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        김수영 시의 ‘인지어’ 연구 2

        주영중(Ju Yeong-Jung) 韓國批評文學會 2011 批評文學 Vol.- No.39

        이 글은 김수영 시의 사유 인지어를 중심으로 주체가 자아와 세계를 어떻게 인지하는가 하는 인지 방식과 인지의 전이 과정을 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 밝히기 위해 이 글은 어휘를 중심으로 한 언어운용방식에 관심을 둔 실증적인 연구 방법을 택한다. 김수영 시의 사유 인지어는 ‘생각하다-알다-모르다’ 계열의 시어들로 구분할 수 있다. 각 계열의 시어들은 기본적으로 ‘사유의 과정 자체-사유의 결과-부정적 사유와 회의 또는 의심’이라는 의미 맥락과 친연성을 보인다. 하지만 시의 문맥 속에서 각 계열의 시어들은 단순히 긍정 또는 부정의 차원에서만 다루어지는 것이 아니라 역설적이고 반어적인 차원으로 다루어지기도 하며, 그런 경우 시어들은 전혀 다른 맥락을 형성하면서 좀 더 복합적인 의미체를 구현한다. 이 글은 사유를 중심으로 김수영 시를 살펴보면서 감각과 감정의 문제 또한 짚어보려 한다. 그 이유는 김수영 시에서 사유의 각 계열은 감각과 감정의 시어들과 끊임없이 관계하면서 전이되고 변형되는 과정을 거치기 때문이다. 이 글은 이러한 김수영 시의 언어 운용 방식에 주목하여, 사유 자체의 움직임만이 아니라 감각과 감정 같은 다른 기제들과의 상관성에 대해서도 주의를 기울일 것이다. This study aims to examine the cognition and transition process of how the subject recognizes self and world with special reference to reasoning cognitive words of poems of Kim Su Yeong. An empirical research method is selected to figure out language operation method based on words. Reasoning cognitive words in his poems can be classified as ‘think-know-do not know’. Words in each group has a meaning context and affinity of ‘reasoning process itself - result of reasoning - negative cognition and doubt’. But, the words were not only dealt with simple negative or positive level, but also dealt with more paradoxical and ironical level. In that case, the poems constitutes more complicated meaning. This study focuses on sense and emotion in the poems of Kim Su Yeong. This is because each reasoning group in his poems has a continual transition and transformation process with words of sense and emotion. With this language operation method in mind, this study shall pay attention to the interrelationship with other matters such as sense and emotion as well as the movement of reasoning itself.

      • KCI등재

        [논문]김수영 시의 숭고 특성 연구

        주영중 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2012 한국민족문화 Vol.42 No.-

        This essay examined the essential aspects of Kim Su Yeong through the instrument of sublime. In this process, this essay uncovered the truth there is a part that cannot be understood and interpreted only as clarity of reason and consciousness or only as a activity of the subject. He could recive the possibility to exceed the limits of self and reality as resigning himself to others. Through resigning to others the subject could be received the possibility that be premiered at the limit of death in human and practice love as communal ethic. Also the subject could be received the possibility of the road toward sublime and love by feeble existence that was not revealed by beings with the power realistically. The subject can receive the possibiliy to transit beyond limits when subject as extential existence open himself to new possibility, and resign himself to others. That can be recived not as desire or willingness of a subject but as resigning himself to others. 이 글은 일련의 숭고의 계기들을 통해 김수영 시의 본질적인 면들을 살펴보았다. 이 과정에서 이 글은 사유나 의식의 명증성들만으로는 혹은 주체의 능동성을 강조하는 것만으로는 이해되거나 해석될 수 없는 부분들이 있다는 사실을 밝혔다. 오히려 그 어떤 타자에 자신의 온몸을 내맡김으로써 자신과 현실의 한계를 넘어설 수 있는 가능성을 선사받는 모습 속에서 그의 시가 지닌 이행의 흔적을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 타자에의 내맡김을 통해 주체는 죽음이라는 인간적 한계에 초연할 수 있는 가능성과 밀려닥치는 공동체적 윤리로서의 사랑의 가능성을 선사받게 된다. 또한 오인된 숭고를 조장하는 현실적으로 힘을 가진 존재들에 가려져 드러나지 않던 미약한 존재들에게서 역설적으로 숭고와 사랑으로 향하는 길의 가능성을 선사받게 된다. 비극적 존재로서의 주체가 혼란과 미지를 새로운 가능성으로 열어놓을 때, 그리고 타자에 자신을 내맡길 때, 주체는 한계 너머로 이행할 수 있는 가능성을 선사받게 된다. 그것은 주체의 의욕이나 의지에 의해서가 아니라 타자에의 내맡김을 통해 얻어질 수 있는 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        해방기 시의 미국에 대한 이중적 감각

        주영중 ( Yeong Jung Ju ) 한민족문화학회 2014 한민족문화연구 Vol.45 No.-

        해방기는 우리가 미국에 대한 이중적 감각을 체득했던 시기이다. 미국은 개화기부터 우리에게 일종의 선망과 환상, 시혜와 구원의 존재로 표상되고는 했다. 해방기에 이르러 미국은 자유와 평화와 같은 숭고한 이상을 지닌 나라로 인식되면서도 동시에 세계를 대상으로 무력과 힘을 행사하는 패권 국가로 인식된다. 이와 같이 우리 근현대사 속에서 미국은 때로 선망과 환상의 대상으로, 때로 비판과 부정의 대상으로, 때로 양면성을 지닌 대상으로 우리 앞에 출몰하게 된다. 오장환의 「연합군 입성의 노래」, 김기림의 「아메리카」, 그리고 김수영의 「아메리카 타임 지」는 미국이 지닌 양면성을 잘 보여주고 있으며, 자신이 처한 현실과 역사의 의미와 자기 자신의 정체성에 대해 깊이 고민하고 있는 시라 할 수 있다. 오장환과 김기림, 그리고 김수영의 시는 미국이라는 타자에 사로잡혀 있으면서도 그것에서 벗어나려는 주체의 모습을 형상화한다. 혼란한 시기에 자신과 당대 현실이 처한 문제를 미국이라는 타자를 통해 역설적으로 인식하게 된다. 물론 그 의식구조 안에는 선망과 미망 혹은 긍정과 부정이라는 의식의 이중성이 도사리고 있었다. 단순한 긍정이나 단순한 부정이 아니라 미국이라는 타자에 대해 가졌던 이중성의 지대를 통과해가면서 시인들은 시인들 자신과 민족 현실의 실제적인 모습을 정직하게 확인하고 있었던 것이다. We did acquire a dualistic sense for America at the liberation period. Historically, America is represented to us as the presence of the envy and illusion, and redemption and dispensation. America is recognized as a country that persue high ideals of freedom and peace and as a country that exercise force and power to the world at the liberation period. Oh Jang Hwan, Kim Ki Rim and Kim Su Yeong`s poem show two sides with America, and the meaning of history and reality. And their poem helps to find identity for himself. Their poem is obsessed the other represented as America that while and at the same time try to get relief from it. The subject will be paradoxically aware of problems faced by contemporary reality through the other represented as America. Passing through the zone of ambivalence provided by the other represented as America not just as a simple positive or negative, poets honestly want to look at the actual figure of the national reality and poet himself.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Identification of Aucklandiae Radix, Inulae Radix, Vladimiriae Radix and Aristolochiae Radix, Using Macroscopic, Microscopic and Physicochemical Methods

        Yoon, Jee-Hyun,Park, Ha-Yeong,Kim, Tae-Ju,Lee, Seung-Ho,Kim, Jung-Hoon,Lee, Guem-San,Kim, Hong-Jun,Ju, Young-Sung The Society of Korean Medicine 2014 대한한의학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Objectives: This study aimed for establishing the discriminative criteria for Aucklandiae Radix, Inulae Radix, Vladimiriae Radix and Aristolochiae Radix, which can be confused as 'Mokhyang', because of similar appearances and synonyms. Methods: Morphological characteristics of dried herbal medicines were compared by macroscopic observation. To examine microscopic features of 'Mokhyang', paraffin embedding and the staining by using Ju's method were conducted. Physicochemical experiments were performed using HPLC analysis and antioxidant assay. Results: The types of stem, phyllotaxy and leaf shape were chosen as macroscopic criteria and the size, oil spots, color and root top as well as phloem and central cylinder were compared using microscopic features. The HPLC results showed different amounts of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone among Aucklandiae Radix, Inulae Radix and Vladimiriae Radix. However, Aristolochiae Radix only contained aristolochic acid. The antioxidant assays also showed that Vladimiriae Radix exhibited strongest antioxidant activity followed by Aucklandiae Radix, Inulae Radix and Aristolochiae Radix. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that macroscopic, microscopic and physicochemical methods would be useful tools for the discrimination of 4 kinds of 'Mokhyang'.

      • KCI등재

        타타늄의 열처리 조건에 따른 동전위 양극분극특성 및 표면 미세구조 변화

        주동현,이용렬,정영화,양홍서,박상원,이도재,송호준,박영준 大韓齒科器材學會 2002 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The corrosion resistance of metallic implants is essential for successful implant osseointegration. Moreover, the implant surface should have appropriate surface roughness for the attachment of the osteoblast and collagen fibrils. When titanium is exposed to air a thermodynamically very stable oxide film is formed at once. This oxide is very thin and yet it protects the metal from corrosion instantaneously. However, the oxide would not be ideal, and it would be supposed that the state of oxide film would be various by the different conditions when it is formed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the electrochemical properties and surface microstructural changes of titanium after passivation treatment or exposure to high heat (in vacuum or in air). ASTM grade 2 commercially pure titanium (Ti) disks of 10㎜ diameter were wet ground and polished with 240 and 600 grit SiC, and then ultrasonically cleaned with distilled water and ethanol. Cleansed as-received samples (As-R group) were passivated with 30% nitric acid solution at 50℃ for 15 minutes to make the Pas group. The Std-V samples were made by treating the Ti disks in vacuum quartz tube (10^-8 Torr) at 530℃ for 40 min for stress relieving, followed by annealing at 700℃ for 90 min, and then slow cooling to room temperature. The Std-A samples undergo identical procedure as the Std-V group except that it is done in air. For 530℃-V samples, Ti disks were heated at 530℃ for 40 minutes and slow cooled to room temperature. The 1000℃-V samples were produced by heating Std-V specimens again at 1000℃ for 2 hr, followed by cooling to room temperature. 530℃-A and 1000℃-A samples were also prepared. Potentiodynamic anodic polarization measurement, SEM, AFM and XRD analysis were performed to evaluate the effects of the various treatments. The difference in the mean values of E_corr between groups showed statistically significant difference (P<0.05), but that of I_corr did not show significance (P>0.05). When Ti surface was passivated there was a shift of corrosion potential (E_corr) in the noble direction and a lower corrosion current density (I_corr) value. Std-A samples showed most noble E_corr value among the tested groups. 530℃-V samples showed more noble E-corr than other tested groups except Std-A group. 1000℃-V samples showed more noble E-corr than those of Std-V sample. In the case of Std-, 530℃- and 1000℃-groups, -A sub-groups showed better corrosion resistant characteristics than -V sub-groups in regard to E-corr and I_corr values. In the SEM observations, the surfaces of the As-R samples showed only scratch line on smooth surface. In Pas samples, thick oxide layer covered the surface under high magnification observation. 530℃-A samples were covered by oxide granules, and Std-A samples had 25~50 nm-thick acicular oxides. The 1000℃-A samples were covered by coarse oxide crystals with a granule diameter of 0.1~0.6 μm having a gross appearance of milky white color, which was identified by XRD as a rutile. On the other hand, 1000℃-V samples showed an Widmansta¨tten structrue of which the orientation of the lattice is formed along crystallographic planes of the parent crystals. On the AFM observation, 530℃-A samples showed RMS roughness of 79.38 nm which is 5 times rougher than those of the As-R samples. Std-A sample had a roughness of 330.47 nm which is about 20-times rougher than that of the As-R sample. 1000℃-A samples were covered by coarse granular oxides and the roughness were about 0.56 μm. Vacuum sub-group samples showed a more smooth surface than air sub-group samples, and the oxide film was more dense. Due to variability of the surface treatment and heat treatment conditions, the process of the oxide formation seems to be affected thereby making the corrosion properties and surface micro-morphology different. However, more various electrochemical analysis together with surface analysis, and an investigation for the effects of those on the osteoblast cell adhesion and calcium phosphate apposition are needed for the improvement of the osseointegration rates of the titanium implants.

      • KCI등재
      • 육우 비선호 부위를 활용한 육우햄의 품질특성

        이주호, 최정석, 정준영, 최양일 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2012 農業科學硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        This study was undertaken to compare the quality characteristics of dairy beef ham. Dairy beef hams were manufactured using non-preferred portion (top round). 5 treatments were prepared: T1(beef 50% + pork emulsion 50%), T2(beef 65%emulsion 35%), T3(beef 80%emulsion 20%), T4(beef 90%emulsion 10%), T5(beef 100%emulsion 0%). In chemical composition, dairy beef content increases, moisture content was increased, fat content was decreased. In the meat quality characteristics, T5 showed higher (p<0.05) water holding capacity value than the others. Dairy beef content increases, product loss and cooking loss were decreased. In hunter color, dairy beef content increases, redness was increased. In texture profile analysis, T4 and T5 were significantly higher than the others. As a result, dairy beef ham with 80~90% dairy beef and 10~20% pork emulsion has low fat content, high product yield and superior texture profile, which could be developed as a dairy beef hams using non-preferred portion.

      • 가다머의 이해와 교육

        주영흠 교육철학회 2002 교육사 교육철학 Vol.27 No.-

        Hans-George Gadamer has applied the term 'hermeneutics' to a philosophy of human existence as a whole. He argues that understanding is more than a mental process. It is not just something we do but the way we are. We are beings who understand, and understanding underlies all our activities. Such understanding fundamentally is a process of interpretation. So, in contemporary hermeneutics, education is like a conversation or game aimed at understanding. Understanding a human act, especially much learning, is like interpreting a text which occurs within a tradition. The interpreter beings with a preliminary understanding of what we interpret. Interpretation involves opening myself to a text and questioning it. So that I must interpret a text in the light o my situation. Tradition, says Gadamer, makes me what I am. Tradition is always present so that I never can get completely outside it. For Gadamer, teaching is dialogue within a tradition. The teacher interprets the great acts and text civilization. The teacher's task is not so much to transmit the tradition as the enable the student to interpret it, and thus to permit tradition itself to continue. The model for such teaching is dialogue, in which two or more speakers, all coming from their own limited point of view, reach an understanding they had not anticipated. Genuine dialogue allows the truth to appear and to be seen by each. Therefore openness on both sides is essential. No one must come with his mind made up. In the give and take, each of us arrives at a new understanding. This study examines the educational meaning of hermeneutic understanding in the light of Gadamer's idea. It purposes to broaden the horizons of humanistic education which are beyond the positivistic trends of education.

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