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      • 아끼시나무의 신용도 개발 : 온돌용 바닥재 제조 Manufacture of Floor for Ondol

        노정관,윤석규 진주산업대학교 1999 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.6

        아까시나무재의 色相과 强度的 性能등의 材質을 고려한 새로운 用途로서 2종류의 온돌용마루판 제조와 그 성능늘 검토하였다. 1.合成樹脂 複合 아까시나무 溫突用 마루板 0.5㎜ 아까시나무 單板과 ABS(아크릴로니트릴-부타디엔-스틸렌)樹脂를 이용하여 10x10㎝의 아까시나무 溫突用 마루板을 射出成形하여 製造하였다. 본 제품의 熱傳達速度는 市販의 溫突用 마루板 에비해 비교적 양호하였으며, 熱變形溫度는 160℃로 온돌 위에 시공하여 이용하여도 열에 의한 문제는 없을 것으로 생각된다. 또한, 휨강도도 아까시나무 素材와 거의 유사하였으며, 市販의 온돌용 마루판에 비해서는 우수하였다. 合成樹脂와 아까시나무 單板間의 耐水接着性能은 1시간 끓임과 60℃, 20時間乾燥 후에도 剝籬되지 않았다. 2.폐비닐 複合 아까시나무 溫突用 마루板 폐비닐, 탈크 및 목분을 組合하여 製造한 시트상의 基材에 0.5㎜ 아까시나무 單板을 積層接着하여 製造하였다.두께가 3.2㎜로 기존의 제품에 비해 얇기 때문에 熱傳達 性能이 우수하고, 再生樹脂板體와 아까시나무 單板間의 耐水 接着性能 및 耐熱性도 비교적 良好하였다. This research was endeavored to manufacture two kinds of Ondol floor made of Black Locust with consideration of color and strength, and the bonding properties were evaluated. 1.Composite Ondol floor with locust veneer and synthetic resin The Ondol floor (10 by 10㎝) was manufactured by injection moulding with locust veneer (thickness 0.5㎜) and ABS (acrylonitry-butadiene-styrene) resin. The heat transfer rate and bending strength of manufactured Ondol floor were comparatively higher than those of current commercial products, and the bending strength was even similar with locust lumber, In aspect of the water resistance(wet bonding property) between synthetic resin and locust veneer, the delamination was not occurred after 20 hours drying at 60℃ with 1 hour boiling. 2.Composite Ondol floor with locust veneer and recycled vinyl The Ondol floor was manufactured by laminating locust veneer (thickness 0.5㎜) with base plate on sheet containing recycled vinyl, talc and sawdust. Compared with current commercial products, the heat transfer property was superior due to slim thickness (3.2㎜). In addition, the heat resistance and water resistance between recycled resin plate and locust veneer were also suitable.

      • KCI등재

        방화로 입원의뢰 된 환자에 대한 임상 연구

        이정화,최상섭 大韓法醫學會 1997 대한법의학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Objects: The main purpose of this study was aimed at examining the epidemiological and clinical data of firesetters in Konju forensic psychiatric hospital. Methods: The thirty firesetters were admitted at Konju forensic psychiatric hospital from January. 1, 1988 to December. 1, 1995. They carefully investigated from January. 3, 1996 through the methods of psychiatric interview, chart review, the written judgement review and telephone interview. Results: There are significant differences in education level and intelligence quotient among three groups. Prevalence of febrile convulsion, nail biting, and enuresis are highest among the firesettes. Alcohol-related family history is significantly high in firesetters. Most frequently reported motivation of firesetters were psychosis, and anger or revenge.

      • KCI등재

        Serpinsky 삼각형 프로그램의 연구

        이정재 한국수학교육학회 2003 初等 數學敎育 Vol.7 No.1

        This article is that we develop a learning Serpinsky Triangle using on the internet by the domain of regulations and function in elementary school mathematics. We construct the learning operation of zoom Serpinsky Triangle that can by used on the internet and develop the java program for understanding the concept of the Serpinsky Triangle.

      • 제조환경의 변화와 원가회계시스템에 관한 연구

        오정수 남서울대학교 경영연구센타 1999 경영연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Abstract Today's, because the rapid development of electronic and computer technogies has made factory automation possible, many manufacturers can produce many brands-few products and high quality products. As conventional cost accounting system was designed under the labor-condensed few brands- many products system after the industrial Revolution, indirect. manufacturing costs are allocated on the basis of direct labor costs or labor hours and it is the accounting system focused for financial accounting. The relevance for decision making on it lost long ago. Under the Just-in-Time Production System and Flexible Manufacturing System, as enormous investment and costs are needed and direct labor costs is relatively small, the basis of allocation of indirect costs should be changed to get correct cost of product. It is essential for pricing policy, management performance, measurement of product ability of revenue. Because Activity-Based Cost System(ABCS) is the new cost accounting system which indirect costs are allocated on the basis of activities used, the problems of conventional cost. accounting SYSTEM can be solved and unnecessary activities can be cut down. Incase the new system is introduced in the manufacturing companies, correct cost drivers should be developed, analysed and chosen, and the analysis and comparison of cost-benefit of it should be made before the new system is adopted.

      • KCI등재

        정신분석학과 문학비평

        곽정연 한국독어독문학회 2003 獨逸文學 Vol.85 No.-

        DIe Psychoanalyse, die Freud etwa im Jahr 1896 als psychotherapeutische Methode neu einfu¨hrt, entwickelt sich zu einer neuen wissenschaftlichen Disziplin, welche die menschliche Seele auszuleuchten trachtet, und dadurch enorme Wirkung auf die Geisteswissenschaften ausu¨bt. Die Literaturuntersuchungen von Freud, mit denen er seine Theorie zu verifizieren versucht, beleuchten die unbewusste Dimension des Werkes, erkla¨ren neue Sinnzusammenha¨nge im jeweiligen Werk und zeigen somit ein neues Modell der Literaturkritik auf. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, die Anwendungsmo¨glichkeiten der Psychoanalyse als eine Theorie der LIteraturkritik systematisch darzustellen und dabei Verknu¨pfungsmo¨glichkeiten der psychoanalytischen Literaturkritik mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen und LIteraturtheorien aufzuzeigen. Die psychoanalytische Literaturkritik wird nach methodischen Schwerpunkten in drei Teile eingeteilt, na¨mlich in die kreationsorientierte, werkorientierte (darunter wiederum in die inhaltsorientierte, formorientierte) und in die rezeptionsorientierte psychoanalytische Literaturkritik. Und die Charakteristik sowie das Untersuchungsgebiet jeder Literaturkritik werden anhand der Literaturanalysen von Freud erla¨utert. Freud betrachtet Literatur vor allem als ein Medium, welches die Kommunikation zwischen Autor und Leser zu Stande bringt und sowohl dem Autor als auch dem Leser Lust bereitet. Der Terminus 'Lust' in der Psychoanalyse, der mit den drei psychischen Instanzen U¨ber-Ich, Ich und Es in Verbindung steht und somit nicht nur mit dem Lustprinzip, sondern auch mit dem Realita¨tsprinzip, entha¨lt vielschichtige Bedeutungen und ist zu unterscheiden vom Wort 'Lust' im allgemeinen Sinne. Vor allem "die intellektuelle Lust", die von der realita¨tspru¨fenden Funktion des Ich herru¨hrt, ist bis jetzt nicht genu¨gend in der psychoanalytischen Literaturkritik beru¨cksichtigt worden. Die psychoanalytische Literaturkritik, welche die unbewusste Dimension des Werkes in Hinsicht auf den unbewussten Vorgang der Kreation und Rezeption untersucht, zeigt mit Hilfe anderer Wissenschaften, z. B. Geschichte, Soziologie und PHilosophie viele neue Pespektiven und Arbeitsgebiete auf.

      • KCI등재
      • 아까시나무의 신용도 개발 : 이용 현황과 집성 마루판 제조 Tendency of Utilization and Manufacture of Laminated Floor

        노정관,윤석규 진주산업대학교 2000 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.7

        This research was endeavored to manufacture two kinds of laminated floor made of Black Locust with consideration of color and strength, and to evaluate the bonding properties of Locust lamina bonded with various ambient setting resin adhesives. 1. Bonding properties of Black locust The superior bonding strengths of ambient setting resin uses in Black locust lamina were obtained in all resin used in this research, but wood failures were not cleared the KS in PVAc, Phenol·resorcinol and Oilic urethane resin. 2. Manufacture of Laminated floors Two kinds of laminated floor were manufactured by laminating with Black locust lamina. The laminated floor(900×80×15mm) was made of Locust lamina bonding with Urea, Water based polymer-isocyanate and Phenol·resorcinol resin adhesives. The other one was tile type laminated floor(90×90×15mm) which moulded to contain two tongues and two grooves.

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