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      • KCI등재후보

        A New 5α,8α-Epidioxy Sterol from a Marine Sponge Psammocinia Species

        Hye Jin Park1,,Xuan Luo1,,Jongki Hong2,,Dong-kyoo Kim3,,Kwang Sik Im1, and,Jee H. Jung1* 한국생약학회 2005 Natural Product Sciences Vol.11 No.4

        An investigation of the MeOH soluble fractions of a marine sponge Psammocinia sp. (Order:Dictyoceratida) led to the isolation of a new epidioxy sterol (1) and four known sterols (2-5). Their planarstructures were defined by analyses of the spectroscopic data. The 27-nor-24-methylcholestan type side chain withan epidioxy nucleus (1) was unprecedented. Compounds 1-5 were isolated from a sponge Psammocinia sp. for the first time.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        갑상샘의 미만성 경화아형 유두상암의 1예 보고: 초음파와 컴퓨터 단층촬영 영상

        김흥철,남궁숙,홍명선,황임경,김한준<SUP>1<.SUP>,최영희<SUP>2<.SUP>,Heung Cheol Kim,M.D.,Sook Namkung,M.D.,Myong Son Hong,M.D.,Im Kyung Hwang,M.D.,Han Joon Kim,M.D.<SUP>1<.SUP> and Young Hee Choi,M.D.<SUP>2<.SUP> 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2008 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.8 No.1

        We report here on a case of diffuse sclerosing papillary carcinoma (DSPC), which is a subtype of papillary carcinoma of thyroid, in a 27-year-old female. The ultrasound images showed diffuse enlargement of the thyroid lobes and this was associated with underlying diffuse scattered microcalcifications and a heterogeneous hypoechoic background parenchyma that was without any masses. The CT image showeddiffuse scattered dot-like hyperdensities with bilateral multiple metastastic lymph nodes. Because making the cytological diagnosis of DSPC is still challenging, the radiological findings that show this disease's characteristic features may be important clues for making the correct diagnosis. <B>(Ko</B><B></B><B>rean J Endocrine Surg 2008;8:43-47)</B>

      • KCI등재후보

        Smartphone, promising battlefield for hackers

        Bo Li1,Eul Gyu Im 보안공학연구지원센터(JSE) 2011 보안공학연구논문지 Vol.8 No.1

        As smartphnoe becomes popular and the processing power is catching up with PC, although it brings much convenience to people’s daily life from fast access to latest information to efficient financial activities, more potential security threatens needs to be solved. As the mobile operation systems in different devices become common like Symbian and Windows Mobile, it is more possible for fast virus propagation and large scale damage soon. There have been several attacks targeting smartphone till now and it is a trend that hackers may move the battlefield from PCs to smartphones because of promising profit and smartphones’ limitations for antivirus work. This paper will present several security issues, predict possible attack forms and give some defense suggestions for smartphone security protection.

      • KCI등재

        Erosive Effect of Salad Dressing on Flowable Composite Resin Surfaces

        Na-Hyun Kwon,Im-Hee Jung (공동1),Ye-Jin Kim,Jin-Yeong Lee,Na-Sun Jung,Hyun-Woong Jeong,Do-Seon Lim 한국치위생과학회 2023 치위생과학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of salad dressings on the flowable composite resin surface and the erosion-inhibitory effect of calcium.Methods: The experiment included six groups: oriental dressing, balsamic dressing, lemon-garlic dressing, lemon-garlic dressing supplemented with 3% calcium, mineral water as a negative control group, and orange juice as a positive control group. pH and titratable acidity were measured. The prepared specimens were immersed in the experimental solutions for 1, 3, 5, 15, and 30 minutes. The surface microhardness was measured using the Vickers hardness number before and after the treatment, and the surface of the specimens was observed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results: The pH values of the experimental groups in increasing order were as follows: lemon-garlic dressing (2.49±0.03), balsamic dressing (3.12±0.06), lemon-garlic dressing +3% calcium (3.27±0.09), oriental dressing (3.75±0.03), orange juice (3.82±0.02), and mineral water (7.32±0.16). The largest surface hardness reduction value was shown in lemon-garlic dressing (−9.61±1.16), followed by balsamic dressing (−9.17±1.63), oriental dressing (−8.62±1.09), orange juice (−8.19±1.36), lemon-garlic dressing +3% calcium (−6.76±1.23), and mineral water (−1.63±2.47). According to the SEM findings, the experimental and positive control groups showed rough surfaces and micropores, whereas the negative control group showed a smooth surface. Moreover, the lemon-garlic dressing with +3% calcium showed fewer micropores and a smoother surface than the lemon-garlic dressing. Conclusion: The intake of salad dressings at a low pH could weaken the surface microhardness of the flowable composite resin. However, adding calcium to these salad dressings can reduce the risk of microhardness reduction on the flowable composite resin surface.

      • KCI등재

        문화콘텐츠를 통한 비극적 지역사의 다크 투어리즘 활용 전략- 프랑스 방데를 중심으로 -

        1저자 송희영(Song Hee young),공동저자 배은석(Bae Eun Sok),교신저자 임동욱(Im Dong uk) 한국예술경영학회 2015 예술경영연구 Vol.0 No.34

        방데전쟁(1793∼1796)은 지방 경제상황을 악화시킨 혁명정부의 폭정에 대항한 프랑스 서부 농민들의 반혁명운동으로부터 촉발되어, 중앙정부군에 의한 방데 농민군과 양민집단학살로 이어진 비극적 사건이다. 프랑스 대혁명이후 방데지방은 반동이라는 낙인이 찍힌 채 소외되어 왔고, 제1·2차 세계대전 당시에는 국가(프랑스)를 위해 싸웠음에도 불구하고 온전한 평가를 받지 못했다. 한편, 방데 지역민들은 방데전쟁으로부터 겪은 비극적 경험을 의식화, 보존화, 영속화 과정을 거친 집단기억으로 집결시켜 이를 후세에 전달하는 지역정체성을 보유하게 되었다. 오늘날의 방데는 전쟁기억이 남아있는 유적지를 보존하거나 비극성이 짙은 추모행사를 개최하는 일 외에, 뮤지엄·역사체험관·공연물·테마파크 등 비극성이 옅은 문화콘텐츠를 적극 제작, 보급함으로써 프랑스를 대표하는 문화상품 생산지로 국내외의 지대한 관심을 받고 있다. 또한 국가의 공식 역사에서 잊히고 왜곡된 방데 지역사가 재조명을 받는 변화를 이끌어 냈다. 이러한 변화의 중심에는 방데 지역민들이 비극과 연관된 장소 방문을 유도하는 다크 투어리즘을 활성화하되, 예술성과 오락성을 용인하는 탈신성화 원칙으로 스펙트럼의 폭을 넓힌 콘텐츠 전략이 자리하고 있다. 방데 지역은 비극적 참상과 거리가 먼 요소들을 내세움으로써 타 지역의 공감과 후속세대의 관심을 이끌어내는 구심력을 발휘하는 다크 투어리즘 전략을 통해 지역정체성의 핵심에 대한 역사적 평가의 전기를 마련하였다는 점에서 주목할 만하다. Since the French Revolution, the regional states were faced with financial difficulties as a result of the actions taken by the Revolutionary government. In the region of Vendée, a group revolted against the tyranny and started what is known as the War in Vendée (1793∼1796). The entire peasant army was perished while the old and the weak were slaughtered. Residents of the area have commemorated, restored and persisted this tragic memory into a mass memory and transferred it to the next generation to create a united regional identity. However they were branded as rebels of history and were never properly recognized for their participation in the international warfare including the First and the Second World War to protect France. Most recently, the region is once again receiving limelight helped not only by the commemorative events and preservation of the historic sites that highlight the tragedy, but also by an active production of cultural contents including museums, experience centers, performances and theme parks that reveal the tragedy less intensively. Today, Vendée is known as a region that produces notable French cultural commodities. It was made possible by expanding the spectrum through the desacralization principle, where the dark tourism seeking the tragedies and locations related to those tragedies was promoted while its quality as art and entertainment was deemed acceptable. It is a noticeable case that has changed the historic assessment of the region’s identity by focusing on the strategy to obtain sympathy of other regions and interest of the next generations.

      • KCI우수등재

        최신판례분석 : 매도인의 하자 있는 매매목적물의 수리의무위반과 손해배상책임 - 대법원 2016. 6. 10. 선고 2013다13832 판결 -

        임건면1 ( Im Geon-myeon ) 법조협회 2016 法曹 Vol.65 No.8

        매매목적물에 하자가 있는 경우에 매도인이 담보책임을 부담하는 것과는 별도로, 당사자는 하자 수리에 대한 합의를 할 수 있다. 매매계약 당사자 사이에 “매도인이 차량결함으로 인한 수리시 해당 부품의 대금과 공임을 제외한 간접비용, 즉 렌터카 비용이나 운휴손실 등의 비용은 보상하지 않는다”는 면책에 관한 합의가 있는 본 사건에서, 대상판결(대법원 2016. 06. 10. 선고 2013다13832 판결)은 매도인이 하자 있는 목적물(자동차)의 통상적인 수리기간을 넘는 장기간 동안 수리를 마치지 않고 차량의 인도를 지연한 것은 면책약관에 따른 수리의무를 제대로 이행하지 않은 위법한 채무불이행이며, 매수인은 수리기간 동안 자동차를 사용하지 못함으로써 입게 된 사용이익의 상실로 대차료 상당의 손해배상뿐만 아니라, 수리지연에 따른 교환가치의 감소로 인한 손해배상을 청구할 수 있다는 취지의 판결을 내리고 있다. 일반적으로 기간의 경과에 따른 교환가치의 감소(감가상각)에 대해서는 소유자인매수인이 이를 감수하게 된다. 그러나 대상판결은 하자 있는 목적물의 수리기간이 매도인의 책임 있는 사유로 부당하게 지연되어 교환가치가 감소된 경우에는 매도인이 감가상각에 대한 책임을 부담해야 하는 것으로 보고 있는 것 같다. 뿐만 아니라, 대상판결은 시세하락손해와 동력장치의 부식 등을 원인으로 한 성능저하로 인한 손해를 인정하고 있다. 이에 의하면 매도인은 수리차량이라는 이유로 발생하는 교환가치의 하락, 즉 시세하락손해뿐만 아니라, 수리지연으로 인하여 자동차를 장시간 운행하지 못함으로 인하여 생기는 자동차의 성능저하로 인한 교환가치의 감소에 대한 책임도 부담하게 된다. Bei einer immer großer werdenden Zahl von Mangeln(oder Verkehrsunfallen) des Wagens wird das Problem aktuell, inwieweit Mietwagenkosten als Schaden geltend gemacht werden konnen. Es stellt sich immer dann, wenn der mangelhafte (oder unfallgeschadigte) Wagen bis zur Beendigung der Reparatur ausfallt oder bei einem Totlaschaden die Ersatzbeschaffung eines anderen Wagens nicht sofort erfolgen kann. Gerade die Haufigkeit dieser Falle laßt es besonders unbefriedigend erscheinen, dass die maßgeblichen Rechtsatze insgesamt noch nicht abgeklart sind. Sobald der Kaufer infolge des Mangels vom angekauften Wagen nicht benutzen kann, kann er uber die zur Beseitigung des Mangels erforderliche Reparaturkosten die Mietwagenkosten verlangen. In welchen Umfange von der ausgefallenen Nutzungsmoglichkeit des eigenen Kraftsfahrzeuges tatsachlich Gebrauch gemacht worden ware, ist grundsatzlich ohne Bedeutung. Soweit die Voraussetzungen vorliegen, unter denen der Geschadigte einen Mietwagen beanspruchen kann, steht ihm der Anspruch auf Ersatz der Mietwagenkosten ohne Rucksicht auf die tatsachliche Anmietung eines Kraftfahrzeuges zu und zwar in voller Hohe. Der merkanteile Minderwert stellt einen unmittelbaren Sachschaden dar, weil auch nach voller Reparatur eines Wagens die Gefahr einer latenten Funktionsbeeintrachtigung und einer großer Schadensanfalligkeit oder Mangel der Reparatur verbleibt. Der Schaden entsteht unabhangig davon, ob der Kaufer(oder der Geschadigte) den Wagen weiter nutzt oder verkauft. In dem Urtei vom 10. 6. 2016. hat der Koreanische Hochste Gerichtshof (2016. 6. 10. 2013da13882) dem mangelhaften Wagen angekauften Kaufer den Schadensersatz fur Nutzungsausfall, merkanteile Wertminderung und die infolge schuldhaft uberdehnenderer als normaler Reparaturzeit geringere Wertherabsetzung zugesprochen. Daruber hinaus hat er dem Anklager den Schadensersatz fur Funktions- beeintrachgung des wahrend der Reparur nicht angetriebenen Wagens zugebilligt. Dem ist grundsatzlich zu folgen.

      • KCI등재후보

        갑상선 결절에서의 에스트로겐과 프로게스테론 수용체 발현

        나유미,임지수<SUP>1<,SUP>,손장신<SUP>2<,SUP>,최인석,최원준,윤대성,Yumi Ra,M,D,Jisu Im,M,S,<SUP>1<,SUP>,Jangsihn Sohn,M,D,Ph,D,<SUP>2<,SUP>,Inseok Choi,M,D,Ph,D,Wonjun Choi,M,D,Ph,D,and Daesung Yoon,M,D,Ph,D 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2009 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: Thyroid cancer is the most common malignancy affecting the endocrine glands. The incidence of his malady has conspicuously increased during the recent years. Thyroid diseases affect women approximately 3 times more often than men, and this incidence decreases after menopause. This gender difference has suggested that the female sex steroids stimulate the growth of the thyroid, the same as for the breast. In the present study, we investigated the expressions of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) in thyroid lesions. Methods: The tissues from 193 human thyroid glands (136 thyroid cancers and 57 adenomatous hyperplasias) were used for the present immunohistochemical assessment of the ER and PR expressions. Results: The incidences of the estrogen and progesterone receptor positive cases were 19.7 and 41.5%, respectively. The incidence of the progesterone receptor positive cases was higher for females (46.5%) than for males (19.4%) however, the expression of estrogen receptor was not different significantly between the females and males. Higher expressions of estrogen and progesterone receptors were detected in the thyroid cancers than in the adenomatous hyperplasias. The PR expression seemed to correlate with the tumor size: a higher PR expression was found in the T3 cancers than in the T2 cancers. Conclusion: Our findings provide new insight that the ER and PR expressions may be related to the pathogenesis and progression of thyroid cancer. (Korean J Endocrine Surg 2009;9:14-18)

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