized, and reorganized. In this process, ritual performances—<italic>yabusame </italic> (archery from astride a moving horse) and <italic>chigonomai</italic> (children's dance)—became major symbols of the community. In dialog with the larger society, the meanings and values—traditional festivals and ways of life, rural life and Japanese culture—were reevaluated and incorporated into the symbolic meanings of the festivals. Tradition in Shimomura has been constructed and re-constructed in the process during which individuals reflect upon their cultural heritage in changing situations, and cooperate to perform their festivals in a dynamic historical/social context.

      • Embodied Study for Collective Liberation: Everyday Performances of Solidarity

        Baker, Miyuki University of California, Berkeley ProQuest Disser 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        The primary purpose of this dissertation is to talk to and with others like myself with race, class, and/or academic privileges who wish to practice solidarity in the name of collective liberation. I respond to Black feminist thinkers such as Toni Morrison, who called for White people to look at their own complexes in the equation of racism, and Fannie Lou Hamer who proclaimed that “nobody’s free until everybody’s free” by demonstrating the spiritual harms of racial capitalism to people who materially benefit from it, and what can be done to heal from these harms. Treating the Poverty Scholars of POOR Magazine in East Oakland as primary theorists of solidarity to analyze four spaces of learning—across race and/or class difference, within sameness, and in mixed company—I practice Poverty Scholarship’s emphasis to share from self-observation, or “I Journalism,” by including stories and observations from people with race, class, and/or academic privilege practicing solidarity. A major contribution of this dissertation is its use of performance theory to address solidarity as an everyday performance that can be practiced and improved, towards our healing and collective liberation. Ultimately this dissertation offers examples of embodied study for people with race, class, and/or academic privilege to divest from racial capitalism’s extractive and spiritually harmful structures towards evolving and ongoing practices of solidarity, ethical relationality, and collective liberation.

      • Predicting the Biochemical Response of Vertebrate Endocrine Systems to Endocrine Active Chemicals

        Breen, Miyuki North Carolina State University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        There is international concern regarding effects of endocrine-active environmental contaminants and commercial products on the health of humans and wildlife. A large number of environmental contaminants may disrupt the endocrine system during critical stages of development, which can result in adverse outcomes in humans and wildlife. Endocrine active chemicals (EACs) are exogenous chemicals that can cause adverse health effects in intact organisms, affecting reproduction and development in both humans and wildlife by inducing adverse hormonal changes in the tightly regulated endocrine pathways. The main focus of research on EACs has been on vertebrate species, driven by the need for human and ecological risk assessments and drug development. To enhance the interpretation and quantitative application of measurement data in risk assessments and drug development, this dissertation describes mathematical computational models of vertebrate endocrine systems. The first project was to develop a mechanistic computational model of steroidogenesis in human H295R cells. We previously developed a computational model that describes the biosynthetic pathways for the conversion of cholesterol (CHOL) to steroids, and the kinetics for enzyme inhibition by the EAC, metyrapone (MET). In this work, we extended our dynamic model by including a cell proliferation model supported by additional experiments, and by adding a pathway for the biosynthesis of oxysterols (OXY). The extended steroidogenesis model predictions closely correspond to the measured time-course concentrations of CHOL and 14 steroids both in the cells and in the medium, and the calculated time-course concentrations of OXY from control and MET-exposed cells. The second project was to develop a mechanistic computational model of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) axis for a model vertebrate, the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). A series of time-course fadrozole (FAD) exposure experiments were performed: the data indicate adaptive changes (i.e., compensation) in plasma 17beta-estradiol (E2) levels occurring during exposure and "overshoot" occurring post-exposure. In the first part of this research, we developed a dynamic model that includes a regulatory feedback loop within the HPG axis that can mediate adaptive responses to FAD. The HPG axis model predictions closely correspond to the time-course measurements of plasma E2 for lower FAD test concentrations, and the model accurately predicted cytochrome P450 (CYP) 19A mRNA fold changes and plasma E2 dose-response from the 4-day study. The main limitation of the model was the large overestimation of a plasma E2 concentration for higher FAD test concentrations. In the second part of this research, we addressed this limitation by extending the model to include a pathway for protein synthesis of cyp19a. As a result, the extended model significantly improved the model fit for the dynamic E2 concentrations at high dose. These mechanistic modeling capabilities could help define mechanisms of action for poorly characterized chemicals and mixtures for predictive risk assessments, and to screen drug candidates in the early phase of drug development. These studies demonstrate the value of mechanistic computational modeling to examine and predict the possible dynamic behaviors and to formulate and test hypotheses to increase understanding of the biochemical responses of vertebrate endocrine systems to EACs.

      • Subject referential expressions and encoding of referential status in L2 narrative discourse by L1-English learners of Japanese

        Takeuchi, Miyuki Indiana University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        This dissertation investigates the acquisition of subject referential expressions by L1-English learners of Japanese and classroom input as a possible contributor to non-target style usage among learners. The investigation utilizes a functional approach, examining how referential status is encoded through the use of subject referential forms: NP with a subject-marking particle ga, NP with a topic-marking particle wa, and null anaphora. Sixty-one learners, including university students in second, third, fourth-year Japanese classes and learners at advanced and high-advanced levels, as well as thirty-one native Japanese and English speakers, participated in the study. All performed two kinds of narrative tasks: storytelling of a picture book and film retell. Analyses of the narrative tasks indicate the following trends: (1) use of null anaphora for reference maintenance at early stages, (2) overuse of NP-wa at early stages, (3) delayed emergence of NP-ga to mark new information, and (4) overuse of NP-ga and persistent difficulty to acquire the functions of NP-wa among advanced and high-advanced learners. To examine the role of classroom input in the above trends, three Japanese textbooks were analyzed to ascertain to what degree and in what functions NP-ga, NP-wa, and null anaphora are used in the texts. The analysis shows that input of NP-ga is scarce compared to the other forms in the first-year textbook and explicit explanations of distinctions between ga and wa are lacking in the second and third-year textbooks. As a secondary source of classroom input, classroom discourse was analyzed, which found that NP-wa is more often used than other forms in teacher talk. These suggest that the overuse of NP-wa at early stages and delayed emergence of NP-ga found in the learners' narratives may be attributed to the input that they receive in classroom. Suggestions for improved pedagogy are presented at the end of the dissertation.

      • Bringing the standards for foreign language learning to life through an Internet-based newspaper project

        Fukai, Miyuki Indiana University 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247342

        Published in 1996, the Standards for Foreign Language Learning (Standards) define knowledge and abilities in five goal areas (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities) that foreign language learners should acquire in the U.S. The Internet is believed to facilitate standards-based instruction because of its capabilities as a communication medium, information provider, and publication tool. To investigate this alleged link between the Standards and the Internet, an Internet-based newspaper project was examined in an advanced-level college Japanese course based on Japanese-specific standards or the Standards for Japanese Language Learning (Japanese Standards). The project involved reading Japanese newspaper articles on the Web, discussing them with classmates in class and with Japanese native speakers by e-mail, and publishing an online class newspaper. Data were collected from students' productions in the project, questionnaires, and interviews with the students and the instructor. Six students were also regularly interviewed for an in-depth analysis of their experiences in the project. To analyze data, instances of the Japanese Standards in the students' productions were coded and quantified. Students' performances were evaluated. Responses to questionnaires were compared before and after the project. Categories were constructed from the interviews. The results show that the project successfully addressed the Japanese Standards and that the Internet played an important role in making it happen. The coding analysis indicates that Communication, Cultures, and Connections were more prominent than Comparisons and Communities. It also suggests that activity type, topic type, and procedures influenced the extent to which specific standards were addressed. The students performed better in writing and e-mailing than in speaking possibly due to more time to think in writing than in speaking. From the students' perspectives, the project supported Cultures, Comparisons, and Communities in particular. The instructor acknowledged the project promoted Communities. The six case studies indicate varying degrees of satisfaction with the project. Regardless, Internet use in reading authentic materials with an online dictionary was found to result in a positive experience. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the Internet's promising role in achieving standards-based instruction, providing evidence for the Internet as a valuable means to bring the Standards to life.

      • Fleeting is life: Kengozen and her early Kamakura court diary, "Tamakiwaru"

        Wheeler, Carolyn Miyuki University of California, Berkeley 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        This dissertation is a translation and study of the early medieval court diary Fleeting is Life (Tamakiwaru), completed in 1219 by Kengozen (1157--ca. 1226), an old nun who once served at court. Meant both as a eulogy for a retired empress Kengozen served and also as a reference for other women at court, Kengozen's memoir shares certain rhetorical characteristics of tone, content, and organization with male court diaries and classified records (buruiki), especially those focusing on annual rites and ceremonies (nenjugyoji). As a result, the dissertation serves as a corrective to the tendency in modern scholarship to emphasize the differences between male and female court diaries, and highlights by contrast areas of permeability between them. After introducing the dual emphases of eulogy and service in Kengozen's memoir, the dissertation delineates the rise of Kengozen's mistress, Retired Empress Kenshunmon'in, and reviews the memoir's depiction of the hierarchy of the retired empress's ladies-in-waiting. It then proceeds to an investigation of the literary persona Kengozen creates in the work in comparison to other diaries by Heian and Kamakura women. The detailed descriptions in the diary of the social and material layout of Kenshunmon'in's court, the narrative of her earliest memory in service, and the depiction of her exemplary behavior during a palace fire are all central to that self-fashioning. The dissertation then moves to a discussion of the very different environment of the court of Kengozen's next mistress, Hachijoin, and her appointment as caretaker of the young princess Shunkamon'in. That appointment appears to have been the impetus for creating the service-oriented parts of the diary as a reference for future ladies-in-waiting. The study concludes by arguing that Kengozen's service career and literary output represent a convergence of gendered identities within her own household, the men of which were literary scholars and the women of which traditionally served at court in a matrilineal succession.

      • The social navigations of Sir Robert Dudley (1574--1649)

        Hollis, Corey Miyuki Ota University of California, Los Angeles 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        This dissertation examines the life of Sir Robert Dudley (1574-1649), son of the Earl of Leicester, whose status at birth was uncertain. He was interested in shipbuilding and navigation and led a voyage to the West Indies. Although he was treated as a member of the aristocracy and welcomed at the court of Queen Elizabeth, when his attempt to establish his legitimacy failed decisively, he left England and his wife and daughters. Arriving in France with his cousin, the couple converted to Catholicism and married. Dudley may have sought patronage from the Vatican. He gained the patronage of the Grand Duke of Florence and moved to Tuscany, where he used his shipbuilding and nautical skills for the benefit of the Medici Dukes. He also became Grand Chamberlain to three Grand Duchesses. This dissertation considers notions of identity that composed Dudley's life---Elizabethan courtier, aristocrat, naval architect, Catholic---and the ways in which using those identities enabled him to gain a place in the Medici court and entrench himself and his family in Florence.

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