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        에코뮤지엄으로서의 미당시문학관의 발전 가능성에 대한 고찰

        윤재웅 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2009 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        미당시문학관을 일종의 에코뮤지엄으로 바라보자는 것이 이 글의 기본 성격이다. 에코뮤지엄이란 자연생태박물관이며, ‘지역’, ‘주민’, ‘자연환경’을 핵심 개념으로 가지고 있는 새로운 개념의 텍스트이다. 이 텍스트를 문학관과 관련시켜 이해하는 데에는 문화 변동에 따르는 인식의 전환이 필요하다. 문학관이라는 공간 텍스트의 성격이 ‘읽기 리터러시에서 보기 리터러시로’, ‘지각의 대상에서 감각의 대상으로’, ‘문자 텍스트에서 다양한 컨버전스의 복합 텍스트로’ 바뀌어 가고 있다는 진단이 그것이다. 그러므로 공간 텍스트로서의 문학관의 주요한 기능은 다양한 감각의 체험이다. 에코뮤지엄은 여기에 ‘친환경’의 개념이 추가된다. 친환경의 측면에서 볼 때, 미당시문학관은 최적의 조건을 갖추고 있다. 게다가 그의 고향마을을 주요 소재로 다루고 있는 『질마재신화』(1975)는 공간 텍스트 향유자들이 직접 체험할 수 있는 생태문화 텍스트로서 월등한 경쟁력을 가지고 있다. 지역사회에서는 문화관광자원개발을 통한 소득증대사업으로 연결할 수 있고, 일반인들에게는 예술과 현실 삶의 관계를 확인해보는 새로운 경험을 제공하게 될 것이다. 이 모든 사업을 관장할 수 있는 중심 공간은 미당시문학관이다. 그러므로 미당시문학관을 활성화시킬 수 있는 핵심적인 방안은 지리적 공간으로서의 ‘지역’을 단순한 볼거리 제공지의 차원에서 지적, 감성적 욕구를 충족시켜주는 공간으로 재탄생시키는 것이다. 이 개념이 바로 ‘마을 만들기’이다. 마을 만들기는 주민 자치에 의한 문화 민주주의의 생성과 그 확장의 성격을 가지며 지역의 생태환경 요소를 최대한 존중해야 한다. 미당시문학관이 중심이 되는 마을 만들기의 경우, 여기에 『질마재신화』의 문화콘텐츠를 결합시키는 일이 과제로 남아 있다. The fundamental concept of the treatise is to consider the Mi Dang Literature Museum as an Eco-Museum. Eco-museum is a natural ecological museum with ‘region’, ‘inhabitants’, and its ‘surrounding nature’ as its core text. A thorough comprehension of the central notion and the Mi Dang Literature Museum requires a transformation in assimilation in regards to cultural fluctuation. The characteristic of a literature museum, a spatial text, is altering ‘from reading literacy to viewing literacy’, ‘from perceptual subject to sensual subject’, and ‘from figurative texts to various compound texts’. Therefore, the major function of the literature museum for a spatial text is the multi-sensory experience. Eco-museum adds the concept of environmental friendliness. In the environmental friendly point of view, the Mi Dang Literature Museum has ideal conditions. For example, The Myth of Jil Ma Jae(1975) that deals with Mi Dang’s hometown has exceptional competitive power as an ecologically cultural text because it allows the visitors to directly experience it. The new concept of the museum will lead to the development in culture and tourism aspect of the local community, and provide a total new experience where the visitors can understand the relation of the literary art and the reality. The center place to manage the above business concept is the Mi Dang Literature Museum. Therefore, the most important way to revitalize the Mi Dang Literature Museum is to reborn it as a place where fulfills the emotional desires, not as a place where it only provides simple visual features. The whole notion is to ‘Town Making’, and this will not only respect the ecological aspect of the town but also develop and expand the cultural democracy within in the town. The hard task of this whole notion is to combine the cultural contents of The Myth of Jil Ma Jae and the idea of the Eco-museum.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어 'Wh-의문문'의 습득 순서와 교과서 분석

        김재민,박윤자 대한언어학회 2001 언어학 Vol.9 No.3

        Kim, Jae-Min and Park, Yun.-Ja. 2001. The Developmental Order and the Frequency Analysis of Textbooks for Wh-questions of English. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 9(3), 89-108. It is observed that the children speaking English as mother tongue (LI) have the developmental order for Elf -questions . Also the children studying English as L2 showed the similar developmental order for English wh-questions The purpose of this study to the developmental order for wh-questions in Korean learners and the distribution for wh questions of English textbooks in middle school. The subjects consisted of 115 middle school students. They were tested by 36 wh-questions composed of 18 subjective questions and 18 objective questions. The results of this study showed that Korean students had the sae developmental order (where, what, who, how, why, when) for English wh-questions as L2. The results also Indicated that for the frequency distribution of wh-questions, English text books for middle school students Korea did not reflect the developmental order for English wh-questions (Chonbuk National University)



        Moon, Yong-Jae,Yun, Hong-Sik The Korean Astronomical Society 1991 Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society Vol.24 No.2

        An attempt has been made to examine the characteristics of acoustic and MHD waves generated in stellar convection zones($4000\;K\;{\leq}\;T_{eff}\;{\leq}\;7000\;K$, $3\;{\leq}\;\log\;g\;{\leq}\;4.5$). With the use of wave generation theories formulated for acoustic waves by Stein (1967), for MHD body waves by Musielak and Rosner (1987, 1988) and for MHD tube waves by Musielak et al.(l989a, 1989b), the energy fluxes are calculated and their dependence on effective temperature, surface gravity and megnetic field strength are analyzed by optimization techniques. In computing magneto-convection models, the effect of magnetic fields on the efficiency of convection has been taking into account by extrapolating it from Yun's sunspot models(1968; 1970). Our study shows that acoustic wave fluxes are dominant in F and G stars, while the MHD waves dominant in K and M stars, and that the MHD wave fluxes vary as $T_{eff}^4{\sim}T_{eff}^7$ in contrast to the acoustic fluxes, as $T_{eff}^{10}$. The gravity dependence, on the other hand, is found to be relatively weak; the acoustic wave fluxes ${\varpropto}\;g^{-0.5}$, the longitudinal tube wave fluxes ${\varpropto}\;g^{0.3}$ and the transverse tube wave fluxes ${\varpropto}\;g^{0.3}$. In the case of the MHD body waves their gravity dependence is found to be nearly negligible. Finally we assesed the computed energy fluxes by comparing them with the observed fluxes $F_{ob}$ of CIV(${\lambda}1549$) lines and soft X-rays for selected main sequence stars. When we scaled the corrected wave fluxes down to $F_{ob}$, it is found that these slopes are almost in line with each other.

      • KCI등재후보

        중소기업 협업 활성화 방안에 관한 연구: 협업전문회사를 중심으로

        윤치훈 ( Chi-hun Yun ),홍재범 ( Jae-bum Hong ) 한국중소기업학회 2019 기업가정신과 벤처연구 Vol.22 No.3

        과학기술의 급격한 발전은 기업경영에 속도라는 새로운 과제를 부과하고 있으며 이에 대한 대응으로 기업 간 협력이 과거 그 어느 시기보다 중요해지고 있으며 이러한 협업은 경영자원이나 핵심역량 확대에 한계가 있는 중소기업의 경영에 그 의미가 더욱 크다. 문재인 정부는 기업간 협업을 통해 중소기업의 경쟁력 강화를 추진하고 있으며 그 수단으로 제시한 것 중 하나가 협업전문회사이다. 협업전문회사는 2개 이상의 중소기업이 투자로 특수목적법인을 설립하는 것으로 실제로 회사는 설립하지 않고 명목 회사를 설립하여 사업관리자와 자산관리자를 설정하여 사업을 관리하는 것이다. 이러한 방법은 협업에 참여한 회사와 프로젝트를 구분하여 프로젝트의 사업성만으로 자금이 가능해져 국가 경제 측면에서 의미 있는 프로젝트를 성공시킬 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 또한, 기존에 협업에 참여한 회사 간에 기회주의와 이로 인한 갈등을 지분공유를 통해 해소할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 중소기업 간 협업의 필요성에도 불구하고 기업 간 신뢰가 부족하다는 것을 당연시하는 데 반해 이미 이탈리아는 네트워크 계약법으로 일본은 신연휴제도에서 가장 발전된 형태로 협업전문회사를 수용하고 있다. 심지어 문체부에서 시행하고 있는 문화산업전문회사에서도 이를 이미 시행하고 있어 조속한 시행이 필요하다. The rapid development of science and technology imposes Speed Agenda on business management. In response to this, cooperation among companies has become more important than ever. It is meaningful for SMEs whose business resources or core competencies are limited. Moon Jae-in Gov. has set up the task of strengthening competitiveness as a national task through business-to-business collaboration, and its representative means are collaboration special-purpose companies. A collaborating company is one in which two or more SMEs establish a special purpose corporation by investing. In fact, the company does not establish a company but establishes a nominee company and establishes a business manager and an asset manager to manage the business. This method has the merit that it is possible to achieve meaningful project in the national economy because the project can be financed only by the division of the project from the company participating in the collaboration. In addition, there is an advantage in that it can eliminate opportunism and the conflict caused by sharing the existing shares among the companies participating in the collaboration. In spite of the necessity of collaboration among SMEs, it is assumed that there is a lack of trust among companies. In contrast, Collaboration companies are already in operation in Italy (Network Contract Law), Japan(New Alliance business) and Korea (Culture industry SPC). it and needs to be implemented immediately.

      • 노령의 대퇴 전자간 골절 치료에서 압박고 나사못의 안정성 및 유용성

        김종오,노권재,윤여헌,고영도,유재두,정준모,방한천,정재학 대한골절학회 2003 대한골절학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목 적: 노령의 대퇴 전자간 골절에서 압박고 나사못의 안정성에 영향을 주는 인자들간의 상관 관계와 골절 양상에 따른 술후 고관절 기능을 평가 및 분석하였다. 대상 및 방법: 압박고 나사를 이용하여 수술적 치료를 시행한 231명의 환자 중 6개월 이상 추시가 가능하였던 60세 이상 84명의 환자들을 대상으로 했다. 방사선적 계측은 압박고 나사못의 활강 길이 및 내반각, 가압 나사 위치, 정복 상태, 원위 골편의 내측 전위를 측정하였으며 술후 기능은 Clawson의 기능 평가표로 하였고 골절 양상에 따라 방사선 계측과 기능 회복과의 상관 관계를 평가하였다. 결 과: 임상 결과는 불안정 골절에서 양호가 10례, 불량이 23례, 안정 골절에서는 양호 40례, 불량이 11례로 안정 골절에서 임상 결과가 좋았고(p<0.001), 압박고 나사 활강은 10 ㎜ 이상일 때 양호가 4례, 불량이 21례, 10 ㎜ 이하에서 양호가 46례, 불량이 13례로 10 ㎜ 이상 활강시에 술후 결과가 불량했다(p<0.001). 다르 방사선적 계측 요인은 결과에 의미있는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한, 불안정 골절 중에서 전위 양상 골절의 경우 10㎜ 이상 활강이 12례, 10㎜ 이하 활강이 8례, 분쇄 양상 골절의 경우는 10㎜ 이상이 11례, 10㎜ 이하가 2례로 분쇄 양상의 불안정 골절에서 10㎜ 이상 활강이 의미있게 많았다 (p<0.001). 결 론: 10㎜ 이상의 지연 나사 활강은 고관절 기능 회복 약화를 유발시킬 수 있으며 불안정 골절 분쇄 양상 골절은 이런 지연 나사의 활강이 과도하게 유발될 수 있으므로 불안정 분쇄 양상 골절에서 압박고 나사의 단독 사용은 재고해 보아야 할 것이다. Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between fracture stability and functional results, and analyze the correlation between stability factors and the outcome in intertrochanteric fracture of the elderly. Materials and Methods: Of the 231 patients, 84 patients with age above 60 were able to follow up for minimum 6 months. We measured the sliding length of the lag screw, varus degree, position of lag screw, reduction status and medialization of distal fragment radiologically. The functional outcome of the treatment was evaluated with the Clawson's result classification and we evaluated the correlation between the radiological results of measurement and the functional recovery depending on the Evans fracture classification. Results: There were good results in 40 cases out of 51 stable fractures, and in 10 cases out of 33 unstable fractures (p<0.001). In case of sliding of lag screw more than 10㎜, good results were obtained in 4 cases, and poor in 21. And in case of sliding less than 10㎜, good results were obtained in 46, and poor in 13. (p<0.001).But there was no relationship between other radiologic factors and clinical results. In unstable type, there were 12 cases with lag screw sliding more than 10㎜ and 10 cases with less than 10㎜. In comminuted type, there were 11 cases with lag screw sliding more than 10㎜ and 2 cases with less than 10㎜(p<0.001). Conclusion: The sliding of lag screw more than 10㎜ may result in poor outcome. As in comminuted unstable pattern, sliding of lag screw might be excessive, the use of compression hip screw alone is not good treatment option.

      • 전해산성수를 이용한 새로운 내시경 소독 시스템(Cleantop WM-1??)의 소독효율

        이준행,이풍렬,송재훈,이남용,임윤정,장재권,김영호,김재준,백승운,이종철,최규완 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.2

        Background : Electrolyzed acid water (EAW) is a new liquid chemical germicide containing a mixture of oxidizing species and prepared by mixing a small amount of salt with tap water in an electrolyzer. We attempted an in-use evaluation of the high-level disinfection capability of Cleantop WM-1□, a new endoscope reprocessing system using EAW. Methods : Forty-seven flexible endoscopes were randomly collected just after upper endoscopic examinations and were disinfected using Cleantop WM-1□. Parts of the endoscopes without contact to EAW were disinfected with 75% ethyl alcohol. Immediately after the disinfection procedure, samples were taken from the biopsy channel (S-1), tip of the insertion tube (S-2), the umbilical cord (S-3), and the angulation knob (S-4). Results : In EAW-disinfected parts of the endoscopes, the culture-positive rates were 4.3% (2/47) in S-1 samples and 12.8% (6/47) in S-2 samples. In ethyl alcohol-disinfected area, the culture-positive rates were 2.1% (1/47) in S-3 samples and 25.5% (12/47) in S-4 samples. The colony counts of culture-positive samples ranged from 1 to 144. Pseudomonas aerugi-nasa was recovered from the angulation knob of an endoscope, but other contaminating organisms were mostly : normal flora or opportunistic pathogens. Conclusion : Although part of the endoscopes disinfected with 75% ethyl alcohol were contaminated with more organisms than EAW-disinfected areas, Cleantop WM-1□ showed a relatively good disinfection efficacy in reprocessing patient-used endoscopes. (Korean J Infect Dis 33:133∼138, 2001)

      • 봉독약침이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 기능회복 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        이상훈,이현종,박상민,김수영,박재경,홍승재,양형인,이재동,최도영,김건식,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective: To evaluate the effects of bee venom acupuncture(BVA) on the rehabilitation and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients Methods: Patients with RA were treated with the BVA therapy twice a week for 3 months. Tender joint counts, swollen joint counts, morning stiffness, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR), C-reactive protein(CRP), patient global assessment, physician global assessment, Korean health assessment questionnaire(KHAQ) were estimated and analyzed before and after BVA therapy. Results: Tender joint counts, swollen joint counts, morning stiffness showed significant decrease after BVA therapy. But, as acute inflammatory reactants, ESR showed no significant difference and CRP showed significant increase after BVA therapy. Patient global assessment physician global assessment, and KHAQ index showed significant improvement after BVA therapy. Conclusions: BVA therapy can improve rehabilitation and health-related quality of life RA patients as well as clinical symptom and signs. Further study is required in more population with large scale including acute inflammatory reaction of BVA therapy.

      • 봉독약침이 류마티스 관절염 환자의 관절 통증, 종창 및 급성 염증 반응에 미치는 영향

        이상훈,이현종,백용현,김수영,박재경,홍승재,양형인,김건식,이재동,최도영,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective In order to study the effects of bee venom(BV) on the pain, edema, and acute inflammatory reactant of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients. Methods Patients with RA who met the ACR(American College of Rheumatology) 1987 revised criteria for the diagnosis of RA were treated with the BV therapy twice a week for 3 months. Tender Joint counts, swollen joint counts, Visual analog scale(VAS), morning stiffness, ESR. C-reactive protein(CRP) were analyzed before and after BV therapy. Results The results as follows. 1. Tender joint counts in patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(9.0±7.9 vs 15± 11.4, p=0.002). 2. Swollen joint counts of the patients after BV therapy were significantly lower than those before BV therapy(50±61 vs 15±23, p=0.001). 3. VAS in patients after BV therapy was significantly lower than those before BV therapy(608± 17.6 vs 380± 159, p=0.000). 4. Duration of morning stiffness in patients after BV therapy was significantly reduced compared with that before BV therapy(119.1± 112.6 min vs 59.0±89.7 min, p=0.009). 5. ESR and CRP were not significantly changed before and after BV therapy, suggesting BV itself could make inflammatory reaction as well as therapeutic effect. Conclusions BV therapy improved tender joint counts, swollen joint counts and duration of morning stiffness in this study, and further study is needed on long-term effect of BV therapy.

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