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      • KCI등재

        가압가열 및 Microwave 처리가 생면의 품질에 미치는 영향

        박시우,김꽃봉우리,김민지,강보경,박원민,김보람,박홍민,최정수,최호덕,안동현,Bark, Si-Woo,Kim, Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri,Kim, Min-Ji,Kang, Bo-Kyeong,Pak, Won-Min,Kim, Bo-Ram,Park, Hong-Min,Choi, Jung-Su,Choi, Ho-Duk,Ahn, Dong-Hyun 한국식품영양학회 2013 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.26 No.4

        중력분을 이용하여 제면한 후 가압가열, microwave 및 가압가열과 microwave 병행 처리한 후, 생면 및 삶은 면의 품질에 미치는 영향에 대하여 알아보았다. 생면의 pH는 microwave 1 min 처리구에서 무처리구와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 수분 함량은 autoclave 50 min 처리구에서 무처리구와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았고, 그 외의 처리구에서는 모두 수분 함량이 감소함을 확인하였다. 면의 색도 측정 결과는 명도는 무처리구에 비해 모든 처리구에서 감소하였으며, 적색도는 microwave 1 min 처리구는 감소한 반면, 나머지 처리구는 증가하였다. 황색도는 autoclave 50 min 처리구와 autoclave 50 min/microwave 1 min 병행 처리구에서 증가한 반면, 나머지 물리적 처리구에서는 감소하였다. 삶은 면의 색도에서는 명도, 적색도, 황색도 모두에서 무처리구에 비하여 물리적 처리구에서 증가한 값을 나타내었다. 물성 측정 결과는 경도, 부착성, 응집성, 검성, 복원성에서 무처리구와 비교시 microwave 1 min 처리구는 유의적으로 감소하였으며, 그 외 처리구에서는 유의적으로 증가한 값을 나타내었다. 탄력성과 전단력은 모든 처리구에서 유의적으로 증가하였으며, 인장력은 가압가열 30 min 처리구와 무처리구가 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 나머지 물리적 처리구에서는 유의적으로 증가하였다. 관능 평가 결과는 생면의 경우 색 항목에서 물리적 처리구들이 유의적으로 낮은 점수를 받았다. 맛, 질감, 향 항목에서는 무처리구와 물리적 처리구간 유의적 차이를 보이지 않았다. 전체적인 기호도에서는 microwave 1 min 처리구가 가장 높은 점수를 얻었으며, 가압가열(50 min)과 microwave(1 min) 병행 처리구는 무처리구와 비슷한 점수를 얻었다. 따라서 제면 후 가압가열 및 microwave 처리가 생면 및 삶은 면에 있어서 색과 질감 항목을 보완, 개선시킨다면 알러겐성이 저감화된 면을 제품화하는데 적합할 것으로 사료되어진다. This study was conducted to determine the effects of physical treatments for quality of wet noodles. Noodles were being tried with a microwave (for 1 min), an autoclave (for 30 or 50 min), and both autoclave and microwave (for 30/1 min or 50/1 min). The results showed that the pH levels were slightly decreased after treatments of autoclave and autoclave/microwave. The moisture contents were considerably decreased as compared to the control except autoclave (50 min). After all treatments, the lightness was decreased in all samples, but, redness was increased (except microwave) and the yellowness was increased after autoclave (50 min) and autoclave/microwave (50/1 min). Texture was increased as compared to the control except microwave. In the sensory evaluation, the noodles treated with microwave, autoclave (50 min), and autoclave/ microwave (50/1 min) showed a high score in overall preference. From these results, both the autoclave and microwave methods can be applied to the wet noodles without diminishing its quality to a great extent.

      • KCI등재

        열처리에 의한 Morganella morganii와 Photobacterium phosphoreum 유래 Histidine Decarboxylase의 불활성화

        박원민(Won-Min Pak),김꽃봉우리(Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri Kim),김민지(Min-Ji Kim),박지혜(Ji-Hye Park),배난영(Nan-Young Bae),박선희(Sun-Hee Park),안동현(Dong-Hyun Ahn) 한국식품영양과학회 2016 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        Histamine을 생성하는 Morganella morganii와 Photobacterium phosphoreum으로부터 crude histidine decarboxylase(HDC)를 추출하여 65~121°C로 열처리한 다음 균의 생육 및 효소 활성 변화에 대해 살펴보았다. 그 결과 M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum은 모든 열처리 조건에서 비 가열 처리구와 비교 시 균의 생육이 저해됨을 확인하였다. M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum 유래 HDC의 효소 활성은 65°C에서 90% 이상의 효소 활성이 저해됨을 확인하였고, 온도가 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 활성이 억제되는 것으로 나타났다. SDS-PAGE 결과에서는 65~100°C 범위에서 비가열 처리구와 비교 시 조효소액의 단백질 패턴의 변화가 크지 않았으나, 121°C에서 단백질 band의 강도가 크게 약해졌다. Native-PAGE에서는 65°C 처리 조건에서부터 단백질 패턴의 변화가 크게 나타났다. 따라서 가열처리(65~121°C)는 histamine 생성균인 M. morganii와 P. phosphoreum의 생육을 억제할 뿐만 아니라 HDC의 효소 활성도가 저해됨을 확인하여, 식품산업에서 적용되고 있는 열처리 조건에서 histamine 생성 억제에 큰 효과가 있는 것으로 생각한다. This study was performed to investigate the effects of various thermal treatments on the growth of Morganella morganii and Photobacterium phosphoreum and activity of crude histidine decarboxylase (HDC) obtained from M. morganii and P. phosphoreum. Crude HDC and the two strains were treated at 65°C/30 min, 80°C/10 min, 100°C/10 min, and 121°C/10 min. Activity of crude HDC decreased with increasing temperature. Viable cells counts of M. morganii and P. phosphoreum were not detected in any heated samples. SDS-PAGE patterns of heated HDC did not show significant differences up to 100°C. However, at 121°C, protein band intensity was weakened. In native-PAGE, there was a major change in the pattern of HDC at 65°C. These results suggest that thermal treatment can help to reduce histamine production by reducing HDC activity and growth of M. morganii and P. phosphoreum.

      • KCI등재

        물리적 처리에 의한 강력분 밀가루 Gliadin의 항원성 변화

        강보경(Bo-Kyeong Kang),김꽃봉우리(Koth-Bong-Woo-Ri Kim),김민지(Min-Ji Kim),박시우(Si-Woo Bark),박원민(Won-Min Pak),김보람(Bo-Ram Kim),안나경(Na-Kyung Ahn),최연욱(Yeon-Uk Choi),최정수(Jung-Su Choi),최호덕(Ho-Duk Choi),안동현(Dong-Hyun A 한국식품영양과학회 2014 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.43 No.4

        본 연구에서는 가압가열 및 microwave 처리가 gliadin의 항원성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위해 강력분에 가압가열과 microwave를 단독 또는 병행으로 처리하여 Ci-ELISA, SDS-PAGE 및 immunoblotting을 실시하였다. 가압가열 처리의 경우 시간이 길어질수록 IgG와의 결합력이 감소하였으며, 특히 50분 처리구에서 약 87%로 가장 낮은 결합력을 보였다. 또한 SDS-PAGE와 immunoblotting 결과에서도 무처리구에서 강하게 보였던 gliadin band가 가압가열처리에 의해 거의 소실되고 항체와 반응하지 않았다. 가압가열 및 microwave를 병행 처리 시도 마찬가지로 gliadin의 결합력이 감소하였으며, 처리구 중 가압가열 50분, microwave 5분 처리구에서 약 93%로 가장 낮은 결합력을 보였다. 반면 microwave를 단독으로 처리한 경우에는 일부 단백질의 변화는 관찰되었으나, 항원성 감소에는 효과가 없음을 확인하여 단백질 변화가 항원성에는 큰 효과를 준 것 같지 않다. 이상의 결과를 통해 가압가열 단독 처리 및 가압가열 및 microwave의 병행처리 시 gliadin의 항원성이 감소함을 확인하였다. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of physical treatments on the antigenicity of gliadin in strong wheat flour. Strong wheat flour was treated with an autoclave (5, 10, 30, 50 min), a microwave (1, 5, 10 min), or both (10, 30, 50 min/ 5, 10 min), followed by SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting, and Ci-ELISA using anti-gliadin IgG. The results indicated that the binding ability of IgG to gliadin in strong wheat flour slightly decreased after autoclaving or autoclaving/microwaving. In particular, the binding ability was reduced to about 87% after autoclaving for 50 min and to 89% after autoclaving/microwaving (50/5 min). In addition, gliadin bands in the 50 min autoclaved group disappeared in both SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. On the other hand, the antigenicity of gliadin was unaffected by microwaving alone. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that autoclaving may reduce the antigenicity of gliadin in strong wheat flour.

      • KCI등재

        하수 2차 처리수 재이용을 위한 저압 및 중압 고도산화시스템의 성능평가

        안규홍,안석,맹승규,김기팔,홍준석,정민우,권지향,Ahmed, Zubair 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        In the present study, the feasibility of UV/H₂O₂ systems was investigated using low and medium-pres sure lamps on biologically treated wastewater effluents for secondary effluent reclamation. Two types of UV lamps were used as the light sources (a 33W lowpressure mercury lamp and a 350-W mediumpressure mercury lamp). The results from these UV systems showed that the removal of organic compounds could be achieved in the contact time of longer than 30min (i.e., low UV doses). Efficiencies of color removal and disinfection were far better than those of organic matters measured as TOC, DOC and TCOD_(cr). In the low pressure lamp UV system, it has been found that DOC and color removals were 60.9 and 86.2% with 50㎎/L of H₂O₂ and contact times of 30 minute, respectively. Whereas, with the mediumpressure lamp UV system, TOC, DOC and color removal were 27.1, 5.6 and 95% with 14.3㎎/L of H₂O₂ and 14 minute of contact times, respectively. Both systems could be applied for the reclamation of secondary effluent treated with biological treatment processes.

      • 자치단체의 삶의 질 비교평가 : 경북기초자치단체를 중심으로

        安祉珉, 崔外出 영남대학교 사회과학연구소 2001 社會科學硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper aims to systematically review the theories on quality of life from a regional point of view and to put forward policy directions to improve the quality of life of local residents. Korean society tended to focus on enhancing the level of economic progress in the past, however, nowaday it does to focus on improving quality of life of local residents as a whole. Under this circumstance this paper constructs the quality of life indicate applicable to local government through which the situation of quality of 1ife of local residents in Kyongbuk Province can be evaluated comparatively. To promote the level of quality of life of local residents, the following should be considered. First, it is required that the theories indicators regarding the quality of life be reflected in the policy-making process of local government. Second, local governments should construct their own sit of indicators of quality of life and announce the evaluation results of it on a regular basis. Third, local governments should make their regional development policies respectively according to the level of their quality of life indicators, Fourth, it is also required that public servants, mayors, councillors and local residents as well understand their quality of life indicators in theory and practice.

      • KCI등재

        경북대 캠퍼스 내 대기환경 및 미규모 모델(MUKLIMO)을 이용한 바람장 모의 연구

        민경덕,윤지원,안광득 한국환경과학회 2005 한국환경과학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Elements of atmospheric environment, temperature, humidity and wind, at the compus of KNU(Kyungpook National University) were investigated by the observations. The observed data were compared with those of DWS (Daegu Weather Station). The simulations of wind field and dispersions of polluted gases were conducted by MUKLIMO under the various conditions. The results show that the atmospheric environment of KNU are suitable but the campus does not play role as a heat sink in the city. The simulations of wind field show the air flows and wind channels in the campus clearly. The exhausted gases by motor vehicles on the northside street of campus affect very much to the campus with NW(300˚) wind. The running cars in the campus are also pollute much on the campus with the various wind directions. The characteristics of environmental conditions, various meteorological fields, wind channels, and dispersion of exhausted gases at the campus of KNU were understood quantitatively in the study.

      • KCI등재후보

        스포츠 브랜드의 캐릭터에 대한 소비자 인식과 구매행동

        이지연,안민영,박재옥 服飾文化學會 2002 服飾文化硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers' cognition and buying behavior on sports brand character. Since the character industries are booming, this study focused on the source and the expression method of sports brand characters that are already known to consumers. Subjects of this study were university students who were interested in sports brand characters, living in Seoul and Kyenggi-do. The questionnaire were developed based on the previous studies. Data were analyzed by Frequency analysis, ANOVA, Duncan Test, and Spearman's Rho. The results were as follows: 1. The most preferred source of sports brands character was "illustrated human figure"(i.e. a famous athlete like Michael Jordan). And the most favorite expression method of character was the combination of letter and symbol as the character of ASICS and NIKE, 2. The important design factors of sports brand character were the symbolism and aesthetics. The consumer recognized NIKE as the most well-designed character design. 3. Consumers' preference of sports brand was found to be NIKE, REEBOK, ADIDAS, and FILA, in order. The reasons for preference were the design, the brand image, and the quality. On the other hand, the most frequently purchased brand was NIKE, FILA, and ADIDAS in order. Most of the purchase took place in the brand outlet store, and the consumers usually came with their friends for purchase of sports brand. The display of store was the consumers' major source of information. 4. The preference group of sports brand character recognized more importantly color, design, brand, and especially fashionability than the non-preference group. And the most important criteria for brand selection were design, price, and comfort orderly. 5. Female consumers recognized more importantly color, design, brand, and others' recommendations that male consumers. The aged consumers recognized importantly durability, comfort, and quality.

      • 락탐화합물의 고리 확장 연구 : 입체 선택성과 Mechanism에 관한 연구 Study of Stereoselectivity and Mechanism

        하진렬,최경민,김지아,원태진,신동수,이민주,안철진 昌原大學校 基礎科學硏究所 2002 基礎科學硏究所論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The ring expansion chemistry is one of the most important methods to prepare five-and six-membered heterocylic compounds. We have studied about γ-lactam ring expansion with stereoselectivity from β-lactam derivative. To do this chemistry, proton of N-benzyl group in β-lactam derivatives is eliminated by LDA and make carbanion.This anion make unstable 4-membered lactam intermediate, and then the ring is opened by homo clevage or hetero cleavage for releasing ring strain, followed by recyclization to one carbon to make γ-lactam ring with stereoselectivity in β-, γ- positions.

      • 산발성 장형 위선암 환자의 Microsatellite Instability와 병리학적 양상

        조창희,홍유찬,안지현,최경현,이상호,신영명,윤기영,정민정,장희경 고신대학교의과대학 2007 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.22 No.2

        Background : Through many researches, microsatellite is expected to be a good diagnositic and prognostic factor in colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, gastric cancer, and the others. The prevalence of microsatellite instability (MSI) in gastric carcinoma has reported variously, 13~44%. Purpose : We aimed to determine the prevalence of MSI-high and the relationship between MSI and pathological characteristics of sporadic intestinal type adenocarcinoma of stomach. Material and Methods : We analyzed 106 sporadic intestinal type adenocarcinoma specimens excised from patients who were over thirty-five years old to determine the statue of microsatellite by DNA sequencing. The tissues were formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded. DNA were extracted and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). MSI was determined using five markers recommended by National Cancer Institute (NCI). Specimens were also studied with five patholical factors-differenciation of tumor cells, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis, vessel invasion, and perineural invasion- to determine pathological state. Result : The microsatellite statue was determined as MSI-High in 5 cases (4.7%), no MSI-low, and MSS (microsatellite stable) in 101 cases (95.3%). Within the frequency, there was no large gap in the distinction of gender in MSI cases, but in MSS cases, there was three-times more cases in male. MSI cases had moderate-to-poor differenciation and trend to invade toward serosa. All MSI cases showed no perineural invasion. But we could not find any statistical significance between MSI and pathological characteristics of sporadic intestinal type adenocarcinoma. Conclusion : Results suggest that MSI can not make any certain pathological significance in sporadic intestinal type adenocarcinoma. Even though less than 5% of sporadic intestinal type adenocarcinoma patients showed MSI, it can be used as a influential prediagnostic factor of gastric cancer. Further study with large scale of cases will be followed to verify these results.

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