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      • KCI등재

        여성성과 모성의 불행한 또는 광기 어린 조우: <밀양>과 <마더>를 중심으로

        주유신 ( Joo You Shin ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2021 현대영화연구 Vol.17 No.1

        <밀양>과 <마더>는 페미니즘의 지난한 아젠다 중의 하나인 모성의 문제에 치열하게 천착하면서 인상적인 여성상을 그려낸다. 따라서 본 논문은 두 편의 영화 속에서 여성성과 모성이 어떻게 구성되는가를, 한편으로는 시네페미니즘의 이론과 비평을 경유하면서, 다른 한편으로는 텍스트의 표면과 심층을 횡단하면서 탐색해보고자 한다. <밀양>의 신애는 아들의 죽음이 낳은 고통과의 대면에 실패한 채로 하나님이라는 절대자와의 무모한 영적인 싸움에 나서는 어머니라면, <마더>의 마더는 살인범으로 몰린 아들을 구하기 위해 필사적으로 몸부림치면서 점차 괴물이 되어가는 어머니이다. 그렇다면 두 영화 속에서 아들의 상실과 관련된 상처나 두려움으로 파괴되어 가는 어머니들의 모습은 지배적인 재현의 시스템 내에 갇혀 있는 것으로 봐야 하는가 아니면 모성의 창조적 파괴성에 대한 재현으로 나아가는 또 하나의 경로로 봐야 하는가? 여성들의 말하는 몸과 살아 있는 목소리는 억압적인 권력 담론의 그물망을 뚫고 출몰할 수밖에 없다. 그런 점에서 여성의 히스테리나 광기는 다양한 서사와 이미지들을 통해서 때로는 혐오스러운 비체로서, 때로는 위협적인 메두사로서 남성적인 지배 질서에 대한 분노를 표출하거나 이 질서를 넘어서서 탈주하기도 한다. 물론 파괴적으로 보이는 여성과 모성의 재현이 단지 출구 없음의 증후이거나 변형된 패배의 선언이 될 가능성 역시 존재한다. 따라서 영화 속에서 여성 주체와 관련된 심리적 특성과 개인적 정체성이 양극화를 넘어서서 더 다양하게 그려져야 하고, 이는 재현의 시스템 자체를 변화시켜줄 실제적인 변화 역시 요구한다. Secret Sunshine and Mother portray impressive images of women, fiercely focusing on motherhood, one of long-standing feminist agendas. This paper explores how femininity and motherhood are depicted in those two films; it does so by introducing the theory and criticism of Cine-feminism on the one hand and by traversing the surface and depth of those texts on the other hand. Shin-ae in Secret Sunshine is a mother who fails to face the pain caused by her son’s death and is fighting a reckless spiritual battle with the Absolute of God. The mother in Mother gradually becomes a monster as she struggles desperately to save her son who has been accused of a murderer. It is difficult to say how to perceive the images of the mothers destroyed by traumas or fears related to the loss of their sons. Should those two movies are viewed as being trapped within the dominant system of representation, or rather as another path to the representation of the creative destruction of motherhood? Women’s speaking bodies and living voices have no choice but to haunt through the web of repressive discourse. In that sense, women’s hysteria and madness seem to express anger against the masculine dominant order or break out beyond this order sometimes as the disgusting abject, sometimes as a threatening medusa through various narratives and images. Of course, there is also the possibility that the representation of destructive women and motherhood could be merely a symptom of no exit or a deformed declaration of defeat. Therefore, it is necessary to point out that the psychological characteristics and personal identities of female subjects in films need to be drawn with more variety beyond polarization, and the change in the system of representation requires a practical change in reality.

      • KCI등재후보

        漢代 樂府民歌의 言語技巧에대한 小考

        申柱錫 한국중국문화학회 2003 中國學論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        漢代樂府民歌之所以具有迷人的藝術魅力, 取決於詩人對各種語言修辭技法自然, 위貼, 靈活, 創新的運用.淺顯眞切, 渾朴自然, 這可以說是漢代樂府民歌語言風格的最突出特色.這些詩留下一個非常强烈的感覺, 卽們彷佛是人物 “滿心而發, 肆口而成”的, 其語言全似活脫脫的口語, 純任自然, 不假雕飾, 産生了眞切動人的藝術效果, 還和詩人注意對人物動作的傳神描繪有關, 表現在語言上, 也就是精造一些富有表現力的“謂詞”. 漢代樂府民歌語言的第二個藝術特色是其語言形式的自由靈活, 풍富多樣, 사不同於簡質齊整, “句短而調未舒”的四言, 也不同於楚辭的六言夾一“兮”字, 사是三言, 四言, 五言, 六言, 七言都有, 而且完整的五言詩已不少見, 當然最爲常見的還是雜言. 漢代樂府民歌語言形式的自由靈活, 풍富多樣, 旣充分, 감暢地表達了漢代民間作者풍富, 濃鬱的思想感情, 給人以一種內在美, 同質秒合無限, 精妙絶倫的新型詩歌樣式, 無論是雜言還是五言, 都像一股淸新的春風, 給漢代的詩壇帶來了앙然的生機

      • KCI등재

        漢代 樂府民歌의 修辭技法 : 比喩와 起興을 중심으로

        申柱錫 한국중국문화학회 2001 中國學論叢 Vol.12 No.-

        漢代樂府民歌之所以具有迷人的藝術燼力, 除了誇人採取適切其情意表達的多種敍事技巧密切相關以外, 還取決於誇人對各種言語修辭技法自然, 靈活, 創奫的運用. 因此, 本文擬從語言修辭美學的角度來進一步探討漢代樂府民默的藝衛繼力, 뇌喩, 是詩歌創作中極其常見的一種修辭拉法, 究其原因, 大槪是因爲詩歌뇌其他文學樣式更需要借用形象來說話, 沒有比喩, 誇人注往難以將其複雜微妙而又不可捉摸的情感根好地表現出來, 從而也就不太容易給人以一種具體, 深切的藝術感受. 比喩就是將兩個本不相關的事物放在一起可以比較, 尋其相似點,以使所欲說明的事物更加明昞, 具體, 可感, 比喩用得好, 除了可以讓不易形容盡態的事物以一種具象化的方式展示其魃力, 給人以美的陶怡以外, 還加以使原事物獲得一種辯新的, 擴展的, 特殊的, 彧更準確的意義, 뇌喩的方法中最爲常見常用的是明喩, 隱喩, 借喩, 興和比一樣是詩歌(特別是民歌)劍作中廣泛使用的-種修辭性的表現法,害的主要含義是先說別的似予無關的事, 再引出所要歌軟的事. 比和興注往不易區分, 興是因物感觸, 似無心湊合, 뇌則是索物以將心中先存有的某種思想情感托附其上:"뇌類雖繁, 以切至爲貴", 而興則因觸物才起情生意, 拿楊萬里的話說卽;"是物是事適然觸李我, 我之意亦適然感乎是物是事, 觸發焉, 感觸焉, 而是詩出焉," 我們欣賞這些高妙, 自然, 揮朴, 別致的修辭表現法, 就象置身於一冷野花爛爆約原野, 一邊呼吸着沁人心脾的泥土氣息(民歌都是深置於現責生活的土壞之中, 自然生長, 開放出來的, 故而少見有彫琢之痕), 一邊採縝着這些絢麗逃人的小花, 眞有一種美不勝收之感, 可以說渙有這些小花的修飾, 點綴, 漢代樂府民歌這塊誇歌原地, 是不會有讓人陶醉的藝術離力. 因此, 硏究漢代樂府民歌,理應高度重視詩人們對這些修辭拉法的巧妙運用.

      • 유산균의 배양 및 건조조건에 관한 연구 : 제1보 유산균의 배양조건에 관한 연구 partⅠ.Optimum Cultural Conditions of Lactic Acid Bacteria

        신원철,윤주천,김갑수,최승락,이근억,유주현 江原大學校 産業科學硏究所 1981 産業技術硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        In order to use as a starter after drying, optimum growth conditions of Str. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus were investigated. The results were as follows. The growth of Str. thermophilus was reached at stationary phase after 12 hours incubation and L. bulgaricus was after 6 hours. Str. thermophilus was grown well, in the medium containing 10% of skim milk, 2%5 of sucrose, 0.1% of KCl and 0.015%(v./v.) of soy-sauce. In the case of L. bulgaricus, 10% of skim milk, 2% of glucose, 0.5% of bacto-peptone, 0.1% of K₂HPO₄ and 0.02% of pyridoxine was suitable for the maximum growth.

      • 유언대용신탁과 유류분반환청구의 관계

        신주희 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2018 Ewha Law Review Vol.8 No.-

        신탁은 탄력적이고 유연한 설계가 가능하다는 점에서 새로운 재산승계수단으로 활용될 수 있다. 2012년 7월 26일부터 시행된 개정신탁법은 유언대용신탁(신탁법 제59조)과 수익자연속신탁(동법 제60조)을 규정하고 있다. 유언대용신탁과 유언대용신탁과 결합한 수익자연속신탁은 민법상 상속과의 관계에서 충돌을 일으킬 수 있는데, 특히 민법상 유류분제도와의 관계가 문제된다. 이는 유류분산정의 기초재산에 신탁재산이나 수익권을 포함시켜야 하는지 여부, 유류분반환청구의 상대방은 누가 되어야 하는지 여부, 유류분반환의 방법은 어떻게 되는지에 있다고 요약된다. 유류분산정의 기초재산의 문제와 관련하여, 유언대용신탁에서 신탁재산은 대내외적으로 수탁자에게 이전한다는 점, 실제 활용에서 수익권을 기초재산에 산입하기 어려운 점에서, 신탁재산을 유류분산정의 기초재산 중 증여재산에 준하여 이를 산입하는 것이 타당하다. 이에 논리상응하여 유류분반환청구의 상대방은 수탁자로 보아야 하고, 그 반환방법은 신탁재산 자체가 되어야 할 것이지만 신탁의 존속이라는 관점에서 가액반환이 가능할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. Succession by trusts makes estate planning over multi-generations possible and creates a flexible succession structure. The revised Trust Act, effective as of July 26, 2012, recognizes the succession of property by trust as will substitute and trusts with successive beneficiaries. Trust as will substitute and trusts with successive beneficiaries combined with trust as will substitute may cause conflict with inheritance under Civil Law, especially in regards to forced share. Some key points are as follows: whether to include trust property or beneficial interests when calculating the basic property of forced share, to whom one should claim the return of forced share, and the means of its return. In relation to the problem of calculating the basic property of forced share, trust property should be included as an inheritance considering the transfer of trust property to trustee both internally and externally as well as the difficulty of estimating the value of the beneficial interests. Accordingly, the claim for the return of forced share should be made against trustee and the way should be to return the value of trust property.

      • KCI등재

        GT rotary file을 이용한 만곡 근관형성시 작업 효율 및 file 변형 발생에 관한 연구

        신주희,백승호,배광식,임성삼,윤수한,김병현 대한치과보존학회 2001 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.26 No.5

        Root canal preparation process is of utmost importance in successful treatment of root canal. Also, one of the most important purpose of the root canal preparation is to enlarge the root canal three dimensionally without changing the curvature of the root canal. However, as the curvature of the root canal increases, there are many difficulties involved in formation of optimum root canal. Therefore, in order to solve the above mentioned problems, new developments in methods of root canal preparation and equipments for such purposes were made. Recently, vigorous studies about newly introduced engine-driven nitckel-ti-tanium rotary file are conducted. As shown in research results to dates, it is well established that the use of nickel-titanium file is better suited for curved root canal than stainless steel file in maintaining the curvature of root canal and reducing the deformation of root canal. However, it is also acknowledged that there are a few discrepancies in research results according to protocol, due to failure to remove variables in experiments. In addition, although it is recommended by the manufacturer that the GT rotary file should maintain a low rotational speed of 150∼350rpm and 'light pressure' as light as not to break the lead of a pencil, academic studies about the vertical force which is not yet standardized are not sufficiently explored. Therefore, this research devised and utilized a special research equipment to standardize the appropriate range of vertical force for GT rotary file through experiments by breaking of the lead of a pencil as expressed by the manufacturer and to accurately measure factors involved through repeating and recreating the environment of root canal preparation. Forming nine experimental groups by varying the vertical forces (150g, 220g, 300g) and rpm (150rpm, 250rpm, 350rpm), the effects of changing vertical forces and rpm on working efficiency were measured in terms of time expended in root canal preparation by crown-down method using a transparent resin block with 35 degree curvature and GT rotary file (z-test). The following research using this special research equipment that involved nine experimental groups and varying the vertical force for root canal preparation from 300g which is within the normal vertical force range to 700g and 1000g which fall outside the normal rpm range. The results were as follows : 1.Analysis of the experiment results revealed that the tome spent in root canal preparation decreased as the vertical forces and rpm increased (p<0.05). Also, the effects of rpm were greater than those of the vertical forces within the normal vertical force range (β-weight test) . 2.Observation of the deformation of GT rotary file revealed that deformation increases in a direct correlation with the vertical force increase and in a reverse correlation with the rpm decrease, In the case of the vertical forces close to the normal range, the probability of GT rotary file deformation were quite different depending on the rpm changes. In the case of◎eater tier◎cal forces, the occurrences of deformation of the file were more frequent regardless of the rpm changes. 3.Deformation and breakage of file were also commonly observed in the expended time measurement experiments and GT rotary file deformation experiments in which low speed rpm (150rpm) was used and at the curved portion of the resin block. Key words : GT rotary file, Crown-down method, Working efficiency, Vertical force, Rpm, Deformation and breakage of file

      • KCI등재
      • 추간판 응력분포에 대한 광탄성 해석

        신현국,이재창,안면환,안종철,인주철 영남대학교 의과대학 1989 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.6 No.2

        요추의 중립위, 굴곡위 및 신전위에서의 응력 분포의 차이와 수핵의 유무에 따른 응력 분포의 변화를 관찰하기 위해 본 연구를 시행 하였으며 등색선의 양상을 관찰하고 그 응력을 해석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 기립 중립위에서는 수핵이 있는 경우는 전방 부위보다 후방부위에 고응력이 집중되었으며, 전후방 모두 내측부와 중간부위가 고응력이고 외측부로 이동할수록 적응력이 관찰되었다. 수핵이 없는 경우는 후방보다 전방부에 고응력이 집중되었으며 국소적으로 응력이 집중되는 양상을 보이고 있다. 2. 최대 굴곡위에서는 수핵의 존재에 관계없이, 전방보다 후방부에 고응력이 집중되었으며, 수핵 유무 비교시 수핵이 있는 경우가 없는 경우보다 전방이 저응력, 후방은 거의 동등한 응력 분포를 나타냈었다. 응력 분포도의 분석에 의하면 전반적으로 균등한 응력 분포 양상을 나타냈다. 3. 최대 신전위에서는 수핵 유무에 관계없이 전방부에 고응력, 후방부에 저응력, 내측에 고응력, 외측은 저응력을 나타내었으며, 수핵이 있는 경우 없는 경우보다 고응력을 나타냈다. 4. 기립 중립위와 최대 굴곡위의 비교에서는 기립 중립위보다 굴곡시 수핵의 유무에 관계없이 전반적으로 후방부 응력이 2차 정도 현저히 감소하는 양상을 보이면서 비교적 균등한 응력 분포를 나타냈다. 5. 최대 신전위와 최대 굴곡위의 비교에서는 수핵 존재시 최대 신전위보다 최대 굴곡위에서 응력 분포가 전후방 모두 2차 정도 감소되고 수핵이 없는 경우는 최대 신전위가 굴곡위보다 응력이 전후방 0.5차 정도 감소되었다. To observe the change in the status of stresses according to three different postural angulation of an intervertebral disc with or without nucleus pulposus, 6 specimens of a 3-dimensional photoelastic model of the spine were made of epoxy. The nucleus pulposus portion was replaced with silicon in three models, and the three were made without silicon. Through axial application of a vertical compressive load of 8㎏, the peculiar patterns of the isochromatic fringes were observed, Stresses on the intervertebral disc were analyzed according to three different postural angulations of the intervertebral disc with the nucleus pulposus and without the nucleus pulposus. The results of these study are as follow : 1. In an erect neutral posture with the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Also, the high stress was concentrated at the medial and central portion. In an erect neutral posture without the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the anterior portion rather than at the posterior portion and the stress distribution seemed to be locally concentrated. 2. In a maximal flexed posture, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Comparing the presence of the nucleus pulposus with the absence of the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was lower at the anterior portion in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. However, the stress distribution at the posterior portion was nearly same in the two groups. According to the analysis of the stress distribution diagram, as a whole, the stress pattern around the disc was evenly distributed. 3. In a maximal extended posture, the higher concentration of the stress distribution at the anterior and medial portion rather than in the posterior and lateral portion was observed. The stress concentration was higher in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. 4. Comparing the maximal flexed posture with the erect neutral posture, the stress concentration in the flexed posture was much decreased in the posterior portion rather than in the erect neutral posture, and an even distribution of the stress pattern in the flexed posture was observed. 5. In the absence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the extended posture was much decreased compared with the flexed posture. In the absence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the extended posture was much decreased compared with the flexed posture.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 및 중국 중재제도의 비교연구

        신군재,이주원 한국중재학회 2007 중재연구 Vol.17 No.2

        The legal systems and open-door policies to foreign affairs in North Korea have been followed by those of China. Whereas an arbitration system of South Korea accepted most parts of UNCITRAL Model Law, North Korea has succeeded to an arbitration system of a socialist country. China, under the arbitration system of socialist country, enacted an arbitration act reflected from UNCITRAL Model Law for keeping face with international trends. We have used these three arbitration system as a tool for analyzing an arbitration system in North Korea. With an open-door policy, North Korea and China enacted an arbitration act to provide a legal security. Therefore, the core parts of arbitration system in North Korea and China are based on a socialist system while those of South Korea is on liberalism. So, North Korea and China enacted an arbitration act on the basis of institutional arbitration, on the other side, South Korea is based on ad-hoc arbitration. Because of these characters, in terms of party autonomy, it is recognized with the order as South Korea, China and North Korea. Also North Korea enacted separate 'Foreign Economic Arbitration Act' to resolve disputes arising out of foreign economies including commercial things and investments. There are differences in arbitration procedures and appointment of arbitrators : South Korea recognizes parties' autonomy, however parties should follow the arbitration rules of arbitration institutes in North Korea and China. According to an appointment of arbitrators, if parties fail to appoint co-arbitrators or chief arbitrators by a mutual agreement, the court has the right to appoint them. In case of following KCAB's rules, KCAB secretariats take a scoring system by providing a list of candidates. A party has to appoint arbitrators out of the lists provided by arbitration board(or committee) in North Korea. If a party may fail to appoint a chief arbitrator, President of International Trade Arbitration Board(or Committee) may appoint it. In China, if parties fail to appoint a co-arbitrator or a chief arbitrator by a mutual agreement, Secretary general will decide it. If a arbitral tribunal fails to give a final award by a majority decision, a chief arbitrator has the right for a final decision making. These arbitration systems in North Korea and China are one of concerns that our companies take into account in conducting arbitration procedures inside China. It is only possible for a party to enforce a final arbitral award when he applies an arbitration inside North Korea according to International Trade Arbitration Act because North Korea has not joined the New York Convention. It's doubtful that a party might be treated very fairly in arbitration procedures in North Korea because International Trade Promotion Commission controls(or exercises its rights against) International Trade Arbitration Commission(or Board).

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