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      • KCI등재

        한국인 직무 스트레스 측정도구의 개발 및 표준화

        장세진,고상백,강동묵,김성아,강명근,이철갑,정진주,조정진,손미아,채창호,김정원,김정일,김형수,노상철,박재범,우종민,김수영,김정연,하미나,박정선,이경용,김형렬,공정옥,김인아,김정수,박준호,현숙정,손동국 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Background and Purposes: Over the past three decades, numerous studies performed in Korea have reported that job stress is a determinant risk factor for chronic diseases and work disability. Every society has its own culture and occupational climate particular to their organizations, and hence experiences different occupational stress. An occupational stress measurement tool therefore needs to be developed to estimate it objectively. The purpose of this study is to develop and standardize the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) which is considered to be unique and specific occupational stressors in Korean employees. Subjects and Methods: Data were obtained from the National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project: 2002-2004). A total of 12,631 employees from a nationwide sample proportional to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification and the Korean Standard Occupational Classification were administered. The KOSS was developed for 2 years (2002-2004). In the first year, we collected 255 items from the most popular job stress measurement tools such as JCQ, ERI, NIOSH and OSI, and 44 items derived from the a qualitative study (depth interview). Forty-three items of KOSS, in the second year, were retained for use in the final version of the KOSS by using Delphi and factor analysis. Items were scored using conventional 1-2-3-4 Likert scores for the response categories. Results: We developed eight subscales by using factor analysis and validation process: physical environment (3 items), job demand (8 items), insufficient job control (5 items), interpersonal conflict (4 items), job insecurity (6 items), organizational system (7 items), lack of reward (6 items), and occupational climate (4 items). Together they explained 50.0% of total variance. Internal consistency alpha scores were ranged from 0.51 to 0.82. Twenty-four items of the short form of the KOSS (KOSS-SF) were also developed to estimate job stress in the work setting. Because the levels of the subscales of occupational stress were gender dependent, gender-specific standard norms for both the 43-item full version and the 24-item short form using a quartile for the subscales of KOSS were presented. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that KOSS might be an appropriate measurement scale to estimate occupational stress of Korean employees. Further and more detailed study needs to be conducted to improve the validity of this scale.

      • KCI등재

        음절말 자음 탈락에 의한 보상장음화 연구

        이범진 대한언어학회 1997 언어학 Vol.5 No.2

        Lee, Beom-jin. 1997. A Study of Compensatory Lengthening with Coda Consonant Deletion. Linguistics, 5-2, 309-325. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the compensatory vowel lengthening with coda consonant deletion within the framework of Moraic Phonology (Hayes 1989). Compensatory lengthening with consonant deletion occurs in the following cases: a. VηX > V X b. VNC > V C, Vg (C) > V (C) c. Vg > V Accounting for the consonant deletion and compensatory lengthening in (a), Hayes (1989:291-3) posits three moras in primitive Germanic. However, his analysis is untenable for cases such as (b). If we permit three moras in a syllable, there is a problem to analyze the so-called gemination. In this paper, I show that we can account for (b) by invoking the notion 'extrasyllabicity'.(Wonkwang University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어 판 구조화 임상면담도구 개발 : 신뢰도 연구

        한오수,안준호,송선희,조맹제,김장규,배재남,조성진,정범수,서동우,함봉진,이동우,박종익,홍진표 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.2

        연구목적: 정신장애의 정확한 진단과 평가는 임상에서뿐만 아니라 신뢰성 있는 연구를 위해서도 매우 중요하다. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV(SCID)는 임상전문가들이 사용하는 진단도구로서, 비교적 짧은 시간에 정확한 진단을 내릴 수 있다. 본 연구는 한국어판SCID를 개발하고 그 신뢰도를 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 방법: 국문학자가 포함된 번역위원회를 통하여 연구용판 SCID를 번역한 후, 정신과 의사 2인과 임상심리학자 1인에게 한국어판SCID 실시방법을 교육시킨 뒤 한국어판SCID를 이용한 면담의 평가자간 신뢰도 (interrater reliability)를 검증하였다. 면담 대상은 1999년 2월에서 3월까지 2개 병원 정신과에 치료중인 환자 90명(남:41명, 여:29명)이었다. 결과: 현재 장애(current disorder) 평가에서 주요 우울장애, 기분부전장애, 정신분열병, 알코올 남용 및 의존, 기타 물질 남용 또는 의존, 여러 불안장애들 및 섭식장애 등과 같은 대부분 장애의 kappa값은 .70이상으로 매우 높았다. 그 이외의 양극성 장애, 망상장애, 광장공포증, 감별 불능 신체화 장애 및 건강염려증의 kappa값도 .69에서 .40사이로 수용할 수 있는 정도였다. 평생 장애(lifetime disorder)에서는 양극성 장애(k=.69)와 감별 불능 신체화장애(k=.59)를 제외한 다른 모든 장애의 kappa값이 .70이상이었다. K-SCID 면담시 Ⅰ축 질환에 대하여 흔하게 다중 진단이 내려졌으며, 평균 진단 수는 1.5∼1.7개로 나타났다. 결론: 한국어판 SCID는 신뢰도가 높은 진단도구로 생각되며, 향후 정신질환의 정확한 진단과 임상연구에 유용하게 사용될 수 있다. Objectives: Accurate diagnosis and assessment for psychiatric disorders is crucial for research, as well as for clinical practice. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-Ⅳ(SCID-RV) is a less time-consumimg and more accurate structured diagnostic interview form. It can be used by clinical professions and is known for a reliable diagnostic tool. Present study was conducted to develop Korean version of SCID-RV and to test the inter-rater reliability. Methods: The authors have translated original SCID-RV into Korean, and revised in parallel with sociocultural background of Korea. Ninety patients from two psychiatric hospitals, both outpatient and inpatient, were interviewed and rated independently by three raters. Results: The kappa coefficients for most of illnesses, such as major depressive disorder, dysthymia, schizophrenia, alcohol abuse and dependency, anxiety disorder and eating disorder were excellent(>0.70) in the evaluation of current disorders. And the kappa coefficients for bipolar disorder, delusional disorder, agoraphobia, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, and hypochondriasis were acceptable(>0.40) in the evaluation of current disorders. In the evalua-tion of lifetime disorders, the concordant rates of all the diagnoses except bipolar disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder were excellent. Lack of hierarchy in DSM-Ⅳ allows for multiple Axis I diagnoses. Mean numbers of Axis I diagnoses per subject assigned by the three raters were 1.5-1.7. Conclusions: Our findings confirm that SCID-RV yields highly reliable diagnoses. SCID-RV is recommended for accurate diagnosis in clinical practice and research on psychiatric disorders.

      • KCI등재

        왕우렁이(apple snails)의 생리ㆍ생태적 특성에 관한 연구

        이상범,고문환,나영은,김진호 한국환경농학회 2002 한국환경농학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        왕우렁이가 자연상태에 전파되어 서식되는 경로는 양식장의 배수시, 홍수로 인한 노지 양식장 붕괴 및 제초용 왕우렁이 입식에 의하여 이루어지고 있다. 왕우렁이의 생리적 특성을 보면 알 크기는 2.47 ㎜, 난괴크기는 1.8×4.3×0.94 ㎝, 알무게 12.78 ㎎, 산란수 157∼784개/1마리(평균 321개/마리) 유체크기 1.69×2.15㎜, 유체 무게 3.32㎎ 최저 산란 왕우렁이 크기 2.40×2.26 ㎝ 이상, 1개알 산란소요시간 22.4초 였다. 알의 색변화는 산란직후 우유빛의 연분홍에서 중기에는 선홍색, 부화직전에는 흐린 연보라색으로 변화하면서 부화된다. 왕우렁이 섭식 대상은 벼, 논잡초, 미나리, 토마토, (양)배추, 무, 호박, 콩잎 등 대부분의 농작물을 포함한 식물체 및 동족의 왕우렁이 등 수중동물이었다. 왕우렁이 월동지역은 장항, 장성 및 해남지역으로 양지녘의 식물체 줄기나 벼 그루터기에 산란된 알과 성체 상태로 저수지나 논의 물웅덩이에서 월동고, 5월 중순이후 수로의 벽이나 식물체 줄기에 산란하며 6월과 9월에 번식이 가장 왕성하였다. 서식지 수질특성은 변이 폭이 컸으나 pH가 7.07∼9.50 범위로 알칼리성에서 주로 번성하였다. 왕우렁이에 의한 벼 가해 양상중 바 발아초기에는 왕우렁이 크기에 관계없이 모두 벼싹을 가해하였고, 벼품종과 생육시기에 따라 차이가 있으며 어린묘 일수록 가해율이 높았으며, 이앙후 45일 벼(초장 약 73 ㎝)도 각고 3.3∼3.5 ㎝ 이상의 중형 왕우렁이는 가해하였다. This experiment was carried out to obtain some information about overwintering, physiological and ecological characteristics of apple snails. Another purpose of this experiment was to characterize an appetite for rice plants by apple snails and to elucidate their choice of fresh green ones (vegetables, some other crops, weeds in rice fields). The freshwater snails were found with higher population at sites abundant organic compounds such as plant debris and at regions with high temperature. They also prefer calcium-rich water. This is a naturally occurring process. Apple snails were exceptionally well-adapted to the south regions of Korea, especially Janghang, Jangseong and Haenam, even if the temperature of winter season is cold below 0℃. Apple snails were not very selective in their food choice and eat almost everything available in their environment. A snail have something called a radula in its mouth for grinding up its food. A apple snail also chews on fruits and young succulent plant barks. In case of reproduction, apple snails deposit about 157~784 (average of 321 eggs) milky white to pale orange colored eggs above the waterline. In approximately every 22.4 seconds a new egg appears. The total time needed to deposit a egg mass varies from 58 minutes~4 hours 13 minutes. Apple snails reproduct actively from May to June and from September to October. An appetite of apple snails for rice plants was the different depending on their size and growing stage for rice plants. Apple snails had a great appetite of rice plants as well as dropwort, tomato, cabbage, radish, aquatic plants etc. They preferred to eat young rice plants and drastically quit eating rice plants of over 40 cm in height. Thus considering the food preference of apple snail for various plants including rice, they were thought to be a potentially strong predator in fields, especially, at regions with warmer winter.

      • 과학교육체제의 맥락성에 관한 연구

        윤선진,우종옥,김범기 한국교원대학교 과학교육연구소 1997 청람과학교육연구논총 Vol.7 No.1

        Due mainly to the complexity of educational system, it is difficult to comprehend the phenomena and nature of the science education. Educators have developed various kinds of means and methods useful for easy understanding of the phenomena and nature. This study added another method supporting that the phenomena and nature of the science education should be understood in the context of educational system. System approach into thought is holistic and contextual in nature. It focuses on both the whole and its relevant parts, and is concerned with environmental context. By its definition, a system interact not only with another system but also with its environments. The purpose of this study was to answer such questions as "What is the science education?", or "What is the meaning of the science education?", "Why do we teach science?", "Why are we ought to teach science?", and "How do we know that those facts and methods are valid?" The results for the study are as follows: 1. Science education is the human behavior with the purpose to attain something through science and education. It is socio-cultural process, social and organizational activity into which the public deeply involved. The process and activity are usually undergirded upon the value of science education. 2. The science education system is analyzed in the light of the legislative institution. The system model that characterize of the system and the interrelationship among the systems is suggested in terms of the conceptions of boundary, components, variables, parameters and linkage, etc. Then, the science education system is divided into the plan-system, do-system and see-system by the use of the criterion of plan-do-see that is the general process of human activity. The study also identified that the system of science education is consisted of the aspects of science education administration, school science education, and science education evaluation. 3. As the frame of thought on the contextuality in the science education system, the contexts of meaning, organization, legislation and policy were presented, along with the main cognitive interest, the system, the orientation, and the premise of each context which were used to explain the reasons. The results of this study suggested a new approach into the comprehension of the educational phenomena in teaching science and the possibility of understanding science education as a whole.

      • GC/MS-SIM과 ³²P-postlabeling방법에 의한 염료와안료를 제조하는 사업장 근로자들의 방광암 조기발견을 위한 Biomarker개발에 관한 연구

        이진선,신호상,김양호,노재훈,이범규 공주대학교 자원재활용신소재지역협력센터 2000 2차년도 센터 사업 성과집 Vol.2000 No.1

        To develop the biomarker of non-invasive biomonitoring among workers who exposed benzidine-based dyes in its manufacturing and treating industries, we examined and evaluated the specific carciaogen-DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells of 33 exposed workers. Samples were collected from urine of workers, and then isolated DNA from them. DNA adducts were analyzed using 32P-postlabeling, along with Nuclease P1. One adducts was predominated in those samples with 6 adducts present. It was formed in all exposed workers, but the others not. Its relative adducts level(RAL) was 73.2×107, which was statistically significantly higher than any other adducts' level(p<0.05). Analyzing regression between its RAL and employment period of workers, simple linear regression was positively increased with slop of 6.922(p<0.05, r2=0.548). And also, DNA adducts were analyzed using GC/MS-SIM, along with n-butanol extraction and trifluoroacetyl auhydride(TFA) derivatization. Standard material was synthetic N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine. The characteristics of sample and standard were observed on the same sites, such as M+(m/z 376) and M+(m/z 279) for benzidine-di-TFA and mono-TFA. And then, they were confirmed by analyzing with secondary ion mass(SIM). This study showed that benzidine-based dyes was formed one DNA adduct into significantly high levels in bladder of all exposed workers, its chemical formula was N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-N'-acetylbenzidine. So we can do monitoring the workers with exfoliated urothelial cells of them by analyzing above DNA adduct as biomarker for preventing bladder cancer causing the exposure of the benzidine-based dyes.

      • 대학생의 상담에 대한 태도

        김범선,전윤경,전진실 西江大學校 學生生活相談硏究所 2008 人間理解 Vol.29 No.-

        본 연구는 성별, 연령 등의 인구학적 변인과 이전 상담 경험여부가 상담에 대한 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 알아보기 위해 실시되었다. 이를 위해 서울시내 S 대학에 재학 중인 528명의 학생들에게 상담에 대한 태도와 이전 상담 경험, 그리고 인구학적 특성들을 알아보는 설문지에 응답하게 한 후 그 결과를 통계적으로 분석하였다. 상담에 대한 태도는 Fisher 와 Turner(1975)의 상담태도에 관한 질문지로 측정되었다. 그 결과, 인구학적 변인 중 성별, 학년, 소속 학과, 재수 여부, 종교, 그리고 이전 상담 경험이 상담에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 여성이 남성에 비해, 천주교 집단이 다른 종교 집단에 비해 전문가에 대한 신뢰와 상담 욕구 면에서 유의미하게 높게 나타났고, 4학년 집단이 1학년에 비해, 문학부가 다른 학부에 비해 전문가에 대한 신뢰의 측면에서 유의미하게 높은 점수를 보였다. 재수를 하지 않은 집단이 삼수이상 집단에 비해 오점수용에서 더 유연한 것으로 나타났으며, 이전에 상담을 해 본 사람일수록 상담에 대한 태도도 더 긍정적이고, 상담전문가를 더 신뢰하며, 오점 수용에 유연하고, 상담 욕구도 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 이를 통해 얻을 수 있는 논의점과 본 연구의 제한점, 후속 연구를 위한 제안점을 기술하였다. This study investigated college students' attitude toward counseling according to gender, age, and other demographic variables. Research participants were 528 S college students in Seoul. They filled out the Attitude Toward Seeking Professional Help Scale(Fisher & Turner, 1975) and demographic guestionnaire. To analyze data, correlation analysis and ANOVA were conducted. As results, gender, grade, major failure in previous college entrance exam, religion and previous counseling experience had significant influence on attitude toward counseling. Results indicated that women and catholic groups showed more positive attitude in Confidence and Need of seeking attitude toward counseling than other groups. The college seniors and the departs of literature groups showed more positive tendency in Confidence of seeking attitude toward counseling than others. Students who had not repeated a college entrance exam had more flexible attitude in Stigma. Students with previous counseling experience showed more positive tendency in Need, Stigma, Confidence and the whole attitude toward counseling. Discussions and limitations on this study were described.

      • 재조합 대장균의 고농도 유가식 배양에 의한 인체 Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor 생산

        김범수,유미진 建陽大學校 1999 建陽論叢 Vol.- No.7

        Fed-batch fermentation of recombinant Escherichia coli harboring the gene encoding mature human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) fused to the gene for the pectate lyase B (pelB) signal peptide of Erwinia caratovora was performed. The fusion protein, pelB-hG-CSF, was produced at a concentration of ca. 1.7 g/L in an inclusion body form.

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