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      • Determinants of Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Use of Eye Care Services among Individuals with Diabetes in Alberta, Canada 1995-2009

        Jongnam Hwang(Jongnam Hwang ),Christopher Rudnisky(Christopher Rudnisky ),Sarah Bowen(Sarah Bowen ),Jeffrey Johnson(Jeffrey Johnson ) 한국캐나다학회 2016 Asia-Pacific Journal of Canadian Studies (APJCS) Vol.22 No.1

        Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a serious life-threatening complication in individuals with diabetes. The Canadian Diabetes Association clinical guidelines recommend an annual dilated eye examination by an eye care specialist for timely detection and effective prevention. Previous studies have suggested that socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with use of the recommended eye care services. However, Canadian evidence on the factors associated with SES-related inequalities in the use of eye screening services among individuals with diabetes is limited. Therefore, the aim of this aim of this study was to assess SES-related inequalities, in the of eye care services among individuals with diabetes in Alberta, Canada. We applied the econometric techniques of Concentration Index (CI), and used regression-based decomposition analysis to identify major contributors to SES-related inequalities. Horizontal inequity index (HI), which represents equal access for equal need, was calculated based on decomposition methods by quantifying contributions of need and non-need factors. SES was represented by 3 different measures: census-based median household income, and material (MDI) and social deprivation (SDI) indices. This study used data from the Alberta Diabetes Surveillance System (ADSS) 1995-2009: a total of 1,949,498 individuals with diabetes over a 15-year period were included in the analyses. Eye care service was defined in this study as any visit to an ophthalmologist, based on the medical services claims database. The study found horizontal inequity among individuals with diabetes in the use of eye care services by an ophthalmologist but these differed depending on the specific SES indicator. Income and material deprivation-related His have been in favor of richer groups (i.e., pro-rich), however, the social deprivation-related His have been in favor of poorer groups (i.e. socially deprived individuals with diabetes tended to use more eye screening services than those who were less socially deprived). In addition, the study found that the MDI and place of residence (urban/rural) were important contributors to the observed “pro-rich” income-and MDI-related CIs. The observed SDI-related inequity was explained by SDI itself. The findings imply that economic- and social-related resources generate different directions of inequalities in the use of eye screening services and also suggest the need for developing health policy to alleviate different determinants if SES-related inequalities in the use of eye screening services in individuals with diabetes in Alberta.

      • KCI등재후보

        Making "a Small American Army" : Founding of the ROK Military Forces, 1945-1948

        Jongnam Na(나종남) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2009 국제관계연구 Vol.14 No.1

        이 글은 한국군의 창군 과정에서 미국 육군의 교리와 전술, 군대문화가 한국군 내부에 흡수되는 과정을 미국화의 측면에서 분석하였다. 지난 60여 년간 한반도의 냉전 전선에서 '자유민주주의의 보루(堡壘)' 역할을 성공적으로 수행하고 있는 한국군은 1946년 초에 미 군정사령부가 시행한 뱀부 계획(the Bamboo Plan)을 계기로 출범하였다. 그런데 뱀부 계획은 그 시작부터 많은 난관에 부딪쳤다. 우선 미 군정이 신생 한국군의 성장과 발전에 대한 명확한 지침을 가지고 있지 않았다. 게다가 한국군에 미국 군대의 교리와 문화를 주입하려던 미국 군사고문 관들과 달리, 한국군 장교와 지휘관들은 자신들에 익숙한 동양의 군대문화를 부활시키려 하였다. 이 외에도 창군 초기 한국군은 미국 정부의 무관심을 인해 한반도의 공산주의 팽창에 대응할 수 있는 장비 및 물자가 크게 부족했다. 하지만 한국군을 창설하는 과정에 참여한 한국과 미국의 군인들은 온갖 어려움 속에서도 협조와 공동의 노력을 통해서 뱀부 계획을 완성하였다. 문화적 차이나 장비와 물자 부족에도 불구하고 한국과 미국의 군인들은 한반도에서 빠른 속도로 팽창하던 공산주의에 대응하기 위해서 협력하였던 것이다. 특히 한ㆍ미간의 공조는 1950년 6월에 공산주의 세력이 한국전쟁을 일으킨 이후 더욱 견고 해졌다. 이 논문은 또한 냉전 초기의 격랑 속에서 한국군을 조직하고 훈련시켰고, 이를 통해서 한국을 사수하는 과정에 한국과 미국의 군인들이 발전시킨 특별한 관계, 즉 '혈맹(cemented in blood)' 관계를 밝혀냈다. 이 관계야말로 냉전 기간 내내 한국군이 부여받은 '자유민주주의를 사수하는 보루’의 역할을 수행 할 수 있는 근간이 되었다. This paper deals with the founding process of the ROK Army from the perspective of Americanization in military, meaning the ROK Army's introduction to the U.S. Army's models including training, tactics, professionalism, and military culture. The military founding in South Korea, the Bamboo Plan, began as a Cold War project. Soon after the Japanese surrender in August 1945, American troops hurried into the Korean Peninsula and a small number of American officers worked for creation of this indigenous troop while taking charge of organizing, recruiting, training, feeding, and even teaching English to Koreans. The Bamboo Plan, however, encountered many difficulties between American advisors and Korean advisee from the start such as language barriers and racial prejudices. Furthermore, the U.S. government was generally indifferent toward this military force, leading to a lack of the material support that would have made an inherently difficult relationship easier. The difficulties, nevertheless, were overcome by the US-ROK joint efforts to make their co-project successful. The joint efforts were possible in spite of the different expectations on the ROK Army, because they firmly shared the common interests to block the Communists' expansion in East Asia and to secure the ROK in particular. While defending the ROK firmly, Americans and Koreans in uniform have succeeded to continue to uphold their special relationship, or the so-called US-ROK partnership "cemented in blood." This special partnership became the cornerstone of the ROK military' s mission, a bulwark of liberal democracy, during the entire Cold War era.

      • KCI등재

        Prevailing Synoptic Patterns for Persistent Positive Temperature Anomaly Episodes in the United States

        Jongnam Choi(최종남),Gwangyong Choi(최광용),Thomas Williams 대한지리학회 2008 대한지리학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        본 연구는 미국 지역을 사례로 겨울철 및 여름철에 장기간 지속되는 이상고온기 발생에 유리한 종관 규모의 매커니즘을 밝힌다. 여름철 이상고온기는 주로 미국의 남중부 지역에서 발생하는 반면, 겨울철 이상고온기는 미서부 지역에서 발생한다. 지상 및 상층 기압장 자료 분석 결과, 이러한 이상고온기는 태평양과 대서양의 아열대 고기압들의 활동과 밀접하게 관련되어있다. 장기간 지속되는 여름철 이상고온기는 중층 및 상층 블러킹 고기압의 활동에 의해 형성되는 매우 안정된 대기 조건하에서 주로 발생한다. 또한 이 시기에는 지표강제력으로 상대적으로 높은 보웬비(Bowen ratio)가 나타나지만, 따뜻한 공기의 이류의 영향은 크지 않다. 반면, 장기간 지속되는 겨울철 이상고온기는 블러킹 고기압에 의한 단열 기온 상승뿐만 아니라 따뜻한 공기의 이류의 복합적인 작용에 의해 나타난다. 그러나 이 시기의 지표 강제력의 영향은 약하다. This study examines the prevailing synoptic-scale mechanisms favorable for long-lived summer Persistent Positive Temperature Anomalies (PPTAs) as well as winter PPTAs in the United States. Such long-lived PPTAs usually occur in the south-central region of the United States in summer, but in the southwestern part of the United States in winter. Composite analyses of surface and pressure level data demonstrate that the formation of both winter and summer PPTAs is closely related to the movement of subtropical high pressure systems in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. The occurrence of long-lived summer PPTAs usually coincides with an extremely stable atmospheric condition caused by persistent blocking by mid- to upper-tropospheric anticyclones. Significant surface forcing is also easily identified through relatively high Bowen ratios at the surface. Warm air advection is, however, weak and appears to be an insignificant element in the formation of long-lived summer PPTAs. On the other hand, synergistic warming effects associated with adiabatic heating under an anticyclonic blocking system as well as significant warm air advection characterize the favorable synoptic environments for long-lived winter PPTAs. However, the impact of surface forcing mechanisms on winter PPTAs is insignificant.

      • KCI등재

        Different Destinations on a Risky Voyage

        Jongnam Na 한국아메리카학회 2009 美國學論集 Vol.41 No.1

        While suggesting a new perspective on the South Korean Army's early collapse during the first stage of the Korean War, this paper examines the troubled relations between KMAG and the South Korean military leaders, which helps highlight the other deficiencies plaguing the South Korea Army and eventually leading to its rapid collapse According to the newly avalilable materials, the South Korean Army, in the period of formation and early growth, suffered from hasty and excessive expansion, serious factionalism, politicizathin of the officer corps, and communist infiltration into its ranks More importantly, frequent and acute conflicts emerged in the relations between American military advisors and Korean officers as they struggled to create a South Korean armed force These problems weakened the South Korean Army and enfeebled its response to the sudden attack of the North Korea This paper challenges the dominant interpretation based mainly on the "superpower perspectives" which had prevailed during the Cold War period Although US policy failures in South Korea and North Korea's readiness to attack based on Soviet support are still critinal in understanding this topic, it suggests a new dimension to a now familiar story The early collapse of the South Korean Army originated not only from the failures of national policy of both the United States and South Korea, but also from the failures at lower levels, particularly the militaty advisor-advisee relationship between KMAG and the South Korean Army This paper also traces the process of trail and errors in the South Korean Army's acceptance of American military culture Although more successful relationships emerged after the Korean War started, the early experiences of trial and errors became the pivotal background of the full-scale South Korean military expansion program during the Korean War period

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