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        디자인씽킹을 통한 사회적 가치 중심 공공공간디자인 평가에 관한 연구

        박재용 ( Park¸ Jaeyong ),김수홍 ( Kim¸ Soohong ),김주연 ( Kim¸ Jooyun ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.4

        (연구배경 및 목적) 공공공간이란 누구에게나 접근 가능하며 개방되어 있는 공간으로 일상생활에서 기능적이고 의식적인 공동체 행위를 수행할 수 있는 물리적 공간을 말한다. 이러한 공공공간을 양적으로 충족하려는 시도에서 벗어나 질적 만족을 추구하려는 노력이 중요하며, 단순한 물리적 환경 개선이 아니라 교류와 정서적 안정이 포함된 사회적 가치를 포괄한 방향성을 가져야 한다. 공공공간디자인의 평가수립 단계에서도 사람의 본질적 욕구를 찾아 차별적인 가치를 제공하고 더 나은 변화를 추구하는 것이 중요하며, 사람과 환경이 공존하는 지속가능한 프로세스를 지향해야 한다. 디자인씽킹은 문제를 바라보는 사람의 시각을 재정의하고 내면의 문제를 탐색하는 인간중심의 창의적 사고이자 문제해결 방법이다. 이를 응용하면 공공정책에서의 방향성을 보다 수요자 중심으로 평가할 수 있다는 가설에서 연구를 시작하였다. 이러한 인식을 기반으로 기존의 공공공간디자인 평가체계를 분석하고 디자인씽킹을 통해 사회적가치의 지향성을 발전시킬 수 있는 새로운 평가체계 제안을 목적으로 한다. (연구방법) 문헌 연구를 통해 디자인씽킹에 대한 정의와 프로세스를 연구하고 기존 공공공간 평가체계에 대한 개념과 사례를 조사하였다. 사례분석 결과에 따라 각각 일반화된 항목을 도출하고 항목의 세부 특성을 종합, 연계하여 디자인씽킹과 공공공간 평가체계의 융합된 지표로서 발전시켰다. 본 연구에서는 평가체계 관련하여 국내와 해외 사례를 포함하여 총 여섯 가지 사례를 참고하였고 이를 기반으로 발전방안을 구성하였다. (결과) 공공공간 활성화를 위한 노력은 물리적인 기능과 효과에만 국한되는 것이 아니라 이용자의 감성과 가치에 따른 정서적인 만족이 고려되어야 한다. 디자인씽킹 프로세스에서 도출된 항목인 이해, 공감, 관찰, 정의, 발상, 개발, 프로토타입, 테스트와 기존 공공공간 평가체계에서 도출된 접근성, 사용성, 안전성, 지속가능성, 경관성, 지역정체성, 공공성, 심미성, 쾌적성, 사회적 교류, 시공성, 경제성을 상호 보강하는 형태로 구성하였다. (결론) 이를 통해 첫째, 공공공간의 물리적 문제 외에도 인간관계 중심의 미처 발견하지 못한 숨겨진 욕구까지 파악 가능하다. 둘째, 이성적 가치 외, 감정적 요소까지 고려하여 더 고차원적인 평가체계의 틀을 마련할 수 있다. 셋째, 수요자 입장에 기반한 평가체계의 문화를 만드는 과정에 기여한다. 본 연구는 사례 기반의 정성적인 분석으로 진행하였으므로 정량적 분석을 통해 보완연구가 진행되어야 한다. 앞으로 더욱 빠르게 변화하는 수요자의 내적가치를 강화할 수 있는 기초틀로서 활용되기를 기대한다. (Background and Purpose) Public spaces are accessible and open to anyone. They are physical spaces that can be used to carry out functional and conscious community activities in daily life. Public spaces are needed to improve the quality of the urban environment and pursue public development. Even in the evaluation phase of public space design, it is important to determine people’s intrinsic needs, provide discriminatory values and pursue improvements, in processes based on social values as well. However, policy thresholds often focus on the physical aspects of the environment and quantitative growth. Design thinking is a human-centered creative and problem-solving method that redefines the perspective of people who might be exploring internal problems. The study was initiated on the hypothesis that this would allow a more human-driven assessment for directing public policy. (Method) Based on improvements to existing public space evaluation methods, the definition and process of design thinking are studied. We analyze each process item to categorize them into generalized items, i.e., items defined by compiling details on the detailed characteristics of public design derived from domestic and overseas case analysis were generalized. This is used to develop as a converged indicator through conceptualization of items of design thinking and detailed items of assessment of public spaces. In this study, there were a total of six cases, including both domestic and overseas. (Results) Efforts to revitalize public spaces should not be limited to only physical functions and effects, but also fulfil emotional satisfaction based on users’ emotions and values. It consists of reinforcing items in the design thinking process and items in the existing public space evaluation system. (Conclusions) First, it is possible to understand the administrative problems of public space design and the small problems that have yet to be discovered. Second, it is possible to lay the foundation for a higher-dimensional evaluation system by taking into account emotional factors and rational values. Third, it contributes to the process of creating an evaluation-based culture system focused on the position of the consumer. As this study was conducted with a case-based qualitative analysis, there is a need to proceed with quantitative analysis. It is hoped that the study will be used as a basis for consumers’ internal values ―that will change more rapidly in the future. In the next study, the research will be continued to objectively analyze the new public space evaluation system combining design thinking and specify methods for practical use.

      • KCI등재

        식민과 냉전의 한국문학과 이산 -재러 한인 문학을 중심으로-

        김재용 ( Kim¸ Jae-yong ) 현대문학이론학회 2020 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.83

        코리언 디아스포라 문학 중에서 재소 한인문학은 가장 먼저 형성된 문학장이다. 러시아 혁명 이후 자체적으로 조선인 문단이 형성되었는데 발표 무대는 ‘선봉’ 신문사였다. 최호림을 중심으로 한 이 조선인 문단은 조명희가 1928년에 연해주로 들어오면서 한층 확대되었다. 하지만 조명희와 최호림은 연해주 조선인의 정체성을 둘러싸고 대립하였다. 조명희는 연해주 조선인을 고국 조선과의 연계 속에서 찾으려 한 반면, 최호림은 연해주 조선인을 소비에트 러시아의 하나으 소수종족으로 간주하였다. 이러한 대립은 1935년 이전까지는 코민테른의 좌선회 정책으로 말미암아 최호림이 우위를 점하였다. 하지만 1935년 이후 코민테른의 7차 대회에서 반제국주의 투쟁을 옹호하는 정책이 선포되면서 조명희가 우위를 점하였다. 최초의 연해주 조선인 문예지였던 ‘근로자의 고향’을 폐기하고 ‘근로자의 조국’이란 새 이름의 문예지를 조명희는 발간하였다. 하지만 1938년 중앙아시아로의 강제이주가 시행되면서 조명희는 체포되어 옥중에서 사망하였고, 최호림은 중앙아시아로 이주하였다. 연해주 조선인 문단은 전멸하였다. 1945년 소련이 일본군의 무장해제를 명분으로 삼팔선 이북에 진주하였을 때 중앙아시아의 고려인들을 동반하였다. 이 중에는 연해주 시절부터 문학을 하였던 이들이 동참하였는데 조기천과 전동혁은 그 대표적인 인물이다. 이들은 소련군대의 기관지인 ‘조선신문’을 근거로 창작활동을 하였는데 그 지향이 달랐다. 조기천은 고국과의 연계를 통한 고려인의 정체성을 주장하였기에 열심히 조선어를 비롯하여 조선의 역사와 문화를 배우고 이를 바탕으로 창작을 하였다. 소련과는 다른 조선의 독자성을 강하게 의식한 것이다. 이에 반해 전동혁은 고려인을 소련의 한 소수종족으로 간주하였기에 문명 소련의 문학과 문화를 후진 조선에 소개 전파하는 것을 사명으로 삼았다. 창작도 그 연장선에서 행했다. 조기천과 전동혁은 이러한 대립은 당시 소련군과 함께 들어온 고려인 문학인들의 두 가지 경향이었다. 이러한 대립은 비단 북한에서뿐만 아니라 중앙아시아에서도 존재하였다. 이러한 대립은 조선어보다 러시아가 주된 문학언어로 되는 1970년대 이후 자연스럽게 해소되었고 고려인 문학은 언어의 문제로 핵심적인 사안이 되는 시대가 되었다. 아나톨리 김을 비롯한 현재 러시아로 창작활동을 하는 세대들은 이전과는 매우 다른 세계관과 스타일로 문학을 한다. Among the Korean Diaspora literature, Soviet Far Eastern Korean literature was the first to be formed. After the Russian Revolution, Soviet Far Eastern Korean literary circle was formed and based on Seonbong newspaper. Literary circle, led by Choi Horim, expanded further when Cho Myunghee entered the Soviet Far Eastern area in 1928. However, Cho Myunghee and Choi Horim were at odds over the identity of the Joseon people. Cho Myunghee tried to keep Korean identity connected with colonial Korea, while Choi Horim regarded them as a minority ethnic group in Soviet Russia. This confrontation was dominated by Choi Horim due to the leftist policy of Comintern before 1935. However, Cho Myunghee gained the upper hand after 1935 when policies advocating anti-imperialist struggles were proclaimed at the 7th Congress in Comintern. Cho Myunghee published a new literary magazine named 'The Country of Workers' after discarding 'Hometown of Workers', which was the first Korean literary magazine and managed by Choi Horim. However, in 1938, when forced migration to Central Asia took place, Cho Myunghee was arrested and died in prison, while Choi Horim moved to Central Asia. The Joseon people's literary circles in Soviet Far Eastern area were wiped out. When the Soviet Union was stationed north of the 38th parallel in 1945 under the pretext of disarming the Japanese army, it was accompanied by the Russian Korean of Central Asia. Among them were those who had been studying literature since the time of the Soviet Far Eastern Korean period, and Cho Gicheon and Jeon Donghyuk are representative figures. They were creative based on the Chosun Newspaper, the organ of the Soviet military. Cho Gicheon, who claimed the identity of the Korean people through his connection with his homeland, worked hard to learn Korean history and culture, including the Korean language, and created them based on this. He was strongly aware of the independence of Korea, which is different from the Soviet Union. On the other hand, Jeon Donghyuk regarded Korean people as a minority of the Soviet Union, so his mission was to introduce civilized Soviet literature and culture to the underdeveloped Korea. Cho Gicheon and Jeon Donghyuk were two trends of Korean intellectual who came in with the Soviet army at that time. These confrontations existed not only in North Korea but also in Central Asia. This confrontation was naturally resolved in the 1970s, when Russian language became the main literary language rather than the Korean language. Due to the language problems. Anatoly Kim and other generations who are currently engaged in creative activities in Russian language represent another worldview and style.

      • KCI등재

        기수사를 동반하는 스페인어 최상급 양화 부사구 a lo más/menos의 통사적 도출구조

        곽재용(Kwak, Jaeyong) 계명대학교 국제학연구소 2018 국제학논총 Vol.28 No.-

        Jaeyong, Kwak(2018), The derivational structure of Spanish superlative adverbial quantifier a lo más/menos with cardinal numerals. 국제학논총 28, 00-00. The lexical form most (or least) of the English superlative quantifier at most (or at least) (cf. Keenan and Stavi(1986), Geurts and Nouwen(2007), Nouwen(2010)) can be analyzed as the superlative form of many/much (or few/little), according to the approaches of Hackl (2001). Bobaljik(2012: 89) assumes that English most/least could be treated as an amalgam of the comparative and superlative heads. But the Spanish superlative quantifier a lo más/menos cannot be analyzed under the criterion of Bobaljik because the Spanish language does not have morphological superlatives in the relative superlative construction (cf. Real Academia Española(2009)). We will try to show that the Spanish superlative adverbial quantifiers a lo más/menos are derived from the relative superlative construction due to the fact that there is no morphological superlatives in this language as a parameter which shows in the overt morpho-syntax the null D movement and the phonetic realization of definite article before más/menos.

      • Three-Dimensional Time-Space Grid Allocation Algorithm for Traffic Control of Autonomous Vehicles at an Intersection

        Jaeyong Kim,Jin Gyu Lee,Seungjoon Lee,Hyuntae Kim,Hyungbo Shim,Yongsoon Eun,Kangwon Lee 제어로봇시스템학회 2015 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        Two-dimensional (2-D) time-space diagram have been widely used to analyze the flow of the traffic. However, it has limitations to make a plan that guarantees the collision avoidance of vehicles at the intersections. In this paper, we introduce the three-dimensional (3-D) time-space diagram and demonstrate its effectiveness in describing the movements of vehicles at the intersections. We also propose an algorithm based on the grid allocation of 3-D time-space diagram to avoid collision between vehicles to achieve the autonomous intersection.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Break in Presence During Game Play Using a Linear Mixed Model

        Jaeyong Chung,Henry J. Gardner,Hwan-Jin Yoon 한국전자통신연구원 2010 ETRI Journal Vol.32 No.5

        Breaks in presence (BIP) are those moments during virtual environment (VE) exposure in which participants become aware of their real world setting and their sense of presence in the VE becomes disrupted. In this study, we investigate participants’ experience when they encounter technical anomalies during game play. We induced four technical anomalies and compared the BIP responses of a navigation mode game to that of a combat mode game. In our analysis, we applied a linear mixed model (LMM) and compared the results with those of a conventional regression model. Results indicate that participants felt varied levels of impact and recovery when experiencing the various technical anomalies. The impact of BIPs was clearly affected by the game mode, whereas recovery appears to be independent of game mode. The results obtained using the LMM did not differ significantly from those obtained using the general regression model; however, it was shown that treatment effects could be improved by consideration of random effects in the regression model.


        Effects of Sampling Techniques and Sites on Rumen Microbiome and Fermentation Parameters in Hanwoo Steers

        ( Jaeyong Song ),( Hyuck Choi ),( Jin Young Jeong ),( Seul Lee ),( Hyun Jung Lee ),( Youlchang Baek ),( Sang Yun Ji ),( Minseok Kim ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2018 Journal of microbiology and biotechnology Vol.28 No.10

        We evaluated the influence of sampling technique (cannulation vs. stomach tube) and site (dorsal sac vs. ventral sac) on the rumen microbiome and fermentation parameters in Hanwoo steers. Rumen samples were collected from three cannulated Hanwoo steers via both a stomach tube and cannulation, and 16S rRNA gene amplicons were sequenced on the MiSeq platform to investigate the rumen microbiome composition among samples obtained via 1) the stomach tube, 2) dorsal sac via rumen cannulation, and 3) ventral sac via rumen cannulation. A total of 722,001 high-quality 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from the three groups and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. There was no significant difference in the composition of the major taxa or alpha diversity among the three groups (p> 0.05). Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes represented the first and second most dominant phyla, respectively, and their abundances did not differ among the three groups (p> 0.05). Beta diversity principal coordinate analysis also did not separate the rumen microbiome based on the three sample groups. Moreover, there was no effect of sampling site or method on fermentation parameters, including pH and volatile fatty acids (p > 0.05). Overall, this study demonstrates that the rumen microbiome and fermentation parameters are not affected by different sampling techniques and sampling sites. Therefore, a stomach tube can be a feasible alternative method to collect representative rumen samples rather than the standard and more invasive method of rumen cannulation in Hanwoo steers.

      • Bifurcations in a Horizontally Driven Pendulum

        Jaeyong JEONG,Sang-Yoon Kim 강원대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 기초과학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        We consider a forced pendulum with a horizontally oscillating suspension point. Bifurcations associated with stability at the symmetric period-l orbit (SPO), arising from the "unforced" stationary point, are investigated in details by varying the two parameters A (the normalized driving amplitude) and Ω (the normalized natural frequency). We thus obtain the phase diagram showing the bifurcation curves or the SPO in the Ω-A plane through numerical calculations or the Floquet (stability) multipliers and winding numbers. We note that a specific substructure in the bifurcation set of the SPO recurs in the parameter plane.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Weekend Admission and Patient Safety Indicator on 30-Day Mortality among Korean Long-Term Care Insurance Beneficiaries

        Jaeyong Shin,김재현 한국보건행정학회 2019 보건행정학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        Background: This study investigates the impact of weekend admission with a patient safety indicator (PSI) on 30-day mortality among long-term insurance beneficiaries. Methods: Data were obtained from the National Health Insurance Service–Senior claim database from 2002 to 2013. To obtain unbiased estimates of odds ratio, we used a nested case-control study design. The cases were individuals who had a 30-day mortality event after their last medical utilization, while controls were selected by incidence density sampling based on age and sex. We examined the interaction between the main independent variables of weekend admission and PSI by categorizing cases into four groups: weekend admission/PSI, weekend admission/non-PSI, weekday admission/PSI, and weekday admission/non-PSI. Results: Of the 83,400 individuals in the database, there were 20,854 cases (25.0%) and 62,546 controls (75.0%). After adjusting for socioeconomic, health status, seasonality, and hospital-level factors, the odds ratios (ORs) of 30-day mortality for weekend admission/PSI (OR, 1.484; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.371–1.606) and weekday admission/PSI (OR, 1.357; 95% CI, 1.298–1.419) were greater than for patients with weekday admission/non-PSI. Conclusion: This study indicated that there is an increased risk of mortality after weekend admission among patients with PSI as compared with patients admitted during the weekday without a PSI. Therefore, our findings suggest that recognizing these different patterns is important to identify at-risk diagnosis to minimize the excess mortality associated with weekend admission in those with PSI.

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