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        ESPI를 이용한 복합재료 구조물의 결함 검출

        김경석,정성균,강진식,장호섭 한국비파괴검사학회 2001 한국비파괴검사학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 논문에서는 ESPI 시스템을 이용하여 복합재료 구조물의 인위, 자연 결함을 검출하였다. 복합재료 구조물에서의 ESPI의 적용성을 알아보기 위해 복합재료 적층판 시험편, 하니컴 구조물 시험편, 접착조인트 시험편을 사용하였다. 결함을 검출하기 위해 시편의 표면변형을 쉽게 발생시킬 수 있는 열하중법을 선택하였다. 실험경과는 ESPI를 이용하여 복합재료 구조물의 결함을 쉽게 검출할 수 있고, 다른 여러 복합재료 구조물의 결함의 검출에도 적용할 수 있음을 확인하였다. In this paper, artificial and real defects(delamination and debond) in composite structures were detected by using ESPI system. There types of specimens, that is, composite laminates, honeycomb structures, and adhesive joints, were used to study the applicability of ESPI to composite structures. To detect defects in specimens, we selected thermal loading method that can easily induce the surface deformation of specimen. Experimental results show that defects in composite structures could be easily detected by ESPI. Moreover, it shows that ESPI could be usefully applied to the detection of defects of defects in various composite structures.

      • 상표자산과 구매의도와의 관계에 관한 국제비교연구 : 아시아와 유럽의 의류시장을 중심으로

        김경훈,고은주,Graham Hooley,Nick Lee,이동해,정홍섭,전병주,문학일 가야대학교 2009 가야대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        본 연구는 상표자산의 구성요소에 대한 선행요인을 분석하고 이를 토대로 하여 상표자산 구성요소와 상표자산 영향요인간의 관계 그리고 상표자산 구성요소와 구매의도간의 관계를 규명하고 한국과 영국을 중심으로 비교하여 상표자산관리 방안을 도출해보고자 하였다 연구결과, 정보탐색은 제품지식에 정(+)의 영향을 미치며, 상표태도와 상표지식은 상표 충성도와 상표 가치에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다 그리고 상표충성도와 상표가치는 구매의도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 정보원천의 경우, 한국에서는 제품지식에 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있는 반면, 영국에서는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. Brand equity is one of the most important concepts in business practice as well as in academic research. Successful brands can allow marketers to gain competitive advantage (Lassar et al.,1995), including the opportunity for successful extensions, resilience against competitors' promotional pressures, and the ability to create barriers to competitive entry (Farquhar, 1989). Branding plays a special role in service firms because strong brands increase trust in intangible products (Berry, 2000), enabling customers to better visualize and understand them. They reduce customers' perceived monetary, social, and safety risks in buying services, which are obstacles to evaluating a service correctly before purchase. Also, a high level of brand equity increases consumer satisfaction, repurchasing intent, and degree of loyalty. Brand equity can be considered as a mixture that includes both financial assets and relationships. Actually, brand equity can be viewed as the value added to the product (Keller, 1993), or the perceived value of the product in consumers' minds. Mahajan et al. (1990) claim that customer-based brand equity can be measured by the level of consumers’ perceptions. Several researchers discuss brand equity based on two dimensions: consumer perception and consumer behavior. Aaker (1991) suggests measuring brand equity through price premium, loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. Viewing brand equity as the consumer’s behavior toward a brand, Keller (1993) proposes similar dimensions: brand awareness and brand knowledge. Thus, past studies tend to identify brand equity as a multidimensional construct consisted of brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand knowledge, customer satisfaction, perceived equity, brand associations, and other proprietary assets (Aaker, 1991, 1996; Blackston, 1995; Cobb-Walgren et al., 1995; Na, 1995). Other studies tend to regard brand equity and other brand assets, such as brand knowledge, brand awareness, brand image, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and so on, as independent but related constructs (Keller, 1993; Kirmani and Zeithaml, 1993). Walters(1978) defined information search as, "A psychological or physical action a consumer takes in order to acquire information about a product or store." But, each consumer has different methods for informationsearch. There are two methods of information search, internal and external search. Internal search is, "Search of information already saved in the memory of the individual consumer"(Engel, Blackwell, 1982) which is, "memory of a previous purchase experience or information from a previous search."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). External search is "A completely voluntary decision made in order to obtain new information"(Engel & Blackwell, 1982) which is, "Actions of a consumer to acquire necessary information by such methods as intentionally exposing oneself to advertisements, taking to friends or family or visiting a store."(Beales, Mazis, Salop, and Staelin, 1981). There are many sources for consumers’ information search including advertisement sources such as the internet, radio, television, newspapers and magazines, information supplied by businesses such as sales people, packaging and in-store information, consumer sources such as family, friends and colleagues, and mass media sources such as consumer protection agencies, government agencies and mass media sources. Understanding consumers’ purchasing behavior is a key factor of a firm to attract and retain customers and improving the firm’s prospects for survival and growth, and enhancing shareholder’s value. Therefore, marketers should understand consumer as individual and market segment. One theory of consumer behavior supports the belief that individuals are rational. Individuals think and move through stages when making a purchase decision. This means that rational thinkers have led to the identification of a consumer buying decision process. This decision process with its different levels of involvement and influencing factors has been widely accepted and is fundamental to the understanding purchase intention represent to what consumers think they will buy. Brand equity is not only companies but also very important asset more than product itself. This paper studies brand equity model and influencing factors including information process such as information searching and information resources in the fashion market in Asia and Europe. Information searching and information resources are influencing brand knowledge that influences consumers purchase decision. Nine research hypotheses are drawn to test the relationships among antecedents of brand equity and purchase intention and relationships among brand knowledge, brand value, brand attitude, and brand loyalty. H1. Information searching influences brand knowledge positively. H2. Information sources influence brand knowledge positively. H3. Brand knowledge influences brand attitude. H4. Brand knowledge influences brand value. H5. Brand attitude influences brand loyalty. H6. Brand attitude influences brand value. H7. Brand loyalty influences purchase intention. H8. Brand value influence purchase intention. H9. There will be the same research model in Asia and Europe. We performed structural equation model analysis in order to test hypotheses suggested in this study. The model fitting index of the research model in Asia was X2=195.19(p=0.0), NFI=0.90, NNFI=0.87, CFI=0.90, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.083, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. In Europe, it was X2=133.25(p=0.0), NFI=0.81, NNFI=0.85, CFI=0.89, GFI=0.90, RMR=0.073, AGFI=0.85, which means the model fitting of the model is good enough. From the test results, hypotheses were accepted. All of these hypotheses except one are supported. In Europe, information search is not an antecedent of brand knowledge. This means that sales of global fashion brands like jeans in Europe are not expan

      • 私立大學 會計制度의 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        송동섭, 김재준, 김경구 상지대학교 산업경영연구소 2001 産業經營硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        대학의 연구를 통하여 새로운 이론과 기술을 개발하고, 교육서비스를 통하여 인재를 양성하며, 사회봉사를 통하여 국가 및 지역사회 발전에 기여하는 서비스조직이라고 볼 수 있다. 대학이 우수한 이론과 기술을 개발하고 양질의 교육서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 이를 뒷받침 할 수 있는 막대한 자원의 확보와 자원의 공정한 배분과 효율적인 운영이 뒤따라야 한다. 대학의 이해관계자들은 대학을 운영하고, 평가하고, 지원하기 위하여 대학운영에 대한 목적적합하고 신뢰할 수 있는 정보를 필요로 한다. 이러한 정보를 산출하기 위해서 그에 적합한 회계제도가 뒷받침되어야 한다. 그러나 현행 대학의 회계제도에 대해서 많은 문제점이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구는 사립대학의 재무회계제도 개선에 관한 사항을 목적으로 사립학교법과 사학기관재무회계 규칙 및 동 특례규칙을 검토하였다. 본 연구결과 사립대학의 재무회계제도가 가지고 있는 문제점을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자금운용계산서에는 전반적인 자금의 내용과 유입 ·유출간의 균형상태를 나타내기 위하여 발생주의에 따라 회계인식하며 자금원천과 운용을 경상적, 비경상적으로 구분하고, 지출자금을 부문별, 활동별, 프로그램별로 표시한다. 둘째, 운영수지계산은 운영수지의 내용 및 그 균형상태에 관한 정보를 회계정보이용자에게 전달하여야 하며, 이를 위하여 발생주의를 적용하며, 운영수지를 부문별, 활동별, 프로그램별로 보고하고, 운영수지예산서를 작성하여 실적과 비교하며, 고유활동과 보조활동별로 운영수지를 보고한다. 셋째, 대차대조표가 대학의 전반적인 재무상태를 회계정보이용자에게 전달하기 위하여는 감가상각 회계의 도입, 기본금의 전입대상, 전입시기, 전입방법 등 회계처리기준의 제정 등에 대하여 명백하게 규정한다. 넷째, 원가회계의 도입에 관한 문제에 있어 등록금 책정 및 대학별 예산 배정을 위한 표준원가의 계산, 예산편성의 철저, 경영자의 의사결정의 유용성, 학교의 장기발전계획, 이해관계자에게 효과적인 정보를 제공하고, 효율적인 내부관리를 위해서도 원가회계의 도입을 위한 방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 독자적인 특성을 지니고 있는 조직체의 회계기준의 확립과 회계제도의 체계화는 정부의 일방적이고 일률적인 법령의 제정, 공포 및 행정지도를 통해서 해결될 성질의 문제가 아니다. 회계이론가와 사학기관 회계실무자가 산학협동의 차원에서 사학기관회계와 관련된 이론의 체계화와 제도 정립을 위하여 연구할 수 있는 연구기관의 설립이 문제해결을 위한 한 방안이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어판 병동매일행동척도 개발

        임호섭,신경철,함웅,채정호,김한오,정찬호 大韓神經精神醫學會 1997 신경정신의학 Vol.36 No.2

        Objectives : Patient's behavior features are important factors which influences the clinical judgement including diagnosis. However, most psychiatrists build up a picture of patients' behavior from an amalgamation of their own brief observations and nurses' reports, which often lack in the objectiveness. Several behavioral scales have been developed to alleviate this difficulty, but the poor efficiency and reliability of these scales have made them less useful. The recently developed Ward Daily Behavior Scale is an objective tool for evaluating all the daily noteworthy behaviors of patients, and is easily applicable to wide ranges of diagnoses and ages. This study tried to prove the reliability and validity of the Ward Daily Behavior Scale-Korean version. Methods : The 112 patients, 63 males and 49 females, at a chronic psychiatric inpatient ward were selected as subjects. Experienced and unexperienced nurses rated patients' behaviors independently with the Ward Daily Behavior Scale-Korean version, after observing behaviors of subjects for 8 hours during day duty time. And then we tested the inter-rater reliability, internal consistency, and concurrent validity of this scale. Results : The Ward Daily Behavior Scale-Korean version proved to be both reliable and valid for measuring of behaviors of psychiatric inpatients. Conclusions : The Ward Daily Behavior Scale-Korean version will be a valuable tool to observe and quantify patients' behavior in psychiatric wards.

      • 김치의 제조 및 유통중 가스발생 방지에 관한 연구

        윤경영,강미정,이광희,윤광섭,김광수 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1997 식품과학지 Vol.9 No.-

        대량생산을 위한 김치의 산업화에 있어서 가장 큰 문제점인 유통시의 산패현장과 포장팽대 및 파손을 지연시켜 김치의 저장기간을 연장하고자 이산화탄소 흡수능력을 가진 물질을 가스흡수제로 처리하여 저장중 김치의 품질을 검토하였다. 품질평가를 위한 측정항목은 pH, 산도, 색상, 이산화탄소 함량 및 젖산균수 그리고 총균수를 측정하였다. 수산화칼륨, 수산화칼슘, 수산화나트륨과 같은 알칼리물질과 연화마그네슘, 염화칼슘과 같은 염화합물을 가스흡수제로 사용한 결과, 수산화칼륨과 수산화나트륨처리구가 타처리구에 비해 pH의 감소가 적었으며, 또한 산도의 증가가 다소 낮았다. 수산화칼륨과 수산화나트륨을 각각 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% 세단계의 농도로 처리한 결과 pH와 산도에 있어서 수산화칼륨처리구가 수산화나트륨처리구에 비해 높은 pH와 낮은 산도를 나타내었다. 또한 각 처리구의 농도에 따라 큰 차이가 나타나지 않아 간편성과 경제적인 면, 그리고 시각적인 면을 고려해 볼 때 0.25% 수산화칼륨처리구가 탄산가스흡수에 의해 김치의 저장기간을 연장하는데 다소 효과를 보였다. PE bag으로 포장된 수산화칼슘과 PE flim(0.02㎜)으로 포장한 0.25% 수산화칼륨을 가스흡수제로 사용하여 무처리구와 비교하여 저장중 김치의 품질을 검토하였다. 저장중 0.25% 수산화칼륨처리구와 시판용 김치의 가스흡수제인 수산화칼슘처리구를 비교할 때, 수산화칼륨처리구가 무처리구에 비해 pH 및 산도의 차이가 컸으며, 김치의 조직과 국물속에 용해되어 있는 이산화탄소의 함량도 적었다. 그리고 총균수에 있어서 타처리구에 비해 수산화칼륨처리구가 높은 값을 나타내었다. When kimchi was manufactured and circulated, largest question is rancidity phenomenon and packing swelling. This study was conducted to prevent these phenomenon and prolong the shelf-life of kimchi. KOH, NaOH, Ca(OH)_2, MgCl_(2), and CaCl_(2) were used to gas-absorbent. The pH of kimchi used KOH, NaOH was higher than the others. The acidity of kimchi used KOH, NaOH was lower than the others. The concentration of KOH, NaOH was 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%. The decrease of pH and increase of acidity that kimchi dealt with KOH were lower than kimchi used NaOH. There in no significant difference in concentration of gas-absorbent. Comparision of kimchi used 0.25% KOH and Ca(OH)_2. Ca(OH)_2 packaged PE bag and 0.25% KOH packaged PE film(0.02㎜) were used to gas-absorbent. On comparision to control, kimchi dealt with 0.25% KOH was higher than kimchi used Ca(OH)_2 at pH and acidity. The CO_(2) contents of kimchi dealt with 0.25% KOH was lowest. The number of total microbe kimchi dealt with 0.25% KOH was highest.

      • 유산소 운동이 비만 남자 중학생의 신체구성 및 혈중 지질에 미치는 효과

        노경섭,오수일 강원대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.23

        The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of aerobic training on the changes of body composition and lipiprotein in obese middle school boys. Thirty-five obese middle school boys were ramdomly assigned into two training groups and control group: (1) 60%Hrmax (n=13), (2)80%Hrmax(n=12), (3) control group (n=10), respectively. The participants in the training group trained 40-minute per day for three times per week for twelve weeks. The results were as follows: 1.After twelve-week 1.6km aerobic, there was a significant change in body composition. a.After twelve-week 1.6km aerobic training, there was a significant difference in boby composition between the training groups (E-60%HRmax, E-80% HRmax) and control group. b.After twelve-week 1.6km arobic training, there was no significant difference in body composition between the 60%Hrmax and 80%Hrmax. 2.After twelve-week 1.6km arobic training, there was a significant chage of lipiprotein TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C in the training groups(60%HRmax, 80%HRmax). a.After twelve-week 1.6km aerobic training, there was a significant difference in lipiprotein TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-D between the training groups (60%HRmax, 80%HRmax) and control group. b.After twelve-week 1.6km aerobic training, there was no significant difference in lipiprotein TC, HDL-C, LDL-D, TG, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C between the 60%HRmax and 80%HRmax. It is generally believed that, he obese middle school boys were not able to adapt to exercise, because of their avoidance from exercise. However, the results of the present study showed that the continuous participation in aerobic exercise resulted in the positive changes in body composition and lipiprotein. It is suggested that the aerobic training have a possible values as programs for obesity prevention and remediation and may decrease the risks of chronic health problems

      • 인삼, 식이섬유, DHA를 첨가한 기능성 두부의 특성

        백은경,구혜진,김경선,김동섭,백무열 경희대학교 생명자원과학연구원 2004 硏究論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        두부의 기능성과 고급화 및 다양화를 하기 위하여 식이 섬유, 인삼, DHA를 첨가하여 기능성 두부를 제조함에 있어 이들 첨가량이 품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 식이 섬유 첨가 두부는 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 수율이 증가하여 경도, 응집성 및 껌성이 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며 탄성은 첨가량에 따라 큰 차이를 나타레지 않았다. 관능검사 결과 또한 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 경도, 응집성, 탄성 등의 감소와 쓴맛, 떫은맛의 증가로 인하여 전반적인 기호도가 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 감소하였다. DHA 첨가 두부는 경도와 껌성이 기계적 특성치와 관능검사 결과에서 모두 첨가량의 증가에 따라 증가하였으며, 이외의 특성들은 대조구와 큰 차이를 나타내지 않아 첨가량에 관계없이 전반적인 기호도에서 대조구와 크게 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 인삼분말과 extract 첨가 두부는 첨가 방법에 상관없이 수율과 기계적 특성치인 탄성과 응집성에서 대조구와 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았으며, 인삼 고유의 성질 때문에 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 L값은 감소하고 a값은 증가하였으며 쓴맛과 떫은맛이증가하여 전반적인 기호도가 분말과 extract 모두 첨가량이 증가하면서 낮아졌으며 최소 첨가량인 0.05%를 첨가하는 것이 경도. 탄성, 껌성 , 응집성에서 대조구와 가장 유사한 것으로 나타나 전반적인 기호도가 0.05%에서 우수하게 평가되었다. 따라서본 실험을 바탕으로 하여 앞으로 식이 섬유와 인삼, 식이 섬유와 DHA. 인삼과 D보A, 마지막으로 이 세 가지를 모두 섞어서 첨가하여 더 기능적이고 다양한 기능성 두부에 대한 실험을 수행해야 할 것이다. The quality characteristics of functional soybean curd with polydextrose, ginseng and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) were investigated. As the concentration of polydextrose increased, the yield increased but hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess decreased. In sensory evaluation, the overall preference decreased with increasing polydextrose concentration possibly due to decrease of hardness, cohesiveness and springiness, as well as increase of bitter and puckery tastes. Soybean curd with DHA showed no differences in all properties except hardness and gumminess. Soybean curd with ginseng extract and ginseng powder showed no difference in the yield and the textural properties. But the L value decreased, and a value, bitter taste and puckery taste increased with increasing ginseng concentration. Although the overall preference was decreased with increasing ginseng concentration in both powder and extract, addition of minimum concentration (0.05%) showed similar characteristic with control.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Boxing 선수들의 체중조절 실태에 관한 조사 연구

        김태완,조경욱,이충섭 忠北大學校 平生體育硏究所 1991 平生體育硏究所 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The investigation of resarch on research on the actual condition about weight control of 137 high school or college boxing players in cheongju, Seoul, Incheon, Suwon, Yongin, and Daegu drew the following conclusions. 1) The methods of weight control were described that reducing weight was 78.15, increasing weight was 13.1% and reducing or increasing weight was 8.8%. The method of imcrease in quantity of exercise was most used as the method of reducing weight, and the methods of bathing and dieting were used a lot. 2) The best condition was in teducing 3-1Kilograms of weight and the players felt the most fatigue in reducing 5-6Kilograms of weight. The foodstuffs which they ate most in teducing weight were vegetable and fruit. Water and soft dinks weten secodly. 3) They described 6-10days before thore t heir games were the most appropriate periods of reducig weight. Many plauers were satified with methods of reducing weight, but 82.5% of them thought reducing weight was icjurious to their tealth. 4) 47.4% of them lost their games because of the failure of reducing weight. All the players described the success of reducing weight affected the victory and thd defeat of their games. Therefore we could understand weight control was another game. 5) 8% of players had experience in taking medicine in reducing weight. 30% of them had experience in reducing more 9Kilograms of weight. "Laxis" was described as the most medicine taken in reducing weight.

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