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        『고대일록』으로 본 정경운의 전란 극복의 한 양상

        장경남 ( Kyung Nam Jang ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2015 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.57 No.-

        이 논문은 이 논문은 정경운의 일기 『고대일록』을 통해서 지방의 한 개인인정경운이 임진왜란이라는 전란을 어떻게 극복해 나갔는지를 읽어낸 글이다. 『고대일록』은 여타의 일기와는 달리 다양한 문학 작품을 수록하고 있다. 漢詩를 비롯해 안음·거창에 보내는 <通文>, 도사 김영남에게 보낸 <書簡文>, 제문인 <祭盧參奉文>, <移安祭文>, <祭智異山祈雨文>, 說 문학인 <牧丹側柏說>, 친구와 가족의 죽음을 애도한 <卒記>, 그리고 <自傳> 등이 그것이다. 특히 유사로 활약하면서 통문을 작성한 점은 정경운이 함양 지역을 대표하던 문장가였음을 알게 해준다. 이러한 문학적 재능은 과거에 도전해 관직에 진출할 수 있는 요인이 되었던 것으로 보인다. 임진왜란 중 정경운이 관직 진출을 위하여 관심을 기울인 흔적들은 곳곳에서 발견된다. 과거 시험의 잦은 응시와 함께 과거의 결과에 대한 기록이 그것이다. 정 경운은 전란기간 내내 관직 진출을 염원하였지만 결과는 그리 성공적이지 못하였다. 정경운은 문학적 재능을 바탕으로 전란이라는 상황에서도 과거시험이나 관직 진출을 포기하지 않았고 기회만 주어진다면 언제든지 진입할 준비를 하고 있었다. 과거를 통해 관직에 진출하려는 욕망은 전란이라는 불안한 시대를 이겨내고 자신 과 가문을 회복할 수 있는 길이었던 것이다. This study examines - through 『Godaeillok』 (Daily Journal of Jeong Kyungun) - how an individual could overcome the turmoil of Imjin Waeran (the Japanese Invasion of 1952). Unlike other journals, 『Godaeillok』used distinctively different expressions. The Journal contained diverse-style articles, including Chinese poems, notices, letters, memorial articles, editorials, commentaries on dead people, and biographies. This suggests that Jeong Kyung-un was an excellent writer, and presumably that his literary talent helped him pass the highest-level state examination and enter the officialdom. Evidences were discovered that during the war, Jeong Kyung-un tried to enter the officialdom. He tried numerous times to sit for the highest-level state examination, and wrote down the results of the examination. Throughout the war, he longed to enter the officialdom, but was not so successful. Using his literary talent, he continued efforts to enter the officialdom despite the war situations, and tried to sit for the examination whenever the opportunities came. Such ambition sustained him through the turmoil of war, and finally brought honor to him and his family.

      • 딸기의 유통실태와 성숙중의 품질변화

        박인경,장경숙,김미경,김순동 대구효성가톨릭대학교 식품과학연구소 1994 식품과학지 Vol.6 No.-

        딸기의 유통실태와 성숙중 품질변화를 조사하였다. 딸기의 수확 및 선별시에 상당한 품질손상이 있었다. 또 포장, 수송은 과일의 품온을 고려하지 않은채 이루어지고 있었다. 고령 딸기단지에서 생산된 딸기는 소매상 까지 약 25시간이 소요되었고, 계절별 가격차이가 매우 심하였다. 2-3월의 유통수명은 5-6일, 5-6월은 24-30시간이었다. 착색도 즉 a값과 색상변화도로서 본 숙도는 개화 후 28-32일째가 적숙기이였으며, 40일째 이후는 과숙기이였다. 개화후 24일째의 미숙과, 32일째의 적숙과, 40일째의 과숙과를 시료로 하여 품질을 평가한 결과 비타민 C, 당, 종합적인 품질은 적숙과가 미숙과나 과숙과에 비하여 현저히 높은 값을 보였고, 산도는 숙도의 진행에 따라 점차 감소하여 당산비는 증가하는 경향이었다. 또 과숙과는 다소 검붉은 빛이 났으며, polyphenol함량은 숙도의 진행에 따라 감소하였다. Circulation state and changes in quality during ripening of strawberry were investigated. Tissue damage of the fruit happened when it was harvested and selected. Strawberry has been harvested without considering of fruit temperature in the farm. It takes 25 hours from Goreung which is main production area of strawberry to retailer, and seasonal variation in the price was severe. Shelf-life of strawberry from Feb to Mar was 5-6 days, and was 24-30 hours from May to June. Desirable ripening stage was 28-30th day after blooming and 40th day and after this was over ripening stage when the degree of ripening estimated by color “a” value and color saturation. Overall eating quality and vitamin C content, and sugar content were more higher in the fruit of the desirable ripening stage than that of unripening and over ripening stage. The dark redness degree was high in the over ripening stage.

      • KCI등재

        기억의 정치와스토리텔링 근현대 역사에 대한 기억의 보전과 공유 -부산근대역사관 운영 사례를 중심으로-

        장경준 ( Kyung Jun Jang ) 대구사학회 2012 대구사학 Vol.106 No.-

        Conservation and Share of Memory on Modern History -Focused on Operating Case of the Busan Modern History Museum- Jang, Kyung-jun [Abstract] In this writing, after retrospecting activities of the Busan Modern History Museum on memory conservation during the time and investigating outcomes and problems appearing there, it suggested tasks to share memory on the public and modern history. The Busan Modern History Museum, from 2003 opening to now, through exhibit, acamedic research and investigation, social education, and etc, has thrown its effort to introduce history and culture of modern Busan. In the result, the existence of the Busan Modern History Museum gradually became known and the status as modern specialized museum increased. However, there are still many remaining tasks in front of the Busan Modern History Museum. First, contents fitting to the place should be contained so that historical sites are revived as places of memory. Second, through exhibits and education, it should communicate with the public and local communities endlessly. Regarding museum and exhibition, exhibit and education are main channel and method to communicate with them. Thus, afterwards more materials should be collect and studied, and organized and preserved, containing stories here to convey. Third, through endless self-examination and efforts, the public`s support and cooperation should be drawn. Without their support and cooperation, playing its role as the place of memory is impossible from the start. For this, it should commit itself to its duty such as collecting materials and conservation, investigation research, exhibit, education, and etc, and local governments and etc should help this from the side with the extensive support. At the same time, local communities along with colleges should spare no active support and advice with higher attention at museum and exhibition. By doing this, modern museums and exhibition will settle down as the place of memory to share and communicate the real memories of the public and history.

      • KCI등재

        동화 『마당을 나온 암탉』의 서사전략과 교과서·그림책 각색의 서사전략 비교연구

        장수경(Jang, Su-kyung) 한국비평문학회 2014 批評文學 Vol.- No.52

        이 글은 동화 『마당을 나온 암탉』의 서사전략과 그림책과 교과서로 각색된 『마당을 나온 암탉』의 서사전략을 비교하여 동화 텍스트를 다양한 서사로 변형할 때 나타나는 문제점을 살펴보고, 이후 아동문학을 각색할 때 연구자나 각색자들이 참조할 수 있는 기초적인 시각을 마련하는 데 목적이 있다. 동화 『마당을 나온 암탉』은 두 방향에서 대중 서사전략을 적극 활용한다. 첫째, 잎싹이 세 번의 ‘만남’과 ‘이별’을 겪으면서 ‘꿈’을 추구하고 실현하는 서사구조를 통해 독자에게 ‘모험’과 ‘꿈’의 실현이라는 희망적 메시지를 제공해주었다. 둘째, 이 작품은 끊임없이 변화를 추구하는 주인공의 행위를 통해 완전한 모성의 재현이라는 감성을 동화의 서사전략으로 적극 활용하고 독자들의 공감을 얻었다. 동화 『마당을 나온 암탉』에서는 인간이 추구해야할 최고의 가치로서 ‘꿈’과 ‘모성’이라는 유토피아적 이상을 전달하였고, 이런 보편적 감성전략은 독자에게 교훈적 의미를 생성하며 만족감을 줌으로써 이 작품이 대중적으로 성공할 수 있는 기반이 된다. 그러나 스토리 측면에서 뛰어난 작품이라는 평을 받았던 원작이 그림책과 교과서로 각색될 때 장편 서사를 단순하게 축소하고 집중화하는 단계를 거치면서 작품 전체의 유기적 구성력이 약화된 것이 문제점으로 부각되었다. 이는 인물간의 상호관련성, 내면의 갈등과 심리변화, 잎싹의 희생동기 등이 배제됨으로써 원작이 추구하는 묵직한 철학적 주제 의식을 충분히 구현해내지 못하는 한계로 남는다. 이와 같이 장편 동화를 그림책이나 교과서로 각색할 때에는 서사를 축소ㆍ집중화하더라도 원작의 스토리가 갖고 있던 구성의 유기적 연결 관계에 대한 충분한 검토를 한 뒤, 각각의 특성에 맞게 스토리 전략을 세워야 한다. This writing compares the narrative strategies of the children’s story ‘Leafie, a Hen into the Wild’ and its picture book and text book adaptations to examine the problems occurring in the course of narrative changes and to establish a framework to refer to when changing the text of children’s story into different narratives. The children’s story utilizes two kinds of popular narrative strategies. The first narrative strategy illustrates Leafie’s experience of three ‘meetings’ and ‘goodbyes’ to seek and realize his ‘dream’ to deliver an important lesson of adventures and dreams coming true to the readers. The second captures the perfect mother’s love using psychological narrative strategy to fully utilize it as a narrative strategy. In other words, the story intends to convey utopian ideals of dreams and mother’s love as the highest set of values worthy to be pursued, and such a sentimental strategy provided the readers with a moral lesson and satisfied them leading to a popular success. However, the original work that received positive reviews in terms of its story underwent the process of simplification and concentration of a long narrative for picture book and text book adaptations resulting in an excessive weakening of an organic structure in the entire work. It creates a limitation in delivering the theme of the original work by eliminating interrelationships between characters, internal turmoil and changes, and Leafie’s motive for sacrifice. All in all, it is confirmed that the reduction of a long narrative of a children’s story into a picture book or text book should be preceded by the sufficient review of the organic interrelationships contained in the original work followed by the establishment of a strategy for the entire story.

      • KCI등재
      • 정상체중군과 과다체중군 산업장 중간관리자의 건강증진 행위에 관한 비교연구

        김정남(Kim Chung Nam),박경민(Park Kyung Min),류미경(Ryu Mi Kyung),장희정(Jang Hee Jung) 계명대학교 간호과학연구소 2001 계명간호과학 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify and compare Health Promoting Behavior and its affecting factors between Normal and Over weight industrial middle manager. The subjects were 163 workers employed in factories in Taegu and Kyung-book were convenient sampling data the period for May 22th-26th, 2000 through self report methodby structured questionnaires. Collected data were analyzed by t, x2, Kendal tau, Pearson correlation, Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of this study were as follows. 1. There were a significant difference in shift pattern(x2=7.89, P=0.005) and career. (x2=12.99, P=0.005) between normal weight and overweight group. 2. The average score of performance in health promoting behavior among overweight group(2.55) was higher than that of normal weight group(2.46), but not significant. 3. The average score of health status in overweight group(3.07) was lower than that of normal weight group(3.21), but not significant. 4. The average score of self-efficacy in overweight group(3.63) was significant lower than that of normal group(3.71). 5. The average score of the perceived barrier of in overweight group(2.44) was significant higher than that of normal group(2.24). 6. Health promoting behaviors in overweight group was significantly correlated with health status(r=.384, P<.05), health Concept(r= 458, P<.01) self-efficacy ( r=352, P< 01), perceived benefit(r=.386, P< .05), perceived barrier(r= -245, P< .05) Health promoting behavior in normal weight group was significantly correlated with health concept( r= .307, P< .050 and perceived benefit. 7. In consideration of variables that have an influence on Health promoting behavior among Normal weight group, health concept and perceived benefit account for 28.8% of health promoting behavior. In overweight group. The perceived benefit account for 13.7% of health promoting behavior. The suggestions are as follows on the basis of the results of this study. 1. It is required to develop health promoting program to improve health promoting behavior. In addition, there are special demands on developing nursing strategies for health promoting behavior of overweight industrial supervisors. 2. It is necessary to support exercise facility in occupational field for improving supervisor's health promoting behavior.

      • KCI등재
      • 성인병에 대한 한방치료법(증치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구 : 고혈압에 대한 한방치료법(중치의학과 사상의학)에 관한 연구

        박동일,김영균,안창범,이인선,김종원,권정남,장경전,이인선,이성근,장용우,신영민 동의대학교 한의학연구소 1999 동의한의연구 Vol.3 No.-

        We had a result of the treatment as below when is devided Korean medicine Tx.. Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx.. 1) At the improvement of BP control, an average in Korean medicine Tx. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 150㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), an average in Western medical Tr. (from 170㎜Hg/100㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/80㎜Hg), an average in Cooperative Tx.(from 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg to 130㎜Hg/90㎜Hg), generally all pars had improvements of BP control. But it is not significant of each case. 2) At the improvement of symptoms by the apologetics, Cooperative Tx. is profitable in cases of 'GanHwa',' DamEum', 'EumYangYangHer', 'EumHer'. Korean medicine Tx. is superior in case of 'GiChe'. 3) At the improvement of symptoms by a questionnaire, Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. groups had improvements, but each practice group didn't have specific significance. Only it was somewhat profitable to Korean medical Tx. in the 210㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Western medical Tx. in the 180㎜Hg/110㎜Hg, Cooperative Tx, in the 170㎜Hg/90㎜ Hg. 4) There are the apparent improvements in patients whose BP are over 200㎜Hg of Korean medical Tx. group, whose BP are over 190㎜Hg of Western medical Tx. group and whose BP are over 170㎜Mg of Cooperative Tx. group. There are the improvement of diastolic BP in 110㎜Mg(Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx.) and 90㎜Hg(Cooperative Tx.). 5) At the improvement of Pulse pressure, generally Pulse pressure are decreased. There are similar improvements in all of Korean medical Tx., Western medical Tx., and Cooperative Tx.. 6) At the Symptomatic approvement according to ages, Korean medical Tx., Cooperative Tx. are somewhat good for his twentieth, and Western medical Tx. is somewhat good for his forties. 7) the correlation of Obesity-grade and BP, as Obesity-grade is higher as BP is higher, but there are no similarity in the improvement. 8) At the EAV improvements, as examination into correlation with the point of 1~3th, we could get results as below. There are high improvements of DRHTM, DRALM, DLLYM, DLLIM in Cooperative Tx. There are high improvements of DRPASI, DLLARI in the Korean medical Tx. group. There are high improvements of DRFADM in Western medical Tx. group.

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