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        Martinez, Julio 한국서어서문학회 1999 스페인어문학 Vol.15 No.1

        El objeto de este arti´culo es acercar al lector la imagen literaria de la sociedad del Buenos Aires de principios de siglo a trave´s de la mirada de Roberto Arlt profundizando en el eatudio de sus Aguafuertes Porten~as. Para ello, hemos analizado la antologi´a Nuevas Aguafuertes, publieada por la editorial Losada en Buenos Aires, en 1975. Las Aguafuertes Portern~as aparecieron en el diario de Buenos Aires El Mundo entre el 14 de agosto de 1928 y julio de 1942, fecha de su muerte. La extensio´n de estas notas debi´a ser de novecentas palabras pero se pueden apreciar diferencias notables. Su estructura es obviamente periodi´stica: hay una presentacio´n del tema, el desarrollo del mismo y una conclusio´n que puede aer tema´tica o algu´n tipo de conaejo dirigido al lector. Las presentaciones de los temas se hacen de diferentes maneras: la simple enunciacio´n del mismo; una frase chocante que atraiga el intere´s del lector; in media res, ea decir, exponiendo sus reflexiones desde el principio sin previa presentacio´n; la contestacio´n a una carta de un lector o mediante una ane´cdota personal que da pie a la reflexio´n. Tambie´n encontramos algu´n arti´culo en forma de sketch teatral, alguna meditacio´n poe´tics a incluso uno dedicado a los problemas de eseritura que plantea la confeccio´n de un arti´culo. En cuanto a los temas, se pueden agrupar en torno a un eje: Buenos Aires y sus habitantes. La geografia urbana esta ampliamente representada por un sinfi´n de calles que no son simples direcciones sino que aparecen vivamente retratadas ofreciendo una imagen personal de Buenoa Aires. En ellas podemos ver los cafe´s, locales comerciales, puestos callejeros, conventillos y el deambular de toda la fauna de la ciudad. Esta fauna es el principal terra de reflexio´n de Arlt. El Buenos Aires de los an~os veinte se componi´a fundamentalmente de inmigrantes de todas las naconaldades eurapeas. Por sus pa´ginas vemos desfilar a buscadores de pensio´n, cerveceros alemanes, moribundos, comadres, borrachos, poli´ticos sin escru´pulos, parados, jugadares, viajeros empleados y ladrones. Estos son los que protagonzan alguna de las notas estudiadas pero en ellas aparecen ma´s de sesenta tipos diferentes de personas de todas las nacionalidades. Nos parece indicado resaltar dos locales comerciales de gran intere´s literario. El primero es el cafe´ que pare Arlt es el nu´icleo de la vide social bonaerense tanto a nivel de barrio como de tertulia cultural. En el arti´culo Canning y Rivera vemos una gran similitud con el arti´culo El cafe´ de M. J. De Larra, lo que lo hace fiel continuador de la tradicio´n periodi´stica espan~ola. El segundo es la carnicri´a. Su descripcio´n nos remite al gran cla´sico de la literatura argentina El matadero de Echevarri´a. En Rosmari´n busca la felicidad resuena poderosamente la figura de Rasko´lnikov, protagonista de Crimen y castigo de Dostoyevski. Estas claras influencias y las muchas citas de autores europeos y argentinos desmienten la falta de preparacio´n achacada a Arlt por gran parte de la cri´tica. En este u´ltimo arti´culo, podemos ver una recomendacio´n arltiana para convertirse en escrtor : Leer mucho. Pensar ma´s (·) Y escribir todos lox di´as. Se tanga ganas o no. Esta recomendacio´n aleja a Arlt de la imagen de escritor descuidado que e´1 mismo cultivo´ en mochas ocasiones y la cri´tica ha aceptado de forma que no nos parece muy ngurosa. Fiel a su ma´xima de tratar de escribir como se habla , el estilo de estas notas es muy coloquial. Hay un continuo use dal lunfardo y dal voseo que lo alejan de otros escritores argentinos de la e´poca que utilizaban un espan~ol muy esta´nder. Algunos an~os ma´s tarde, Jorge Luis Borges intentari´a algo parecido pero su lenguaje resulta mucho ma´s artificial y sus tipos no tienen la fuerza de los personajes de Arlt. Tambie´n encontramos muchos italianismos, anglicismos y galicismos, muy propios en la lengua porten~a de esta e´poca. Su sintaxis es deliberadamente simple. Frases muy cortas en las que podemos apreciar la influencia de su admirado Baraja. Como rasgos estilisticos ma´s caracteri´sticos podemos destacar la ironi´a y el hipe´rbaton que lo acercan a otro de sus maestros: Quevedo. En conclusio´n, podemos decir que sus arti´culos son como el Bueno Aires de la e´poca, y cito al propio Arlt"... un desfile humano interminable. Babel de todas las razes

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Levetiracetam in Cognitive Performance in Healthy Individuals: Neuropsychological, Behavioral and Electrophysiological Approach

        Julio Cesar Magalhães,Mariana Gongora,Renan Vicente,Juliana Bittencourt,Guaraci Tanaka,Bruna Velasques,Silmar Teixeira,Gledys Morato,Luis F. Basile,Oscar Arias-Carrión,Fernando A.M.S Pompeu,Mauricio C 대한정신약물학회 2015 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.13 No.1

        Objective: The present study sought to analyze the influence of Levetiracetam (LEV) in cognitive performance by identifying the changes produced by LEV in reaction time, in neuropsychological assessment of attention and memory and in absolute theta power in frontal activity. Methods: Twelve healthy subjects (5 men and 7 women; mean age, 30.08 years, standard deviation, 4.71) were recruited for this study. The neuropsychological tests: Trail Making Test (A and B), Digit Span (direct and indirect numerical orders/working memory); Stroop test (inhibitory control of attention); Tower of London (planning and decision-making) and a quantitative electroencephalography were applied in 2 different days after and before the participants ingested the capsule of placebo or 500 mg LEV. Results: A two-way-ANOVA was implemented to observe the interaction between conditions (placebo or LEV 500 mg) and moments (pre- and post-ingestion of LEV or placebo). The data were analyzed by the SPSS statistical package (p<0.05). For the neuropsychological parameter, the Trail Making Test (A) was the only test that showed significant difference for condition in the task execution time (p=0.026). Regarding the reaction time in the behavioral parameter, an interaction between both factors (p=0.034) was identified through a two-way-ANOVA (condition versus moment). Electrophysiological measures showed a significant interaction for electrodes: F7, F3, and FZ. Conclusion: The findings showed that LEV promotes an important cognitive enhancement in the executive functions.

      • KCI등재

        The (un)intended Effects of Regulatory Burden on Policy Effectiveness: The Case of Regulations Targeting NGOs

        Julio C. Zambrano-Gutiérrez,Claudia N. Avellaneda 서울대학교행정대학원 2022 Journal of Policy Studies Vol.37 No.1

        Existing studies see foreign donors as (a) brokers between sustainable development goals (SDGs) and aid-recipient countries’ needs, or (b) intruders into aid-recipient countries’ internal affairs. The intruder view has triggered regulations of NGOs (nongovernmental organizations) in aid-recipient countries. However, little is known, empirically, about how foreign donors respond to regulatory burden. We suggest regulatory burden adds uncertainty and turbulence to the operating context, negatively affecting government effectiveness in securing aid. This negative effect is moderated by the number of foreign donors operating in a jurisdiction. Propositions are tested in a data set derived from the 221 Ecuadorian municipalities during 2007-2018. Findings suggest regulations of NGOs have decreased municipalities’ ability to secure international cooperation. This negative effect is larger in municipalities with a higher presence of donor supply. These results encourage policy makers to consider counterproductive costs of overregulating foreign NGOs and other civil society organizations when designing regulatory tools.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Reports of Guillain–Barre Syndrome Following COVID-19 Vaccination in the USA: An Analysis of the VAERS Database

        Julio A. Chalela,Charles Andrews,Anna Bashmakov,Niren Kapoor,Danuel Snelgrove 대한신경과학회 2023 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.19 No.2

        Background and Purpose An association between Guillain–Barre syndrome and its variants (GBS/V) and vaccines has led to hesitancy toward vaccination. COVID-19 vaccines could theoretically provoke GBS/V via immune activation. We analyzed reports of GBS/V after COVID-19 vaccination in the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). Methods The VAERS database is a surveillance system used to report vaccination events in the USA, and is open for consumers and physicians to access. It was queried for reports of GBS/V following COVID-19 vaccination. Reports were reviewed by four neurologists. Modified diagnostic criteria were used to classify reports into definite, possible, and not GBS/V or insufficient data. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample, chi-square tests and one-way ANOVAs were used to compare intergroup differences, and t-test were used to compare group means. Results In 2021, 815 reports of GBS/V were filed. The completion rate for the variables in VAERS was 93.5%. The median age was 55 years (interquartile range [IQR]=5–86 years) and 50% of the subjects were male. The median time of onset was 10 days (IQR=0–298 days), 11% reported onset on the day of vaccination, and 13% reported onset after 6 weeks. Hospitalization was reported by 77%, with a median stay of 7 days (IQR=1–150 days). Lack of recovery, permanent disability, and death constituted 57%, 46%, and 2% of the reports, respectively. Based on GBS/V criteria, 47% of the cases were definite, 16% were possible, and 37% were not GBS/V or insufficient data. An alternate diagnosis was provided in 9% of cases. Conclusions GBS/V reports following COVID-19 vaccination were common, but many occurred outside of the expected timelines for GBS/V. Only 47% of cases represented definite GBS/V.

      • KCI등재

        ICH and ‘Frugal Innovation’: a Contribution to Development through the Framework of the 2003 Convention

        Julio Sa Rego,Ariane Agnes Corradi 국립민속박물관 2018 International Journal of Intangible Heritage Vol.13 No.-

        This paper endeavours to emphasise one particular vector ofsustainable development from intangible cultural heritage:‘frugal innovations’. It discusses the potential of ICH to generatefrugal innovations, contributing to improving communities’quality of life and enhancing the safeguarding of intangiblecultural heritage. A type of innovation constrained by limitedresources, frugal innovation means the development ofprocesses, products or services reduced to core functionalitieswith optimised performance levels, addressing the needs of thebottom of the pyramid market. When implemented at communitylevel, it aims to create a novel solution from the scarce resourcesavailable to respond to the needs of the communities concerned. This paper presents two case studies - the Indian Mitticool, andthe Australian WALFA project - to illustrate the transformation ofspecific traditional knowledge into frugal innovations, and theirimpact on their respective communities. The analysis will buildon the conceptual framework proposed by Soni and Krishnan(2014) that defines the dimensions of frugal innovation in termsof mindset, process and product. This paper then analysesthe institutional framework provided by the 2003 Convention,especially its Chapter VI on ‘Sustainable Development’, tolegitimise and leverage ICH-related frugal innovations, as wellas to ensure that this transformation is fair and collectivelybeneficial.

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of Chickpea Aqueous Extracts, Organic Extracts, and Protein Concentrates on Cell Proliferation

        Julio Gir?-Calle,Javier Vioque,Maria del Mar Yust,Justo Pedroche,Manuel Alaiz,Francisco Millan 한국식품영양과학회 2004 Journal of medicinal food Vol.7 No.2

        Pulses should be part of a healthy diet, and it is also becoming clear that they have health-promoting effects. Nevertheless, most studies on the bioactive or health-promoting properties of pulses have been carried out using soybeans. We have studied cell growth-regulating properties, which may be responsible for anti-cancer properties, in chickpea seeds. Chickpea seeds are a staple in the traditional diet of many Mediterranean, Asian, and South and Central American countries. In addition, chickpea seeds have industrial applications since they can be used for the preparation of protein concentrates and isolates. The cell lines Caco-2 (epithelial intestinal) and J774 (macrophages) have been exposed to chickpea seed extracts and protein preparations in order to screen the different chickpea fractions for effects on cell growth. Both cell growth-promoting and cell growth-inhibiting effects were found. Most interestingly, a fraction soluble in ethanol and acetone specifically and almost completely inhibited the growth of Caco-2 cells exhibiting a cancerous phenotype. It is concluded that chickpea seeds are a source of bioactive components and deserve further study for their possible anti-cancer effect.

      • KCI등재

        Ideation IoT Product Framework (IIPF) for Smart Products Development A tool which describes, design and pivot IoT products

        Julio Cesar Garcia G.(훌리오 시저 그라시아 G.),Yun Seon Kim(김윤선) 한국로고스경영학회 2019 로고스경영연구 Vol.17 No.4

        아이디어 프로세스는 모든 점진적 또는 급진적 혁신에 존재하며, 모든 문제나 고통을 통해서 혁신의 기회가 제공된다. 기술과 지식 집약의 시대이지만 많은 오프라인 제품의 지식이 재사용되지 않고 폐기되고 있다. 본 연구는 아이디어 프로세스를 시작할 때 기존 오프라인 제품에서 혁신적인 IoT 제품 아이디어를 얻기 위해 IoT제품 아이디에이션 프레임워크 (Ideation IoT Product Framework)를 만들어 기본 제품에 사용된 지식을 소멸시키지 않고 재사용 할수 있도록 하는 것이다. 이 개념은 혁신적인 툴, 방법론 및 철학의 광대한 생태계로 제품 개발에 사용되는 이전 지식을 개발될 새 제품의 아이디어 차원에서 강조하고 반영하는 것이 목표이다. 연구에서는 지속적인 분석과 혁신 적용을 통해 새로운 프레임 워크를 개발하였다. 일반화 하여 적용하는 것에는 한계가 있지만, 제품 개발에서 창의적인 아이디어는 이러한 프로세스를 강조 할 때만 나타날 수 있기 때문에 새제품 개발에 지식을 재사용하는 관점에서 큰 의의가 있다고 할수 있다. Idea processes exist in every gradual or radical innovation, and the opportunity for innovation is provided through every problem or pain. In an age of technology and knowledge intensive, the knowledge of many offline products is being discarded rather than reused. The purpose of this study is to create an Idation IoT Product Framework to get innovative IoT product ideas from existing offline products so that they can be reused without destroying the knowledge used in the basic products. The concept is a vast ecosystem of innovative tools, methodologies, and philosophies that aim to highlight and reflect the previous knowledge used in product development at the idea level of new products to be developed. The research developed a new framework through continuous analysis and innovation application. There is a limit to generalization and application, but since creative ideas in product development can only appear when emphasizing these processes, it is of great significance in terms of reusing knowledge in new product development.

      • KCI등재

        The Extradition of Colombians from the Perspective of the Foundation for the Defense of Colombians with Orders of Extradition (DECOPEX)

        Julio Ramirez Montanez 한국라틴아메리카학회 2016 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this article is to present an analytical approach on the process of the extradition of Colombians as requested by international courts of justice, with reference to the author’s professional experience in the Foundation for the Defense of Colombians with Orders of Extradition (DECOPEX). This non-governmental organization was a space for the relatives of the persons arrested as a result of the extradition request from a state. The prisoners themselves were held in Pavilion Seven of the maximum security prison of Combita. The primary activities of DECOPEX were focused on four strategic areas: 1] the defense of the fundamental rights of the inmates and their families; 2] the development of a legal strategy at the national and international levels; 3] the lobbying of government bodies with the aim of regulating the legal procedure of extradition; and 4] making known to the members of society the problem that some people had been wrongfully arrested.

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