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      • KCI등재

        제이피아이헬스케어(주)에 대한 사례연구

        김진원(Jin-Won Kim),신제구(Je-Goo Shin) 한국경영사학회 2022 經營史學 Vol.102 No.-

        본 연구는 제이피아이헬스케어(주)의 기업역사에 대해 창업자인 김삼조 회장의 경영 시기(1980~2002)와 2세 경영자인 김진원 사장의 경영 시기(2002~2019) 중에서 회사의성과에 중요한 영향을 미친 사건들을 연대기별로 선정하여 경영자의 관점에서 서술하였다. 특히 김진원 사장의 경영 시기 동안 진행되었던 주요 사건들에 대해 실제 의사결정을했던 경영자가 직접 그 배경과 의사결정 이유, 그리고 그에 따른 성과에 대해 직접 설명한 논문은 매우 드문 만큼 이번 연구의 가치가 높다고 판단하였다. 또한, 이번 연구에서는 김진원 사장이 기업성과에 중대한 영향을 미치는 주요 요소로서 자원기반관점 이론을바탕으로 경영자의 자질, 기업 내부와 연관된 사람과 조직, 그리고 기업 외부와 연관된시장전략들과 관련한 주요 사건들을 선정하여 서술하였다. 그러므로, 이번 연구를 통해 실제 중소기업을 성공적으로 경영했던 경영자가 그 기업의 역사 중 주요 사건들에 대해 타인들은 알 수 없는 의사결정 과정을 직접 서술함으로써다른 중소기업 경영자들에게 실무적인 시사점을 전달하고자 하였다. 특히 2세 경영자가창업자의 사후에 어려워진 기업의 위기상황을 잘 극복하여 결국 수출중심의 강한 중소기업으로 회사를 성장시켜 나갔던 주요 과정들에 관한 서술은 유사한 상황에 있는 중소기업경영자들이나 가업을 물려받을 2세 경영자들에게 많은 시사점을 제시할 수 있을 것으로판단하였다. This study examines the history of JPI Healthcare during the period of leadership by the founder, Mr. Sam-Jo Kim (1980~2002), and by his successor, Mr. Jin-Won Kim (2002~2019). Mr. Jin-Won Kim carefully selected some key events that impacted the business performance of JPI Healthcare during his leadership period, annotating them with his own narratives about the internal reason and background behind his business decisions. Since primary self-study of a business leader is exceptionally rare, this study should be considered valuable. Additionally, Mr. Jin-Won Kim, a capable business leader himself, chose and described some important events related to three valuables that impact business performance: competency of executive, organizational culture and human capital, and effectiveness of market strategy based on Resource-based view theory. Therefore, this study will aid business leaders in SME(Small-Medium Enterprise) who are seeking appropriate solutions to overcome difficult business situations or strategies to develop their companies into strongly globalized SMEs. Furthermore, there are many practical implications available for future business leaders who are planning to succeed enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        대학 축구선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력의 상관성

        정진원(Jin Won Jeong),심대용(Dae Yong Sim) 한국운동영양학회 2000 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.4 No.1

        N/A This study employed 11 university soccer players for assessing anaerobic capacities related to ATP-PC and/or lactate system. It was investigated correlation among anaerobic capacities from Critical Power test, from Wingate test, and from Isokinetic test. Also, the study investigated regression formula which could expect anaerobic reserve(AR) from variables measured in Wingate and Isokinetic test. There were significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN5, (r= .62, P< .05) and WIN30(r= .64, P< .05). There was no statistically significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN10 (r= .52, P> .05). The study used stepwise method for multiple regression by Wingate variables to produce AR. The result showed that WIN30 had significant effect and indicated regression formula (Y= 1.3323(WIN30)-14737.758) to explain 41.2% variation of AR. Stepwise method was done for multiple regression on Isokinetic variables to produce AR`s inferred possibility by extensors TW of 60˚ /sec as regression (Y= 10.6737 (TW)+2083.9403) explained 42.9% variation of AR. In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors there was no significance of intermediate correlation in 60˚ /sec PT and WIN5(r= .53, P> .05) and in TW and WIN5(r= .56 P< .05) statistically. Also, There was significance of intermediate correlation in PT and WIN10 (r= .65, P< .05), no significance in TW and WIN10 (r= .57, P> .05), in PT and WIN30(r= .58), and no significance in TW and WIN30(r= .46, P> .05). In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors, there was significance of intermediate correlation in 180˚ /sec PT and WIN10 (r= .69, P< .05) and significant correlation in Isokintic 180˚ /sec PT and WIN30(r= .65, P< .05). The data suggested that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolyses. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the anaerobic abilities in university soccer players as assessed by the Critical Power test, Wingate test, and Isokinetic test.

      • 漢江의 水鳥類調査

        元炳旿,朴眞永,金恩英,金和貞 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1993 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        1. 1989년부터 1992년까지 동계에 한강의 서울수계에서 관찰한 조류는 총 39종, 최대 개체수는 27,615개체이며, 우점종은 흰죽지이다. 2. 1993년 2월부터 4월까지 한강하류에서 관찰한 조류는 총 38종, 최대개체수는 110,989개체이다. 최우점종은 흰죽지이며, 청둥오리, 고방오리 및 큰기러기의 순이었다. 3. 1992년 3월부터 5월까지 밤섬에서 관찰한 조류는 38종, 최대 개체수는 2,327개체이다. 최우점종은 청둥오리이며, 흰뺨검둥오리, 쇠오리 및 비오리의 순이었다. 4. 밤섬의 번식조류는 흰뺨검둥오리, 청둥오리 및 깝작도요이며, 꼬마물떼새와 쇠제비갈매기는 번식장소의 감소로 크게 줄어들었다. 5. 조류의 번식기간인 4~7월과 월동기간인 12~2월에는 밤섬의 출입을 엄격히 통제해야 하며, 인공 자갈못의 조성, 인공 새집의 가설, 먹이 공급 등을 통한 장기적인 보호 방안이 필요하다. 6. 행주대교에서 최근에 세워진 오두산통일전망대까지 약 25㎞에 이르는 한강하류지역은 재두루미, 개리, 큰기러기, 쇠기러기 및 말똥가리류, 수리류, 개구리매류 등 맹금류를 포함하는 10만마리 이상의 대집단이 도래하는 지역이다. 따라서 현재 천연기념물지역으로 지정된 한강하구지역은 수금류의 보호를 위해 위에 언급한 지역을 포함하여 확대지정하여야만 한다. 1. A total of 39 species with a maximum individual number of 27,615 of waterbirds was observed on the Han River in Seoul during the winter periods of 1982-1992, among which the most dominant species was Aythya ferina. 2. A maximum count of 110,989 individuals of 38 species were recorded from February to April 1993 on Han River estuary. The most dominant species was Aythya ferina followed by Anas platyrhynchos, A. acuta and Anser fabalis. 3. A maximum count of 2,327 individuals of 38 species were made during the bird census on Pam Islet, among which the most dominant species was Anas platyrhynchos followed by A. poecilorhyncha, A. crecca and Mergus merganser. 4. The species of birds breeding on Pam Islet were Anas platyrhynchos, A. poecilorhyncha and Tringa hypoleucos. The number of Charadrius dubius and Sterna albifrons was greatly declined due to the decrease of their breeding sites. 5. People coming to Pam Islet should be restricted during the breeding season from April to June and the wintering season from December to February. Long-term protection measures, such as artificial gravel pits and nests, and feed, are necessary for the waterbirds inhabiting this islet. 6. The downstream of the Han River stretching about 25㎞ from Haengju Bridge to the Han River estuary, where the unification observatory has recently been erected, becomes the wintering site of more than 100,000 waterfowl including rare spcies such as White-naped crane, Swan goose, Bean goose, White-fronted goose; and birds of prey such as buzzards, eagles, and harriers. Therefore, the present natural monument of the Han River estuary should be expanded by legislation to include the downstream of the Han River mentioned above for the protection of waterfowl.

      • 127.3˚원통형 정전에너지 분석기의 제작 및 그 분해능 조사

        秦源培 東亞大學校 大學院 1985 大學院論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        A 127.3°cylindrical electrostatic energy analyzer has been constructed and its resolution was measured Li? ion source. The measured resolution was about 2.5% when the aperture of entrance and exit slit were 2mm. The obtained ratio of extracting voltage of ion source and deflecting voltage between two deflecting plates, V?/V?, was 0.622. This experimental results was in good agreement with theoretical value.

      • 擧元煎이 마우스 및 랫트의 免疫反應에 미치는 影響

        元泰喜,李鍾德 한국전통의학연구소 1997 한국전통의학지 Vol.7 No.2

        擧元煎의 면역반응에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 Sprague-Dewley랫트에서 T-세포 의존성인 IgG항체 생성,지연성 과민반응,자연살해 세포의 독성반응,마크로파지에서 유래된 인터루킨 1과 프로스타글란딘 E₂,림파구에서 유래된 인터루킨 2의 세가지 면역조절 관련물질들,복상내 미크로차지에 관한 실힘을 실시하였다. 擧元煎을 14일 동안 랫트에게 경구투여한 후 관찰한 결과 keyhole limpet hemocyanin(KLH)에 대한 혈청 IgG항체 생산과 지연성 과민반응,복강 마크로파지,자연살해 세포의 독성반응,인터루킨 1,2와 프로스타글란딘 E₂가 모두 증가되는 반응을 보였다. 擧元煎을 마우스에게 경구투여 후 관찰한 결과 SRBC(면앙적혈구)에 대한 T-의존성 항체반응이 증강되었고, lipopolysacchedirai (LPS)대한 Polyydonal 항체반응과 DNP-Ficoll에 대한 T-의존성 항체반응이 증가되었다. 또한 擧元煎 O.5㎖를 투여한 후 관찰한 결과 B-세포 유사분열 유도물질인 LPS와 T-세포 유사분열 유도물질인 CON A에 대한 비장세포의 증식반응도 증강되었다. 면역억제작용이 있는 cyclophosphamide로 처리하면 T-임 파구 의존 항체반응이 현저히 감소하는데 擧元煎의 투여로 어느정도의 회복을 보여주었다. Streptococouo pyogeues,Listeria monocytogenes 및 전이성 폐암세포 B16F10세포의 감염에 대한 저항능력을 B_(3)C₃F₁,마우스에 실험한 결과 擧元煎의 투여가 숙주저항능력을 증강시켰다. 마우스의 B-세포,T-세포를 각각 분리하여 인위적으로 재조합시켜 polyclonal 항체반응의 실험결과 擧元煎은 B-세포와 T-세포의 기능을 함께 증진시키는 것으로 입증되었다. 랫트의 비장세포에서 추출한 RNA를 항체의 k-chain과 u-chain의 c-DNA probe로 Nothern bloting을 시킨 결과 擧元煎이 투여된 군은 kRNA와 uRNA 가 모두 증가되었다. 이상의 실험결과로 擧元煎은 마우스와 랫트의 세포성 면역 및 체액성 면역반응을 증가시키는 효능이 있는 것으로 입증되었으며,면역유전자의 전사단계에 작용하는 것이 입증되었다. Effects of Gauwonchun on the immune responses were studied in Sprague-Dewley rat. The multiple parameters of immunity assessed in each rat induded T-cell dependent IgG antibody production, delayed hypersensitivity, natural killer cell cytotoxicity, and production of three potent immune regulating immunocytokines, macrophage-derived interleukin 1 and prostaglandin E₂, and lymphocyte-derived interleukin 2. Resident peridoneal macrophage numbers were also quantitated. Treatment of Gauwonchun to rat, 1 ml/day, po for 14 days significantly enhanced serum IgG antibody production to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and delayed hypersensitivity response. Resident peritoneal macrophage number was also increased. Natural killer cell cytotoxicity, and production of interleukin 1 and 2 and protaglandin E₂ were also significantly elevated in Gauwonchun treated group. Treatment of Gauwonchun, po to BALB/C mouse significantly enhanced T-dependent antibody response to SRBC. T-independent antibody response to DNP-Ficoll and polydonal antibody response to lipopolysaccharide were also increased when mouse were fed Gauwonchun, 0.5 mVday for 7 days. Treatment of Gauwonchun to mouse, 0.5 ml/day, po also increased Iymphoproliferative response to B-cell mitogen LPS and T-cell mitogen, concanavalian A. Treatment of Gauwonchun effectively protected cydophosphamide-induced suppression of T-dependent antibody response to SRBC and Iympoproliferative response to LPS and Con A in mouse. Treatment of Gauwonchun increase the survival rate of BsC3F1 mice against Streptococcus pneumoniae and Usteria rnonocytoqenes infection and effectively decreased the tumor burden from B16F10 melanoma cell challenge. To identify the cellular targets of Gauwonchun, B-cell and T-cells were isolated seperately from the control and treated mouse and reconstructed. When the polyclonal antibody response were examined with the reconstructed cells, both Band T cell from treated mouse showed increased response if reconstructed with control T and B cells, respectively. Northern hybridization analysis of rat spleen cell RNA with human k and u c-DNA probe indicated that both u RNA and k RNA were increase in Gauwonchun treated animals. These results tentatively suggested that treatment of Gauwonchun to mouse and rat enhanced both humoral and cell mediated immune response by increasing the functional activity of both B- and T-cells. The molecular level of action site appeared to be the transcription increase for mRNA.

      • Learning Theory on Foreign Policy Analysis: Concepts and Pitfalls

        Jin,Si-Won 한국시민윤리학회 2005 한국시민윤리학회보 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper is solely based on a theory driven literature review on learning theory. In the discipline of Foreign Policy Analysis, the concept of learning as well as argument of learning theory is highly contentious among scholars and as a result, learning theory in Foreign Policy Analysis is regarded as a conceptual minefield or a theoretical maze. This is the reason why this paper tries to compare and summarise contending discussion on learning theory developed in Foreign Policy Analysis. This paper, first of all, explains the background of the emergence of Foreign Policy Analysis and then various scholars' contentious argument are compared and summarised. And, after reviewing limits and problems of using learning theory, this paper finishes with a brief summary and author's future research topics by which actual applications of learning theory towards foreign policy issues will be pursued.

      • KCI등재후보

        Growth Inhibition of Colon Cancer through Inactivation of STAT3 Pathway by IL-10 and IL-1ra Released from Murine Macrophage

        Jin Tae Hong, Dohee Won1, Mi Hee Park, Sun Mi Kown, Miran Jo, Sang-Yoon Nam, Beom Jun Lee, Young Won Yun, Ki-Wan Oh, Sang Bae Han 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2011 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.12 No.4

        The objective of this study was to determine the effect of macrophages on growth of human colon cancer cells. The results showed that co-culture of colon cancer cells with macrophages inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells (HCT116 and SW620) depending on the number of macrophages, RAW 264.7 cells, and activated THP-1 cells accompanied by down regulation of pSTAT3 in cancer cells. We also found that expression and release of cancer cell growth inhibitory cytokines, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and IL-10, was increased in macrophages. Blocking of the STAT3 pathway with specific inhibitor and siRNA of STAT3 abolished the growth of colon cancer cells and expression of IL-1ra and IL-10. In addition, neutralization of IL-1ra and IL-10 with antibodies resulted in reversal of macrophage-induced inhibition of cancer cell growth. These data showed that IL-1ra and IL-10 released from macrophages inhibit growth of colon cancer cells through inhibition of the STAT3 pathway

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 러시아 南沿海州地域의 鳥類

        元炳旿,李漢洙,朴眞永 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1993 연구보고 Vol.4 No.-

        본 논문은 1991년 6월 9일부터 1991년 7월 3일까지 러시아 연해주남부지역의 조류를 관찰한 결과를 종합한 것이다. 1. 본 조사를 통해 관찰된 조류는 총 106종 24,047개체이다. 2. 조사지역은 뻬레왈마을과 주변의 습지, 비낀강, 알찬강, 끄라스늬 야르, 한까호 및 까라뜨지나 자연보호지구 등지이다. 3. 뻬레호늬 뻬레왈 마을지역에서는 총 49종 296개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 북방쇠찌르레기(Sturnus sturninus), 귀제비(Hirundo daurica) 및 바늘꼬리칼새(Chaetura caudacuta)등이다. 뻬레호늬 뻬레왈 습지지역에서는 총 32종 151개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 붉은뺨멧새(Emberiza fucata), 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos) 및 검은딱새(Saxicola torquata) 등이다. 알찬강 지역에서는 총 31종 158개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 청둥오리(Anas platyrhynchos), 깝작도요(Tringa hypoleucos) 및 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos) 등이다. 끄라스늬 야르지역에서는 총 28종 162개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 북방쇠찌르레기(Sturnus sturninus)와 큰부리까마귀(Corvus macrorhynchos)등이다. 비낀강 지역에서는 총 33종 198개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 호사비오리(Mergus squamatus), 찌르레기(Sturunus cineraceus) 및 파랑새(Eurystomus orientalis) 등이다. 한까호지역에서 관찰된 조류는 총 31종 951개체였으며, 우점종은 붉은부리갈매기(Larus ridibundus)와 흰죽지갈매기(Sterna leucoptera)이다. 까라뜨지나 자연보호지구에서는 총 12종 22,038개체를 관찰하였으며, 우점종은 팽이갈매기(Larus crassirostris)와 바다오리(Uria aalge)이다. 4. 비낀강 주변의 습지지역은 절종위기에 처한 조류의 번식지로서 매우 중요한 지역이며 국제적으로도 중요성을 지니는 지역이다. 따라서, 이 지역은 하루 속히 자연보호지구로 지정하여 영구보존관리토록 노력하여야 할 것이다. A birding trip to Primorskii region, Russia, was made from June 9 to July 3, 1991. The results of the birding trip are as follows: 1. A total of 24,047 individuals of 106 species was recorded. 2. The survey covered 7 major areas-Perebnui Pereval Village, Perebnui Pereval Wetland, Bikin River, Alchan River, Krasnii Yar, Khanka Lake and Karatzina National Reserve. 3. In Perebnui Pereval Village, a total of 296 individuals of 49 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Sturnus sturninus, Hirundo daurica and Chaetura caudacuta. In Perebnui Pereval Wetland, a total of 151 individuals of 32 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Emberiza fucata, Corvus macrorhynchos and Saxicola torquata. On the Alchan River, a total of 158 individuals of 31 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Anas platyrhynchos, Tringa hypoleucos and Corvus macrorhynchos. In Krasnii Yar, a total of 162 individuals of 28 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Sturnus sturninus and Corvus macrorhynchos. On the Bikin River, a total of 198 individuals of 33 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Mergus squamatus, Sturunus cineraceus and Eurystomus orientalis. On the Khanka Lake, a total of 951 individuals of 31 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Larus ridibundus and Sterna leucoptera. In Karatzina National Reserve, a total of 22,038 individuals of 12 species was sighted, among which dominant species were Larus crassirostris and Uria aalge. 4. The marsh areas around the Bikin River are internationally important wetlands supporting many endangered, species such as Mergus squamatus, Ciconia boyciana, Grus monacha, Porzana paykullii, Porzana pusilla, Turnix tanki, etc. Therefore, this area should be designated as a nature reserve and preserved for effective, continuous protection and management.

      • 지속가능한 도시개발을 위한 정책 대안

        진원형 경북대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 2005 地理學論究 Vol.- No.24

        본 연구는 지속가능한 개발 패러다임의 전개과정을 살펴보고, 지속가능한 도시 정책으로서 콤팩트 시티와 분산적 집중 개발의 논리를 이론적으로 고찰함과 아울러 스마트 성장 정책을 지속가능성의 측면에서 해석함으로써, 향후 한국의 도시개발 정책의 전개에 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. 콤팩트 시티란 주거, 직장, 상업 · 서비스 등 일상적인 도시기능들을 가급적 기성시가지 내부로 수용하여 상대적으로 밀집된 개발을 추구하는 방식의 도시형태이다. 이론적으로 지속가능한 도시개발에 적합하나, 대도시의 분산추세로 미루어 현실성이 부족하다. 이 경우 분산지역을 일정 신도시 범위 내에 한정시켜 고밀로 개발함으로써 콤팩트 시티의 장점을 받아들이고자 하는 분산적 집중 개발 정책이 적실하다. 스마트 성장은 교외화가 가져온 문제들을 치유하고자 1990년대 후반부터 시작된 새로운 도시 성장관리정책으로, 기 개발된 지역 안에서의 신규주택 건설과 상업적 개발을 강조하고 있다. 지속가능한 개발에서 추구하고자 하는 많은 목표들이 스마트 성장의 원리에도 반영되어 있으며, 특히 콤팩트 시티 정책이 스마트 성장 정책과 유사한 형태라 할 수 있다. 대도시의 집적의 불경제가 어느 정도 완화되면, 침체한 도심지역을 부흥시키고, 대도시 확산의 비용을 최소화하기 위해서 성장을 스마트하게 제한하고, 도심 중심의 콤팩트한 개발을 시행하는 것이 지속가능한 도시개발에 보다 효율적일 것이다. As the problems of global environment become more and more serious, the concept of 'environmentally sound and sustainable development(ESSD)' has been discussed extensively in recent years. The purpose of this study is to derive some policy implications for sustainable urban development in the frameworks of compact city, decentralized concentration structure and smart growth. The result of this study is summarized as follows: 1. The compact city policy as the opposite concept of urban decentralization is criticized because of its feasibility. The sustainability of compact city is appeared differently among different urban areas. But the basic principles of the compact city can be applied effectively to operational strategy for the sustainable urban development. 2. It is considered that the urban policy suitable to sustainable development of a metropolis is the type of decentralized concentration. This policy is to develop a few suburban centers on the outskirts of a metropolis to decentralize urban activities of the central city, and to conserve the remaining. 3. Smart growth is about finding ways to manage urban sprawl and rejuvenating decaying central cities. It meets the key goals of the compact city policy in sustainable urban development.

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