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      • KCI등재

        비대면 원격방식의 장애인 부모지원 국외연구 동향

        박인선 ( Park¸ Insun ),정소영 ( Jung¸ Soyoung ),박지연 ( Park¸ Jiyeon ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2021 교육문화연구 Vol.27 No.4

        비대면 원격방식의 장애인 부모지원 관련 연구는 지리적으로 집합교육이 쉽지 않은 국외에서 주로 이루어졌으나 최근 감염병 세계적 유행(pandemic)으로 인하여 국내에서도 비대면 원격방식으로 부모지원을 해야 할 필요성이 커지게 되었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 최근 10년간 비대면 원격방식으로 장애인의 부모지원을 실시한 국외연구를 분석하여 국내에서도 그 필요성이 증가하고 있는 비대면 원격방식의 장애인 부모지원 방향을 도출하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 2012년부터 발표된 국외 학술지 논문 중 비대면 원격방식의 장애인 부모지원 실행을 보고한 24편을 선정하여 참여자, 연구 설계, 전달방식, 부모지원 내용, 코칭 사용 등의 변인에 따라 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 연구 참여자 자녀의 장애 유형 면에서는 자폐성장애인이, 연령 면에서는 영유아와 초등학생이 가장 많았으며, 연구방법 면에서는 집단설계가 단일대상연구보다 많았다. 부모지원의 내용 면에서는 자녀의 행동에 관한 주제가 가장 많았고, 일상생활과 부모의 정서 관련 주제도 다루어졌다. 원격지원의 동시성 면에서는 비동시적, 동시적, 혼합형식의 다양한 시도를 찾을 수 있었으며, 분석대상 논문의 반 정도가 코칭을 제공한 것으로 나타났다. 부모지원의 성과는 자녀의 문제행동, 사회·정서적 변화, 부모의 지식과 기술 향상으로 범주화되었고 비용 절감 효과를 측정한 연구도 있었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 결과를 바탕으로 국내에서도 증가하게 될 비대면 원격방식의 장애인 부모지원에 대한 향후 연구 방향을 논의하였다. Studies of non-face-to-face remote support for parents of individuals with disabilities have mainly been conducted abroad, where group education is not feasible because of geographical conditions, but the need to support parents in a non-face-to-face remote manner has increased in Korea due to the recent pandemic. The purpose of this study is to analyze research conducted in countries outside Korea regarding non-face-to-face remote support for parents of individuals with disabilities in order to identify future directions for non-face-to-face remote parent support in Korea. Twenty-four studies published from 2012 to the present were selected and analyzed in terms of participants, research design, delivery methods, contents of the support, and details of coaching. It was shown that parents of children with ASD and parents of children under 12 years old were the main participants of the studies. Regarding research design, group studies outnumbered single-case studies. The main contents of support were challenging behavior, children’s daily living skills, and parents’ emotion. Delivery methods included concurrent, non-concurrent, and their combination, and half of the studies included coaching. The outcomes of the studies were categorized under children’s challenging behavior and social-emotional change, parents’ knowledge and skills, and cost reduction effects. Finally, future directions of research on non-face-to-face remote support for parents of individuals with disabilities in Korea are discussed based on the results of the study.

      • KCI우수등재

        1915년 리오 프랭크(Leo Frank) 사건에 나타난 성 정치학

        김인선 ( Kim¸ In-sun ) 한국서양사학회 2020 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.147

        본 연구는 미국 조지아 주 역사상 가장 악명을 떨친 리오 프랭크 사건을 통해 백인 우월주의 이면에 작동하는 성 정치학을 고찰한다. 리오 프랭크 사건은 유대인 사업가 리오 프랭크가 13세 소녀 메리 패건을 살해한 혐의로 유죄판결 받은 후, ‘메리 패건 기사단’에 의해 감옥에서 탈취되어 린치당한 사건이다. 당시 ‘미국판 드레퓌스’ 사건으로 불리며 전국적인 관심을 모았던 이 일은 통상 북부 출신 유대인 자본가를 향한 남부 백인의 계급적, 인종적 분노가 표출된 대표적인 반유대주의 사건으로 설명되었다. 하지만 본 연구는 이 사건을 인종적, 계급적 관점이 아니라 성폭행과 성도착이라는 섹슈얼리티 차원에서 분석하고자 한다. 프랭크 판결을 둘러싼 20세기 초 미국 남부와 북부의 온도차, 백인여성 메리 패건의 순교 신화, 유대인 기업가의 성도착에 대한 혐오가 탐구 항목이다. 본 사건은 제2차 Ku Klux Klan 기사단의 부활을 알리며 남부 신인종주의 탄생의 서막을 열었다는 점에서 의미가 크다. Within the legal annals of Georgia, the Leo Frank case remains one of the most notorious and highly-publicized cases to have ever shed light on cases dealing with discrimination and sexual assault. Leo Frank, a Jewish man living in Atlanta, was placed on trial and convicted of raping and murdering a thirteen-year-old girl, Mary Phagan, who was a worker for the National Pencil Company, which he was managing at the time. After commuting Frank’s death sentence to life imprisonment, a group of men from the town, while calling themselves ‘the Knights of Mary Phagan,’ removed Frank from prison and hanged him. This case (which became well-known as the American Dreyfus Affair) quickly became widely-known and captured the entire nation's attention. Most scholars have focused on the issue of anti-Semitism within Frank's conviction and subsequent lynching, with fewer scholars looking at the politics of sexuality and perversion within the case. This paper analyzes the discourse of sexual assault and perversion surrounding the Leo Frank case by comparing the North and South's different actions, which then eventually led to the simultaneous mythification of Mary Phagan and the martyrdom of Leo Frank, who was ultimately portrayed as ‘the Jewish sexual pervert.’ Additionally, this paper offers the argument that the Leo Frank Lynching and subsequent events eventually led to the rise of the second Ku Klux Klan, whose members spread from the South into the Midwest during the 1920s. (Pusan National University / skrosa@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        미국 흑인 페미니스트 아이다 비 웰스 (1862-1931)의 린치반대운동과 전략

        김인선 ( Kim¸ In-sun ) 대구사학회 2020 대구사학 Vol.140 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 미국 린치반대운동의 선구자 아이다 비 웰스(Ida B.Wells)의 생애와 활동을 소개하는 것이다. 본고는 그의 린치 관련 저작 중 대표작 『남부의 공포Southern Horrors』(1892)와 『붉은 기록Red Record』(1895)을 중심으로 어떤 시대, 어떤 환경에서, 어떤 전략으로 웰스가 린치와의 전쟁을 수행했는지 고찰할 것이다. 우선 웰스가 린치반대운동에 평생을 바치게 된 배경을 살펴보고 핵심 주장 및 전략을 두 저작을 통해 검토할 것이다. 다음으로 린치가 단순한 인종문제가 아니라 젠더, 섹슈얼리티와 연관된 복합적 사안임을 꿰뚫은 직관적 통찰을 조망할 것이다. 린치와의 전쟁에서 웰스가 제시한 빼어난 전략과 대담한 제안을 살펴보는 것은 시대를 앞서간 활동가로서 그의 진면목을 드러낼 것이다. 미국 흑인운동 지도자 웰스를 소개하는 이 글이 역사서술에서 그간 주목받지 못한 여성의 역할을 복원하는데 보탬이 되길 소망한다. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the life and activism of Ida B. Wells, a pioneer of the Anti-lynching campaign in the United States. She dedicated to stopping the lynching of African Americans by publishing research on lynching in Southern Horrors(1892) and Red Record(1895); she counted, investigated, and reported lynchings in American history as no one had done before. This paper analyzes her work to take a closer look at how she conducted the crusade against lynching. First, it explores the reason why Wells began investigating lynching using investigative journalist techniques. Second, it examines her suggestions and strategies for the anti-lynching war. Her insight that lynching should be understood as a complex issue related to gender and sexuality as well as race was ahead of her time. Though Wells was largely forgotten until 1970, she is now recognized as the first journalist and activist to challenge the common beliefs about racism and lynching. She also has to be celebrated as one of the first black leaders to fight for the civil rights. (Institute of General Education, Pusan National University, Lecturer / skrosa@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        A study on the general characteristics of women regarding makeup and the cosmetics purchasing behavior according to age

        Insun Han(Insun Han) 대한미용의학회 2023 대한미용의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Background: As interest in the appearance of modern women is increasing, the influence of makeup and the demand for cosmetics, a way to express beauty to one’s fullest, is growing. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the general characteristics and tendencies of women regarding makeup and cosmetics purchasing behavior according to age. Objective: This study aims to identify general characteristics and preferences of consumers in terms of makeup and provide basic data on the general characteristics of women’s age and purchasing behavior of cosmetics. Methods: This study collected data through a survey of 219 women living in Busan and analyzed data using SPSS WIN 21.0. Results: According to statistical analysis of the data, factors including interest in makeup, everyday makeup, the purpose of makeup, the most concerned area, information on makeup technique, professional training experience, and cleaning products had a positive (+) effect in terms of women’s general characteristics and tendencies for makeup, while shopping trend, shopping location, the reason for selection, considerations for purchasing, used brands, improvements for domestic products had a positive (+) effect in terms of cosmetics purchasing behavior. Conclusion: Based on the high significance of women’s characteristics and tendencies regarding makeup and purchasing behavior according to age, the prospects for the development of various cosmetics and the increase of consumers’ positive purchase intentions are promising.

      • Hydraulic permeability and specific storage measurements of tight rock types

        Insun Song,Yuna Lee 대한지질학회 2021 대한지질학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        A sudden change in pore pressure will take place when CO₂ is injected into a reservoir geologic formation. Excess pore pressure may make CO₂ geological storage vulnerable to leakage and failure. The prediction of spatial-temporal distribution of pore pressure around an injection well is essential for the safe operation of CO₂ geological storage. The pore-fluid pressure change in a porous rock formation is governed by the diffusion equation. The central parameter of the equation is the diffusivity (or diffusion coefficient) that is made up of the hydraulic permeability and specific storage of rock, and dynamic viscosity of fluid. The permeability is dominant in a steady state condition of fluid flow that is shortly reached in highly porous reservoir formation, but the specific storage becomes significantly valued in tight cap rock in which the transient flow does not disappear for a long time. We measured the hydraulic parameters of a shale sample, a potential cap rock, with different methods. The permeability measured by Darcy’s method has been regarded as a reference value worldwide. However, it does not provide the specific storage. We used two other methods, a constant rate flow injection and a transient pore pressure method, to obtain simultaneously both the permeability and specific storage of the sample. For both methods, downstream reservoir was minimized enough to be ignored. This boundary condition leads to a short transient condition. For the upstream, a fluid (water) is injected with a constant pumping rate into a cylindrical sample for the constant rate flow injection method, and with a sudden increase in upstream pressure followed by a constant pressure for transient pore pressure method. The permeability from the two different methods ranges from 10<SUP>-17</SUP> m² down to 10<SUP>-19</SUP> m² with increasing effective confining stress that was consistent with the values from Darcy’s method. The values of the specific storage with (1 - 7) × 10<SUP>-10</SUP> Pa<SUP>-1</SUP> were reasonable in comparison with the water compressibility and the rock porosity. Both permeability and specific storage of the shale was raised with decreasing effective confining stress. However, the diffusion coefficient increases with effective stress. This means that the sealing capacity is not unfavorable to CO₂ storage when the pore pressure is raised by CO₂ injection.

      • KCI등재

        특수 미적 체험 활동이 어린이들의 창의성에 미치는 영향

        Insun KUK 한국조형교육학회 2014 造形敎育 Vol.0 No.50

        본 연구는 특수 미적 체험 활동을 바탕으로 한 미술, 문학 및 음악 과목을 융합한 통합 수업을 활용함으로써 초등학교 어린이들의 창의성 개발이라는 교육 의 가치를 고찰하였다. 그것으로 특수 미적 체험을 통한 통합수업을 연구 기간 동안 실제로 전개하 였으며 아동들의 연구 전·후의 표현 결과, 비교 분석과 수업 전개 후 지도 한 결과 분석 및 인터뷰로 알아 본 아동들의 인식 변화를 통하여 연구를 검증하고 평가 하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 특수 미적 체험 활동을 통해 자신들이 그리는 환경이나 세계와 대화하고 그 표현을 통해 아동들의 사고는 확장 되어 가고 고정관념에 의한 편향 성에서도 많이 벗어나는 등 자기표현이 향상되어지고 미적 정보를 수집하고 탐색 하는 능동적 사고 활동으로 이어져 창의적인 표현 활동으로 전개되었다. 둘째, 특수 미적 체험 활동을 통한 실제감 속에서 이미지가 형성되면서 자신 만의 독창적인 표현을 바탕으로 개성적인 표현 및 생각과 느낌을 표현하게 함으로 써 창의적인 표현 능력이 신장 되었다. 셋째, 자기의 미적 체험을 그림으로 표현하면서 자기 내면의 표현은 물론 나 아가 심상의 세계와 창의적인 사고의 신장으로 집중력과 학습에 흥미를 얻어 다른 교과 능력 향상 및 학교생활 전반에 걸쳐 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 즉, 본 연구에서와 같이 학생들은 미술, 문학 및 음악 과목을 융합한 통합 수업 에 참여하며 특수 미적 체험 활동을 통한 표현, 감상 능력을 기르고, 심미적인 표현 의 기회를 늘리며, 생동감 넘치는 상상력 표현을 통해 창의성을 어떻게 발전시켜 나갈 것인가를 배웠으며, 이러한 즐거운 활동들은 아동들에게 확고한 자신감과 기 대감을 만들어 주었다. 그 결과, 특수 미적 체험 활동은 미술시간에만 활용되는 일반적인 범주를 뛰어넘어, 어린이들의 창의성 향상과 정서함양에 대한 의미 뿐 아니라 , 창의성 향상에 관한 연구의 내재적 가치와 그 가능성을 열어 줄 것이다. Recently, it seems that importance of creativity is more emphasized in general education. Under this circumstance, creativity is core theme in the field of arts education. There has been research in and even out of the field of arts education that involvement in the arts is associated with gains in cognitive ability, creative thinking. Therefore, developing effective art lessons with special aesthetic activities for children’s creativity has been an important role in arts education. In order to help children develop their creativity, we must think how teachers can design effective activities in art lessons. “Drawing with special aesthetic activities” is when the teacher provides a specific drawing lesson combining music and literature for the students so they can create their own ideas and therefore advance their creativity. Art education has been theorized as a way for children to develop their creative achievement. Yet, there has been little research conducted into arts education to deliver original strategic and creative thinking, and examined how the development of creativity through drawing with special aesthetic activities in arts class. The research tool was the Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing Production (TCT-DP) which was developed by Jellen and Urban. researcher selected a random sample to take this test from a local intermediate school. This study introduced 176 students teachers’ creative classroom research using special aesthetic activities and explained how this project was initiated, what was the process of the project and how special aesthetic activities help students develop their creativity. The result of this study shows that the special aesthetic activity is a way where this learning and creative functioning can take place in large part because it provides the space for students and teachers to negotiate what is important in arts education, and for them to pursue arts education in the way real children do: as an educational and creative m


        Improved Resource Allocation Scheme in LTE Femtocell Systems based on Fractional Frequency Reuse

        ( Insun Lee ),( Jaeho Hwang ),( Sungjeen Jang ),( Jaemoung Kim ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2012 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.6 No.9

        Femtocells provide high quality indoor communications with low transmit power. However, when femtocells are applied in cellular systems, a co-channel interference problem between macrocells and femtocells occurs because femtocells use the same spectrum as do the macrocells. To solve the co-channel interference problem, a previous study suggested a resource allocation scheme in LTE cellular systems using FFR. However, this conventional resource allocation scheme still has interference problems between macrocells and femtocells near the boundary of the sub-areas. In this paper, we define an optimization problem for resource allocation to femtocells and propose a femtocell resource allocation scheme to solve the optimization problem and the interference problems of the conventional scheme. The evaluation of the proposed scheme is conducted by System Level Simulation while varying the simulation environments. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is superior to the conventional scheme and that it improves the overall performance of cellular systems.


        A Proxy-Based Collaboration System to Minimize Content Download Time and Energy Consumption

        Insun Jang,Gwangwoo Park,Dongeun Suh,Sangheon Pack,Dan, Gyorgy IEEE Computer Society 2017 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING Vol.16 No.8

        <P>Mobile collaborative community (MCC) is an emerging technology that allows multiple mobile nodes (MNs) to perform a resource intensive task, such as large content download, in a cooperative manner. In this paper, we introduce a proxy-based collaboration system for the MCC where a content proxy (CProxy) determines the amount of chunks and the sharing order scheduled to each MN, and the received chunks are shared among MNs via Wi-Fi Direct. We formulate a multi-objective optimization problem to minimize both the collaborative content download time and the energy consumption in an MCC, and propose a heuristic algorithm for solving the optimization problem. Extensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the effects of the number of MNs, the wireless bandwidth, the content size, and dynamic channel conditions on the content download time and the energy consumption. Our results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve near-optimal performance and significantly reduce the content download time and has an energy consumption comparable to that of other algorithms.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Effect of the Women s Beauty Care Behavior on the Psychological Happiness after COVID-19

        Insun Kim,Jaebum Lee,Heejung We,Eunjoo Kim J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.6 No.3

        Purpose: This study was conducted to articulate and specify as to how the women s beauty care behavior after COVID-19 influences their psychological Happiness. Towards this end, the beauty care behavior was set as an independent variable, and beauty interest, information search, beauty behavior, and appearance satisfaction were derived as the sub-factors, psychological Happiness variables were set as dependent variables, environmen-tal control, personal growth, purpose of life, and positive interpersonal relationships were derived as the sub-factors. Method: As for the research participants, they were collected and analyzed from among 231 online partici-pants including freelancers, self-employed, workers, and students from related departments working in the beauty health industry in City S and Province G in Korea. For the analysis method, multiple regression analysis was per-formed to analyze the relationship between the participants beauty care behavior and psychological Happiness, and the enter method was used to make entries. Results: This study was conducted from this point of view to examine and understand how the women s beau-ty care behavior after COVID-19 will influence their psychological Happiness. Subsequent are the contents of the analytical results verifying the relationship of effect with the beauty care behavior variable, which has beauty interest, information search, beauty behavior, and appearance satisfaction as independent variables, and the psychological Happiness variable as dependent variables. Conclusion: In this study, it was evident that new changes have taken in the beauty care behavior and psycho-logical Happiness of the women participants after COVID-19, and in particular, it was confirmed that many changes have taken in the direct beauty behaviors. Based on the results of this study, a theoretical discussion of the beauty health was provided, and it is meaningful in that the information on the psychological health accord-ing to the beauty care behavior was provided.

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