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      • KCI등재

        모바일 쿠폰의 미소지로 인한 후회감이 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 후회해소과정을 중심으로

        옥정원,이종호,권희준 한국방송광고공사 2009 광고연구 Vol.0 No.83

        본 연구의 주요 목적은 크게 세가지 차원에서 언급될 수 있는데, 먼저 모바일 쿠폰의 미소지로 인한 후회감과 이러한 후회감에 영향을 주는 모바일 쿠폰의 특성이 무엇인지를 살펴보는데 있다. 둘째, 그러한 후회감의 해소과정이 어떻게 형성되는지 살펴보는 데 있으며, 마지막으로 이러한 후회감형성과 후회감 해소과정이 해당 소비자들의 구매후 행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보는데 있다. 본 연구의 결과, 모바일 쿠폰의 특성은 해당 쿠폰의 미소지로 인한 후회감과 어느정도의 영향관계가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌으며, 이러한 후회감은 이를 해소하기 위한 과정으로 이어짐이 나타났다. 특히, 정보탐색과 후회감 해소에 대한 기대의 경우 해당 고객의 만족과 재구매 또는 방문과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 선행연구와 달리 인지부조화에 바탕으로 둔 자기설득의 경우에는 모바일 쿠폰의 후회감 해소과정에 있어 상대적으로 중요하게 작용하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 모바일 쿠폰의 표적 선정에 있어 후회감 지각 및 이의 해소과정과 관련한 사용성향이 중요하게 고려될 수 있음을 반증하는 것으로 모바일 쿠폰을 통한 프로모션 전략을 수립시 차별화의 요소로 작요할 수 있다. The goal of this study is to examine that how the regret that consumers feel when they don't use mobile coupon affects consumers' behaviors after purchasing in connection with the common use of mobile coupon. Also, this study examines that the regret about unusing coupon, negative emotion regards as a mediator between satisfaction/dissatisfaction and post-purchase behaviors. Especially this study analyze three path model, to explain the effect of consumer regret on repeat and switching behavior. The results from the our research are following: First, propensity to use and recognized benefit of mobile coupon affect significantly regret by not using it. Second, regret by not using mobile coupon makes customers have regret solution. Third, regret solution by not using mobile coupon, information research effort and recovery expectancy increase customers satisfaction and intention of repurchase. Forth, in regret solution, self persuasion doesn't increase customer's satisfaction and intention of purchasing. Therefore, it is expected that efficiency and effectiveness of promotion program are improved by understanding consumers' needs as it is and by issuing mobile coupon that is suitable to targets. Also, it is driven marketing methods in promotions through mobile coupon system that is differentiated suitably will help to increase satisfaction, intention of using and re-visit.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 看護大學生들의 健康知覺과 健康統制位에 關한 相關關係硏究

        李鈺淑,鄭承姬 全北大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        This study was attempted to identify the relationship between Health Perception and Health Locus of Control among 155 nursing students at nursing college in 'C' city from Nov. 10 to Nov. 25, 1988. The results of this study will use to base health education planning. This investigation used Health Perception Questionnaire developed by Ware(1977) and Health Locus of Control Scale developed by K. A Wallston and B. S Wallston(1978). The collected data were analyzed using percent, mean, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation. The summerized results were as follows ; 1. Mean scores of the subjects on Health Perception were Health Outlook 3.76, Prior Health 3.58, Rejection of Sick Role 3. 18 Current Health 3.04, and Resistance-Susceptibility 2.76 (The highest score of each item ; 5.0). 2. There were significant relationship among the five variables of Health Perception except Health Concern. 3. Mean scores of the subjects on Health Locus of Control-Internal, Powerfull Others, Chance were 3.85, 2.88, 2.56 respectively(The highest score ; 5.0). 4. In the relationship among the variables of Health Locus of Control, There was a significant negative correlation between Internal Health Locus of Control and Chance Health Locus of Control(r = -02746, p<.000). There also was a significant correlation between Powerful Others Health Locus of Lontrol Control and Chance Health Locus of Control item(r=-.1350, p<007) 5. The Health Perception of subjects on Health Outlook tended to increase with Internal Health Locus of Control type(r = -.1350, p<.047). 6. As a general characteristics influencing Health Perception, Significant correlations were found between physical health status and the variable of Health Perception. And there also was a significant correlation between Health Mass Media and Internal Health Locus of Control. In conclusion, the subjects were found to have high scores on Health Perception and they were showed a significant positive correlation between Health Perception and Health Locus of Control type.

      • 중년 여성의 하반신 체형 분석에 관한 연구

        함옥상,심정희,박장숙 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 2002 科學論集 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analysis somatotype of middle-aged women's lower body, the actual numerical figures of subjects' body were analyzed Second, using some important factors of shaping the lower body, all the data were categorized into several distinctive types. The results of the study are as follows. 1. Seven factors were derived from analyzing the data gathered by actually measuring the subjects' body. Factor 1 is the length of lower half of the body, factor 2 is the thickness of waist and abdomen, factor 3 is the thickness of the calf and ankle, factor 4 is the thickness of hip and thigh, factor 5 is the thickness of knees, factor 6 is the length of hip and back depth, factor 7 is the width of hip and thigh. 2. On a basis of analyzing the above factors, all the subjects were classified into four distinctive types. Type 1 can be characterized as the shortest and the stoutest type, which has a heavy waist, prominent abdomen, large hip and thigh, while the calves and the ankles are thin. Type 2 is generally long and thin type whose length of hip and back depth is quite short while the thickness of things is the slimmest of all types. Type 3 is tall but the length of hip and back depth is the longest of all and the thickness of hop and thigh is also high. Type 4 is comparatively medium-length and medium-build, however, the length of hip and back depth is the shortest of all types, while the thickness of calf and ankle is the thickest of all. 4. Age distribution for each type is shown as follows: Type 1 is most liable in the age group of 50∼54, and then in 45∼49, 40∼44. Type 2 is most likely in the age group of 45∼49, and then in 50∼54, 40∼44. Type 3 is mostly found in the age group of 40∼44, and then 50∼54, 45∼49. Finally, type 4 is close to the age group 40∼44, and then 45∼49, but is far from the age group 50∼54. 4. These are the ranges of Ro¨hrer's Index according to the types. Type 1 is mostly shown in heavy-builders, and then medium-builders, which is hardly found in thin people. Type 2 is usually found in medium-builders, and then in this people. Type 3 is the same as type 2 Type 4 is also mostly found in medium-builders, and then in heavy-builders.

      • 20대 여성의 하반신 체형 분류 및 특성

        심정희,함옥상 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 1999 科學論集 Vol.25 No.-

        AbstractWomen in 20s' form the major consumer class in current clothing industry, but few studies have been performed on this so far. Because it is more difficult to establish a standard for the lower body than the upper body and the area under observation is near the private part.The purpose of this study was to suggest the basic data to design more functional and more adaptable clothes. Data were collected by anthropometry and photometry then analyzed by the characteristics of the each lower body. The following are the result; 1. Analyzing anthropometric data, 4 factors were extracted through factor analysis. Factor 1 influences the horizontal size, Factor 2 influences the vertical size, Factor 3 represents the length of hips and the length down the belly to the back waist, and Factor 4 represents the height of ankles. 2. As a result of analyzing and categorizing data measured directly, subject were classified into 3 groups. Group 1 consist of the slightly fat type with normal height, Group 2 the tall and slender type and Group 3 the short and slightly thin type. 3. Analyzing photometric data using photographs taken at the side view contour, 6 factors were extracted. Factor 1 represents the back thickness of the lower body from the standard line, Factor 2 the front thickness of the lower body from the standard line, Factor 3 the positions of knees, knees and thighs, and ankles, Factor 4 the position of thighs and ankles, Factor 5 the degree of projections of the belly and hips, and Factor 6 the degree of droop of hips and the shape of the lower belly. 4. As a result of analyzing and categorizing data measured indirectly, subject were classified into 3 groups. 1) Group 1 has the lowest thickness items of the 3 groups. In this group, the front tends to be thicker than the back, the belly is fat and the hips droop. 43.54%(64 women) of all belongs to this group. 2) The thickness items in Group 2 are the middle between Group 1 and Group 2. In this group, the back is thicker than the front, the belly and the hips are flat, and the flank of lower body is greatly slanted. 29.25%(45 women) belongs to this group. 3) Group 3 has the highest thickness items of the 3 groups and the front is thicker than the back just as in Group 1. This group shows the type with the projected belly and hips. 27.21%(40 qomen) belongs to Group 3.

      • 네크라인이 둥근형 얼굴에 미치는 시지각적 효과

        이옥희,김정숙 서원대학교 응용과학연구소 2001 응용과학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the visual effects of necklines in dress design. In this study, 3 types of necklines (round neckline, V neckline, square neckline) were selected and each type was divided into five levels based on the vertical and horizontal dimension. For experiments, undergraduate student model was selected. The model is of round face. Experimental designs were made as stimulus by a computer with an image processing system to produce quantitative data. These experimental designs were evaluated by assessment panels through slide projection of the designs. The panels evaluated the experimental design by 9 point rating scale. Flattering neckline-face effect and slim-long neck effect were selected as major effects. The evaluating panel was divided by two groups, one with major in clothing design and the other with non-major. All the data are analyzed by ANOVA and DUCAN test for multiple comparison. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1.The relationship between the neckline types and the face type was highly positive. 2.The most flattering(optimal) neckline designs were found through the experiments and the statistical analysis. The optimal pairs were found to be the deep, V shape neckline for the round face. 3.It was found that the deep, V shape neckline was most highly positive in the slim and long neck effect for round face. 4.The clothing design major group presented similar opinions to those of non-major group. However, the visual recognition ability of the major group was more normalized than the non-major group.

      • 도시와 농촌주부의 가사노동시간 비교

        채옥희,오희정 圓光大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        This paper attempts to examine how urban and rural homemaker spend their time on household affairs, whether there is some difference between the two according to the constituent family members and economic causesm nd how their consciouness of housekeeping affects the time. The findings are follows. 1.The average household time of an urban homemaker are seven hours and forth one minutes on weekdays, and eight hours and twenty nine minutes on holidays. In case of a rural homemaker, they are sever hours and twenty nine minutes on weekdays, and eight hours and thirty three minutes on holidays, which shows that the household time of a rural homemaker are closely connected with farm labor. 2.As the youngest child is at an age, the total household time of a homemaker are most affected and increased. The working time spent in cooking are affected according to the academic background and monthly income. Those spent on clothing are affected in the order of the youngest child's age, the number of family, and the academic background. When the house is a korea-style one, the working time on the house are most affected, and they are also affected by the homemaker age and the number of the childern, etc. The working time spent in taking care of the family and buying something are affected according to the youngest child's age, the number of the children, and the homemaker's age, etc. As mentioned above, the younger the youngest child is, the younger a homemaker is, the more a homemaker has a brilliant acedemic career, the higher the monthly income is, and the more the number of childern is, the more the household time of a homemaker are affected by the constituent family members and economic causes. 3.The homemaker's conciousness of the household time is almost similar to one another irrespective of the region. Almost all urban and rural homemakers think that making efficient use of time is necessary, but that it is very hard to put it into practice. The homemakers usually do the household chores all alone they consider them rewarding but hard.

      • KCI등재

        도시 청소년의 성의식 및 성문제와 성교육에 관한 조사 연구 : 성교육 실시의 타당성과 성교육 지도방향 개선의 필요성을 중심으로 Focusing on the Validity and the Necessity for Enforcement of Sex Education

        이문희,정옥분 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1994 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex consciousness, sex problems and sex education of adolescence emphasizing the validity and necessity for the systematic enforcement of sex education. For this purpose, a questionnaire representing six categories, the relationship, with the opposite sex, sexual knowledge, sex consciousness, sex morality, sex problems, and sex education, was developed by the researchers. The subjects of this study was 224 middle school students and 267high school students in Seoul. Sex ration of these subjects was about the same; For the satistical analysis of the collected data, frequency, Chi-square, and severed one way ANOVA's and two way ANOVA's were performed .05 was used as a significance level in this study. The most important findings in the study showed that that most of the students wanted the systematic sex education in school, especially by the professionals in the sex education field.

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