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      • KCI등재후보

        과학과 과학자에 대한 인식변화를 위한 초등학교 과학 체험활동 교수-학습 프로그램의 개발 및 적용

        권난주 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2006 교육과학연구 Vol.37 No.2

        과학은 위대하고, 과학이 잘되어야 나라가 잘된다고 한다. 그러나 과학으로 진로를 결정하는 학생들은 오히려 점점 줄어들고 있으며, 학령이 높아질수록 더 줄어든다. 물론 모두가 과학자가 될 필요는 없으나 과학의 참모습을 제대로 보고, 과학자에서 다루는 일들이 얼마나 다양하고 현실적인지는 알 필요가 있다. 본 연구에서는 과학을 제대로 알리고, 이상 속의 과학을 현실의 과학으로 알리는 방법을 찾고자 하였다. 그래서 초등학생과 초등교사들의 과학과 과학자에 대한 단편적인 인식을 바람직한 인식으로 변화하게 하는 목적으로, 과학 체험활동 교수-학습 프로그램을 개발하였다. 인지갈등전략을 활용한 이 프로그램은 과학 꺼내기, 과학 깨닫기, 과학 친하기/접하기, 과학 꿈꾸기라는 네 단계를 거치며, 새롭고 손쉽고 흥미있는 과학 교수방법이자 학습방법을 제공한다. This study developed an activity program using strategies of cognitive change about science and scientist for elementary students and teachers. First, students and teachers' perceptions of science and scientist were investigated. Then, in a discussion, they compared their idea of science and scientist to that of the real world. Thereafter, they experienced the program that was developed as strategies of cognitive change and academic/career counseling plan. The developed program has 4 steps; exposing perception of science, identification and arousing the cognition of science, experiencing science, realizing science and being scientific literacy. It is expected that implementation of this program will get positive changes in elementary school science.

      • KCI등재후보

        예비 초등교사들의 환경 인식 조사

        권난주 한국초등과학교육학회 2003 초등과학교육 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental perceptions of pre-service elementary school teachers about global environment. Subjects are 134 senior students of the national university of education in a metropolitan city. As an indicator of environmental perceptions, the modified New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) instrument was used. This modified NEP instrument consists of four dimensions; the negative results of growth and technology, the relation of humankind and nature, the quality of life, and the limits of biosphere. The results of this study suggested that a majority of pre-service elementary teachers held ecological environmental perceptions. This ecological environmental perceptions appeared in each four dimension. Also, the pre-service teachers had a similar environmental perception to education major.

      • 인지갈등을 통한 개념수업 절차 모형의 점검틀 고안

        권난주,권재술 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1996 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.6 No.1

        Many science teaching models have been devised and published for the students' conceptual change by researchers. However, the science teachers have been confused with so many models to be used in teaching science. Since the models are composed of ambiguous statements, it seems to be difficult for the teachers to understand their characteristics and natures. Therefore, the models were difficult to be adopted in science instructions. In this study, the researcher developed two checklists which were devised especially for the teachers who apply the Cognitive Conflict Process Model (the Procedural Teaching Model using Cognitive Conflict Strategy) in Science Concept Instruction. One is for planning instructions using the model, the other is for examining or analysing them. Each of them consisted of 20 items and 33 items, respectively. Using these checklists, the Cognitive Conflict Process Model can be checked whether it was applied properly in actual instruction or not.

      • 인지갈등을 통한 개념수업 절차 모형의 적용

        권난주,권재술 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1998 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.8 No.1

        과학교육학이라는 학문에서 주창하는 이론은 반드시 수업 현장의 실제와 연결되어야만 비로소 이론은 이론대로 수업 효과는 효과대로 제 기능을 다 할 것이다. 그 대표적인 예가 수업모형 연구이다. 본 연구에서는 과학 개념변화 수업모형 중에서, 오개념 교정에 필요한 인지 갈등 전략을 기본으로 만들어진 개념수업 절차 모형(권재술, 1989)을 현장에서 적용해 보았다. 특히 교사 연수에서 효과 검사에 이르기까지 모형의 투입 전후에 일어나는 여러 제반 사항들도 함께 기술하여 그로부터 알게 된 여러 문제점과 효율적인 적용 방안을 알아보았다. 수업의 효과면은, 비교반과 실험반의 수업 전·후 개념검사와 태도검사 점수, 그리고 학교교육과정상 실시되는 전형적인 월례고사 개념성취도 점수를 비교해 보았으며, 수업의 적용면은 수업 준비와 적용 과정에서 교사와 학생의 의견을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 학생에게 적절한 갈등 자료인 R_(2)의 준비가 가장 어려웠으며, 교사에게는 허용적인 수업분위기 유도와 발문 전략 활용의 교수 기술이, 학생에게는 발표 및 토론 훈련이 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다. This study investigated the influences of applying the Cognitive Conflict Process Model (the Procedural Teaching Model using Cognitive Conflict Strategy: Kwon, 1989) upon students' achievement and attitudes in a middle school science concept instruction. For the treatment group, science instruction to apply the Cognitive Conflict Process Model was used. For the control group, traditional instruction was used. Prior to instruction, students' pre-conceptions test and attitudes test related to the science were administered. After instruction, the above two tests and the regular examinations were measured. Also students' perceptions of their teacher's new teaching style was investigated by questionnaire. But, above all, the main purpose of this study was to investigate the principal accompanying matters of general application of the teaching model to science concept instruction rather than conceptual and attitudinal change. Therefore, this study identified necessary conditions of applying the teaching model to science instruction.

      • 과학적 소양과 심화-보충 지도를 위한 효과적인 과학 교수 전략으로서 과제 학습의 제안

        권난주 仁川敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 2003 과학교육논총 Vol.15 No.-

        제 7차 과학과 교육과정이 연차적으로 시행되어 초등학교 전 학년에 걸쳐 운영된 이후, 학교 수업 현장에서 과학을 가르치는 데 가장 큰 변화이자 부담을 등장한 것이 수준별 심화 보충 활동이다. 한편, 현대의 과학교육 목표 중에 가장 부각되고 있는 것이 과학적 소양이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위하여 과학의 대중화나, 통합 과학적인 노력들이 여러 이론들의 이름으로 투입되었지만 아직도 과학의 생활화는 요원하다. 과학은 과학대로, 생활은 생활대로인 점이다. 새로운 교육과정에 익숙하게 적응하는 시간이 아직은 부족하여, 보다 효율적인 여러 교수학습 전략이 부족한 탓도 클 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 보다 생활과 가까운 과학, 그러면서도 탐구적인 과학의 경험을 제공할 수 있는 효과적인 과학교수-학습 방법의 하나로 과제 학습 전략을 제안하고자 한다. Since the implementation of 7th national science curriculum, the differential enriched/ supplementary activities of science class are load to elementary school teachers. Also, one of the most important objects of science education is scientific literacy. Considering this points, more effective teaching and learning strategy is needed. This study proposed task-learning strategy for the demands and goals of new national science curriculum. In the school science, task-learning will make students do the enriched/ supplementary activities and cultivate scientific literacy. And the tasks give experiences of scientific inquiry and self-oriented learning to students. It is expected that from now on science teachers or elementary school teachers who are interested in this field will pick out many kinds of investigation materials, ideas, and task subject or the theme of assignment.

      • 제 7차 교육과정의 초등학교 과학과 교과서 단원에 따른 과제 학습 주제 개발

        권난주 仁川敎育大學校 科學敎育硏究所 2004 과학교육논총 Vol.16 No.-

        학생 중심, 탐구 중심 교육이 강조되면서 과학관련 재량활동, 특기적성 활동, 각종 경진대회의 종류와 수준이 점점 다양해지고 있다. 이들은 교사의 지도와 안내를 받는 공식적인 학교 과학이면서도, 내용적으로는 비공식적인 학교밖 과학 활동인 경우가 많다. 방송과 서적을 비롯한 문화적, 대중매체에서의 과학 활동도 마찬가지이다. 그러나 시공간적으로 담임교사의 지도가 어려울 뿐 아니라, 과학 교과와도 체계적으로 관련짓지 못하여, 교육과정의 운영에는 실직적 도움이 되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 점을 보완하고, 활동 중심의 제 7차 과학과 교육과정의 특징을 살리는, 효율적인 교수 학습 전략으로서 과제 학습을 제안하고자 한다. 자기주도적 과학 경험의 기회를 제공할 수 있는 활동 과제 주제들을 과학교과 단원별로 제시하여, 예비교사 및 교사교육에 적극 활용하고자 한다. 여기서는 6학년 내용을 중심으로 한 것만 기술하였다. Since the implementation of 7th national science curriculum, many of teaching methods introduced, concentrating on the differential enriched/supplementary activities. But there are few practical- materials considering school science connection with everyday science. One of the science education's goal is students to be scientific problem-solvers, that is scientific literacy: act and think scientifically in real contexts. For this purpose, this research propose task-learning contents by the order of science subject text. These will help students experience scientific inquiry and self-oriented learning. The developing contents are described in 6-grade text's order.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생들이 생각하는 과학자 이미지와 과학과 관련된 경험 및 배경 조사

        권난주 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the elementary school students' perceptions of scientist and socio-cultural background towards science. Subjects are 120 ordinary students of elementary school and 75 participators in invention club and science camp for talented students in a metropolitan city. A questionnaire for investigating the students' perceptions and images about scientist was developed. That contains the items for socio-cultural background and experiences towards science. The results of this study showed that the elementary students think scientist is younger than the previous students thought. But as yet, the representative image of scientist is the neat man with glasses and gown. Also, a majority of elementary students like science, science subject and science classroom, especially experiment activity. They have various experiences related in science.

      • Polyester 신합섬 직물의 농색염색 및 대전방지가공에 관한 연구 (Ⅰ)

        김동권,이주형,이난형,김삼수,조환 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 1996 새마을지역개발연구 Vol.18 No.-

        The Dyeing processing, which can be a low-cost and easily application to production field was investigated by using some bathochromic agent and dyestuffs. The Δ L values and dye up-takes of threated several fabrics were investigated according to the dye concentration and pH of dyebath. The results were as follows : 1. The selection of bathochromic agent acts as important factor for improvment of bathochromic property of fabrics. 2. The pH of dyebath has a little effect on bathochromic effect. 3. In case of one bath treatment, the bathochromic agent has little effect on the improving bathochromic property of treated fabric. 4. The efficiency order of bathochromic effect is DTY + fila.> CVY > DTY and fabric structure is also effect on the bathochromic property of the polyester fabric.

      • 일개 농촌지역의 지역사회 영양정보에 관한 조사연구 : 경기도 남양주군 수동면을 중심으로 Su-Dong Myun, Nam Yang-Ju Gun, Kyung-Gi Do

        계난이,권계숙,송미희,이연주 이화여자대학교 의과대학 1988 梨花醫學誌 Vol.- No.20

        From September to November in 1987, the study was conducted a survey of Su-Dong Myun, Nam Yang-Ju Gun, Kyung-Gi Do, a comprehensive rural care demonstration area of Ewha Womans University. The purpose of this survey has been to examine into community nutrition informathrough preventive medicine training of sophomores of medical course. The result were as follows 1) Female respondent was 88.2% of all whose age was the forties and fifties at the highest rate of 22.6% respectively and whose educational level was uneducated at rate of 31.2%. 2) Agriculture(66.7%) was the common householder's occupation whose main income was from their own farm products(67.7%). 3) A family of five(24.7%) and two generations(e.g parent and children) (55.9%) was the most common family. 4) The housewife(98.9%) was the most common cook and 35.5% of all cook was not able have sufficient time to prepare for their meal. 5) On food purchase, main food was largely self provided(65.6%) and subsidiary food with self-provision and outside purchase(51.6%). 6) On the self sufficient food rice(77.4%) was most common as main food and vegetable(81.7%) as subdiary food. 7) On the frequency of purchasing food, main food was about 2-3 times a month, subsidiary food 1-3 times a week. On the market place, main food mainly self sufficient(59.1%) and subsidiary food was largely purchased from the peddlers and market on the move(35.5%) 8) On the means of transportation of purchased food, main food was conveyed by bus or another kinds of vehicles and subsidiary food(52.7%) was in the same way. 9) On the consumer's difficulty in purchasing food, meat and fish were rated 76.3% and vegetable 78.5%, 76.3% of all consumer had difficulty in purchasing meat and fish, 78.5% in purchasing grocery. 10) 94.6% was in possession of electric refrierator and 89.2% possessed their own wells. 11) The respondent had such fuels for cooking as propanegas(66.6%), wood(18.3%) briquet(10.8%). 12) the present state of nutrition was that the mean points was 2.7 in the group 1, 2.2 in the group 2, 3.9 points in the group 3, 2.8 points in the group 4, 3.1 points in group 5 and 2.7 points in the group 6. 13) Most families' favorite food was kimchi or kimchi soup and distasteful was meat including dog meat. 14) 48.4% of all respondents took no interest in taking in adequate nutrition owing to the lack of money and time to spare.

      • 중학생의 인지갈등집단과 비갈등집단의 과학 개념 형성

        김승익,권난주,권재술 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1998 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 과학 개념을 형성하는데 인지갈등집단과 비갈등집단의 차이를 알아보는 것이다. 연구의 대상은 서울에 소재한 2개 중학교 1, 2학년 학생이었다. 연구 결과는 수업 도입 단계에서 비교적 어려운 상황에서 시작한 인지갈등집단이 비교적 쉬운 상황에서 시작한 비갈등집단보다 사후검사에서 더 나온 개념 형성 정도를 보여주었다. 이러한 결과가 특히 학업성적이 낮은 하위집단보다는 상위집단에서 더 두드러지게 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of concept acquisition between cognitive conflict and non-conflict groups. There have been some debates about whether cognitive conflict is an effective method for students to understand a new concept. Even though there is much support in favor of a cognitive conflict strategy in learning science, there have been some reports that an analogical method is effective in introducing a new concept without arousing cognitive conflict explicitly. In this study, we tried to find empirical evidence verifying or falsifying the two arguments. The results show that the cognitive conflict groups generally had better understanding of the target concepts in the immediate post-test, as well as the delayed post-test, periods. The effect appeared more dominant in the case of learning a new concept than in the case of reviewing a concept which had already been learned. Also, the effect appeared more dominant in students in high level than in those at a low level.

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