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      • 18세기 말 화성부(華城府) 수리시설 축조와 둔전(屯田) 경영

        염정섭 ( Jeong Sup Yeom ) 한국농업사학회 2010 농업사연구 Vol.9 No.1

        1794년 화성성역이 진행되면서 화성에 도시 기반 시설로서 수로(水路)를 정비하는 작업이 실행되었다. 그리고 화성의 수리시설 축조에서 보다 주목할 수 있는 것은 만석거(萬石渠)등의 제언이었다. 만석거는 정조가 내려준 내하전 가운데 일부로 1795년(정조 19년)봄에 축조되었다. 만석거에 내부 수위(水位)를 일정하게 유지시켜주는 수구(水口)와 관개용수의 양을 조절할 수 있는 수갑(水閘)이 설치되었다. 이후 1797년과 1798년 현륭원(顯隆園)동구(洞口)에 자리하고 있던 만년제(萬年堤)의 대대적인 보수 소준(疏濬) 작업이 수행되었다. 지금의 서호(西湖)인 축만제(祝萬堤)는 1799년(정조 23) 화성부의 서쪽 5리에 축조되었다. 1799년 2월 20일 이전 아마도 2월 초순 경에 제언 축조 공사를 시작하여 5월 9일 이전에 완료되었을 것으로 생각된다. 축만제도 만석거에서 설치한 수구(水口)와 동일한 성격의 구조물이 있었고, 또한 수갑을 설치되어 있었다. 정조는 화성의 수리시설 축조 경험을 통하여 농업기술과 농업여건에서 가장 중요한 문제가 수리(水利)에 있음을 절감하였고, 1798년 `권농정구농서윤음(勸農政求農書綸音)`에서 수리시설을 증진시킬 수 있는 수리기술의 발전을 도모하려고 하였다. 정조는 화성둔전의 설치와 경영에 대하여 높은 관심은 화성성역 과정에서 표명하였다. 1795년 만석거를 축조하면서 함께 이루어진 대유둔전의 설치는 11월에 완성을 보았다. 대유둔전은 화성부의 북쪽 장안문 바깥 일용면(日用面)일대에 자리하였다. 대유둔전을 설치하기 위해 상당한 비용이 투입되었다. 대유둔전은 일반 백성에게 매입한 토지와 새로운 개간으로 확보한 토지로 구성되어 있었다. 화성둔전의 경영은 화성부가 둔전의 소유권을 가진 지주(地主) 즉 전주(田主)가 되고, 성내(城內)의 민인(民人)을 작자(作者)로 하는 이른바 지주전호제(地主佃戶制)로 이루어졌다. 화성부가 둔답(屯畓)의 소유권을 매입을 통해서 확보하고 있었기 때문이었다. 화성부는 둔전답(屯田畓)의 크기와 작인(作人)을 파악하기 위하여 따로 이 양안(量案)을 만들어 둔소(屯所)에 비치해 두었고, 작인이 바뀔 때에는 표를 붙여서 변동사항을 파악하였다. 둔전 작인(作人)의 원활한 재생산 조건을 갖추어 주기 위하여 소를 분급하기도 하였다. 화성둔전을 경영하고 관리할 직임을 맡는 여러 사람이 임명되어 있었는데, 이들 중간관리자에게는 매달 지불하는 삭료와 더불어 사경(私耕)으로 생계(生計)와 의자(衣資)를 해결해 주기 위하여 토지(土地)를 분급(分給)하였다. 중간관리인이 둔전 작인(作人)을 침탈하는 것을 방지하려는 것이었다. 화성둔전의 설치는 구휼(救恤) 대책(對策)의 일환이었고, 장용영 운영 재원을 마련하기 위한 것이었으며, 화성 수성(修城)의 재력을 조달하기 위한 것이었다. 대유둔전의 설치가 수성(修城) 물력의 확보를 위한 것이었다는 점은 축만제둔(祝萬堤屯)의 경우도 마찬가지였다. 서둔(西屯)이라고도 불린 축만제둔(祝萬堤屯)에서 거둔 수입은 대유둔전에서 나오는 수입 합해져 수성고에 이속되어 수성(修城)의 물력으로 충당되었다. This paper aims to explain construction of irrigation facilities in Hwaseong-bu and to point out characteristics of management of Dunjeon in the late 18th century. At 1794 castellation of a castle, named Hwaseong, was begun under Jeong-jo`s direction. There were construction of irrigation facilities also. We can two important irrigation facilities, the one is Manseokgeo(萬石渠), the second is Chukmanje(祝萬堤). Manseokgeo was built in spring of 1795 owing to Jeong-jo` finances. At the same time, Daeyudunjeon set up in the north of Hwaseong castle. He had got good experience, overcoming severe drought with support of Manseokgeo. Manseokgeo provided farmland of Daeyudunjeon(大有屯田) with a lot of water. Past name Chukmanje, Seoho present name, was constructed in the west of Hwaseong castle at 1799. Floodgate was installed at Chukmanje because of preventing flood and supplying water. At the same time, Seodunjeon(西屯田) set up in the bottom of Chukmanje. Jeong-jo had stressed over the of irrigation facilities repeatedly. The method of management of Hwaseong-bu Dunjeon was the relationship of landowner and tenant. Hwaseong-bu, as a landowner, laid tribute on the tenant. A lot of income from tribute had been consumed to protect Hwaseong castle, maintain Hwaseong-bu, and operate Jangyong-young(壯勇營). There were many problems about management of Dunjeon, especially surrounding middle manager. The middle manager of Daeyudunjeon was provided with a mount of land, named Sagyeong(私耕). This way of Dunjeon management could decrease embezzlement and exploitation of middle manager. All things taken together, we can conclude that Jeon-jo constructed irrigation facilities in order to overcoming drought and managed Hwaseong-bu Dunjeon in the way of solving problems of meddle manager.

      • 횡격막 이완증을 동반한 신생아 위천공 1예

        김정은,정순섭 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        Neonatal gastric perforation is an uncommon disease that occurs only in neonatal period. It requires the early diagnosis and emergency operation. Especially neonatal gastric perforation with diaphragmatic eventuration is extremely rare. Four days old male infant who revealed sudden onset vomiting and dyspnea was diagnosed as neonatal gastric perforation with diaphragmatic eventuration and successfully treated by primary closure of stomach with two layer suture after debridement and correction of eventrated diaphragm with nonabsorbable material.

      • 비파괴 시험에 의한 혼화재를 사용한 콘크리트 압축 강도 추정에 관한 연구

        김정섭,신용석 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 2005 建設技術硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        This study made member specimen for taking specimen, core with the concrete mixing normal concrete, admixture and conducted the same air curing as field conditions. After performing destructive and nondestructive test by ages, estimate expression was suggested by analyzing correlations between compressive strength, rebound number and ultrasonic pulse velocity and the results are as follows. 1) As a result of comparing error rate of existing expressions and this estimation expression, error rate of this estimation is reduced compared to existing expressions and has higher reliability. 2) When conventional concrete expression is applied to admixture concrete, error rate occurs and then this study suggests the following estimation expressions depending on types of admixture concrete.

      • KCI등재
      • 한자都市와 덴마크의 膨脹政策 : 『Stralsund平和』를 중심으로

        郭玎燮 釜山大學校 1996 人文論叢 Vol.48 No.1

        The Peace of Stralsund in 1370 was not merely one of the most important victories by the German Hansa towns over the feudal powers but,indeed a frustration of last attempt of the Danish expansionist policy during last two hundred years. The aim of this paper is to show how the Hansa towns coped with the expanionist policy. The origin of the expansionist policy of Denmark dates away back in the mid-twelfth century when Henry the Lion and Waldemar the Great conquered slavic territory in the joint campaign.The expansionary policy got into its stride by the charter that Frederick Ⅱ ceded all the territorial sovereignity from Kiel to Danzig in order to get the help of Waldemar Ⅱ in 1214. It was a legal pretext on which kings of Denmark had taken the of offensives into Northern Germany.At the beginning of the thirteenth century, Eric Ⅳ Menved obtained from the Habsburg Emperor, Albert Ⅰ confirmation of charter granted by Frederick Ⅱ, recognizing Danish sovereignity over the regions east of the Elbe.And in the late fourteenth century, Waldemar Ⅳ revived the expansionist policy into northern Germany,and conquered the southern Sweden add the eastern Baltic region. It was necessary to break Denmark if the monopolistic dreams of the Hansa towns were to be realized.Denmark's position was double menace to her, in that she possessed Schleswig on the Danish isthumus, thereby bringing Denmark uncomfortably near to the transit of trade across Holstein from Lu□beck to Hamburg: and also possessed Scania, Schonen, Halland, Blekinge. Denmark thereby had absolute control of both sides of the Sund, the narrow strait between Denmark and Scandinavia. The military league of the Hansa towns against Denmark which took the name of the "confederation of Cologne" was strengthened by the coalition with the king of Sweden, Duke of Mecklenburg and Counts of Holstein and with some of the rebeIlious barons in Jutland against Waldemar Ⅳ. When Danish resistance collapsed completely in 1369, Danish defeat induced his state council to sue for peace. The Hansa agreed to a suspension of hostilities, in spite of the opposition of the German princes who wished to take full advantage of the situation and continued the war. We may group the settlements with Denmark concluded at Stralsund 1370 under two main headings, the commercial agreements and the political clauses. The outline of commercial provisions were : The Hansa towns obtained not only full protection for all their commerce, but in addition a considerable lowering of the customs, tariff; and even in certain cases entire exemption from duties. The political clauses were : First, the Hansa Towns were granted the dominion for fifteen years of the chief castles and marketplaces of Skania with two thirds of revenues. This was the compensation for the damages which the Hansa towns and their trade had suffered during the war. Second, the clause regarding the succession was expressed in the treaty by the humuliating provision that the successor of King Waldemar should not be nominated without the consent of the Hansa towns. Thus the Hansa towns hereby reserved a deciding voice in selection of his successor in order to assure to themselves the extensive privileges they had won in the war Accordingly, the clause regarding the succession was a transformation of economic into political interest. And the Peace of Stralsund marked the end of Danish expansionary policy into northern Germany and the beginning of Hanseatic supremacy in the Baltic economic affairs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 반발경도법에 의한 혼화재 및 섬유사용 콘크리트의 압축강도 추정

        김정섭,신용석,노성열,김정훈 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 2007 建設技術硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        This study aims to estimate strength approximate to actual concrete strength by presenting appropriate rebound method strength estimation expression with admixtures (fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume) which are used as cement substitute and polypropylene fiber and steel fiber and owing to their s of cement owing to their equal conditions to blending characteristics of concrete used for domestic structures and their recyclable properties. In case of rebound hammering, equation by Japanese Architecture Society was estimated 26~40% higher than destructive strength and remaining suggested equation was estimated 2%~18% lower. In case of ultrasound velocity, equation by Japanese Architecture Society was estimated 4%~11% higher than destructive strength till 60 days of age, but as age progresses, is estimated to 15% lower than destructive strength and remaining suggested equation was estimated 3%~27% lower than destructive strength in almost age. In case of complex methods, all suggested equations were estimated to 24%~94% higher than destructive strength. Since application of existing expression of normal concrete against concrete using admixtures and fiber causes error rate, this study suggests the following estimation expression depending on the kind of admixtures and fiber of concrete using them and position of non-destructive experiment. C-N f_(cu)=1.6R-25.43(R²=0.90), C-FA f_(cu) = 1.07R-8.76 (R²=0.82), C-BF f_(cu)=1.46R-23.09(R²=0.92) C-SF f_(cu) = 1.55R-22.96(R²=0.89), C-PP f_(cu) = 1.16R-12.24(R²=0.73), C-S f_(cu)=0.99R-8.07(R²=0.86)

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