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      • KCI등재

        청중기(清中期) 만주인(滿洲人)의 일상 속 족장(族長)의 역할

        김준영 ( Kim¸ Jun-young ) 명청사학회 2021 명청사연구 Vol.- No.55

        There was the clan leader who represented each clan in the niru, a basic social unit of the Eight Banners in the Qing Period. The precedent research onthe role of the Manchus clan leader mainly covered the roles related to the clan leader’s clan activities, such as supervision of the ancestral rites, management of kinsmen’s property, compilation of the genealogy, an adoptive son issue within the clan. They described that the Manchus were also formed based on a similar index of the clan formation to the Han people who appeared in the Manchus clan. Manchus were a bannerman who all belonged to Eight Banners, and various standards of Eight Banners greatly affected the large part of their daily life. In this regard, the formation of the Manchus clan and the role of the clan leader were also affected by Eight Banners. However, it is not easy to find an attempt to examine the contact point with Eight Banners other than an effort to find out a contact point with the Han people clan. The reason is to explain the index of the clan formation as a phenomenon of Manchus’ assimilating into Han people. This paper focused on the relation between the head of the Manchus clan who was the top leadership of the clan and Eight Banners and researched the position of the head of the Manchus clan in niru and the role of the clan leader in the daily life of bannerman. Unlike the head of the Han people clan, the Manchus clan leader complied with Qing regulations and selected those with high official positions within the clan. There is a reason why Qing did not weigh on selecting a formal government official but the clan leader; it is because the clan leader took the role of managing and supervising Manchu’s daily life on the front lines. Qing sovereign tried to edify Manchus through imperial edict and directives in order for Manchus to maintain the ruling group’s dignity. Because an emperor’s order was delivered to the bannerman by the clan leader, the clan leader was justified to control kinsmen based on imperial edict and directive. In addition, the clan leader specified kinsmen’s daily life control and authority of punishment granted by an emperor in the family regulation, so that he emphasized the authority of managing kinsmen. It is the Manchus clan’s characteristic that specified the authority of the clan leader in the clan’s lessons. It was because the clan leader was the subject who was the most severely punished after offenders.

      • KCI등재

        군자의 사회적 지위에 대한 연구 - 주나라의 권위 상실을 중심으로 -

        이준영 ( Lee¸ Jun-young ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2020 儒學硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        본 논문은 춘추시대의 주(周)나라의 권위상실이 『논어(論語)』에 나타나는 군자(君子)의 ‘사회적 지위’에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지를 살펴보았다. 『논어』의 군자는 기존 경전들의 군자와는 차이를 가지고 있다. 기존의 군자들은 높은 ‘귀속지위’를 바탕으로 정치참여의 권리를 지닌다. 하지만 『논어』의 군자는 반드시 정치참여의 권리가 부여되지는 않는다. 또한 부를 초탈해야 하며 도덕적인 의무가 요구된다. 하지만 이러한 접근 방식은 몇몇 오류를 발생시킨다. 부는 단순한 사적인 가치가 아니라 정치실현을 위해 필요한 ‘권리행사’나 ‘재분배’의 필수가치로 해석될 가능성이 있기 때문이다. 몇몇 사람들은 부를 배제하는 『논어』의 주장이 비현실적이라는 주장들을 양산하기도 한다. 필자는 이러한 충돌이 논리의 모순이 아니며 주나라의 권위 상실로 인해대다수의 군자가 ‘부에 대한 권리’를 박탈당하는 문제가 발생했기 때문으로 보았다. 부에 대한 권리 박탈은 군자의 사회적 지위를 위협했고 정치참여의 의무를 희석시켰다. 이러한 가설을 면밀히 살펴보기 위해서는 당시 사회를 구체적으로 살펴보는 작업이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 일부 사회학의 관점을 통해 군자의 사회적 지위가 무엇에서 근거하고 있는지 분석해볼 것이다. 특히 주나라의 권위상실이라는 외부 요인이공자가 생각하는 군자의 자격요건에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 구체적으로 분석했다. This paper analyzed the loss of authority of Zhou(周) in the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋時代) and studied how it influenced the 'social status' of the Junzi(君子) appeared in 《The Analects》(論語). Junzi(君子) of 《The Analects》(論語) differs from the ruler of the existing scriptures. Previous Junzi(君子) has the right to participate in politics based on 'ascribed status'. However, Junzi(君子) of 《The Analects》(論語) is not necessarily given the right to participate in politics. Also, wealth must be transcend and moral obligations are required. However, this approach creates some errors. This is because wealth is not just a private value, but it is likely to be interpreted as an essential value of "exercise of a right" or "redistribution" needed for political realization. Some people even raise claims that Confucius(孔子) claim to exclude wealth is unrealistic. I believe that this conflict is not a contradiction in logic, and that the loss of Zhou(周) authority has caused the majority of Junzi(君子) rights to wealth to be forfeited. The deprivation of rights to wealth threatened social status of Junzi(君子) and diluted his duty to participate in politics. To take a closer look at these hypotheses, it is necessary to take a closer look at the society of the time. In this paper, we will analyze from some sociological perspectives what the social status of Junzi(君子) is based on. In particular, it was analyzed in detail how external factors such as loss of authority in Zhou(周) affected Junzi(君子)qualifications in what Confucius(孔子) thinks.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 재무국장 하야시 시게조(1929~1937)의 재정 구상과 증세 정책

        이준영 ( Lee¸ Jun-young ) 부경역사연구소 2021 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.49

        하야시가 재무국장으로 취임하던 때는 세계 대공황 기간으로 일본 정부가 강력한 긴축정책을 표방하던 상황이었다. 하야시도 공황 타개를 위해 ‘재정 긴축’을 도모했으며, 한편으로 조선인의 소비 절약과 농업생산력의 확충을 도모하여 불경기를 해소하고 총독부의 재무기반을 확보하고자 하였다. 즉, 하야시는 일본본토가 요구하는 내핍과 절약보다는 오히려 증산과 개발을 통해서 공황이나 재정긴축의 위기를 극복해야 한다는 조선 특수성 입장을 강하게 견지하고 있었다. 이런 상황에서 그는 ‘궁민구제사업’을 구상하였고, 이 사업은 6,500만 원에 달하는 예산이 일본대장성 예금부 및 조선식산은행 등지에서 차입되었다. 하지만 궁민구제사업이 가지는 민족차별적 본질에 의해서 조선인의 궁핍은 여전히 해결되지 못하였고, 이것이 악순환을 일으켜서 오히려 재원 부족 상황에 처하게 되었다. 바로 그 해결책이 ‘세제 개정’이었다. 조선경제의 생산력 진흥 또는 조선인의 요구와는 관계없이 조선에서 거둔 자금을 이용하여 일제의 필요에 따라 조선경제의 생산력을 고갈 또는 유출시키는 통로였던 식민지 재정은 식민정책의 가장 구체적이고 현실적인 분석대상이다. 따라서 본 연구는 세계 대공황 상황과 일본본토의 긴축정책 아래에서 조선총독부 재무국장이었던 하야시가 추진한 재정확대의 구상과 조세증징론의 구상 그리고 그 실행으로서 조세증징 정책의 분석하는데 기본적인 목적을 둔다. 하야시는 이미 稅制조사위원회(1926년)를 통하여 세제의 개정을 주도해왔다. 그 과정에서 하야시는 장차 법인소득세 이상으로 일반소득세도 ‘조선의 조세체계의 중추’로 역설하면서 일반소득세 과세의 가능성을 자주 언급하기도 했다. 결국, 재정부족 상태를 해결하기 위한 차원에서 1934년 5월 그는 독립적 세무 기구로서 전국 경성, 광주, 대구, 평양, 함흥 등 5개 지역에 세무감독국을 설치하였고, 일반소득세를 징세하기 시작하였다. 이렇게 시작된 일반소득세 과세가 조세의 근간을 이루게 되면서 지세는 보완적 위치로 내려앉았다. 재무국장으로 임용된 1929년부터 퇴임한 1937년까지의 국세수납액을 살펴보면, 국세의 총액이 1929년보다 1937년이 87.9% 증가하였다. 말로는 식민지 조선의 특수성을 말했지만 정작 수탈의 진행속도는 본토보다 훨씬 빨랐던 것이다. 요컨대, 하야시 재무국장의 조세증세 정책은 식민지 지배에 필요한 재정 수요의 팽창에 조응하면서 필요한 재원을 조선에서 철저하게 염출하려는 ‘수탈의 최고도화 장치’였다. 본래 그는 일본본토의 자본유입이나 보충금 수입을 통해 궁민구제 등을 실현하고 농업 생산력 확보로 재정확충 토대를 확장하려 했지만 결국 개발보다는 토지세 증징, 관업수입, 조세강탈 등과 같은 조선인에 부담을 주는 ‘증세’를 통하여 재정을 확장하는 방식으로 귀결될 수밖에 없었다. When Hayashi took office as chief finance, the Japanese government was advocating a strong austerity policy during the Great Depression. Hayashi also sought fiscal austerity to overcome the economic panic. On the other hand, the Government-General of Chosun wanted to resolve the recession, so secure the financial foundation of the Government-General by seeking to save consumption of Koreans and expand agricultural productivity. In other words, Hayashi strongly maintained his position on Chosun's speciality that it should overcome the crisis of panic or fiscal tightening through increased production and development rather than the austerity and savings demanded by the Japanese mainland. In this situation, he came up with the "Gungmin Salvation Project." The project was financed by the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Chosun siksan bank, which has a budget of 65 million won. However, the Gungmin Salvation Project still cannot solve the poverty of Chosun people due to ethnic discrimination. This led to a vicious cycle, which resulted in a shortage of funds. The very solution was the 'tax amendment'. The colonial finance was reducing or get out the productive power of the Chosun economy by Japanese demand with funds raised from Chosun regardless of the productive power of the Chosun economy or the demands of the Chosun people. This is the object for most specific and realistic study of colonial policy. Therefore, under the situation of the economic panic and Japan's austerity policy, The purpose of this study is to restore a series of policy processes, including the planning and formation of tax increase theory and the drafting, implementation and achievement of tax promotion policies, promoted by chief Finance Hayashi of the Chosun Governor-General. Hayashi, a tax promotionist, has already led the revision of the tax system through the Tax Investigation Committee(1926). In the process, Hayashi often mentioned the possibility of taxation of general income tax, stressing that general income tax is "the backbone of Chosun's tax system" in the future. In the end, to solve the financial shortage, In May 1934, as an independent tax organization, he established tax supervisory offices in five regions, including Gyeongseong, Gwangju, Daegu, Pyongyang, and Hamheung. And general income taxes have begun to be collected. The general income tax taxation, which began in this way, became the basis of taxation and the land tax became a complementary position. Looking at the amount of tax receipts from 1929 to 1937 when he was appointed chief finance, The total amount of national taxes increased by 87.9 percent in 1937 from 1929. Although he mentioned the special nature of colonial Chosun, the pace of exploitation was much faster than that of the Japan mainland. In short, Hayashi's tax promotion policy was an "optimized exploitation device" aimed at taking the necessary resources away from Chosun thoroughly while keeping pace with the expansion of fiscal demand needed for colonial rule. Originally, he tried to expand the foundation of fiscal expansion by securing agricultural productivity and realizing the Gungmin Salvation Project through capital inflow or supplemental income from Japan. However, rather than development, it resulted in the expansion of the budget through 'increasing taxes' that burdened Chosun people, such as land tax increase, government income, and tax extortion.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Property Enhancement of Supercritically Carbonated Specimen by Particle-Size Separation of Fly Ash and Cement

        Junyoung Park 한양대학교 세라믹연구소 2014 Journal of Ceramic Processing Research Vol.15 No.4

        The effects of supercritical carbonation on fly ash (FA) separated according to particle size and raw cement powder were investigated. ASTM Class C fly ash containing a high content of CaO produced from a fluidized bed-type boiler and normal portland cement were used as raw materials. This type of FA is used to carbonate mortar under supercritical conditions for CO2 fixation because it cannot be recycled and simply reclaimed because the high CaO content may adversely affect environmental friendliness as a result of its volume expansibility. Specimens of various particle sizes of FA and cement (the particles were separated in steps that varied from as received to less than 45 µm in 4 steps), were prepared with distilled water, aged for 3, 7, and 28 days, and subsequently, carbonated in a supercritical CO2 atmosphere at 80 kgf/cm2 pressure and at 40 o C for 60 min. As a result, an improvement in the mechanical properties of the specimens was expected because CaCO3 was produced in the specimens, which fills the cracks, leading to an enhancement in the mechanical strength. However, because the vacant sites were filled with the reaction products, the average particle size plays an important role in the final compressive strength of the specimen that was carbonated under the supercritical condition. This study investigates the relationship between the average particle size and the mechanical strength after carbonation.

      • SCISCIE

        Temperature-Tracking Sensing Scheme With Adaptive Precharge and Noise Compensation Scheme in PRAM

        Junyoung Ko,Jisu Kim,Youngdon Choi,Park, H. K.,Seong-Ook Jung IEEE 2015 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regul Vol.62 No.8

        <P>Phase-change random access memory (PRAM) is considered to be one of the most promising storage class memory candidates. In this paper, several circuit techniques are introduced to satisfy the target yield and sensing time requirements of an 8-Gb PRAM. First, we propose a temperature-tracking reference current generator to compensate for the variation in data current caused by the change in the resistance of phase-change materials. Second, an adaptive precharge scheme to solve the problem of large parasitic resistances and capacitances of a global bitline is proposed. Finally, we introduce noise compensation schemes to reduce coupling noise. The verification of the proposed circuit techniques is performed by HSPICE simulation using the 0.25- μm model parameters used in peripheral circuit of Samsung's 20 nm PRAM technology. The sensing scheme using temperature tracking reference current generator achieves 9.32σ ( ~ 100%) of read access pass yield in 8-Gb PRAM and 99 ns of the sensing time is achieved using the adaptive precharge scheme and noise compensation schemes.</P>

      • KCI등재

        The Value of MicroRNAs as an Indicator of the Severity and the Acute Phase of Spinal Cord Injury

        Junyoung Park,Dongsoo Yi,Jiyoon Jang,Jiseon Hong 대한재활의학회 2019 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine Vol.43 No.3

        Objective To assess the role of miRNA-21 and miRNA-223 in a balloon-compression model of spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods A total of 50 male Wistar rats (n=50) were divided into the three groups: the group A (n=15, insertion of the unflated Fogarty balloon catheter), the group B (n=15, insertion of the Fogarty balloon catheter at a volume of 20 μL) and the group C (n=15, insertion of the Fogarty balloon catheter at a volume of 50 μL). After the behavioral test, RNA isolation, microRNA expression profiling using microarrays and quantitative polymerase chain reaction, measurements were compared between the three groups. Results Despite a lack of significant differences in time-dependent changes in miRNA-21 expression levels between the three groups at 4 hours, there were significant differences in them at 1, 3, and 7 days (p<0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences in time-dependent changes in miRNA-223 expression levels between the three groups at 4 hours and 1, 3, and 7 days (p<0.05). Furthermore, miRNA-223 expression levels reached the highest at 1 day but were decreased with time thereafter in all the three groups. Conclusion Expression levels of miRNA-21 and miRNA-223 might be associated with the severity and acute phase of SCI, respectively. It is mandatory, however, to analyze changes in levels of inflammatory markers and the relevant biological pathways.

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