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        언택트 홈 오피스 체제의 업무효율 개선을 위한 홈 오피스 가구 시스템 개발

        송규호 ( Song¸ Kyuho ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.6

        (연구 배경 및 목적) 최근 코로나바이러스감염증-19(COVID-19)로 인해 인류 최대의 위기라는 말이 나올 정도로 감염 확산 속도가 매우 빠르게 진행되고 있다. 중국 우한에서 시작된 이 바이러스는 아시아를 넘어 전 세계적으로 확산되었다. 본 연구에서는 COVID-19 바이러스로 인해 홈 오피스 시대가 도래하면서 효율적인 업무를 위한 홈 오피스 가구 시스템 디자인 개발을 진행해 보고자 한다. 특히 홈 오피스 사용자가 효율적으로 업무를 진행하기 위해 최적화된 공간을 제공하는 것에 목적을 두었다. (연구방법) 디자인 개발에 앞서 오피스의 개념 및 기능, 역할에 대해 정리하고 오피스가 변화하는 이유와 목적에 대해 조사하였다. 또한 오피스와 집의 공간 및 가구에 대해 조사하고 인뎁스(in depth) 인터뷰를 통해 구체적인 인사이트를 도출하여 홈 오피스에서 업무를 수행하기 적합한 가구를 개발하고자 하였다. 실제 디자인 결과물로 도출하기 위해 다양한 구조 스케치와 인체공학적인 부분을 고려한 1:1스케일의 3D 모델링 설계, CMF(Color, Material, Finish)를 적용한 렌더링을 진행하여 실제 공간에서 어떻게 사용하는지 시뮬레이션 렌더링까지 결과물을 도출하였다. 새로운 형태의 홈 오피스에서 좀 더 원활한 업무를 위한 공간의 구성 및 중요 요소를 찾아 디자인 개발을 진행하였다. (결과) 비대면 시대의 스마트 워크의 중심은 이동의 용이성이 아닌 공간의 제약이다. 오피스 밖에서 업무를 진행하지만, 업무 공간을 집으로 한정한 홈 오피스 체제가 되어야 할 것이다. 사무환경에서의 기능적 효율성을 가져오면서 디자인 및 CMF는 홈 인테리어 및 사용성에 조화롭게 디자인하였다. 홈 오피스 가구 시스템의 포인트는 업무의 효율과 홈 인테리어와의 조화이다. 그리고 휴식 공간과 업무 공간과의 분리이다. 공간의 디바이드는 심리적인 안정감을 줄뿐만 아니라 업무 시 집중도를 높여준다. 재택근무를 원룸에서나 침실, 거실 등에서 하고 있기 때문에 다양한 홈환경에서 공간을 디바이드 할 수 있는 파티션을 데스크와 결합 혹은 단독으로 사용할 수 있도록 하였다. (결론) 이제까지 집이라는 공간이 휴식과 가족과의 커뮤니케이션에 목적이 있었다면, 이제부터는 홈 오피스라는 하나의 목적을 더해야 할 것이다. 이제는 집의 의미와 업무가 결합 된 새로운 형태의 공간과 가구 디자인이 지속적으로 제안되어야 할 것이다. 홈 오피스 공간 및 업무효율성 개선을 위해 가구 및 공간의 활용방안을 찾는 지속적인 관심과 연구가 필요하며, 사용성 및 실제 업무 효율성의 변화에 대해 심도 있게 연구를 이어나가고자 한다. (Research Background and purpose) The spread of COVID-19 is progressing very fast enough to say that it is the biggest crisis of mankind. Originating in Wuhan, China, the virus has spread across Asia and throughout the whole world. This study intends to develop a home office furniture system design for efficient work with the advent of the home office era due to the COVID-19 virus. In particular, it aims to provide an optimized space for home office users to work efficiently. (Research Method) Prior to design development, the concept and function of the office were summarized, and the reason and purpose of office changes were studied. In addition, by looking into the space and furniture of offices and houses, and deriving specific insights through in-depth interviews, attempted to develop furniture suitable for working in the home office. In order to derive the actual design result, a 1:1 scale 3D modeling design which considers various structural sketches and ergonomics, and CMF (Color, Material, Finish) were applied to the rendering to simulate how it should be used in real space. Composition and important elements of space were considered in the new form of home office, to make it efficient to work in. (Result) The key point of smart work in the non-face-to-face era is not the ease of movement, it’s the constraints of space. Now one is working outside the office, and this new space should be a home office where work space is limited at home. Functional efficiency were brought into the office environment, And design and CMF were harmonized with home interior and usability. The importance of home office furniture system is work efficiency and harmony with home interior, also the separation of the rest area and work area. The division of space not only gives a sense of psychological stability, and increases concentration when working. Working from home in a spare room, bed room, living room, or etc., partitions that can divide space in various form and can be combined with another desk or used alone. (Conclusion) Until now, the space called home was used to rest and communicate with family, but from now on, the purpose of home office should be added. New forms of space and furniture design which combines the meaning of home and work should be proposed continuously. In order to improve home office space and work efficiency, constant interest and research are needed, and changes in usability and actual work efficiency is going to be analyzed continuously.

      • KCI등재

        불교(佛敎)와 인권(人權) - 원효사상을 중심으로 -

        이규호 ( Lee¸ Kyu Ho ) 사단법인 한국교수불자연합회 2020 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        법적 도덕적 권리인 서구 중심적 人權은 인간은 목적이고 자연은 수단이라는 인종 중심적 인권임에 반하여, 동양적인 人權은 인종 이기주의를 벗어난 인권을 말한다. 불교 역시 인간뿐 아니라 온 존재의 안녕을 추구하며 상생과 공동체적 관점에서 온 생명에 대한 배려와 온 존재를 존중하는 인권을 追求한다. 불교 인권개념을 논함에 있어서는 인권이 (인간에 한정될 수 없고) 모든 존재의 안녕까지 보장해야 함을 의미하는 不二, 타인에 대한 보살핌을 의미하는 慈悲, 자기보존의 普遍性이 고려되어야 한다. 불교 人權成立의 根據는 모든 인간에게 내재된 깨달음으로 도덕성과 불성(인간존중)이라고 본다. 불교인권 옹호의 근거는 사성제(苦集은 반인권적인 현실, 滅道는 반인권적인 현실에서 벗어나 인간존중의 행복한 현실로 실행하는 것을 의미)에 있다. 불교 인권실현의 原則에는 인권의 실현에 있어서 연기의 이치에 따르는 緣起的 原則과 비폭력, 불살생과 자비, 악에 대한 교화로 나타나는 平和的 原則이 있다. 서로 다른 주장의 화해, 사람들 간의 화해, 온 존재의 화해 등 이질적인 것들을 모두 조화롭게 회통시키는 것을 의미하는 원효의 화쟁 사상에는, 어디에도 집착하지 않는 自由와 화쟁대상이 모두 一心의 존재라는 면에서 平等을, 그리고 자비의 실천을 의미한다는 면에서 人類愛가 내포되어 있다. 이 화쟁은 인권의 세 이념인 자유와 평등 그리고 인류애(자비)에 상응하는 의미를 내포하고 있어, (욕망의 미화나 확대를 전제하는 서구적 인권개념과 달리) 화쟁에 내포된 자유와 평등 그리고 인류애(자비)는 인간에 대한 절대적인 신뢰 · 자신의 욕망에 대한 비움 · 온 존재에 대한 긍정을 전제하며, 화쟁에서 인권은 서로 다른 입장(존재)들을 화해시키고자 하는 온 존재를 수용하는 인권으로 온 存在의 調和를 추구한다. 따라서 본 논문은 국내외의 문헌을 중심으로 현대사회의 인권문제를 불교적 시각에서 해소하기 위해서 불교와 인권이론을 고찰한 후 인권문제의 해법으로 원효사상을 제시하고자 한다. The legal and moral right, Western-centered man, is a human right that goes beyond racial selfishness, against the ethnocentric human rights of man and nature of means. Buddhism also pursues the well-being of all beings, not only humans, but also human rights that respect life and respect all beings from a win-win and community perspective. In discussing the concept of human rights in Buddhism, which means human rights should be guaranteed to the well-being of all beings, which means care for others, and of self-preservation should be considered. The Buddhist is a moral and disloyal (respect for human beings) as the enlightenment inherent in all human beings. The basis of the Buddhist human rights advocacy lies in the Saseongje, which means to break away from the anti-human rights reality and implement it as a happy reality of human respect. The Buddhist practice of human rights includes, which follows the logic of acting in the realization of human rights, and which appears as a culture of nonviolence, murder and mercy, and evil. Wonhyo's idea of a peacemaker, which means harmonizing all the disparate things, such as reconciliation of different arguments, reconciliation between people, and reconciliation of all beings, implies that both the self-reliance and the subject of a peacemaker who is not obsessed with anything are the existence of one minds, and that it means the practice of mercy. This conflagration implies the equivalent of the three ideologies of human rights, freedom, equality and humanity (unlike the Western concept of human rights, which presupposes the glorification or expansion of desire), freedom and equality and humanity embodied in the dispute are absolute trust in humans, the emptiness of one's desires, and the positivity of the whole being, and human rights are reconciled (all beings). Therefore, this paper aims to present Wonhyo ideology as a solution to the human rights problem after considering Buddhism and human rights theory in order to solve the human rights problem in modern society from a Buddhist perspective, focusing on the literature at home and abroad.

      • Base Station Operation and User Association Mechanisms for Energy-Delay Tradeoffs in Green Cellular Networks

        Kyuho Son,Hongseok Kim,Yung Yi,Krishnamachari, B. IEEE 2011 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications Vol.29 No.8

        <P>Energy-efficiency, one of the major design goals in wireless cellular networks, has received much attention lately, due to increased awareness of environmental and economic issues for network operators. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework for BS energy saving that encompasses dynamic BS operation and the related problem of user association together. Specifically, we formulate a total cost minimization that allows for a flexible tradeoff between flow-level performance and energy consumption. For the user association problem, we propose an optimal energy-efficient user association policy and further present a distributed implementation with provable convergence. For the BS operation problem (i.e., BS switching on/off), which is a challenging combinatorial problem, we propose simple greedy-on and greedy-off algorithms that are inspired by the mathematical background of submodularity maximization problem. Moreover, we propose other heuristic algorithms based on the distances between BSs or the utilizations of BSs that do not impose any additional signaling overhead and thus are easy to implement in practice. Extensive simulations under various practical configurations demonstrate that the proposed user association and BS operation algorithms can significantly reduce energy consumption.</P>

      • REFIM: A Practical Interference Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks

        Kyuho Son,Soohwan Lee,Yung Yi,Song Chong IEEE 2011 IEEE journal on selected areas in communications Vol.29 No.6

        <P>Due to the increasing demand of capacity in wireless cellular networks, the small cells such as pico and femto cells are becoming more popular to enjoy a spatial reuse gain, and thus cells with different sizes are expected to coexist in a complex manner. In such a heterogeneous environment, the role of interference management (IM) becomes of more importance, but technical challenges also increase, since the number of cell-edge users, suffering from severe interference from the neighboring cells, will naturally grow. In order to overcome low performance and/or high complexity of existing static and other dynamic IM algorithms, we propose a novel low-complex and fully distributed IM scheme, called REFIM (REFerence based Interference Management), in the downlink of heterogeneous multi-cell networks. We first formulate a general optimization problem that turns out to require intractable computation complexity for global optimality. To have a practical solution with low computational and signaling overhead, which is crucial for low-cost small-cell solutions, e.g., femto cells, in REFIM, we decompose it into per-BS (base station) problems based on the notion of reference user and reduce feedback overhead over backhauls both temporally and spatially. We evaluate REFIM through extensive simulations under various configurations, including the scenarios from a real deployment of BSs. We show that, compared to the schemes without IM, REFIM can yield more than 40% throughput improvement of cell-edge users while increasing the overall performance by 10~107%. This is equal to about 95% performance of the existing centralized IM algorithm (MC-IIWF) that is known to be near-optimal but hard to implement in practice due to prohibitive complexity. We also present that as long as interference is managed well, the spectrum sharing policy can outperform the best spectrum splitting policy where the number of subchannels is optimally divided between macro and femto cells.</P>


        Design of Dynamically Focus-switchable Fresnel Zone Plates Based on Plasmonic Phase-change VO<sub>2</sub> Metafilm Absorbers

        Kyuho Kim,Changhyun Kim,Sun-Je Kim,Byoungho Lee Optical Society of Korea 2023 Current Optics and Photonics Vol.7 No.3

        Novel thermo-optically focus-switchable Fresnel zone plates based on phase-change metafilms are designed and analyzed at a visible wavelength (660 nm). By virtue of the large thermo-optic response of vanadium dioxide (VO<sub>2</sub>) thin film, a phase-change material, four different plasmonic phase-change absorbers are numerically designed as actively tunable Gires-Tournois Al-VO<sub>2</sub> metafilms in two and three dimensions. The designed phase-change metafilm unit cells are used as the building blocks of actively focus-switchable Fresnel zone plates with strong focus switching contrast (40%, 83%) and high numerical apertures (1.52, 1.70). The Fresnel zone plates designed in two and three dimensions work as cylindrical and spherical lenses in reflection type, respectively. The coupling between the thermo-optic effect of VO<sub>2</sub> and localized plasmonic resonances in the Al nanostructures offer a large degree of freedom in design and high-contrast focus-switching performance based on largely tunable absorption resonances. The proposed method may have great potential in photothermal and electrothermal active optical devices for nonlinear optics, microscopy, 3D scanning, optical trapping, and holographic displays over a wide spectral range including the visible and infrared regimes.

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