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      • 팔당호의 생태학적 수질환경의 변화와 미생물 분포

        허성남,민경희,유재근,최순영 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1999 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.10

        팔당호의 생태학적 환경요인의 계절적인 변화를 분석하므로서 이것으로 인한 식물성 플랑크톤의 연관성을 고찰과 함께 오염과정을 파악하여 수질오염의 예방의 기초자료를 얻고자 본 실험을 수행하였다. 1994년 4월부터 1995년 10월까지 계절별로 3개 지점에서 시료를 채취하여 표층부와 저층부의 수질을 분석하였다 용존산소(DO)와 pH는 각각 7.0-11.6 ㎎/ℓ와 6.9-8.9의 범위이었으며 COD와 BOD농도는 각각 1.6-4.8 ㎎/ℓ와 0.8-2.9 ㎎/ℓ이었으며,SS는 1.8-8.6 ㎎/ℓ의 농도차를 보여 주었다. 또한 NH₃-N와 PO₄-P의 농도는 각각 0.161-0.478 ㎎/ℓ와 0.003-0.073 ㎎/ℓ이었다. 표층의 chlorophyll a의 농도는 낮게는 북한강 유입부위인 12.3 ㎎/ℓ로부터 가장 높은 경안천 유입부위 23.8 ㎎/ℓ의 범위를 보여주고 있다. pH,전도도, COD, BOD, SS ,총인, chlorophyll a의 농도는 하계절에 가장 높았으며 이 결과로 미루어 보아 하계절에는 하천에 오염물질이 가장 많이 유입되는 것으로 추정된다. Station별로 조사한 결과 이들의 농도는 경안천 하류인 St. 3가 남한강 하류인 St. 2이나 댐지역의 St. 4보다 높은 결과를 보여 주었으므로 경안천 상류에서 오염원이 가장 많이 유입되는 것으로 추정된다. 아울러 종속영양세균의 분포도 경안천이 다른 지역보다 가장 높게 나타났다. Seasonal variation of water quality was examined in the reservoir, lake Paldang on Han River, the inlet stations from three rivers, North Han River, South Han liver, Kyung-An stream, and the station of dam area of the lake. Water samples were collected bimonthly from surface and bottom layers at four different stations of the lake Paldang from April 1993 to August 1994. With respect to the seasonal variation, pH, conductivity, and concentrations of COD, BOD, SS, total phosphorus, and chlorophyll a were higher in summer compared with those of autumn or other seasons, while concentrations of DO, NH₃-N, and PO₄-P were increased in winter. Concentrations of COD, BOD, chlorophyll a, total nitrogen and phosphorus were the highest at the station of Kyung-An stream rather than those of other three stations. The average concentrations of chlorophyll a surface water were from 12.3 ㎎/ℓ at North Han River to 23.8 ㎎/ℓ at Kyung-An stream. Heterotrophic bacterial distribution showed higher at the station of Kyung-An steam than those of South Han River and the dam station of the lake.

      • KCI등재

        천경자 회화에 나타난 상징의 내적표상 연구 ― ‘광주시기(1944-1954)’를 중심으로 ―

        김허경 ( Kim Heo-kyung ) 전남대학교 호남학연구원 2017 호남학 Vol.0 No.62

        광주·전남화단은 해방의 시기를 전후하여 일본 유학을 떠난 세대들이 광주와 목포에 정착하면서 회화의 표현방법에 있어 시대적 전환기를 맞게 된다. 이러한 변화의 흐름은 서양화뿐만 아니라 전통적으로 문기(文氣)와 시적 감흥을 중시하던 동양화에서도 포착된다. 천경자는 호남 남화의 회화적 형식과 보수성이 강한 전통 수묵화법이 대세를 이루고 있던 때에 현대 채색화의 새로운 가능성을 모색하였다. 본 논문은 천경자의 예술에서 근대적 과도기의 전통 속에 독자적 화법을 탐구하였던 ‘광주시기(1944~1954)’의 작품을 주목하였다. 연구의 범위인 ‘광주시기’는 해방전후와 한국전쟁의 격동기를 거치면서 작가의 직접적인 경험이 반영된 자전적인 이야기를 함축하고 있으며 이는 훗날 천경자 예술세계의 원천이자 근원적 배경이 되었기 때문이다. 이 시기에 나타난 상징적 이미지들은 작가 개인의 삶과 내적 경험을 투영한 매개체로서 독자적인 조형성을 보인다. 천경자의 작품에 반영된 내적 경험의 형상들을 분석하기 위해 작품 제작의 토대가 된 광주에서의 활동을 근거로 해방전후, 1950년대 화단의 상황과 작가의 예술형성과정을 고찰하였다. 또한 무의식의 자기원형과 상징의 의미를 알아보고 죽음에 관한 내적인 경험과 자기성찰의 과정에서 표출된 초기의 작품들을 살펴보았다. 천경자는 전통적인 동양화의 패러다임으로부터 탈피하고자 실험적인 표현을 시도했으며 이는 자전적인 요소를 반영한 소재들로 상징화되었다. 천경자는 내면의 감정을 극복하고자 무의식에 내재된 자기원형을 기반으로 내적 표상을 표출함으로써 독창적인 화풍을 구현하였다. 광주에서의 활동을 근거로 천경자 예술의 근원을 고찰한 것은 작가의 정신과 작품에 내재된 특성을 규명하기 위한 방법론으로 예술작품이 상징화된 내적표상의 이미지로서 자기치유의 원동력이 되었음을 확인케 한다. As those returning from Japan after studying started to settle down in Gwangju and Mokpo around Korea’s independence in 1945, the art scene of Jeollanamdo and Gwangju entered a turning point, especially in terms of the modes of expression. Such changes could be found not only in Western paintings but also in Oriental paintings that traditionally emphasized the spirit of writings and poetic inspiration. While dominant were ink wash painting techniques that pursued the form and conservatism of Honam namhwa painting, Chun Kyung-ja explored the potential of modern color paintings. This thesis focuses on the works from Chun’s ‘Gwangju period(1944~1954)’ during which she demonstrated her distinct painting techniques as a female artist in the midst of the modern transition. This ‘Gwangju period’ that the thesis examines connotes the autobiographical narrative consisting the artist’s torment of destiny as well as her direct experience throughout Korea’s independence and the Korean War. Most of all, it underpins Chun’s oeuvres both as the root and backdrop. Thus the symbolic images that appear in this period are media with unique formativeness reflecting the personal life and internal experiences of the artist. How can we interpret the implications of the symbols and images of internal representation? The thesis investigates the art scene and formation of Chun’s works focusing on the 1950s during her practice in Gwangju and studies the symbolic features to analyze the representation of Chun’s internal experiences presented in her works. Also, it looks into the works that show symbols of internal experiences and self-reflection about the unconscious self archetype, namely death. Chun experimented expressions to break out from the traditional paradigm of Oriental painting, which were symbolized in themes that reflect autobiographical components. Chun can be categorized as a symbolism artist as she produced her own artistic language based on her autobiographical stories to overcome her inner emotions. Exploring the fundamental basis of Chun’s art based on her practice in Gwangju helped define the intrinsic features of the artist’s mind and works and upholds the role of art work as a symbol system and motive of self-treatment.

      • KCI등재

        골프장 경기보조원의 근골격계 자각증상과 관련 요인

        허경화,한영선,정혜선,구정완 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목적: 직업관련성 근골격계질환과 관련된 여러 가지 위험요인에 노출되어 있는 경기보조원의 작업내용과 관련하여 근골격계 증상 유발 양상을 파악하고, 근골격계 증상 관련 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 방법: 경기도 지역에 있는 6개 정규 골프장을 대상으로 경기보조원 316명에 대하여 2003년 4월 9일부터 4월 30일까지 3주간 설문지를 배부한 후 자기 기입 식으로 작성하게 하여 수거함으로써 자각증상 조사를 실시하였으며, 설문지는 미국 산업안전보건연구원이 사용하는 표준화된 설문지(NIOSH, 1993)의 국내 번역판(노상철 등, 1997)을 이용하였다. 결과: 조사대상 경기보조원의 신체 부위별 근골격계 자각증상 호소율은 다리/무릎/발목/발이 41.8%로 가장 높은 증상 호소율을 보였으며 어깨 35.8%, 등/허리 35.8%, 목 28.8%, 팔/손목/손가락 28.5% 순 이었다. 성수기의 1일 근무시간이 팔/손목/손가락 부위를 제외한 나머지 부위에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 경기보조원의 업무특성과 관련하여 골프장의 경사와 굴곡의 정도, 내장객의 폭언 및 폭행, 업무의 속도를 조절할 수 없음, 일의 육체적 부담의 강도, 고용의 불안정성, 직장을 잃을 가능성 등이 근골격계 자각증상과 유의한 연관성을 보였다. 직무스트레스 특성에서는 정신적 직무요구도가 높은 반면, 낮은 직무 재량도를 보여 근무긴장도가 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시한 결과 목 부위, 어깨 부위, 등/허리 부위 및 다리/무릎/발목/발 부위의 근골결계 증상에는 성수기 12시간 이상의 근무시간이, 팔/손목/손가락 부위의 증상에는 낮은 직무 재량도에서 유의한 영향을 미치는 요인으로 관찰되었다(P<0.05). 결론: 경기보조원의 근골격계 증상은 과중한 업무시간과 높은 직무요구도에 비해 낮은 직무재량도를 보이는 고긴장 직무 등에 의해 호소율이 높게 나타남을 알 수 있다. 근골격계 질환의 호소 요인에 대한 구체적인 대안의 마련과 더불어 정부기관에서 주도적으로 검토하여 경기보조원들이 속해있는 골프장 운영업체가 근골격계질환의 예방을 위한 조치와 경기보조원의 건강과 관련한 안전보건교육 등을 시행할 수 있도록 하는 방안이 마련되어야 할 것으로 본다. Objectives: This study evaluated the complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms and investigated the related factors of musculoskeletal symptoms in the caddies. Methods: For 316 caddies working at 6 regular golf courses, we used the self-recording questionnaires to examine general characteristics, job stress factors, subjective musculoskeletal symptoms designed by NIOSH, working environments, and working contents. Results: The complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms according to the musculoskeletal criteria of NIOSH were 41.8% in leg/knee/ankle/foot, 35/8% in the upper back/lower back, 28.8% in the neck, and 28.5% in the arm/wrist/fingers. Important factors affecting musculoskeletal symptoms were daily working hours during the high-demand seasons in all anatomical sites except the arm/wrist/fingers. Other related factors were degrees of winding and inclined in the golf courses, violent language and violence of customers, inability to regulate the velocity and work load control, heavy physical burden, instability of employment, and possibility of unemployment according to the specialty of caddies. As a results of multivariate logistic regression analysis, musculoskeletal symptoms of the neck, shoulders, back/lower back and leg/knee/ankle/foot were significantly influenced by working time over 12 hours in the high-demand season, and symptoms of the arm/wrist/fingers by low decision latitude (P<0.05). Conclusions: The complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms in the caddies were affected by working time over 12 hours and low decision latitude against excessively high psychological job demand.

      • 스마트폰에 접속 가능한 소형 혈당 모듈

        김경아, 이인광, 허아롱, 김경옥, 차은종 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2014 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.24 No.1

        연구목적: 스마트폰에 접속하여 혈당을 측정할 수 있는 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하여 그 유용성을 실험 적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 혈액이 전극에 주입되어 생성되는 전류가 전압의 형태로 변환되어 혈당값으로 변환되는 전기화학적 측정 원리를 적용하여 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하였다. 혈당 모듈의 최소한의 측정 혈액 양은 0.5 μL이며, 5초 이내로 측정이 가능하도록 설계 및 제작하였다. 스마트폰과의 통신은 frequencyshift keying(FSK) 모뎀 방식을 적용하였다. 혈당 모듈의 정확도 실험을 위해 시판되는 혈당계와 인 공혈액으로 비교 실험을 수행하였다. 결과: 시판되는 제품과의 성능 비교 실험에서 시판 제품은 391 mg/dL를 나타내었으며, 소형 혈당 모 듈은 401 mg/dL를 나타내었다. 혈당 모듈의 크기는 50×30×7 mm로서 휴대의 편리성을 높였다. 결론: 스마트폰 기반의 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하였으며, 기존 제품과의 혈당 측정 상대오차가 약 2.6%로서 정확한 혈당 측정이 가능함을 실험적으로 검증하였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        측두하와에 발생한 악성 섬유성 조직구종

        허민석,이삼선,최순철,이경희 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 1999 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.29 No.2

        Malignant fibrous histiocytoma is one of the most common soft tissue sarcomas in late adult life, but its incidence in oral and maxillofacial region is extremely rare. We report a case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma which occurred in the infratemporal fossa. Conventional radiograph of this case showed an ill-defined radiolucent lesion in the alveolar bone of the right maxillary first molar area, the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, and the ascending ramus of mandible. MRI demonstrated a well defined mass of intermediate signal intensity in T1 weighted images but T2 weighted images showed two distinctive regions of different characteristics. Upper portion of the lesion was of hyperintense signal but (at) lower protion, the signal intensity decreased clearly, which might mean that this lesion(mass) is composed of two different subtypes though it couldn't be confirmed by histopathological examination. Biopsy was taken the lesion as only in the soft tissue of the maxillary posterior alveolar region and confirmed the storiform-pleomorphic type of malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Histopathological subtype was well consistent with the relatively aggressive imaging findings of that region. We expect more detailed analysis of the nature of malignant fibrous histiocytoma with improvement of the imaging modality and the identification of the relationship between diagnostic imaging and histopathologic findings.(J Korean Oral Maxillofac Radiol 1999;29:533-548)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        디지털공제방사선촬영술을 이용한 치근단 흡수의 평가

        허민석,이삼선,이경희,최항문,최순철,박태원 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2001 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.31 No.1

        Purpose : This study was performed to compare the diagnostic ability of conventional intraoral radiographs with that of digital subtraction image and to assess the quantifying ability of digital subtraction image for simulated apical root resorption Materials and Methods : Conventional intraoral radiographs and digital images of ten sound maxillary central incisors and those with simulated apical root resorption were taken with varying horizontal and vertical angulations of the x-ray beam. The diagnostic accuracy to detect the lesion was evaluated on conventional intraoral radiographs and digital subtraction images by ROC analysis. The amount of simulated apical root resorption was also estimated on the reconstruction images by Emago□ and compared with actual amount of tooth loss using paired t-test. Results : The diagnostic accuracy of conventional intraoral radiographs to detect the apical root resorption was low(ROC area = 0.6446), and the sensitivity and the specificity of digital subtraction images were 100%, respectively. The calculated amounts of apical root resorption showed no statistically significant difference with the actual amounts of the lesion (p 〉 0.05). Conclusion : Digital subtraction radiography is powerful tool to detect the small apical root resorption, and quantitative analysis of small amounts of the lesion can be evaluated by digital subtraction radiography.(Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2001;31:51-5)

      • 에스트로겐 투여가 난소절제로 유도된 백서의 골다공증에 미치는 효과에 관한 실험적 연구

        허균행,김경욱,이재훈 단국대학교 치의학연구소 1994 논문집 Vol.6 No.2

        Osteoporosis is a state of reduced bone mass per unit volume with a normal ratio of mineral to matrix. There were many methods for osteoporosis, and estrogen is one of them. In this study, 30 female rats were ovariectomized to make a state of estrogen deficiency and induce osteoporosis. After 13 weeks, 15 ovariectomized rats were injected 6 times with 60㎍/㎏ of estradiol by 1 week interval (experimental group). The remaining 15 ovariectomized rats were used as control group. According to the time schedule, both of them were sacrified and femur were harvested. Paraffin sections were stained with HematoxylinEosin staining and modified Gomori's Trichrome staining, and observed under light microscope. The results were as follows : 1. There were no significant bony changes between the experimental and control group of cancellous bone. 2. The density of cortical bone showed increasing with time in experimental group. 3. The resorption of cortical bone in experimental group was less than that of control group.

      • 鷄糞의 飼料利用性에 關한 硏究 : 乾燥鷄糞의 採卵鷄育成에 있어서의 經濟性 Economic returns of Dried poultry waste in brooding of Laying hens

        扈敬鎭,印致雄,한기영,許康七 안성산업대학교 1978 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        1. In order to decide a feasibility for partial substitution of dried poultry waste for complete formula feed and to decide an eligible levels for the substitution, growing trials were carried out under four treatments with three veplications in randomized block design, and the treatments were based upon the substitution rates such as 5%, 10%, 15% and check for two groups of chicks for Layer, namely, 7 to 12 weeks aged one and 13 to 20 weeks aged one. 2. While no significant differences were found in the increased body weight, feed consumption and egglaying rate among the treatments, partial substitution of the D. P. W, for complete formula feed seemed to be feasible, like as that of grain or grain bran, since no any interruptions were occurred in the way of the substitution. 3. The reason that the feeding efficiency of substitution of D. P. W. for complete formula feed to those of 13 to 20 weeks aged chicks, was shown far better than that of those of 7 to 12 weeks aged chicks, seemed to be attributable to the less nutrient deficlency derived from those substitutions. Therefore, such results might be reflected to those advantages for 13 to 20 weeks aged chicks over those of the other chicks. 4. While no significant differences were found in egg laying rate and egg weight among the treatments, 15% substitution plot showed a little over that of check plot, and this result might indicate that the egg laying may not be influenced by the substitution of feeding. 5. Refering to economic returns of substitution utilization of D. P. W for complete formula feed, while the advantages were shown top grade at 5% and in order of 10%, 15% of the substitution on 7 to 12 weeks aged chicks, advantages were also shown in order of 5%, 10%, 15% of the substitution on 13 to 20 weeks aged chicks. These results seemed to be feasible even in beyond of 15% of the substitution. 6. Since it was not able to find out the eligible levels of the substitution D. P. W. for complete formula feed for 13 to 20 weeks aged chicks in this study, the following studies shall be desirable in the future. (1) eligible substitution levels of D. P. W. for complete formula feed in those of 13 to 20 weeks aged chicks. (2) economic returns for Laying Hens through substitution D. P. W. for complete foumula feed in growing.

      • 모래의 입도분포가 모르터의 물성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김경원,김문희,김유진,안흥난,허태경,현철 경성대학교 공학기술연구소 2010 공학기술연구지 Vol.16 No.-

        Fineness Modulus is a term used as an index to the fineness of sand. It is well - known that the modulus distribution of sand plays an important role in achieving the desired properties of mortar. The maximum size of sand is also important parameter in mortar. These parameters affect workability, strength and unitweight of mortar. In tills study, different sand gradings were used to investigate effects of fineness moduli of sand for examination about the workability, strength and unit weight characteristics of cement mortar. Two kinds of sands with various size distribution and three kinds of fine aggregates with the similar particle size distribution (Sieve No.16~30, No.30~50, No.50~100) were used. Water-cement ratio (W/C) of mortar mix was kept constant for all the trial mixes with sand of different fineness modulus. Major findings of tills study are: (a) Fine sand with the similar size distribution reduces the workability and unit weight of cement mortar. (b) The compressive strength of mortar is not sensitive to sand grading variations. (c) The compressive strengths at the age of 28 days range from 32.1 to 54.1 MPa. (d) The sand with standard modulus distribution has better positive effects on the properties of the mortar.

      • KCI등재

        방사선치료와 화학요법을 받은 유방암 환자에서 발생한 발치 후 종창의 진단영상학적 감별 진단

        허경회,안병모,김미자,박관수,허민석 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2006 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.36 No.3

        A 60-year-old female, who complained of delayed healing and swelling after extraction of left lower second molar during chemotherapy, visited our department. She had a history of a resection surgery of breast cancer and postoperative radiotherapy. The conventional radiographs showed diffuse permeative bone destruction in posterior mandibular body, which gave the first radiologic impression of osteonecrosis associated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. And bone metastasis from the breast cancer was also considered in the differential diagnosis. On the enhanced computed tomography (ECT) the posterior mandibular body was occupied by a large expansile lesion showing central low attenuation with peripheral rim enhancement. Magnetic resonance images revealed that the low attenuated area on ECT did not show as high signal intensity as water on T2 weighted image and indicated solid component of a tumor. The final diagnosis was central squamous cell carcinoma. We present the diagnostic imaging features of the patient with special emphasis on the differential diagnosis.

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