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      • KCI등재

        18세기 전라도 지역 무신란(戊申亂)의 전개과정

        변주승(Byun, Ju-Seung),문경득(Mun, Gyeong-Deuk) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.39

        무신란(戊申亂)은 영조 4년(1728)에 경기, 충청도, 전라도, 경상도 지역에서 영조의 왕위계승 정통성을 부정하며 일어난 반란이다. 본 논문은 무신란에 대한 조사와 처결이 기록된 ?무신역옥추안(戊申逆獄推案)?을 주로 활용하여, 전라도 지역에서 일어난 무신란을 크게 반란군의 부안 평교 집결과 박필현의 태인 거병으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 반란군의 부안 평교 집결은 정세윤과 원만주가 포섭한 부안 인근 지역의 반란군이 3월 15일에 평교에 집결한 사건이다. 원래 이들은 3월 19일에 평교에 집결해 청주로 이동해 반란군과 합류할 계획이었다. 그런데 이인좌의 급한 연락을 받은 정세윤과 원만주가 먼저 청주로 이동한 뒤, 15일에 부안 평교에서 집결했다. 그러나 주동자의 부재와 악천후, 적은 규모 등으로 인해 해산했고, 일부만 청주로 이동해 반란에 가담했다. 집결의 주모자인 정세윤은 변산적과 밀접한 관련이 있는 인물인데, 기존의 연구에서 변산적은 흔히 ‘변산의 도적 무리’로 이해되었다. 그러나 정세윤의 행적과 실제로 반란에 가담한 자들을 분석해본 결과, 변산적은 ‘변산의 역적 무리’였다. 박필현의 태인 거병은 당시 태인 현감이던 박필현이 관군을 이끌고 태인을 출발하여, 3월 22일 새벽 전주성 서쪽 삼천까지 진출하여 전주성을 공략하려 했던 사건이다. 박필현은 반란군을 토벌한다는 명분으로 태인의 군사를 이끌고 전주성의 군사와 합류했다가, 결정적인 순간에 배신하여 전주성을 장악할 계획이었던 것으로 보인다. 그러나 태인 현감에서 파직되고, 부안과 나주의 반란군이 계획대로 오지 않자, 박필현은 태인의 관군만을 거느리고 전주성으로 향했다. 그는 전라감사 정사효에게 편지를 보내 포섭을 시도했으나, 전주영장 이경지가 편지를 받아들이지 않아 실패했다. 이에 바로 청주로 이동할 뜻을 밝히자, 박필현의 목적이 반란군 토벌이 아니라 반역이라는 사실을 알아차린 태인의 관군들이 도망쳐, 박필현의 태인 거병은 실패로 돌아갔다. 다음과 같은 몇가지 점에서 본 논문의 연구 의의가 있다. 첫째, ?무신역옥추안?에 나오는 관련자의 진술을 비교?검증하여, 전라도 지역 무신란의 전개과정을 파악했다. 둘째, 무신란의 전개과정에 있어 중요한 역할을 했으나, 기존 연구에서 자세히 다루지 못한 ‘정세윤’을 분석했다. 셋째, 무신란 당시의 ‘변산적’이 하층민으로 구성된 변산의 도적 무리라는 기존 견해와 달리, ‘변산의 역적 무리’임을 밝혔다. In 1728, there was the national-wide The Musin Revolt against King Yeongjo(英祖) in Gyeonggi(京畿), Chungcheong(忠淸) and Jeolla(全羅) province. I conducted research about the Musin Revolt by using “the investigation record of the Musin Revolt(?戊申逆獄推案?)” and, in particular, examined the gathering of armed forces in Bu`an(扶安) Pyeonggyo(平橋), and marching of Bak Pil-hyeon(朴弼顯)’s Taein(泰仁) army. Th Rebel forces in locality of Bu`an assembled at Pyeonggyo until March 19. they originally planed to move to Cheongju(淸州) and join in rebel forces; but Jeong Se-yun(鄭世胤) left for Cheongju after receiving the urgent message from Lee In-jwa(李麟左), and the others gathered at March 15. However, they were dispersed due to the absence of rebellion leaders and inclement weather, scaled-downed forces. Bak Pil-hyeon who was local governor of Taein planned to lead the army of Taein to convert to the rebel forces. So he assembled the army and marched on Jeonju at March 22. However, rebel forces of Bu`an and Naju did not arrive, and he was also dismissed from the governor. Thus he solely moved to Jeonju. He sent a messenger to Jeong Sa-hyo(鄭思孝), the Govenrnor of Jeonju, and tried to embrace the army of Jeonju. However, Commanding officer of Jeonju, Lee Gyeong-Ji(李慶祉) refused to accept this attempt. Additionally the army of Taein realized Bak Pil-hyeon`s plan to convert itself to the rebel forces, they scattered immediately and Bak Pil-hyeon failed to implement the plan for revolt. This thesis is important in conducting research about following things. First, this thesis analyzes the statements of people concerned who are recorded on the “investigation record of the Musin Revolt”, exploring the development of Musin Revolt in Jeolla Province. Second, it examines Jeong Se-yun whom precious studies did not focus on. He did not only played a significant role in the development of entire Musin revolt. Third, this it proves that ‘the bandits of Byeonsan’(邊山賊) were comprised of people in the low class, and actually rebellious local residents.

      • KCI등재

        지구력 운동이 급성기 뇌졸중 쥐의 뒷다리근 질량에 미치는 영향

        안경주,이윤경,임지회,최스미,최명애 대한기초간호자연과학회 2000 Journal of korean biological nursing science Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to identify hindlimb muscle atrophy in stroke induced rat and determine the effect of endurance exercise on body weight, weight of hindlimb muscle during 7 days after stroke induction. Thirty four male Sprague-Dawley rats with 200-270g body weight were divided into four groups : control, control+exercise(Con+Ex), stroke, and exercise after stroke(St+Ex) group. The control group and Con+Ex group received sham operation and the stroke group and St+Ex group received right MCA occlusion operation by using silicon-coated probe. The Con+Ex and St+Ex groups ran on a treadmill for 20min/day at 10m/min and 10 "grade. Daily body weight and diet intake were measured every morning for 7 days. Cerebral infarction of stroke and St+Ex groups were identified by staining with TCC for 30minutes. The data were analyzed by Kruskd-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney U test using the SPSSWIN 9.0 program. Body weight of the control group at the 7th day increased by 18.3% significantly from the first day of experiment, that of the stroke group at the 7th day decreased by 6.7% significantly compared to the day of receiving right MCA occlusion operation. Body weight of the Con+Ex group at the 7th day increased by 10.3% significantly from the first day of experiment, that of St+Ex group at the 7th day also increased by 13.4% significantly compared to the day of receiving right MCA occlusion operarion. The total amount of diet in stroke group decreased significantly compared to that of St+Ex and that of control group. In stroke group the wet weight of both sides of soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles decreased significantly compared to that of control group. The relative weight of affected(left) plantaris and gastrocnemius muscles decreased significantly compared to that of the control group. The difference between the weight of affected and unaffected soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles were not significant in stroke group. The wet weight of right gastrocnemius muscles in Con+Ex group increased compared to that of control group. The relative weight of right gastrocnemius muscle increased significantly compared to that of the control group. The wet weight of St+Ex group increased significantly compared to that of the stroke group in both sides of soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles. The relative weight of affected plantaris muscle increased significantly compared to that of the stroke group. The difference between the weight of affected and unaffected soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles were not significant in St+Ex group. Body weight and wet weight of soleus, plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles in the St+Ex group did not recover to the values of control group. Based on these results, it can be suggested that endurance exercise during acute stage of stroke can reduce muscle atrophv related to denervation. inactivity and undernutrition.

      • Carbon tetrachloride를 투여한 rat의 hepatic lipid 축적에 미치는 vitamin E의 효과에 관한 연구

        박은주,이경연,이미영,이외숙,장재정,정귀은,최진희 曉星女子大學校 藥學大學 學生會 1988 曉星藥誌 Vol.4 No.-

        The present studies were undertaken to evaluate the effect of vitamin E, CCl_4 on the change of hepatic triglyceride, hepatic cholesterol, hepatic phospholipid in male rat. The result obtained from this study were summarised as follows: 1. Hepatic phospholipid of CCl_4 treated rat was increased in proportion to CCl_4 dosage but after concomitant injection(I.P) of vitamin E and CCl_4, hepatic phospholipid was significantly decreased in comparison to that of CCl_4 alone injection. 2. There was no effect on hepatic cholesterol concentration either CCl_4 alone injection(I.P) or concomitant injecton(I.P) of vitamin E and CCl_4. 3. Hepatic triglyceride of CCl_4-treated rat was significantly increased in comparison to that of normal rat but hepatic triglyceride of rat concomitant injection of vitamin E and CCl_4 was significantly decreased in comparison to that of CCl_4 alone injection.

      • 한국주식시장에서의 하락위험과 반전효과

        이경주 朝鮮大學校 經營經濟硏究所 2003 經營經濟硏究 = Management and economics research Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구는 한국주식시장에서 주식시장이 침체기에 있을때 시장과 개별주식 간의 상관관계가 높은 주식을 하락위험이라고 정의하고 시장수익률과 개별주식의 수익률의 상관관계에 따라 단기적인 기대수익률을 예측할 수 있는가를 알아보기 위한 기초적인 연구를 수행하였다. 시장을 하락과 상승으로 통제한 후에 하락위험이 높은 주식의 단기 수익률이 높게 나타난 미국주식시장과는 달리 한국주식시장에서는 하락위험이 가장 작은 주식의 포트폴리오는 가장 큰 주식의 포트폴리오보다 높은 기대수익률을 보였다. 반면에 하락시장에서의 베타가 큰 포트폴리 오가 낮은 포트폴리오보다 높은 기대수익률을 보임을 알 수 있었다. 이는 한국 주식시장의 변동성이 미국시장에 비해 매우 높아 나타나는 이례적인 현상으로 단기적인 모벤텀투자전략의 효율성보다는 반전효과가 나타나고 있음에서도 발견할 수 있었다. 규모효과와 가치비율을 통제한 후에도 장기적인 반전투자전략이 유효한지에 대한 검증이 향후 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • Table Feeder의 連續定量 供給 (Ⅰ)

        鄭炅樂,崔東珪,金起柱 全北大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        A Continuous Uniform Feeding method is studied with a modified table feeder. The table feeder examined has either two or three scrapers. Powders used in the experiment are quartz sand, talc and calcium carbonate covering a wide range of flowability. With respect to testing methods of a feeder, the effect of sampling period on the precision is studied both experimentally and thearetically. As a result, variation of precision with sampling period becomes clear even when the powder flow rate has a periodic fluctuation.

      • 치수절단술에 사용되는 약제가 백서 치배 및 치배주위조직세포에 미치는 영향에 관한 ^3H-thymidine을 이용한 자기방사법적인 연구

        박경주,이종헌,임창윤 단국대학교 치의학연구소 1992 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Formocresol(FC) had been widely used as medicament for pulpotomy, but because FC have strong toxicity, carcinogenic potential, and strong diffusible properties in tissues, Glutaraldehyde, another medicament for pulpotomy was greatly presented by many investigators and practitioners. Although many investigators had studied difference of two medicament's effects on periodontal tissues and tooth germ, there were no manuscripts of cellular activity about these medicaments applied to teeth, but there were almost clinical, histopathological studies. Especially in the investigative effects on tooth germ, the results were controversal. Thus to investigate about effects on cellular actiity of perigerminal tissue and tooth germ of rat, author presented the cellular activity and the pathologic change through calculating Thymidine labelling index(TLI) from autoradiographic technique using 3H-thymidine after these medicaments were applied to tooth. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Inflammation was initiated after one week of FC and two weeks of GA. It was thought that diffusible property of GA was lesser than that of FC. 2. In group treated with FC, inflammation, vasodilation and bone destruction continuously increased for all periods of experiment and the feature of 8 weeks was very severe. But in group treated with GA, inflammation, vasodilation and bone destruction slightly incresed for all period of experment. 3. TLI was increased after two weeks of FC, but decreased after four weeks because of different accumulative concentration between 2 and 4 weeks. 4. GA treated group which did not show the change of the cellular activity of perigerminal tissue and tooth germ presented the slight effects on these cells. 5. Changes of cellular activities in FC treated group did not result from inflammation, but formocresole's property itself. And bone destruction was derived from secondary effects of inflammation. 6. The fact that FC arose severe inflammation and change of cellular activity reflected that FC might affected

      • Table Feeder의 連續定量供給에 關하여 (Ⅱ)

        崔東珪,鄭炅樂,金起柱 全北大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        A Continuous Uniform Feeding method is studied with a modified table feeder. The table feeder examined has either two or three scrapers. Powders used in the experiment are talc, calcium carbonate, and quartzsand covering a wide range of flow ability. Precision of feeding is tested with particular attention to characteristics of the feeder and properties of powders discharged. Furthermore, with respect to testing methods of feeder, the effect of characteristics of the feeder and properties of powders discharged on the precision is studied both experimentally and theoretically. As a result, variation of precision with characteristics of the feeder and properties of powders discharged becomes clear even when the powder flow rate has a periodic fluctuation.

      • 內燃機關用 사이클론形 空氣淸淨器의 開發에 關한 硏究 : 第1報 小型 自動車用 內燃機關에 對하여 1st Report, For Internal Combustion Engine as Applied to Small-size Motorcar

        崔東珪,鄭炅樂,金起柱 全北大學校 1979 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The dust collection efficiency and pressure loss of a cyclone type air cleaner (Multi microcyclone described in this report) as applied to a four-cylinder four-stroke internal combustion engine and the effect of this aircleaner on the volumetric efficiency of the engine were researched in a series of engine motoring tests. The test results were compared with those obtained in a series of tests by using a blower. The performances of a paper filter were also tested by the same methods. The experimental results are summarized as follows; In the engine test, the dust collection efficiency of the multi microcyclone was about 98% at 3,500 r.p.m. and about 96% at 700 r.p.m. The efficiency of the paper filter was 98~99% at low speed but decreased to 86% at 3,500.r.p.m of engine. The multi micro-cyclone had a little air flow resistance. The test engine with the above cyclone showed rather a higher volumetric efficiency by about 8% than one without any air cleaner at the engine speed of the maximum volumetric efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        독일 고등직업교육기관에서 직업훈련 통합 이원화 학위과정 운영 실태 분석 및 시사점

        김기홍,김경주 한국직업능력개발원 2007 직업능력개발연구 Vol.10 No.2

        본 연구는 독일 고등교육기관인 파혹슐레의 직업훈련 통합 이원화 학위 과정 운영 체제 및 운영 사례 동향을 고찰하였다. 독일은 직업교육훈련 개혁과 더불어 고등 교육기관에서 노동시장의 변화에 대응한 산업체와 연계교육을 강화하고 있다. 특히 대학들은 기존의 학위과정과 더불어 직업훈련이나 직업과 연계된 이원화 학위 과정을 별도로 운영하여 직업학교 졸업자들이 이 과정에서 지속적으로 산업체 현장실습 중심의 심화교육을 받아 노동시장의 진입을 쉽게 하고 있다. 우리의 대학교나 2년제 대학도 종래의 학위 과정을 다양화하여 산업체와 연계 교육이 가능한 운영 체제로 전환할 필요가 있다. 이를 통해 대학교육과 노동시장에서의 직업불일치(Job Mismatch) 문제를 완화하고, 대학 졸업 후의 재교육의 비용을 줄여야 한다. 고등교육기관이 직업교육 전문기관으로서 정체성을 확보하기 위해 학생들의 현장적응능력을 강화하는 직업 훈련 통합 이원화 학위 과정 운영 사례는 우리에게 좋은 본보기가 될 수 있다. Dieser Aufsatz wurde unter der Perspektive angefertigt, duales System an deutschen Fachhochschulen Diskussionen zur ausbildungsintegrierten dualen Studienga¨nge, praxisorientierte Exemplare in bezug auf die Studienga¨nge, Schlussfolgerungen fur Korea darzustellen. Allgemeine duale Studienga¨nge in Deutschland unterscheiden sich von klassischen Studienangeboten durch eine sta¨rkere Einbindung der Praxis in den Studienablauf. Zur Zeit nehmen 43,680 Studenten und 22,737 Betriebs an dieser dualen Studienga¨nge teil. Und 628 Studienga¨nge wurden in den 247 Hochschulen angeboten. Ausbildungsmtegrierde duale Studienga¨nge bieten Studientinteressenten ohne abgesclosse Berufausbildung und Berufserfahnmg sowie mit Fachhochschul- bzw. allegemeiner Hochschreife eine Mo¨glichkeit, wahrend des Grundstudiums eine veku¨rzte betnebliche Ausbildung in anerkannten Ausbildungsberuf zu absolvieren. Im Hauptstudium wird in der Regel eine beruflichen Teilzeittatigkeit - tagesweise oder im Block - ausgeiibt, die einem mehr oder weniger ausgepragten inhaltlichen Bezung zu den Studieninhalten aufweist. Zur Zeit setzen unsere Hochschulen neue Struktur- und Studiengangrefonn im Gang, bessere praxisnah Studienga¨nge anzubieten. Die von mir vorgestellten ausbildungsintegrierte duale Studienga¨nge geben uns eine altemative Mo¨glichkei und Motivation, daB unsere Hochschule eine Struktur- und Studiengangreform notwendig sind.

      • Ecological characteristics and trap plant attraction effect of Metcalfa pruinosa in red pepper cultivation area of Korea

        Hwa-Young Seo,Gyeong-Ju Lee,In-Su Hwang,Mi-Sook Na,Yong-Seok Choi 한국응용곤충학회 2018 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.10

        Metcalfa pruinosa is the agricultural pest, first reported in Seoul, Gyeong-gi, Gyeongnam, Korea in 2009. This pests are difficult to control due to the wide range of hosts such as beans, apples, ginseng, pears, persimmon, and peaches. This study was carried out to investigate the ecological characteristics of M. pruinosa in pepper cultivation area. As a result of the density of M. pruinosa survey in Chungnam, Korea in 2018, the density of wintering-eggs, nymph, adult was the largest in Dang-jin area. And the results of the ecological characteristcs survey of M. pruinosa in red pepper cultivation area of Korea, M. pruinosa didn’t enter a red pepper field. In addition, the possibility of using three kinds of plants as attraction plants was examined in order to control environmentally friendly M. pruinosa. Among them, the greatest number of M. pruinosa nymph were attracted to Sunflower and Green perilla during nymph stage.

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