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      • 중학교 영어 교과서 Readability 측정

        유경아,김동희,전종호,차경환,손석완 中央大學校 韓國敎育問題硏究所 1996 韓國敎育問題硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.11

        The main purpose of this study is to find out whether current English textbooks for middle school students in Korea are properly leveled or graded. The researchers utilized Fry Readability Graph, Flesch Readability Formula, and Dale-Chall Readability Formula for the analysis of eight English textbooks which are being used for second graders. The results of the analysis are as follows. 1. The texts are at least one or two levels higher than the formula suggest. 2. Most of the English textbooks are not properly graded in the light of readability. 3. Dale-Chall's readability formula has more precise prediction about readability analysis among them.

      • KCI등재

        미국 독립선언서 주석

        안경환 서울대학교 국제지역원 2001 국제지역연구 Vol.10 No.2

        미국의 독립은 영국으로부터 미국인의 독립인 동시에, 영국의 제도에 대한 식민지 영국인의 혁명이라는 이중적 성격을 지닌다. 따라서 독립선언서는 독립인 동시에 혁명의 선언이다. 미국독립 혁명의 본질적 성격에 대해서는 많은 논의가 축적되어 왔다. 직접 독립혁명에 참여했던 1세대는 '대표 없는 과세'의 부정으로 상징되는 정치철학의 선언으로 이해했다. 종교적, 신학적의미에 주목하여 인간의 자유를 선사하기 위한 신의 뜻을 실현하기 위한 영웅적 투쟁으로 규정지은 사람도 있었다. 19세기 말에는 독립혁명 당시의 사회적, 경제적 조건에 주목하여 경제적 이해관계가 독립의 주된 요인으로 파악한 소위 '진보적 학파'가 등장하여 1950년대에 이르기까지 상당한 영향력을 발휘했다. 1950년대에 들어와서 '합의이론'이 등장하여 John Locke적 자유주의의 구현으로 성격을 규정지웠다. 그러나 1960년대부터 공화주의 이론이 등장하여 합의이론을 수정하였다 그리하여 현재에 이르기까지 사적재산권의 보호를 핵심으로 하는 Locke적 자유주의와 공동체에 대한 덕목(vitrue)을 중시하는 공화주의 이론이 함께 미국혁명의 이념적 배경으로 인식되고 있다. 이 글은 독립선언서의 번역과 주석작업의 시도이다. 합의이론을 기초로 공화주의 이론을 보충하여 주석을 시도하였다. 미국사연구회가 제시한 기존의 번역(1992)을 토대로 하되 법적 의미를 명확하게 할 필요가 있다고 판단한 경우에는 수정을 가하였다. 독립선언서를 텍스트로 분석할 때, (a)前文(preface) (b)구체적 사실의 열거 (c)결론(conclusion)의 3부분으로 나눌 수 있다. 제1부 전문 부분에서는 일반적인 용어로 민주주의의 정치철학의 원리를 제시한 두 번째 문단이 핵심을 이룬다. 제2부에서는 영국 국왕의 구체적인 압제의 예를 열거한다. 제3부에서는 영국으로부터의 독립과, 영국과의 전쟁을 선언함으로써 문서를 종결한다. 결론의 제1부와 2부는 근본적 성격이 다름에서 불구하고 문서가 지향하는 논리와 목표에 상호 긴밀하게 연결되어 있다. 외형적으로는 구체적인 불만을 근거로 한 혁명과 독립을 선언한 연유가 주된 내용으로 보이나, 기실 핵심의 내용은 영국제국의 정치체제를 유념하면서 천명한 정부론의 일반원칙이다. 일반적인 정부론은 명시적으로 제시되어 있지만 영국의 정부형태와 정치체제는 명시적으로 논의되지 않았다. 그러나 제2부에 열거된 사실들은 영국적 제도에 대한 위반임을 암시적으로 연결하고 있다. 독립선언서에는 '영국의회'(Parliament)에 대한 직접적인 언급은 없다. 이 사실은 최소한 두 가지 의미를 가진다. 첫째, 식민지인들의 헌법이론에 의하면 식민지는 국왕에 대한 충성의무만 부담할 뿐, 의회에 대해서는 부담하지 않는다는 것이었다. 영국에 대해 지는 일체의 권리와 의무는 국왕(King)을 매개체로 하여 이루어진 것이라는 논리였다. 둘째, 이렇듯 영국의회를 직접적인 공격의 표적으로 삼지 않았던 것은 정치적 고려에 기인한 것이기도 했다. 당시 영국의회 내에서 식민지의 주장에 대해 우호적인 태도를 가진 의원도 상당수 있었기에 인기가 없는 국왕 George 3세에 대해 공격의 표적을 집중함으로써 의회와 불필요한 마찰을 야기시키지 않으려는 의도적인 고려일 수도 있다. 독립선언서에서 특히 주목해야 할 사항은 독립 이전에 끊임없이 논의되던 '英國 臣民의 권리'(rights of British subjects)라는 개념이 등장하지 않는다는 것이다. 그것은 영국과의 관계를 전면적으로 단절하고 국왕 대신 국민(people)이 주인이 되는 공화국이라는 새로운 정치체제의 출범을 선언하면서 영국신민의 권리의 침해를 이유로 내세우는 것은 논리적으로 모순이기 때문이다. 이러한 국민주권의 원리는 후일 제정된 연방헌법의 전문에 분명하게 천명된다. "우리들 미합중국 국민(We the people of the United States)은‥‥이 헌법을 제정한다"(do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States)라는 선언은 바로 군주주권에 복속하는 신민에서 주권자인 국민으로 개인의 지위가 바뀌었음을 선언한 독립선언의 정신을 구체화한 것이다. This paper is an attempt to translate and annotate the American Declaration of Independence into the Korean texts. In the Introductory Part, the character of the American Independence Revolution is examined. Following a brief review of various interpretations of each 'school', the article discusses the backgrounds of the revolution and the drafting process of the Declaration. Although "the Consensus Theory" is adopted in principle, elements of the "republicanism" are copied when deemed proper. In Part II, textual composition of the document is dissected, followed by the discussions on the theoretical implications of the Declaration, focusing on the transformation from the "subject" of the monarch to the "people", the ultimate holder of the sovereignty. In Part III, the full text of the Declaration are translated and annotated. Some improprieties of the preceding translations are mentioned with the suggestions of the alternatives. In annotating the texts, a special care has been taken to accomodate the preceding academic works in Korea to the highest level.

      • 마이크로파에 의한 미생물 살균 특성

        문경환 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1999 保健科學論集 Vol.25 No.1

        A series of sterilizing experiments have been made to determine the effect of microwave energy on Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. For the analysis of the test, microwave sample digestion system (MDS-2000. CEM Co. USA) was used under the conditions of different sterilization duration and unequal intensity of microwave power irradiation onto the bacteria. According to the results of the research, E. coli and B. subtilis gradually decreased in proportion to the microwave's wattage and the heating time elapsed. The reaction kinetics of E. coli and B. subtilis could be represented by the first-order reaction and the value of specific death rate constants(k) of E. coli were calculated 25∼50% higher values than that of B. subtilis.

      • 일부 수영장 욕수 및 이용객 urine내 Trihalomethane 농도

        문경환,손종렬,김영환,변상훈,배은상 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1998 保健科學論集 Vol.24 No.1

        Chlorination of swimming pool water leads to many chlorinated products. The most frequent derivative is trihalomethane(THMs). This study was performed to investigate the distribution of THMs in swimming pool water and ambient air, and to determine whether THMs concentrations in swimmers' urine Were influenced significantly after swimming. Water samples were collected from 22 indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Concentrations of THMs in swimmers' urine determined before and after their stay in swimming pools. Results of the study as follows. 1. The concentrations of THMs in the indoor swimming pools water(41.85±73.22㎍/L) were significantly increased(p<0.05) in comparison with that of outdoor swimming pools (10.15±15.45㎍/L). The average concentration of THMs in indoor ambient was 51.2㎍/㎥, which was significantly higher than that of air quality. 2. As a results of regression analysis between THMs and water quality factors, the concentration of pH, residual chlorine and KMnO₄ consumption were highly correlated in indoor swimming pools. 3. In almost all cases, only CHCl₃ was quantifiable. The proportions of THMs in urine correlated roughly with those in water and the secretion of THMs increased significantly after swimming in the pools.

      • 英語의 名詞節에 관하여 (Ⅰ) : That- 節을 중심으로 With Reference to the 'That-Clause' in English

        高景煥 제주대학교 1986 논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        This study is to investigate the various characteristics of the noun clause beginning with the conjunction 'that', namely, 'That-Clause' in English. The following are the findings : In spite of the equality of the noun clauses to the single nouns in functions, the 'that-clause' is not always so in actual use in sentences. The 'that-clause' has a few grammatical defects ; it cannot be the object of prepositions except in a few cases, nor does it function as an indirect object or an object complement The that in 'that-clause' is sometimes omitted when the 'that-clause' is positioned after the verb 'be', and when the 'that-clause' is extraposed, and when it functions as a direct object. But the clearness of the sentence in the grammatical relation is to be aware. The 'that-clause' is sometimes extraposed at the end of the sentence. Its main purpose is to balance the sentence structure. The cleft sentence consisting of 'It…that' is used to give a thematic and focal prominence to a particular element of the sentence. It is often said that the cleft sentence and the restrictive relative clause are the same. But there are great differences between them. The two are different from the viewpoint of the introductory word, of number, and of selecting an antecedent.

      • 動名詞 構文의 文法的 特性에 관한 再考察

        高景煥 제주대학교 1992 논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        The chief concern of this paper is with a thorough investigation into the properties of the gerund construrtions in various ways:difffirence between gerunds and action nominals, the functions of a gerund, the character of a gerund, tense and voice, extraposition of a gerund clause, etc. Gerunds and action nominals are not often distinguished by some grammarians, but these two are clearly distinguished in their structures in rtlany ways. Their distinction shows that gerunds have more of a verbal character, while action nominals have more of a nominal one. Because of its verbal character, the gerund is able to accompany its own subject, object, complement and modifier. Wiht the result that, the construction made by gerund is quite similar to that of a normal clause. Only the difference between them is that the gerund clause has a non-finite verb phrase, which makes a gerund clause a non-finite clause just like an infinitive clause. Gerund clauses have their own subjects either in the genitive forms or in the accusative forms. These clauses can be extraposed, but unlike the infinitve clause or that-clause, the extraposition of a gerund clause is quite restricted.

      • 佛敎的 人間像에 관한 硏究

        閔庚煥 동국대학교 대학원 1995 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.25 No.-

        It is the function of education for the human being to have them become conscious of what they are, and what the ideal humanity are to be that human being. Therefore, there has been a discussion about ideal humanity where there was a education. It is very difficult for us to define ideal humanity because it should be discussed in the connection with valuation and culture at that time. But we cannot give up that work, a definition of the word 'ideal humanity'. Because all the activity of education is for desirable character formation. The purpose of this study is to find out what the ideal human being in Buddhism can suggest to ideal humanity modern society by the educational consideration of ideal human in Buddhism. First, here comes the necessity to study what was Buddha's view of human in the respect of the actual and ideal humanity. He noticed that every being in the world is changing constantly and without substance. But nonsense human seeks after pleasure, unchanging substance, and beauty. We are inevitably tormented because what we seek is not in accordance with the reality of life and universe. He said that the cause of suffering lies in insensibility of this reality. We can reach the area of idealism through the enlightened life out of the insensibility. Ideal life in Buddhism is Nirvana and Vimukta, out of suffering of the human being. Ideal humanity of Buddhism is 'A man of firm religious conviction' or 'Buddha', translated into 'A man of character' in modern wording. Seon- Chi-Shik, what is called, a Buddhist priest of high virtue and a true friend, is the most ideal human being in Buddhism. It can be noticed that all the educational activity were accomplished through the medium of character of Seon-Shik. The duty and function of this Seon-Chi-Shik as well as Seon-Chi-Shik as a important education functional factor were also mentioned in this study. The highest and the best of all Seon-Chi-Shik are called Buddhas or Bodhisattvas who are the images of ideal human being. Buddha is a philosopher. But there was no big gulf between Buddha and his pupils. As time goes by, his pupils became respect Buddha, so he came to be idealized slowly. He has been presided and idealized as a historical figure because he has thirty-two-Sang, eighty-Su-Hyong-Ho physically, possesses Yo-Rye-Syb-Ho and Syb-Pal-Bul-Gong-Beob physically. Syb-Pal-Bul-Gong-Beob of Buddha appeared in the middle of the process, they are 18 kinds of great and special ability of Buddha who was formed his character through his consciousness. Syb-Ryeok of Buddha is character appeared in the stage of consciousness, and educational ability for the education of the other people. Sa-Mu-Yoe is having no fear in speaking frankly all the truth and falsehood. Sam-Nyom-Ju is this ; ideal educator is to be in right thinking, knowing firmly all the time, and must not shaken in his mind, attitude according to their pupils' action, attitude, etc. All the educational activity after Buddha attained Buddhahood can be said to the realization of his merciful heart. A Bodhisattva, as the most ideal human being of Mahayana Buddhism, integrates self-education and teaching others, and endeavors to construct an ideal society through self-perfection and teaching others at the same time, and the practice of six paramita. It is worthy of notice that altruism is put ahead of egoism in six paramita. In other word, humanity of a Bodhisattva who practise the item of six paramita endlessly in one-body-benevolence based on selfless wisdom is surely the very ideal human coincided with the needs of the times. Therefore, for a definition of the word 'ideal human being' in modern society, the present writer thinks that we should learn in the Buddhistic human being.

      • 측정방법별 실내공기 중 폼알데하이드 농도 비교

        김영환,손종렬,문경환 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 1999 保健科學論集 Vol.25 No.1

        This study was conducted to identify suitable methods for measurement of formaldehyde in ambient air at sub-ppm levels. Experiments were designed to compare four different analysis procedures including NIOSH Method No. 3500, NIOSH Method No.2541, EPA Method No. 67 and passive tube method under favorable conditions(laboratory exposure chamber) and in ambient air of the household furniture shops. The results were as follows : 1. Absolute bias by each method were less than 26.8% at the theoretical exposure concentration of 0.21ppm and all methods except the passive method produced precise results at this levels. Use of the NIOSH Method No. 3500 indicated accuracy was approximately 1.5-2.8 times higher than those determined by NIOSH Method No. 2541 and EPA Method No. 67. 2. EPA Method No. 67 had the best precision and accuracy at 0.12ppm level similar to the current regulatory limit for the formaldehyde in ambient air. 3. The amounts of released formaldehyde for household furniture shops were 0.040ppm by NIOSH Method No. 3500. 0.051ppm by NIOSH Method No.2541. 0.054ppm by EPA Method No. 67 and 0.096ppm by passive tube method, respectively. The concentrations indicated by passive tube method were consistently higher than those measured by the other methods. No statistically significant differences of formaldehyde concentrations among ambient air except the passive tube method were found (p<0.05),

      • Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB) Micelle에 對한 溶媒의 影響(第一報) : CTAB溶液의 光散亂實驗을 中心으로 Light Scattering Measurements of CTAB Solution

        禹圭煥,崔姬淑,李庚伊 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1980 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        The light scattering experiment of the CTAB surfactant soluton is carried out with Aminco Absolute Light Scattering Photometer at 25 C. The behavior of CTAB-DMSO-H_2O solution depending upon the solvent composition (DMSO molefractions are 0.00, 0.05, 0.098 and 0.201 respectively) has been observed by measuring the Rayleigh Ration of the solution as a function on CTAB concentration. As the molefraction of the DMSO is increased, the critical micelle concentration (cmc) of the sur-factant is also increased while the aggregaion number of micelle is decteased. This can be explained in such a way that as the DMSO composition is increased, not only the stability of CTAB micelle is weakened but also the micelle size becomes small. Moreover, DMSO molecule is regarded to have an inhibitive effect on the formation of CTAB micelle due to its dominant affinity to the water molecule.

      • 일부 반면형 호흡기보호구 착용시 안면 크기 및 성별에 따른 밀착도 변화

        변상훈,문경환,손종렬,김영환,배은상 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 2000 保健科學論集 Vol.26 No.1

        The fit of a respirator to the Face of an individual can be determined by a qualitative fit test((QLFT) or a quantitative fit test (QNFT). A quantitative fit test, was performed to evaluate leak values with Mask Fitting Tester. Two brands of half face respirators(M,S) were tested on 110 wearers on time. This study was investigated how the fit factors resulting from a quantiative fit test (QNFT) depend on the movements in the six test exersize regimes. Fit factor were low when face lengthes were higher or lower than average values. In this research we studies the koean's face length and compared the result with one of the American and the Japanese after wearing the Half-Mask Respirators, some changes in their leak were found and the results were as follows. 1. Although most testee were young, the Korean's face length were similar to the American while the male face length were similar to the Japanese. 2. For men, thier face length has been longer about by 1㎝ but mouth's length shorter about by 0.3㎝ than 10 years ago. 3. If the face length were not normality (such as higher or lower) leak degree was too high to be appropriate for the Respirator. 4. Both M and S company their respirators showed that the male leak degree was two times lower than female. Therefore, the resporators in the current market were believed to forcus it's target for male consumers. 5. The result of QLFT in a male showed that pass% of M was 20% higher than S. 6. In the result of QLFT, pass% of S was 25% highr than M in a female 7. These results(5&6) showed that S were more suitable in a female and M were more suitable in a male

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