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        정신지체 특수학교 전공과 및 전환교육의 운영실태와 개선방향

        조인수,도금숙,전보성 한국특수교육문제연구소 2001 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.2 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 정신지체 특수학교의 전공과 및 전환교육의 운영실태와 개선방향을 탐색하는데 주안점을 두었다. 전공과 및 전환교육의 운영실태는 16개 영역으로 조사하고 문제점과 개선방향은 10개 영역을 중심으로 세부적인 내용을 조사 분석하였다. 여기서 조사분석된 내용은 정신지체 직업 · 전환교육에 좋은 지침이 될 수 있을 것이며 타장애영역 학생들의 직업진로 및 전환교육에 실질적인 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The aims of this study are finding out the reality of the operation of the majored subjects and problems and finding out the improved methods about them. And 1 surveyed special teachers who are attending 17 special schools in Korea in which have the majored subjects about the reality of operating them and improved methods about them. First, about surveying the reality of operation, as to the majored subjects, they are mainly teaching students in the form of work training, guiding job, preparing job and daily Iiving skills through classes. The selection of majored subjects conceming jobs are made through school's direction and the cooperation among teachers, students and parents, and teaching jobs are now changed or will be changed because of the maladjustment to student' s aptitude, the assessment on their job aptitude is not being made now. There are many qualified teachers who have the certification in special school and they think that their roles as directors, guiders are important. The majoring students don’t have enough practicing places and factories. Even though they are received training about job in school, they get jobs unrelated with their received training. And they have verγ low employment as a whole. Though the transitional education program whose aims are selection in jobs, employment and enjoying jobs, it is started especially in the middle and high school courses. And it is thought that official and individualized education program is very important, also needed the cooperation among related authorities and it’s major program is used as the programs on job training. programs on job training. Next, as to the problems and improved methods, the problems about the majored subjects are the unrelatedness with job training and unreality and only one line of selection in job training. The problem about the transitional education program is the shortage in social skills, in the basement of job training and in carrγing out ability. The professional ability which is required in job guiding teacher is job training guide, many methods, the ability about assessing job aptitude, and testing their ability. The construction of the curriculum is not applying the guided curriculum rather than transforming the curriculum according to the atmosphere, and their school year should not be stuck to any one standard but be varied according to their ability and improvement. In the operation of majored subjects, it is necessarγ for them to provide real career education, the opportunity to receive various job training and the supported employments in which they can be included in their society actively.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        법조인 선발제도별 비용분석과 진입유인 분석

        천도정 ( Do Jeong Cheon ),황인태 ( In Tae Hwang ) 한국회계학회 2016 회계저널 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 기존 사법시험이 갖는 소위 ‘고시낭인’이 되어 역기능으로서 사회가 부담하고 있는 사회적비용을 감소시키고 법조인의 다양성과 전문적 지식을 법에 도입하기 위한 제도로서 법학전문대학원(law school; 로스쿨: 이하 ‘법전원’)이 갖는 장점에도불구하고 법전원의 고비용구조가 우리 국민 모두가 진입할 수 있는 법조영역에 대한 진입장벽이 되어 특정 소득계층이 진입하지 못하는 문제가 과연 존재할 수 있는지의 여부를 분석하고자 하는데 있다. 법전원이 출범했음에도 불구하고 지금까지 구체적인 분석이 이루어지지 않고 막연한 추측과 여론에 의하여 고비용구조이기 때문에 법조인이 되는데 진입장벽이 되고, 오히려 기존의 사법시험을 존치하여 문제를 해결하여야 한다는 주장이 많이 제기되고 있는 실정이다. 현재 국회에는 김용남 의원 등이 발의한 사시 존치 관련 법안 4건이 계류되어있다. 여기에 오신환 의원이 대표발의한 사시 존치 법안이 지난 6월 제출되어 법안소위 회부를 기다리고있는 상태다. 그러나 기존의 사법시험과 비교하여 얼마나 많은 비용차이가 발생하는지 구체적인 분석은 이루어진 적이 없다. 본 분석의 목적은 기존 사법시험제도와 법전원체제에 대한 가치판단의 문제에 대한 접근은 제외하고, 순수한 비용분석에 의하여 국민소득계층에서 법조계에 진입하지 못하는 소득계층이 존재하는지 여부를 비교분석하는데 있으며, 만일 존재한다면 어떠한 계층이 진입할가능성이 적은지를 분석하였다. 이러한 분석은 국민의 교육과 직업기회에 대한 형평성과 법조분야의 발전에 매우 중요한 의미를 갖는다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 비용분석은 법전원 출신의 변호사시험과 기존 사법시험과의 분석에서 측정 불가능한 요인은 배제하고, 측정 가능한 범위 내에서 비용의 총액과 차액분석을 통하여 비교하고, 법조인이 되기 위한 기회비용을 이용하여 비용의 차이를 비교 분석하여 소득계층의 진입가능여부의 판단기준을 제시한다는 것은 원가(비용)분석의 사례로서 큰 의미가 있다고 생각한다. The goal of this cost analysis is to explore and analyze, despite the advantages the new ``law school`` system, which reduces the social costs of the ‘entrance exam vagabond’ problem by solving this social issue the previous judicial bar entrance exam had, and allows the for the diversification of the pool of applicants and encourages professional knowledge in the law industry, if in fact there is a possibility that the cost structure of law school serving as an entrance barrier for certain socio-economic groups to apply to be a Judicial Officer is a problem that exists. Even though the law school system was established, there has not yet been a detailed analysis, and the reality is that through vague guesswork and media spin, the system is blamed as being of high cost and therefore the cause for being a high barrier of entry to certain socioeconomic classes to become a Judicial Officer, and that it also retains the problems of the previous judicial bar examination, so there are many opinions that these problems of the new law school system need to be solved. However, there has yet to have been a detailed cost comparison analysis to explore how much the cost difference is with the old judicial bar examination system. The goal of this analysis is in the case where the previous judicial bar examination has been abolished and the law school system goes into full effect, excluding the qualitative comparison of which selection process is more practical in turning out Judicial Officers, to evaluate from a strictly cost analysis point of view whether the law school system serves as a barrier of entry to any socioeconomic group. And if in fact this barrier exists, to analyze which socioeconomic group has the least chance of being able to enter. Such analysis can be seen as having significant meaning in supporting the fairness of Korea’s education system and job opportunity system and also the advancement of the Judicial Officer selection and law industry. Therefore, this study excludes any elements in the current law school entrance exam system and the previous judicial bar examination system that cannot be accurately quantified, and compares the two systems within the bounds of quantifiable ranges, such as the analysis of the total and differential costs, and also the opportunity cost of becoming a Judicial Officer. All these factors are used for comparative analysis, and to present an official set of criterion that can be used to predict the chance of a certain socioeconomic group being successfully selected as a Judicial Officer has significant meaning as a case study of cost analysis. If the law school system continues, a phenomenon in which the entry of individuals into legal circles is determined according to their economic income quantiles will set in. Therefore, various reviews on the lawyers training system should be performed. In relation to the costs of training lawyers, critics about the national judicial examination point out the seriousness of the problem of social opportunity costs due to numerous “unemployed individuals produced after failing in the examination” because the acceptance ratio remains at 3%. The costs borne by examinees who prepare for the existing national judicial examination are explicit costs that are borne by the examinees themselves. As they are willing to pay the costs, these costs can be viewed as avoidable costs. However, the costs borne by examinees for law schools are imputed costs under a system, and therefore, are more of unavoidable costs. Operating costs borne by universities to operate law schools, and scholarships and other costs borne by universities to meet the conditions required to operate law schools are indirect costs, and thus, these may be categorized as indirect opportunity costs borne by society. In addition, we should be aware that if the bar examination following the law school system continues to be operated for a long time, opportunity costs incurred by declines in the acceptance ratio should be borne. This study conducted an analysis that is limited to the analysis of costs that will actually be incurred or are projected to be incurred while excluding overall axiological judgements on the lawyers training system or discussions on the appropriateness of the system. Therefore, it should be noted that there can be a number of variations according to circumstantial changes. However, there was a limitation in the cost analysis. For example, the operating costs of law schools borne by universities and implicit social indirect costs were excluded from the analysis because it was actually impossible to obtain data on these costs or measure them.

      • 濟州道 菜蔬·花卉園藝의 生産實態, 育成方案 및 流通構造改善에 관한 硏究

        李宗錫,吳現道,蘇寅燮,張田益,姜志勇 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1986 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        濟州道의 施設을 理用한 菜蔬類와 球根切花類 및 洋蘭類의 재배실태를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같이 要約할 수 있다. 1. 作目이 토마토와 오이에 編重되어 있어 딸기等을 첨가하여 作目이 多樣化하여야 할 것으로 思料되었다. 2. 施設內의 土壤管理에 대한 認識이 不足하며, 均衡施肥가 施行되지 않고 있었고 土壤酸度도 矯正해야 할 농가가 많았다. 3. Mg이 缺乏된 施設이 대부분이므로 이의 是正이 時急한 課題였다. 4. 施設內 土壤에서 鹽類集積의 被害가 우려되는 곳은 거의 없었으나 裁培年限이 5年以上된 施設에서는 土壤改良이 이뤄저야 할 것으로 思料되었다. 5. 作付體係를 改善해서 年 2期作 體係가 確立되어야 겠으며 施設管利技術이 普及, 育苗技術의 改善 및 共同育苗를 施行해서 健全苗의 養成이 重要課題였다. 6. 濟州道內에서 産業的으로 栽培되고 있는 蘭類 中에서 熱帶産 Cymbidium類가 全體 洋蘭 栽培量의 67.8%로 가장 많았는데 그 中에서도 Eiko, sharnell-5, Kenny가 數的으로 많았다. 7. 溫帶産蘭(東洋蘭)類 中에서는 새우난초類가 數的으로 가장 많았고, 나도풍난, Dendrobrum moniliforme, Cymbidium 風蘭의 順位이었으며, 自生寒蘭은 대 40,396촉이 栽培되고 있었다. 8. 供試 5種의 球根類들은 virus 감염이 甚하여 全量이 virus 無病株로 대체되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다. 9. 서귀포지역의 土壤은 害蟲이 많이 分布하여 球根切花栽培에 큰 위협조건으로 나타났으며 앞으로 도양소독에 대하여 보다 집약적이고 효율적인 方法이 개발되어야 하겠다. 10. 한라산의 고냉지를 利用한 球根의 低溫處理 效果에 對하여 많은 적응시험이 요망되며 道當局은 고냉지의 개발과 利用에 적극적인 지원을 투여하여야 할 것이다. 11. 植栽되고 있는 5種의 球根類 모두 50% 以上이 外國수입에 의존하고 있으므로 國內의 組織培養技術을 利用한 virus 無病良質球根의 生産이 절실히 요망된다. Studies on various cultural practices of vegetable crops, and orchids have been conducted in Chejudo. Followings are the results of such studies. 1. Too much importance has been given to Tomato and Cucumber crops. An additional crop such as Strawberry should be included to broaden the studies. 2. In general, lack of informations on soil managements appear to be prevailing; scheduled fertilization, for instance, has not been performed and pH level must be adjusted on many farm lands. 3. Mg deficiency has been very much in common, therefore, is corection are matter of utmost importance. 4. Problems arising from salt accumulation were nearly unimportant, however, soil improvements through various cultural practices are recommended for those soils which have been continuous cropping for more than 5 years. 5. Planting system should be improved so as to establish 2-crops/year system. In addition, proper extention of various soil management techniques and improvement on nursing techiques are of inportant matters. Commonly sharing community nursing practices must be accompanied in order to provide healthy-seedlings. 6. Among commercially growing orchid species in Chejudo, the tropical Cymbidium species found to be the most widely grown, nearly 67.8% 'Kiko', 'Sharnell-5', 'Kenny' appear to be most in common. 7. Among oriental orchids, Calanthe spp are found to be most prevalent followed in the order of Aerides japonica, Dendrobium moniliforme, Cymbidiums, respectively. 8. The total number of the shoots of Cymbidium kanran being cultivated in Chejudo were found to be 40,396. 9. Virus infections appear to be universal in all 5 species of bulbs studied therefore, virus-free stocks must be essential. 10. Sogwipo-soil, in general, heavily infected by soil-born insects of various kinds are badly affecting bulb productions. More efficient methods of soilsanitations must be studied and introduced in the future. 11. The studies of low temperature treatment on bulb crops by utilizing the high altitude growing in the area of mountain Halla are in great need. An extensive assistance from the provincial government are very much in need in order for the development and utilization of the high-altitude cultivation. 12. More than 50% of the bulbs of the 5 species grown are being imported. Domestic production utilizing 'meristem culture' which enable the virus free stocks are in great demand.

      • 편두통 환자의 임상 양상 및 생체전기 자율반응과의 상관성 고찰

        이현종,정인태,김수영,이두익,김건식,이재동,이윤호,최도영 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2004 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2004 No.-

        Objective : We had a clinical report in headache but didn't in migraine. We have planned this study in order to get the basic data of migraine in oriental medicine. Methods : The patient of 36 in migraine checked sec, age, onset, family history, severity of pain, influences of life, induced cause, clinical pain characteristics, associated symptom, treatment style, and paescription, frequency, using period of analgesics by a questionnaire and differentiated syndromes in migraine and evaluated autonomic bioelectric response recorder(ABR-2000). Results : There are 23.4% in prevalence rate of migraine. The ratio of sex is M: F=1:17. The age of an attack is the highest in thirties. The patient are the most in forties. The mean duration of illness is 12.0±9.9 years. 83.4% had a family history. 61.1% had a moderate grade in severity of pain. 77.8% selected fatigue in induced cause of migraine. 69.4% had tingling sense, nausea and vomiting in the associated symptoms. 91.7% used analgesics for treatment and 51.5% of them used analgesics voluntarily. 61.9% of them take analgesics less than once in a week. 33.6% had the phlegm syncope headache in differentiation of syndrome. In ABR-2000 results, item of graph showed low tendency mostly. Conclusions : We expected that this re port of clinical progress, differentiation of syndromes and ABR-2000 results in migraine would be used basic data by oriental medicine to treat migraine.

      • 본교 대학원 발전방안에 관한 연구

        김종달,전도웅,전인철,조병권,박영규,오준석,나영일 龍仁大學校 1998 용인대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to suggest the developmental ideas for graduate school in Yougin University. For the methods of this study, the researches in administration of graduate students, personal researches in socialization of graduate school, and evaluation materials for graduate school were utilized. Additionally, the questionnaire survey about graduate students leas administered and analyzed and the ideas constructed from staff meeting for the development of graduate school were applied in preparing developmental plan. The results of this study are summarized as follow: 1. 1-2 years preparation - offers annual credits upto 30 - jop marketing upto 70% - advisor and student ratio 1 : 7 - professors' doctoral degree possession upto 90% - graduate school professors' research achievement upto 2 articles annually - research space per student upto 10m/2 3-4 years preparation - offers annual credits unto 33 - advisor and student ratio 1:4 - professors' doctoral degree possession upto 95% - graduate school professors' research achievement upto 2.5 articles annually 2. The educational goals of graduate school should be recognized among graduate students and the professionality of faculty members should be emphasized to teach graduate students in their relative major areas. The evaluation procedures for graduate class lecture and class administration in graduate school. 3. To reach unto lecture system, field study should be expanded and inter-credit system between Yongin universities and foreign university should be contracted. 4. Expanding of graduate school facilities should be cranked in to provine the optimal environment for the student education and schoolship should be widely offered to the students. 5. To promote the administrational development, the staff system should be changed from reverse hierarchy system to hierarchy system. Therfore, the number in lower administrational staffs should be larger than upper positions. And, the classification of authorities into department could be suggested for the efficacy of administration and management of graduate shool. 6. The specialization in each major should be emphasized. In the calc of graduate stool of physical education, the administration live should be unified in one body system. In the case of graduate school of business, one department of administration could be classified into management of sightseeing and tourism, management of distribution, tax accounting, then the specialty of the department can be forced. In the case of graduate school of art, the specialty can be forced by teaching highly performed skills and needed to switch from special graduate school to professional graduate school. The graduate school of health and school of environmental science are recommended to be built after all. Therefore, the connection between undergraduate and graduate curiculum can be established and open 2-3 more majors in the graduate school.

      • KCI등재

        입원진료비 상승요인 분석

        한혜경 ( Hye-kyung Han ),이필도 ( Pil-do Lee ),노인철 ( In-chul Noh ) 한국보건사회연구원 1990 保健社會硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        입원진료비의 상승은 높은 약제비 비중, 병원의 높은 수술률, 종합병원 이상의 검사비 등의 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며, 횡단면 다중회귀분석에 의한 입원진료비 결정요인은 입원일수, 전문의수, 의료장비수, 연령, 수술여부 등인 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 45세이상 연령층의 만성질환으로 인한 입원진료비가 더욱 증가할 것이라는 전망에 따라 약제비 및 검사비에 대한 대책, 의료자원의 효율적인 사용을 위한 병원기능의 전문화 등 입원진료비의 경제성을 도모하기 위한 다양한 대책이 요구된다. The rapid increase in medical care costs have become a growing problems since health insurance was introduced. In particular, medical care costs for in-patients have tended to rise at a faster pace than those for out-patients. For example, while the out-patient costs in 1989 increased 3.32 times over those in 1983, the hospital care costs increased 3.75 times during the same period. Furthermore, the scale of hospital care costs continued to rise from about 33 percent in 1983 to 36 percent of the total expenditure in 1989. The principal cause of these increase was related to a considerable rise in medical care costs for out-patients less than 14 years old. Recently, however, the ratio of in-patient costs has risen markedly due to a sharp increase in the costs related to cancer and to chronic diseases of the circulatory system for those over 45. Since this age group continues to increase, it is expected that this pattern will continue as a leading factor in the increase in medical care costs. The concern over rising costs and a search for ways to control these costs are now stimulating interest in the development of public policies. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to examine factors giving rise to the cost escalation of hospital medical care and also to provide insight into the policy implications for containment of these costs. The data used here was obtained from a survey of the monthly insurance bills (13,532 cases) presented to the National Federation of Medical Insurance in February 1990. This group represented the employees and dependents of private companies as well as self-employed people. The main results and their implications are as follows : 1. The important factors which have influenced the increase in the medical care costs for in-patients was revealed as a high medication ratio, more examinations, a longer stay, and a high frequency of surgical procedures in the hospitals. 2. The portion of medication and injection costs was found to be extremely high. Medications constituted 37 % of total hospital care costs in excess of 500,000 Won per case. These extraordinarily high expenditures are due to excessive consumption and high prices. One alternative to limit expenditures on drugs is to establish a list of essential drugs as chosen for cost-effectiveness (low price with equal efficacy). Thus drugs not on this list would not be cove-red by insurance. Also important is the control of pharmacists` mark-ups, drug prices, and advertising expenditures by pharmaceutical firms for sales promotion. 3. The ratio of examination costs was about 30% of the total medical care costs per in-patient case, which was observed to be correlated mainly with the length of stay and the number of examinations, and the quantity of medical equipment in hospitals, so that in recent years the problem of excessive examinations has emerged particularly in both tertiary and general hospitals. The tertiary hospitals are prohibited from offering out-patient care. A committal order written by a physician in a clinic is required for a patient to receive hospital medical care. Both because of the poor flow of information between primary physicians and hospital physicians, and because outside physicians do not have access to superior hospital equipment, hospitals repeat many diagnostic examinations already performed by physicians prior to hospitalization. In fact, such duplication adds to the length of stay and ultimately to medical care costs. In addition, excess investments in such high- tech equipment as CT Scanner, MRI, and heart transplant equipment tend to result in new cost increases, so specialized central examination facilities with high-tech equipment should be established at the district level, both to share inforamtion and their use and to avoid duplication or excessive use of medical procedures and diagnostic tests. 4. The portion of medical procedure and operation costs in hospitals was relatively higher than those in both general hospitals and tertiary hospitals, which appeared to be associated with the high frequency of surgical produres in hospitals. The costs of medications and examinations were, however, shown to be highest in general and tertiary hospitals. One interesting result indicates that there is a negative correlation between surgical procedure costs and examination costs, suggesting that more examinations might reduce the frequency of surgery. 5. To cope with the soaring medical care costs, less expensive service facilities as are used in the developed countries ought to be developed or introduced into the health care sector. For example, there are day care centers, geriatric day hospitals, hospice systems, ambulatory surgical centers, nursing home care and home health care, which can be substituted for expensive hospital services. In addition, surgery and hospital admission and discharge can be managed in a rational manner to curb long-term hospital stays. For example, admission and discharge adjudication committees, composed of doctors including physicians in charge, and nurses and other medical care personnel should be set up in each hospital to check the condition of in-patients periodically to decide on whether they can be discharged.

      • 삼척시 원덕읍 주민을 대상으로 한 류마티스 관절염 및 종양 진단

        문수인,이도영,강진석 남서울대학교 2012 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.1

        Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and cancer requires specific proteins as antigens and it has been developed by using a rapid detection kit and latex agglutination which identify circulating antibodies in the blood sera. In this study conducted by Namseoul University Health Medicine Care Service in October 2010, with the residents in Wondeok-eup, Samcheok city, Kangwon-do, the rapid diagnosis of the rheumatoid arthritis and cancer was performed by analyzing patients' blood sera. Rheumatoid arthritis and cancer were diagnosed in 3 and 1 patients, respectively in a total of twenty-six persons. In the rapid diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis using by latex agglutination, there were one positive case of C-reactive protein (CRP), one positive case of Rheumatoid factor (RF) and one positive case of both CRP and RF detected. In the rapid diagnosis of cancer, one positive case of prostate specific antigen (PSA) was observed. Key Words : Diagnosis, Kit, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cancer

      • 서울시 지하철 역사내 라돈의 농도분포

        황인조,한근혁,최형욱,김동술,김신도 경희대학교 환경연구소 2001 環境硏究 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The various existing situations like overpopulation, urbanization, industrialization, and heavy traffic volume in the Seoul metropolitan area have led to the air pollution problem, traffic problem, and increase in opportunities of residing underground place. So, recently in Korea, the residents using underground working place have been of great concerns on indoor air pollutants such as HCHO, radon, particulate matter, carbon monoxide. However, the studies on indoor air pollution have been not extensively conducted in Korea. Indoor radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, invisible, inert, and naturally occurring radioactive gas. And it has been known as one of the notorious carcinogens. The purpose of this study was to survey the concentration variations of radon in the subway stations located Seoul metropolitan area. Total of 216 subway stations were surveyed by the continuous radon monitors from Mar. 2001 to Jun. 2001. The study showed that average radon levels of concourses in each line were 1.51, 1.45, 1.51, 1.23, 1.28, 1.37, 1.12, 1.28 pCi/L and those of platforms in each line were 2.09, 1.43, 1.37, 1.67, 1.44, 1.54, 1.40, 1.22 pCi/L, respectively. The study results showed that the average radon concentrations were 1.19 pCi/L in outdoor, 1.34 pCi/L in concourse, and 1.52 pCi/L in platform, respectively.

      • 東醫寶鑑 風門의 中風에 쓰는 處方의 劑型 및 服藥 方法에 대한 考察

        金都煥,李寅 한국전통의학연구소 2001 한국전통의학지 Vol.11 No.1

        The use of herbs for medical benefit has played an important role in nearly every culture on earth. Herbal medicine was practiced by ancient cultures in Asia. Herbal drugs should be processed before using or making into various forms. We study on the formulae and administration of herbal drugs used for stroke in the Poong(風) section of DongYiBoGam(東醫實鑑) and the conclusion is said that;. Besides decoction of herbal drug, there are pill, powder, soft extract, powder to be taken after infused in warm boiled-water or liquor. The most commom way to take a medicine is a decoction boiled with the water(pills comes next, powder follows it), and bamboo juice or ginger juice was usually added when it needs. Pills are mostly taken with honey and being done with flour comes as the 2nd common way. In 11 cases, pills are wrapped by cinnabar or gold foil(sometimes both come together). Pills and powder are commonly taken with the warm water or herb(most of them are ginger juice or warm liquor). Warm liqour is the most common material taken with the powder but warm water or ginger juice is used, too. In chui-che(取체) method, powder is simply used. Their characteristics and administrations are shown in detail in Pharmacology of Traditional Korean Medical Formulae. It is neccessary to research and develope various administrations of drug in order to take the best effects on oriental(Koran traditional) medicine.

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