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      • Citizenship and youth in post-communist Poland: The role of communication in political socialization

        Horowitz, Edward M The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Since the fall of communism in 1989 Poland has undergone a difficult transformation to democracy that has led to political and socio-economic upheaval. These unique post-communist conditions have created a natural laboratory to examine the processes by which adolescents and young adults are developing the political attitudes, knowledge, and behavior that will enable them to fully participate in democratic society. Along with a legacy of over 40 years of communism and the variability of the current societal conditions, there have been concerns that young people in Poland may not develop into politically active citizens. A survey of 1480 Polish adolescents (mean age of 17) finds evidence that political socialization is successfully occurring on most criteria. Polish adolescents are found to be politically efficacious, knowledgeable about the political world around them, and indicated a strong likelihood that they would vote in an election. Regression and path analyses indicate that mass media, particularly newspaper and television news, and interpersonal communication play a critical role in political socialization. In addition, parents have a strong influence on their child's political socialization directly and indirectly through patterns of family communication. These results indicate that political socialization in Poland should not be characterized as a simple transmission model whereby attitudes are directly passed from parent to child. Instead there is a complex path that adolescents take toward political socialization in which parents, school, and the media act both independently and interdependently. This supports recent research that conceptualizes political socialization as a dynamic process involving multiple institutions within society.

      • Monumentality and social transformation at Late Bronze I Phlamoudhi-Vounari, Cyprus

        Horowitz, Mara T Columbia University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This thesis examines the concepts of cultural, economic, and political regionalism and the diverse paths to the inception of political inequality in the Cypriot Bronze Age by re-examining the site of Phlamoudhi- Vounari with a specific focus on its use and function within the context of the Late Cypriot I period (LCI: c.1650-1450 BC). The LCI was a period of dynamic growth and development throughout Cyprus, yet it remains understudied due to a dearth of excavated and published sites. With its small size (<1ha), isolated location, and monumental architecture, Vounari has been variously identified as a rural sanctuary or isolated fort since its excavation (1970-1973). However, this comprehensive restudy has revealed that the site was a man-made monument used for exchange, storage, and food consumption, which are interpreted here as ceremonially mediated economic and political activities acted out on a monumental public space. The site was a forum for multiple types of exchange, both reciprocal and unequal, and is thus a vital component in identifying and understanding the first appearance of economic and political inequality on Cyprus. This project examines not only the site of Vounari but also its immediate and regional surroundings, and a clearer picture of the social and economic systems of the LCI is now emerging. It is now possible to synthesize this information in an argument for a system of local pre-chiefdoms and wider regional social networks on Cyprus at this time. The site of Vounari also reveals the lack of evidence for a system of state-level control in the LCI. The impetus for the site's construction appears to have been entirely the initiative of a local community, which featured kinship lineages as the cornerstone of social organization. Vounari was later embellished and fitted with multiple layers of restricted access by the emergence of competitive local elites. This process preceded the emergence of true chiefdoms on Cyprus.

      • Law, order and finance: The development of statecraft in the reign of Henry VII

        Horowitz, Mark R The University of Chicago 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        While most historians have focused either on the actions of Henry VII or those of his ministers and government administration, there has been little discussion on the means by which he attained a greater control over law, order and crown finances: through written bonds in the form of sealed obligations or enrolled recognizances. When they are broached it is usually within the context of persecuting people, and at the higher levels of society. In fact, for centuries people of all ilks used obligations for every day commerce, credit, payment and the maintenance of order. What Henry did involved using these instruments of law and finance to implement a pervasive bond policy administered by his knowledgeable working councilors, and ultimately led by the king himself to achieve his two main objectives to establish a viable dynasty: law and order, and financial solvency. Moreover, this was not accomplished on a whim or through purposeful 'planning' that foretold future developments of the nation state. Rather it came about through individuals familiar with household finance---including the greatest household in England, the duchy of Lancaster---and the ubiquitous use of obligations by all walks of life. These ministers taught the first Tudor that he could establish both peace and prosperity through the intensification of a bond policy. The present work shows the evolution of this policy; a study of one key minister involved in its execution; its often abusive nature as seen through the eyes of one of its victims; the king's actions toward reining in the shires and municipalities through conciliar commissions and royal intervention in local interests; and the policy's continuation by his son, Henry VIII. The results were a stable and solvent monarchy that had 'moved the realm' closer to the center and away from the medieval machinations of local magnate dominance. That Henry VII could accomplish this was a testament to his understanding of the laws and customs of the country he ruled, and a willingness to learn and then lead a policy that succeeded without upheaval because it was part of the fabric of English life.

      • Connectivity in the mouse olfactory system

        Horowitz, Lisa Fay Harvard University 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The mammalian olfactory system consists of the main olfactory system that discriminates between thousands of volatile odorants, and the accessory olfactory system that mediates behavioral and hormonal changes in response to pheromones. This thesis describes various approaches to analyze neuronal connectivity in the olfactory system. The first chapter involves the development of a genetic transneuronal tracer methodology which may later be applied to analyzing the organization of sensory information derived from a given odorant receptor in the olfactory cortex. Transgenic mice were generated in which a plant lectin, barley lectin, is expressed in neurons of the olfactory epithelium and vomeronasal organ using an olfactory specific promoter. We showed that the lectin protein is transferred transneuronally, anterogradely to neurons of the olfactory bulb and their axons in the olfactory cortex, and probably retrogradely to neurons that innervate the olfactory bulb. We found that during development, lectin transneuronal transfer occurs prenatally in the main olfactory system, but only postnatally in the accessory olfactory system. In ongoing experiments, we are using gene targeting in embryonic stem cells to obtain mice in which the lectin is coexpressed with a single odorant receptor gene. The second chapter describes experiments looking for differences in the projection from the dorsal versus ventral olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex. Previous studies by others have indicated that sensory information in the olfactory epithelium and in the olfactory bulb is segregated along the dorsal-ventral axis. Using two different colored fluorescent dyes in the dorsal and ventral olfactory bulb, we saw some segregation of fibers in the connections of the olfactory bulb to restricted areas of olfactory cortex. The last chapter presents experiments that ask how the odorant receptor genes themselves may affect the targeting of olfactory sensory neuron axons to specific locations in the olfactory bulb. We are generating mice in which the coding region of one odorant receptor gene has been exchanged with that of another. Preliminary results suggest that the alteration of an odorant receptor gene affects axon targeting, and also suggest that a critical number of sensory neuron axons may be required to form a distinct glomerulus.

      • Women and universal salvation: Promise, practice and everyday life in the Shakers, Universalists, and Universal Society of Friends, 1770--1820

        Horowitz, Leslie Ann Cornell University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation explores the impact of changing religious ideas on women's lives in the eighteenth-century. The belief that God's grace was offered freely to all people provided men and women with a new found confidence and belief in their own capabilities. The resulting emphasis on individual potential transformed the way people related to themselves, their families and the world around them. The Shakers, the Universalists, and the Universal Society of Friends were three religious sects established in America in the 1770's. The theological basis of all three sects, the acceptance of universal salvation and the primacy of the individual's relationship to God, had important ramifications in the lives of Anglo-American women. In addition, each religious group had a female leader providing converts with a religious option that moved women from the margin to the center of worship and practice. The following pages explore the way converts to these sects began to re-evaluate themselves as individuals as a result of their new found acceptance of universal salvation. For women, however, the new confidence and optimism they had in themselves only empowered them within the confines of their newly created communities. Once women attempted to exercise their individualism in the larger society they found their efforts thwarted. As a result women had to develop alternative arenas for action. The legacy of women like Judith Sergeant Murray, Mother Ann Lee, and Jemima Wilkinson can thus be found in women's organizations of the nineteenth-century.

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