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      • 중도문화의 지역성

        박중국(Park, Jung-kuk) 중앙문화재연구원 2012 중앙고고연구 Vol.0 No.11

        중부지역의 원삼국문화는 소위 ‘中島類型文化’로 대표된다. 박순발에 의해 제창된 중 도유형문화란 경질무문토기ㆍ타날문토기ㆍ회흑색무문양토기의 공반, ‘呂(凸)’자형 주거지, 즙석식 적석묘 등의 요소를 특징으로 하며, 이는 한성백제의 기층문화이자 濊系집단의 고고학적 문화로 이해된다. 이러한 견해는 이후 연구의 근간이 되었다는 점과 더불어 현재까지도 폭넓게 수용되고 있다는 점에서 매우 획기적인 것으로 평가되고 있다. 최근 조사의 폭증으로 인해 중부지역의 고고학적 양상이 매우 다양하게 확인되면서 기존 중도유형문화의 틀로는 이를 포괄할 수 없다는 인식이 증가함에 따라 중도유형문화의 개념에 대한 비판이 제기되게 되었다. 따라서 본고는 중도유형문화를 재검토하여 그 개념을 재정립하고, 기존에 간과해왔던 중부지역의 지역성에 대한 분석을 시도하였다. 그 결과 ‘중도유형문화’라는 용어는 ‘중도 문화’로 대체하고 그 의미를 대폭 수정하여 ‘경질무문토기ㆍ타날문토기가 공반되는 ‘呂’ 자형 주거지의 공통분포권’으로 정리하였다. 그 시간적인 범위는 원삼국기부터 백제 한 성기까지이며, 공간적 범위는 중부지역에서 서해안 일대와 안성천유역을 제외한 지역에 해당된다. 중도문화를 구성하는 토기-주거지-분묘는 서로 대등한 요소가 아니라 다른 공간적 위계를 가진 요소이기 때문에 이를 기준으로 하여 大-中-小지역으로 이어지는 위계적 지역 구분을 시도해 보았다. 大지역권은 주거지의 爐시설을 기준으로 구분할 수 있다. 쪽구들 주거지가 주로 분포 하는 서울ㆍ경기지역과 노지 주거지가 주로 분포하는 영서지역과 영동지역으로 대별되는데, 이는 각각 韓濊의 생활양식이 투영된 것으로 판단된다. 中지역권은 수계와 지형에 따라 구분이 가능하며, 서울ㆍ경기지역은 북부와 남부, 영서지역은 북한강유역과 남한강유역으로 구분할 수 있으며, 영동지역은 해당되지 않는다. 경기북부지역은 원삼국기에서 백제 한성기로 이행하면서 취락규모가 축소되는 경향이 확인되며, 경기남부지역은 반대로 취락규모가 확대되는 경향이 관찰된다. 북한강유역에 는 낙랑계유물의 빈도가 높게 확인되는 반면, 남한강유역에는 낙랑계유물이 거의 확인되지 않고 있다. 이러한 지역차의 배경으로는 경기지역의 경우 백제와의 정치적 역학관계가, 영서지역의 경우는 낙랑과의 교역망과 관련된 것으로 이해된다. 小지역권은 현재 적석분구묘를 기준으로 추출할 수 있으며, 이는 원삼국기의 강력한 소국의 존재를 시사하는 것으로 이해된다. 그 중 서울의 송파구 일대는 伯濟國, 연천지역은 臣 濆 沽國에 해당되는 것으로 추론하였다. The notion of Jung-do cultural assemblage, which claims that the cultural characteristics of the Proto-three kingdoms period in central Korea as the association of specific types of potteries, dwellings and burials, has been widely accepted for a long time. However, as last 20 years of excavation much revealed new archaeological data, the argument shows clear limitation and loosing its power of explanation. This thesis aims to have a critical review on the Jung-do cultural assemblage first, and then redefine Jung-do archeological culture through detailed analysis of potteries, dwellings and burial types. The analysis shows that the ‘呂’-shaped dwellings, associated with hard plain pottery and beating patterned pottery, that widely distributed in central Korea, now are defined as new features of redefined Jung-do archeological culture. However, it was also noticed that there are regional variations, like heating system types of the dwellings – east and west part of central Korea. This seems to reflect different lifestyle, likely ethnic difference. Even more, the burial types showed clear differences among regions – it might be a signal of the growth of regional polities, and/or the result of their ‘peer polity interaction’.

      • 아동들의 태권도 수련활동참가에 따른 열등감 및 자아존중감의 관계

        정재엽,정국현,김지영,김현철,이용국 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between children's Inferiority and self-esteem during Taekwondo practice. In order to achieve this purpose, 480 subject were selected among participants of Taekwondo activity programs in the Seoul area by using the stratified cluster random sampling method. Out of the 480 questionnaires responded to. only 414 were used for data analyses because 66 were responded to incompletely or incorrectly. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which Inferiority and self-esteem consisted of items identified by Jun(1999) and Jun(1993), respectively. The statistical methods utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression analysis and the following results were obtained: First, both Inferiority and self-esteem differ statistically and significantly according to both sociodemographic variables. Second, both Inferiority and self-esteem differ statistically and significantly according to Taekwondo practice. Third, Inferiority statistically and significantly influences self-esteem.

      • 정보화시대의 공동체 : 정보화의 진전과 기업·소비자 관계 변화를 중심으로

        이대식,김성국,김영삼,신종국,임정덕,조영복,조정문 釜山大學校 商科大學 2000 釜山商大論集 Vol.71 No.-

        In this study, we questioned about the possibility of the formation of the new community like relationship at the market on the contrary to the traditional market relationship. We conjectured that kind of new community like relationship may possibly arise because of wide spread of new information technology at market behavior of both consumer and producer side. Traditional buyer-seller relationship was characterized as an anonymous one-shot relationship, however, recent changes were mainly emphasized the rich mutual interactions from both sides. Producers needs more consumer side informations as well as consumers begin to participate on production side at more organized level. Some theoretical studies predict that more rich social relationship will appear at the market since the adoption and wide spread of new information technology. We assume that main functions and ingredients of the community are first, the coordination mechanism which reduces conflicts among community members and second, functional efficiency which meets the common needs of community and third, communicational rationality which enhances the integrity of community members. We surveyed about 100 small and medium sized firms located at Pusan and Kyung-Nam area in order to find out whether firms have community like relationship with their consumers. We fine that most of firms realize the impotance of consumer networks, however most of firms consider this kind of network as a marketing strategy and a source of product design instead of more community oriented characteristics like mutual trust building and social interactions.

      • KCI등재후보

        균여전 소재 향가의 차자 표기 독법 검토 -고려시대 『용감수경(龍龕手鏡)』 한자음의 음운론적 특징을 중심으로-

        김양진 ( Yang Jin Kim ),황국정 ( Kuk Jung Hwang ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2013 인문학연구 Vol.0 No.24

        이 논문의 목적은 균여향가에만 보이는 차자 ``留, 兮``의 정확한 음가를 추정해 보고자 하는 데 있다. 이 글자들은 기존의 해독을 따라 광운이나 당시 중고음의 음가 추정으로는 분명하게 그 음가를 추정하기 어렵다. 이에 본고는 균여향가의 차자 표기들이 신라 향가와는 다른 표기의 차이가 있음을 전제로 하고, 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 우선 『균여전』 편찬에 연루되어 있는 혁련정의 언어 인식도 균여 향가의 차자 표기법을 이해하는 데 고려의 대상으로 넣어야 한다고 생각했다. 따라서 『균여전』의 편찬 배경을 둘러싼 여러 사료들을 검토하고 특히 혁련정에 대한 기록을 검토해 봄으로써 균여향가의 차자 표기법에 대해 기존의 시각과는 다른 측면에서 균여 향가를 읽을 가능성을 제시하였다. 또한 거란의 음운서인 『龍龕手鏡』을 검토해 봄으로써 균여향가의 차자 표기가 용감수경 한자음과 일련의 관계가 있을 가능성에 대해서도 고찰해 보았다. 『龍龕手鏡』은 한자의 음을 ``__反, 俗__反, 正__反, 俗__音, 正音, 今音`` 등으로 표시하고 있다. 본고는 이렇게 표시된 한자음을 모두 뽑아내어서 반절자들의 음을 정리하는데 주력했다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 『균여전』 소재 향가에서만 보이는 ``留, 兮``의 차자 표기가 『용감수경(龍龕手鏡) 』과 같은 대장경 계통의 불경 자전들의 영향을 받았을 가능성에 대해서 논의했다. This paper aims to examine different reading method of ``留, 兮`` some borrowed characters of Hyang Ga, which have been extant only in Kyunyo Chon. It is difficult to make out correct pronunciation of ``留, 兮`` particularly because they are present nowhere else than in Kyunyo Chon. First of all, considering that there exist differences in writing between Hyang Ga`s expression system and that of Shilla Hyang Ga, we propose Hyukryun Jung`s linguistic findings on the writing system of Kyunyo Chon to take also into consideration. We confirmed that Hyukryun Jung went to Yo(遼) Danasty during the historical period of Koryo dynasty. We also found that 留 could be pronounced as [ro], 兮 as [i] etc., in the Yong Gam Su Gyoung(龍龕手鏡). In Conclusion, we discuss on the possibility of seeing borrowing characters of ``留, 兮`` of Hyang Ga as having been influenced by Buddhist scriptures of Dae Jang Gyong.

      • KCI등재

        人蔘이 卵巢摘出로 誘發된 흰쥐의 骨多孔症 예방에 미치는 효능

        정국영,서부일,이은숙,변부형,신순식,박지하 대한본초학회 2004 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.19 No.1

        Objectives : The present study has been undertaken to investigate the effects of Ginseng Radix on prevention of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats. Methods : In this experiment, the rats were ovariectomized. Rats were administered by 2 kinds of medicine, Estradiol, Ginseng Radix. The levels of bone mineral density, osteocalcin, ALP, phosphorus, calcium in serum, deoxypyridinoline in urine, calcium, phosphorus, ash weight of bone, body weight and uterus weight were measured. Results : The levels of spinal bone mineral density was significantly increased in comparison with OVX group at 8 weeks in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of serum didn t show significant change in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of urine deoxypyridinoline showed significant decrease in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of femoral and fibula-tibial ash weight didn t show significant increase in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of femoral and fibula-tibial calcium showed significant increase in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of femoral and fibula-tibial phosphorus showed significant increase in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of body weight didn t show significant changes in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. The levels of uterus weight didn t show significant changes in comparison with OVX group in Ginseng Radix group. Conclusions : Reviewing these experimetal results, it appears that Ginseng Radix have efficacy on prevention of osteoporosis. And further study should be conducted to illustrate in depth the curing and prevention of osteoprosis.

      • 계층적 분석 기법을 이용한 워드프로세서의 기능성 평가

        국정훈,박희석 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1996 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.2

        This research utilized the Analytic Hierachy Process(AHP) methodology for evaluating usability of word-processor. Subjective evaluation of interface usability, especially for word-processor, has been done with respect to such measures as completion time, human error, and functionality. And questionnaires, interviews, and verbal protocols are among the most common methods for data collection. However, since there are many functions or capabilities in any word-processor, and worse yet, complicated hierarchical relationships among them, it is not easy to evaluate the functionality of word-processors as a whole. Highlighting this, the present research used the AHP methodology to build a structure of software capabilities. Twenty-three university students participated in the experiment. They were asked to rate the importance of 43 selected major functions of three widely-used word-processors. The results from the AHP methodology showed that respect to functionality the "Edit" function is the most highly evaluated, followed by "File" and "Table" functions. In each of those major functions, the structure of sub-functions were also set up. The results can be applied to study the user'priority among various capabilities of user interface.

      • 표면활성화법에 의한 이종재료의 저온접합에 관한 연구

        국중민,임언택,권택용,최병기 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 1998 機械技術硏究 Vol.1 No.1

        본 논문은 서로 다른 재료를 표면활성화법을 이용하여 저온에서 접합할 목적으로 이들 재료의 접합 가능성을 검토하고 이들 접합계면에서의 접합 메카니즘을 검토할 목적으로 연구하였으며 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 10-7 Torr대의 진공도에서도 알루미늄은 알루미나, 질화 알루미늄, 질화규소, 지르코늄 등의 세라믹스와 양호한 접합이 가능하였다. 2) 알루미늄, 동, 은은 같은 금속끼리의 접합이 가능하고, 또 알루미늄과 동의 이종재료의 접합도 가능하였다. 3) 실리콘은 알루미늄, 동, 은, 금 등의 실험결과 모든 금속과 접합이 가능하였다. In this paper considered it possible to bone different materials in low temperature using surface activated method. To do so, It was examined the possibility of bonding different materials and applied the bonding mechanism on the bonding surface. The followings are the result. 1) It was possible that Aluminum could be bonded well with ceramics such as alumina, nitrification aluminum, nitrification silicon, and zirconium at the vaccum level of 10-7 Torr. 2) It was possible that aluminum, copper, and copper could be bonded with each other and aluminum and copper could be bonded with other metals. 3) Silicon was bonded with aluminum copper silver, and gold which were tested before.

      • GIS를 이용한 위천유역에서의 유역평균강우량 산정방법의 비교

        이정식,이재준,전병국 금오공과대학교 산업기술개발연구원 2001 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare the estimation methods for mean areal rainfall using ARC/INFO GIS system. Daily, monthly and yearly rainfall from Wi Cheon watershed are used to estimate the mean areal rainfall and 10 methods, Unweighted Mean(UM), Grouped Area-Aspect Weighted Mean(GAAWM), Thiessen Polygon(TP), Individual Area-Altitude Weighted Mean(IAAWM), Triangular AreaWeighted Mean(TAWM), Kriging(Kriging), Inverse Distance Weight(IDW), two-Axis(TA), Modified Polygon(MP), and Finite Element(FE) method are applied to ARC/INFO GIS system. To examine the variability of mean areal rainfall, the coefficient of variation is obtained from the each method and the result of Kringing method is used as the standard value and the average value of Kringing method is compared with the other methods. The mean areal rainfall of the existing procedures which use the topographical map are compared with those of ARC/INFO GIS system. The results of this study are as follows: (1) With the result from ARC/INFO GIS system it is shown that TA, IAAWM and FE methods have large values and GAAWM has small one. However there is little difference among those methods on the whole. (2) When the average value by Kriging method is used as the standard one, variation rates of average value about mean areal rainfall is not more than 4%, except GAAWM method. (3) The coefficient of variation of MP method has the maximum value and that of GAAWM method has the minimum one among the methods, However there is little difference among those methods on the whole. (4) The mean areal rainfall using ARC/INFO GIS system is almost similar to the existing methods which use the topographical map.

      • 들기자세 유형별 L₄-L?의 근전도 분석 : At the Base Knee Angle 무릎각도를 중심으로

        서국웅,노석규,윤양진,정미라,이훈식,박승범 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1998 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        This research is to find out the most suitable lifting posture and to provide fundamental data for preventing usual injuries. To do this, we select five male graduates and five female graduates of P university, analyze their muscular actions in terms of posture types, measure the limit value of weight lifting by comparing each lifting posture type(knee angle 40˚, 80˚, 180˚) with action amplitudes of two parts of erector spinae muscle, and draw our conclusion as follow ; 1. In case of every lifting posture(that is, knee angle 40˚, 80˚, 180˚), females have higher muscular conductivity value in L⁴-L? of right erector spinae muscle than males(p<.001), but in L⁴-L? of left erector spinae males has higher muscular conductivity value than females(p<.001). 2. Males show lower degree of change in muscular conductivity value from 10kg to 25kg weight lifting. 3. Females show gradually increasing degree of change in muscular conductivity value according as weight lifting is heavier. 4. Males show the constant muscular conductivity action of average 50∼110㎶ in the L⁴-L? in case of each lifting posture, knee angle 40˚, 80˚, and 180˚. 5. Females also show the constant muscular conductivity action of average 100∼200㎶ in the L⁴-L? in case of each lifting posture, knee angle 40˚, 80˚, and 180˚. But they show more active muscular conductivity in more than 15kg weight lifting, IOSHIC permission load value. In short, in case of males, weight lifting up to 25kg has little effect on erector spinae muscle but in case of females, weight lifting from more than 15kg has gradual effect on erector spinae muscle. Therefore, the muscular conductivity values of various posture types(by knee angle)are to be identified according to weight lifting steps.

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