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      • KCI등재

        Social Justice and Divine Righteousness in the Old Testament Wisdom Traditions

        Manfred Oeming 대한성서공회 2018 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.42

        The assumption commonly held in historical critical interpretations of the Hebrew Bible that hope for the afterlife was only a late, marginal phenomenon is not plausible. This papers tries to demonstrate first an early dating of the expectations for a post mortal existence. Already in the oldest wisdom literature (Pro 10-12) there is the promise of a salvation from death by good deeds (zedakah). The origins of this idea are the Egyptian funeral habits and imaginations best known from the Book of Death, chapter 125. With great probability, the (archaeologically well attested!) political and cultural hegemony of Egypt over Israel in the Late Bronze Age also influenced the concepts concerning the future life of the soul from the beginnings, especially from Solomon’s era onwards. Throughout the course of the history of Israel’s religion, the early vision (my deeds cause my destiny) became increasingly complex. Not only the deeds of a living individual are decisive for his fate, but also the deeds of the other contemporaries, especially the king, and the deeds of the ancestors (Abraham, David) and the actions of heavenly beings (like angels cf. Job 33:23-30 or Satan). At the final form of the canonical theology, there is a complex view of a “large doing-receiving-connection”. But from the beginning until the end of this evolution of faith, “justice” – divine and human – was decisive.

      • Franz Kafka im (Prager) interkulturellen Kontext

        Manfred Weinberg(만프레트 바인베르크) 한국카프카학회 2019 카프카연구 Vol.0 No.41

        프란츠 카프카의 생애와 저작 속에서 그의 출생지인 프라하의 상호문화성이 지닌 의미를 추적하는 작업은 저자에 대해 오늘날 지배적인 완전히 틀린 이미지를 수정할 가능성을 제공한다. 체코인, 독일인, 유대인들 간의 공생으로 드러나는 상호문화적인 도시 프라하에서 영유된 카프카의 삶에서 그의 유대주의는 확실히 특별한 의미를 지닌다. 그러나 물론 이러한 진단은 아직 핵심을 말하고 있지 않다. 유대인의 정체성 수립을 위한 선택지로 20세기 초반의 프라하에서도 또한 동화, 소위 동유럽 유대주의로의 지향, 그리고 시오니즘으로의 개종과 같은 것이 해당될 따름이었다. 프란츠 카프카는 이러한 선택지들 중에서 정체성을 결정하는 것을 단호히 거부하였다. 그렇기에 그의 정체성을 동유럽 유대인, 동화된 유대인, 시오니스트 등으로 세분화시켜 귀속시키는 것은 전혀 도움이 되지 않으며, 오히려 카프카의 실존 안에 프라하 유대주의가 지닌 제반 다양성이 반영되고 있다고 할 것이다. 그는 일찍이 독일어와 체코어를 모두 구사했으며, 또한 체코 문학과 문화에 대한 심층적인 지식을 소유하고 있었다. 본 논문의 후반부에서는 카프카의 텍스트가 지니고 있는 통상적인 알레고리적 해석을 포함하여 (이는 또한 다른 카프카 독해에도 유용할 것이다) 「자칼과 아랍인」에 대한 분석이 이루어진다. 이 텍스트에서는 프라하인들에게 – 그들이 독일인이건, 체코인이건, 유대인이건, 혹은 그 밖에 다른 이들이건 간에 – 명백히 중요한 문제들, 즉 문화적 정체성에 대한 물음, 개별자와 집단의 관계, 그리고 또한 다양한 집단들 간의 관계에 대한 대결과 같은 문제를 놓고 근본적이고 (카프카 텍스트에 통상적인) 심층적인 차원에까지 이르는 성찰이 이루어진다.

      • KCI등재

        유로화의 출발과 세계경제

        ( Manfred Wegner ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2004 유라시아연구 Vol.1 No.1

        마스트리히트조약에 의한 유럽경제통화통합은 역내국가간의 자본 및 노동이동의 자유화, 상품 및 서비스시장의 통합화를 중심으로 한 경제통합과 유럽중앙은행의 창설, 유럽단일통화의 창출등을 골자로 하는 유럽의 통화통합으로 구성되었다. 유럽경제통화통합이 1999년 1월 1일을 기해 공식출범함으로써 오랜 기간동안 추구해 온 유럽연합이 결성되었다. 더욱이 유럽경제통화통합의 결성목적이 지역간 자유무역협정과는 달리 경제 및 통화통합에 있으므로 이의 출범은 세계최대의 단일 경제권 형성을 의미한다. 따라서 유럽경제통화통합은 국제금융시장을 비롯한 세계경제에 적지 않은 영향을 미칠 것이다. 또한 유럽경제통화통합에 참가한 참가국간에는 환율 및 물가안정에 교역 및 투자증대, 지역간 불균형완화, 규모의 경제실현, 외환보유액축소, 환지대비용절감 및 금융시스템의 효율성증대, 유로화의 기축통화로의 부상등이 가시적 성과로 나타날 것이다. 이로 인해 우리나라를 비롯하여 미국, 일본 등 아시아 국가들에게는 유리한 경제적 효과보다는 부정적 효과가 더욱 클 것이라는 전망이다.

      • KCI등재

        About Chromium (VI) Extraction from Fertilizers and Soils

        Manfred Sager 대한자원환경지질학회 2005 자원환경지질 Vol.38 No.6

        Extractions from fertilizer and soil samples were performed to yield the operationally defined fractions of “soluble” chromate (extractable with NH4NO3), “exchangeable” chromate (extractable with phosphate buffer pH 7.2), and these results were compared with the data obtained by extractions with ammonium sulfate, borate buffer pH 7.2, saturated borax pH 9.6, and polyphosphate (Graham’s salt). In order to maintain the pH of extractant solution about constant, the concentration of extractant buffer had to be raised to at least 0.5 M. The results strongly depended on the kind of extractant, and the solid: liquid ratio. For most of the samples investigated, the extraction efficiency increased in the order borate– sulfate – nitrate – phosphate. Whereas the recovery of K2CrO4 and CaCrO4 added to the samples of basic slags prior to the extraction was about complete, the recovery of added PbCrO4 was highly variable. In soil extracts, the color reaction was interfered from co-extracted humics, which react with the chromate in weak acid solution during the time period necessary for color reaction (1 hour). However, this problem can be overcome by standard addition and subtraction of the color of the extractant solution. In soil extract of about pH < 7, organic material reduced chromate during the extraction period also, and standard addition of soluble chromate is recommended to prove recovery and the stability of chromate in the samples. In admixtures of soils and basic slags, results for hexavalent chromium were lower than from the mere basic slags. This effect was more pronounced in phosphate than in nitrate extracts. As a proficiency test, samples low in organic carbon from contaminated sites in Hungary were tested. The results from NH4NO3 extracts satisfactorily matched the results of the Hungarian labs obtained from CalCl2 extractants.

      • Barrier Free Accessibility to Trains for All

        Manfred Rentzsch,Denis Seliger,Thomas Meissner,Claudia Wessner 한국철도학회 2008 International Journal of Railway Vol.1 No.4

        This paper is the output of a collaborative European project concerning the barrier free accessibility for disabled persons to regional and long distance trains in Europe. Disabled people represent around 13% of the population in Europe. This is approximately 63 million people. The range of disabilities includes people with reduced mobility including wheel chair users, viewing and hearing impaired people and other forms of impairment. Improving accessibility aims at contributing to the provision of public transport services to all citizens in an equitable way. The purpose of the project was to analyse and to evaluate the existing solutions at selected European railways for all required modules at the entrance (doors, information and safety solutions), to derive a design concept, to develop a mock-up in meeting the needs of rail travellers with the above mentioned impairments and to test it with user groups. The project also aims at deriving components for the determination of standards. The EUPAX Design Mock-up test was performed to verify the advantages of the layout of the train segment including the different modules such as access area (including the access door, gaps between platform and train as well as boarding aid devices), entrance vestibule, information systems inside and outside the train, emergency facilities, toilet with all conveniences and the additional test arrangements regarding push buttons, steps and emergency equipment. For this purpose a questionnaire was developed for the assessment of the EUPAX segment and the additional test arrangements. With the help of this questionnaire it was possible to execute a quantitative and qualitative evaluation. During three test phases 67 experts and handicapped persons from 6 countries have evaluated the Industrial Design mock-up based on this questionnaire. The test group covered persons from North (Denmark) to the South (Italy) and from the West (Spain) to the Middle of Europe (Germany). This is especially important for the generalization (harmonisation) of the results for all European countries. According to COST 335 the information for people with reduced mobility should be clear, concise, accurate and timely. So that all information can be received from persons, they must be transferred on at least two of the three possible ways (acoustical, visual, tactile), a so called "2-sense-principle". Based on the results ergonomic specifications/ solutions for the ergonomic design of the access area, the acoustic, visual and tactile information and the emergency devices including the emergency communication system were developed, related to the benefiting passenger groups.

      • KCI등재후보

        Nonlinear rheology of polymer melts: a new perspective on finite chain extensibility effects

        Manfred H. Wagner 한국유변학회 2006 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.18 No.4

        Measurements by Luap et al. (2005) of elongational viscosity and birefringence of two nearly monodisperse polystyrene melts with molar masses MW of 206,000gmol1 (PS206k) and 465,000gmol1 (PS465k) respectively are reconsidered. At higher elongational stresses, the samples showed clearly deviations from the stress optical rule (SOR). The elongational viscosity data of both melts can be modeled quantitatively by the MSF model of Wagner et al. (2005), which is based on the assumption of a strain-dependent tube diameter and the interchain pressure term of Marrucci and Ianniruberto (2004). The only nonlinear parameter of the model, the tube diameter relaxation time, scales with MW2. In order to get agreement with the birefringence data, finite chain extensibility effects are taken into account by use of the Pad approximation of the inverse Langevin function, and the interchain pressure term is modified accordingly. Due to a self-regulating limitation of chain stretch by the FENE interchain pressure term, the transient elongational viscosity shows a small dependence on finite extensibility only, while the predicted steady-state elongational viscosity is not affected by non-Gaussian effects in agreement with experimental evidence. However, deviations from the SOR are described quantitatively by the MSF model by taking into account finite chain extensibility, and within the experimental window investigated, deviations from the SOR are predicted to be strain rate, temperature, and molar mass independent for the two nearly monodisperse polystyrene melts in good agreement with experimental data.

      • KCI등재후보

        Nonlinear rheology of linear polymer melts: Modeling chain stretch by interchain tube pressure and Rouse time

        Manfred H. Wagner,Víctor H. Rolón-Garrido 한국유변학회 2009 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.21 No.4

        In flows with deformation rates larger than the inverse Rouse time of the polymer chain, chains are stretched and their confining tubes become increasingly anisotropic. The pressures exerted by a polymer chain on the walls of an anisotropic confinement are anisotropic and limit chain stretch. In the Molecular Stress Function (MSF) model, chain stretch is balanced by an interchain pressure term, which is inverse proportional to the 3rd power of the tube diameter and is characterized by a tube diameter relaxation time. We show that the tube diameter relaxation time is equal to 3 times the Rouse time in the limit of small chain stretch. At larger deformations, we argue that chain stretch is balanced by two restoring tensions with weights of 1/3 in the longitudinal direction of the tube (due to a linear spring force) and 2/3 in the lateral direction (due to the nonlinear interchain pressure), both of which are characterized by the Rouse time. This approach is shown to be in quantitative agreement with transient and steady-state elongational viscosity data of two monodisperse polystyrene melts without using any nonlinear parameter, i.e. solely based on the linear-viscoelastic characterization of the melts. The same approach is extended to model experimental data of four styrene-butadiene random copolymer melts in shear flow. Thus for monodisperse linear polymer melts, for the first time a constitutive equation is presented which allows quantitative modeling of nonlinear extension and shear rheology on the basis of linear-viscoelastic data alone.

      • 2SF-2 Good practices in Tritium Fuel Cycle Technology

        ( Manfred Glugla ) 한국공업화학회 2017 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2017 No.1

        Working with tritium essentially involves two basic safety objectives: i.) confinement of tritium within its respective active and passive barriers; ii.) minimization of radiation doses to workers and to the public. Advancing practices and equipment over time have led to a continuous reduction of release rates from tritium facilities, and to lesser and lesser doses to their workers. Today’s stringent safety requirements are met through innovative technologies and methods, along with forwardthinking administrative procedures. This paper will review the state of the art of engineering, safety and design principles for tritium handling equipment and facilities. Main key words are confinement strategies, permeation, materials, tritium processing and storage, instrumentation and control, and vacuum technologies. Appropriate best practices for tritium management and control of tritium will be identified, and engineering and operating procedures will be discussed.

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