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      • DV再加害防止施策に関する日本の状況 - 日本の加害者更生、再犯防止の観点から

        宮園久栄 ( Miyazono¸ Hisae ) 아세아여성법학회 2020 아세아여성법학 Vol.23 No.-

        日本におけるDV施策は、2001年DV防止法が成立して以来、3度の改正を経て、一見すると、充実してきているように思われる。しかし、DVの実態をみると、DVについての警察、DVセンターへの相談件数、DV事案に関する検挙件数とも、年々更新し続けている。それは、DVへの関心の高まりの現れということもできるかもしれない。しかし、DVの検挙件数が増え続けている原因の一つに、検挙されても、事案が軽微なために不起訴になるケースが多く、DV加害者に対して何も働きかけが行われず、社会に放置されている現状がある。こうした状況を受け、内閣府もこれまでの逃げる支援から、地域社会内における加害者対応と連動させた包括的被害者支援体制作りについて具体的に検討することがのぞましいと明言している。 そこで、今回の報告では、再犯防止推進法における入り口支援も視野に入れつつ、地域社会におけるDVの再犯防止の在り方について検討を行っていく。 DV measures in Japan have undergone three amendments since the enactment of the DV Prevention Law in 2001, and at first glance, they seem to be improving. However, looking at the actual situation of domestic violence, the number of consultations with the police and the DV center regarding domestic violence, and the number of cases cleared regarding domestic violence cases are all being updated year by year. It could be a manifestation of growing interest in domestic violence. However, one of the reasons why the number of domestic violence arrests continues to increase is that even if they are arrested, there are many cases in which they are not prosecuted because the cases are minor, and no action is taken against the DV perpetrators. There is a current situation where it is left unattended. In response to this situation, the Cabinet Office has stated that it is desirable to concretely consider creating a comprehensive victim support system linked to the response to perpetrators in the local community, instead of the support to escape. Therefore, in this report, we will consider how DV should prevent recidivism in the local community, while also considering entrance support under the Act for the Prevention of Recidivism.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Allergic Effects of the Subcritical Water Extract Powder of Citrus unshiu in Mouse and Guinea Pig Models

        Hisae Oku,Fumika Kitagawa,Yoshihisa Kato,Tomoya Miyashita,Masaomi Hara,Toshitaka Minetoki,Shizuo Yamada 한국식품영양과학회 2021 Journal of medicinal food Vol.24 No.5

        We evaluated the effects of unripe mandarin orange (Citrus unshiu) extract powder (unripe mandarin extract powder [UMEP]) treated with subcritical water on allergic diseases by using animal models. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed that subcritical water is a more effective solvent than alcohol and hot water, as it quickly extracted approximately 90% of the functional compounds narirutin (1) and hesperidin (2) from whole fruits. Repeated oral administration of UMEP significantly reversed the peripheral blood flow decline observed during the promotion of allergies after sensitization with the antigen, hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL). UMEP also significantly inhibited compound 48/80-induced scratching behavior in HEL-sensitized mice, which are more sensitive to itching stimuli than are normal mice, without suppressing locomotor activity. In addition, repeated oral administration of UMEP in ovalbumin-challenged guinea pigs significantly suppressed the late phase of nasal airway resistance. This study provides evidence that the subcritical water extract powder of unripe C. unshiu fruit is an effective anti-allergic functional food.

      • KCI등재

        A Review of Aging and the Lower Urinary Tract: The Future of Urology

        Hisae Nishii 대한배뇨장애요실금학회 2021 International Neurourology Journal Vol.25 No.4

        Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common among elderly people, with significant effects on individuals, caregivers, and the wider health care system. As the elderly population with multiple comorbidities is increasing, the burden of LUTS will increase. This review describes the demographic trends in the aging society, changes in lower urinary tract function with aging, and deterioration of physical and cognitive function in aging, as well as what has been done regarding geriatric urology and what urologists should do to meet the health care needs of the aging population. Frailty and dementia are unmissable factors in the evaluation of elderly patients. Numerous reports have described associations between LUTS and frailty and between LUTS and dementia. Urologists must be aware of the multiplex physical, cognitive, and social characteristics of elderly people. Maintaining a geriatric viewpoint in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of elderly individuals with LUTS will fulfill the unmet needs of elderly people. It is also essential to discuss the treatment and management goals of LUTS with patients and caregivers. Active case identification, appropriate evaluations of LUTS and comorbidities, and a multidisciplinary approach with other health-care professionals are recommended for better treatment and management.

      • 曰本における女性犯罪の実態とその課題

        미야조노히사에 ( Miyazono Hisae ) 아세아여성법학회 2022 아세아여성법학 Vol.25 No.-

        여성의 의한 범죄는 이제까지 그다지 주목되지 않았다. 여성에 의한 범죄는 그 수도 적고, 사회적 위협도 비교적 낮다고 여겨졌기 때문인지 모른다. 통상 범죄라는 현상은 대부분 남성이 저지르고, 그렇기에 전적으로 「남성적 영역」이라고 여겨온 현실을 부인할 수 없다. 『2021년판 범죄백서』에서 경찰단계 검거인원은 남성 형법범이 143, 652명인 데 비하여 여성 형법범은 38, 930명으로, 여성비(남녀총수 중 여성이 차지하는 비율)가 21.3% 로 나타났다. 더구나 같은 책 4-7-1-1 그림의 여성 형법범 검거인원ㆍ여성비 추이를 참고할 때 검거인원에서 여성의 비율이 1958년 7%로 나타난 이래 1970년대 이후 거의 20% 전후의 추이를 보인다. 그러나 범죄형상의 분석에서, 전제로서 「범죄에 대한 서술을 오직 남성 중심」으로 해왔다는 사실은 부인할 수 없지만, 이를 곧바로 소수인 여성범죄자의 존재를 무시하거나 남성과 똑같이 취급해도 좋다는 의미는 아니다. 남성이 범한 범죄가 다수인 것이 남성범죄의 특징인 것과 같이, 여성이 범한 범죄가 소수인 것은 여성범죄의 특징이다. 그 특징에 맞추어 대응해서 취급하거나 처우해야 한다. 이와 같은 관점에 따라 본고에서는 먼저 일본 여성범죄의 현황을 범죄통계에 근거해 분석하여 특징을 명확히 밝힌다. 특히 여성 입소 수형자의 고연령 비율 증가와 여성 입소 수형자의 죄명별 구성비 중, 절도와 각성제관리법 위반이 80%를 넘는 점에 착안한다(2021년판 범죄 백서). 더구나 이런 특징의 배경에 정신장애 진단을 받은 수가 남성에 비해 많다는 점(교정통계백서), 절도 여성 입소 수형자 가운데 섭식장애를 가진 인원이 일정 수치로 존재한다는 점, 각성제관리법 위반 여성 입소 수형자 가운데 가족이 행사한 성피해자, 가정폭력 피해자가 존재한다는 점(법무총합연수소 연구부 보고 62)이 명백해졌고, 이로부터 여성범죄자가 범죄를 저지르는 하나의 요인으로 취약성(vulnerability)이 있음을 지적할 수 있다. 위와 같이 여성범죄자 다수가 다양한 어려움을 안고 있고 필요한 지원을 받을 수 없었다고 생각되므로, 마지막으로 2020년 성립한 「곤란한 문제를 가진 여성 지원에 관한 법률」을 고려한 대처 방안을 검토하고자 한다. According to the “white Paper on Crime 2021,’’ the number of arrests at the police stage was 143,652 for male criminal offenses, while 38,930 were for female criminal offenses, for a female-to-male ratio (the percentage of women out of the total number of men and women) of 21.3%. Furthermore, the ratio of female criminal offenders to total criminal arrests has remained at around 20% since the 1970s, after reaching 7% of all arrests in 1958. However, even if it cannot be helped that the crime phenomenon has been analyzed on the premise that “crime is exclusively male-centered, this does not mean that the existence of a small number of female offenders should be immediately ignored and treated in the same way as male offenders. Just as it is a characteristic of male crimes that there are many crimes committed by men, it is a characteristic of female crimes that there are few crimes committed by women, and they should be treated and dealt with according to their characteristics. Therefore, from the above perspective, this report first analyzes the current status of female crime in Japan based on crime statistics and clarifies its characteristics. In particular, we focus on the increase in the proportion of elderly female inmates and the fact that theft (shoplifting) and violations of the Methamphetamine Control Law account for more than 80% of the female inmates by crime category. Furthermore, the following facts were found to underlie these characteristics: more female inmates were diagnosed with mental disorders than male inmates; a certain number of female inmates who commit theft have eating disorders; and female inmates who commit violations of the Methamphetamine Control Law have been victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence by their families (see the following table). These facts point to vulnerability as one of the factors that may cause female offenders to commit crimes. Based on the above, we believe that many female offenders have various difficulties and have not been able to receive necessary support.

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