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      • KCI등재

        日本語のYouTubeコメントに見られる正当化ストラテジー ― 「フェミニズム」に関する否定的なコメントを例に ―

        Hashitani Moeka 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.93

        This article tries to identify the reason why feminism in Japanese society is not active in terms of linguistics. Therefore, Japanese negative YouTube comments about feminism are analyzed from the perspective of legitimation to reveal the awareness of Japanese people. First, the results of codifying the comments os that there are 91% of negative comments, and also, the results of analyzing them in terms of legitimation is that classification is used the most, and quotation > evaluation > definition > emotion > speculation and estimation > example > authorization > cooperation = others are seen. Some awareness about feminism in Japanese society is confirmed from these result. First of all, there is the premise which is the reason why they are feminists is that they are not pretty and are not seen as sex objects. On the other hand, classification strategies which only a part of feminists(Twi Femi, radical feminists, etc) are criticized and, the past feminists are sympathized, however, modern feminists are not sympathized are found. Moreover, quotation strategies which not only the current situation in Japanese society but also the past such as the war era and school days are used to express the opposition to the needs of feminism. Furthermore, the premise in which feminists and females have the privilege because they are in a weak position and knew that are revealed with evaluating the character of feminists, definition, and example strategy. Also, in the case of speculation and estimation, the one claim which female are seen as sex objects because they makeup and dress up, therefore, this awareness affect to the disgust and victim blaming. Besides, through cooperation strategy, many opinions in which gender equality is impossible because there is the scientific basis of the difference between brain and body between males and females. These discussions are revealed in feminism researches, however, these are also found in YouTube comments from the perspective in linguistics in this research. It can be able to do the comparison research to other nations by using this legitimation forms.

      • KCI등재


        Hashitani Moeka 한국일본어교육학회 2022 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.102

        This study analyzes online discourse about gender in Japan and Korea from the perspective of critical discourse analysis, by focusing on the difference in perceptions of gender between Korea and Japan to reveals how an individual’s position on the gender issues is justified by a particular ideology. Moreover, it examines the relationship between Korea and Japan's perception of gender and their social backgrounds from comments on the social media platform, YouTube. Some studies have clarified how the differences in the patterns of use of legitimation strategies for each gender issue between Japan and Korea were related to individual social backgrounds. However, the #MeToo movement and the sexual slavery by the Japanese military have a common factor of gender issues, yet there has been no previous analysis of why there are differences in the use of legitimation strategies, because of the differences between domestic and international issues. Therefore, the data in this study comprise Japanese and Korean YouTube comments about the #MeToo movement as a domestic gender issue and the sexual slavery by the Japanese military as an international gender issue to clarify the differences in the legitimation strategies used, and to examine the influence of the difference between these. This study specifically analyzed YouTube comments, as people tend to rely on the information on the Internet if it is hard to obtain the information and they face language issues. Therefore, it is important to present objective information from various perspectives such as a critical discourse studies.

      • KCI등재

        「慰安婦」問題における正当化ストラテジーの日韓比較 -YouTube動画コメントを資料に-

        橋谷萌賀(HASHITANI MOEKA) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.70

        본 연구에서는 한일의 젠더에 대한 인식을 알아보기 위해 ‘위안부’ 문제에 관한 YouTube 동영상 댓글을 통해 젠더 이데올로기가 어떻게 정당화되고 있는지를 밝혔다. 그리고 선행연구를 참조하여 도덕화, 표준화, 합리화, 권위화, 용어화 등의 다섯 가지 정당화 스트래티지 틀을 설정하고 분석하였다. 그 결과 도덕화 스트래티지는 일본보다 한국이 더 높은 비율로 나타났다. 또한 표준화 스트래티지는 일본의 경우 과거의 증언이나 논문 등의 인용이나 ‘위안부’ 문제를 의문시함으로써 이데올로기가 정당화되거나 ‘위안부’ 문제와 ‘라이따이한’ 문제와의 비교를 통해 전자의 심각성을 부정한다는 점이 특징적으로 나타났다. 다음으로 합리화 스트래티지에서는 ‘위안부’ 문제에 있어서 한국이 미래에 겪게 될 부정적 효과에 대해 언급하는 일본의 댓글을 많이 볼 수 있었다. 또한 권위화 스트래티지에서는 일본이 국제적인 권위나 법률을 통해 이데올로기를 권위화 하는 경향이 나타났다. 마지막으로 용어화 스트래티지는 본 연구에서 다룬 젠더 이데올로기에 있어서는 한일 모두 사용되고 있지 않았다. 또한 이러한 분석을 통해 밝혀진 전제에서 볼 수 있는 한일의 젠더에 대한 인식을 비교, 고찰한 결과 한일 간에 공통된 전제는 확인할 수 없었으나 서로 다른 특성을 알 수 있었다. 일본의 경우 ‘위안부’ 문제를 단순화시키려는 의도가 나타나거나 ‘피해자는 매춘부이기 때문에 경시할 만하다’, ‘문제가 계속 제기됨으로써 한국이 악영향을 받을 것이다’ 등의 전제가 현저하게 나타났다. 한편 한국의 경우 ‘위안부’ 문제에서 피해자 측이기 때문에 일본보다 문제를 보다 더 심각하게 인식하였으며 일본과 비교하여 한국 국내 학자를 비판하거나 한국의 문제 대응에 대한 불만이 현저하게 나타났다. 또한 본 연구에서는 내셔널리즘이 젠더에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향을 고려하여 레이시즘을 포함하지 않는 댓글과 포함하는 댓글을 구분하여 분석하였는데 정당화 스트래티지의 사용 경향이 유사하게 나타났기 때문에 분석 대상을 넓히고 보다 깊게 검증할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. This article explores gender perceptions in Japan and Korea by revealing how gender ideologies are justified in YouTube comments concerning the issue of ‘military sexual slavery’ (or ‘comfort women’). A framework of five legitimation strategies, moralization, standardization, rationalization, authorization and terminologization, is established and used for analysis with reference to previous studies. As a result, moralization strategies are used more frequently in Korea than in Japan. Regarding standardization strategies, Japan tends to justify ideologies by quoting past testimonies/papers or questioning the military sexual slavery issue itself, and to deny the seriousness of the military sexual slavery issue in Japanese military by comparing it with the case of Raittaihan.. In contrast, Korea tends to compare researches between Japan and Korea and deny Raittaihan. In terms of the rationalization strategy, many Japanese comments note on negative effects that Korea may encounter in the future on the issue of Japanese military sexual slavery. Furthermore, Japan shows tendencies of authorizing gender ideologies by using the international authorities and laws. Finally, in the current study, terminology strategies are not used in the gender ideologies in either Japan or Korea. Through comparing and examining Japanese and Korean premises about gender, it reveals that the commonality between Japan and Korea is not found, but the different characteristics are clarified. In addition, considering the effect of nationalism on gender perception, the current study differentiated two types of comments, one with racism and the other without it, in analyzing the data. However, similarities are found in the use of legitimation strategies between these two, which suggests that it is necessary to investigate a wider range of materials

      • KCI등재

        正当化の観点から見るストラテジーの日韓比較 ― #MeTooに関するYouTubeのコメントを中心に ―

        하시타니모에카 ( Hashitani Moeka ) 한국일본어교육학회 2020 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.91

        This article clarifies what kind of legitimation strategies are used by Japanese and Korean people in YouTube comments regarding the #MeToo movement and gender awareness in Japan and Korea. Legitimation is based on several constructs: authorization, emotion, evaluation, speculation and estimation, quotation, definition, classification, comparison, and cooperation. This study reveals that evaluation, quotation, and classification strategies were used the most in both countries. However, several discrepancies were found in the results. First, in the case of evaluation, Japanese people tended to use only negative expressions, whereas Korean people tended to use both positive and negative ones. Moreover, in the case of quotation, Japanese people mostly referred to events relayed by the media, whereas Korean people also shared their own experiences. Interestingly, in the case of classification, Japanese people drew a clear distinction between a younger and an older generation, assessing the latter one negatively. Also, Japanese people’s lack of awareness about social issues was emphasized when compared to North American people. In opposition, Korean people distinguished victims from assailants, and victims expressed empathy by telling their own stories and regarding them as inner and outer. Lastly, Korean people were more prone to express their emotions compared to Japanese people. In conclusion, many negative aspects of the #MeToo movement were mentioned by Japanese people, however, there were not only negative one but also positive one which Korean people told their own experiences and show empathy despite the rate of using strategies was almost close. The reason of the result can be the huge influence of Japanese and Korean history, culture, and media.

      • KCI등재

        批判的談話研究の観点から見る日韓の男性に対する異 性愛のセクシズム -#MeToo運動に関するYouTubeコメントを資料に-

        橋谷萌賀(Hashitani, Moeka) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.68

        본연구는 2017년부터 세계적으로 확산된 #MeToo 운동에 관한 YouTube 동영상의 댓글을 비판적 담화 연구의 관점에서 분석하여 한일 남성에 대한 이성애의 섹시즘 이데올로기를 밝히었다. 남성에 대한 섹시즘을 Glick and Fiske(1999)의 Ambivalence toward Men Inventory (AMI)를 참고하여 분류한 결과 한일 모두 이성애의 적의적 섹시즘 (이하 HM(H))과 젠더 차이의 호의적 섹시즘(이하 BM(G))만 관찰되었지만 HM(H)이 압도적으로 많았고 또한 #MeToo 운동애 관한 언급이 주로 나타났기 때문에 HM(H)의 이데올로기에 초점을 맞추었다. 또한 HM(H)을 지지하는 이데올로기보다 HM(H)을 지지하지 않는 이데올로기가 7, 8배 더욱 나타났다. 그리고 분석의 틀로 정당화 스토라티지를 사용하여 분석한 결과 일본은 성적 폭행이 경시되어 있고, 한국은 #MeToo의 거짓의 피해 고발이나 성희롱과 성폭행의 피해의 애매성으로 인해 펜스룰이 정당화되어 있었다. 불지지에 대해서는 크게 여성의 (성적) 폭력의 가해와 남성의 무고죄로 나눌 수 있었다. 전자는 한일 모두 남녀의 (성적) 폭행에 대한 생각의 차이나 여성의 가해가 많다는 점을 문제시하고 있었으나 일본에서는 남성의 피해를 미화하거나 긍정적으로 받아들이는 것과 한국에서는 남성의 피해가 묵살되거나 남성을 이상한 사람으로 부르는 것에 대해 문제의식을 가지고 있었다. 후자는 일본에 경우 성희롱이나 성적 폭행의 피해자에 대한 동정심과 고발된 남성이 불리한 입장에 있거나 범죄자 취급을 받는 것에 대해 부정적이고 말의 인용과 피해자의 행동을 표준화 시킴으로써 피해자를 비난하고 있었다. 한국에 경우는 무고죄가 발생한 후의 일에 초점을 맞추고 있었고 비꼬는 표현이나 말의 인용으로 인해 허위의 고발의 심각성을 강조하고 있었으나 실제 성희롱과 성적 폭력의 피해자가 더욱 불이익을 당하는 것에 대한 우려도 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 한일의 여성의 가해와 남성 피해자를 우려하는 경향이 나타났으나 일본 남성 피해자에 대한 긍정화나 한국의 펜스룰의 지지에서는 오붙이 기타(1985)의 강간 신화의 인식이 관찰되었다. 게다가 남성의 무고죄에 경우 일본에서는 무고죄의 잠재적 가능성, 한국에서는 무고죄 발생 후에 대해서 비난하고 있었다. 한국에서는 ‘젠더 감수성 (gender sensitivity)’의 중요성과 그것에 대한 불신감의 갭이 남녀의 갈등의 도랑을 깊게 하고 있는 것으로 생각된다. This article clarifies the ideologies of heterosexualism toward Japanese and Korean men from the perspective of Critical Discourse Studies through analyzing YouTube comments about #MeToo movement, which has spread across the world since 2017. The ideologies that are found in the data are classified by Ambivalence toward Men Inventory (AMI) of Glick and Fiske (1999). This shows that only Heterosexual Hostility (‘HM(H)’ hereafter) and Complementary Gender Differentiation (‘BM(G)’ hereafter) are found both in Japan and South Korea (‘Korea’ hereafter), As a result of analyzing the data using the legitimation strategy as a frame work, it turns out that sexual abuses are disregarded in Japan whereas in Korea the Pence rule are justified by false accusations of sexual abuses through #MeToo movement and the ambiguity of the abuses that support HM(H). The unsupporting cases could be divided into women’s (sexual) abuse and man’s false accusation. In the case of the former, although the difference between men and women in the perception of abuses and a large number of women’s assaults are seen as a problem both in Japan and Korea, two countries also show a difference with each other such that glorifying and accepting the men’s accusation is viewed as an issue in Japan, whereas ignoring men’s accusation and treating as a freak are viewed as an issue in Korea. In the case of the latter, in Japan the sympathies toward victims of sexual harassments and abuses, and treating the men who are accused as criminals are considered as negative; and also, criticism of victims is legitimized through quotation and standardization of the behavior of victims. On the other hand, in Korea the focus is on whata happens after a calumny occurs, and the severity of the false accusation is emphasized by sarcasm and quotations, and there are the concerns about which victims of sexual harassment and abuse, who suffer disadvantages. Consequently, although the tendency of having concern for women’s assaults and men’s victims is found both in Japan and Korea, the recognition of rape myths of Ohbuchi et. al (1985) is confirmed through affirmation of men’s damages in Japan and support for the Pence rule in Korea. Additionally, regarding men’s false accusations, its potential possibility in Japan and the events after it occurs in Korea are criticized; thus, it is assumed that the gap between the importance of gender sensitivity and the suspicion toward it accelerates the conflict between men and women.

      • KCI등재

        批判的談話研究から見る#MeToo運動に対する日韓の認識 ― 女性に対するセクシズムに焦点を当てて ―

        橋谷萌賀 ( Moeka Hashitani ) 한국일본어교육학회 2021 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.98

        This article explores gender perceptions in Japan and Korea, and clarifies how the gender ideologies of these two countries are legitimized in YouTube comments about #MeToo movements. These cpmments reveal how both moralization and standardization strategies are used frequently both in Japan and Korea. Moreover, Korea has used more moralization strategies, including those involving irony and fear and desire, than Japan. In addition, while Japan’s standardization strategies include the collective integration of alleged victims, an emphasis on their subjectivity and the questioning of victims’ claims, as well as the citation of conspiracy theories, Korean’s emphasis on false accusations of sexual violence is conspicuous theories, Korea’s emphasis on false accusations of sexual violence is conspicuous. However, there are commonalities between the two countries by which the essence of the #MetToo movement is problematized. Furthermore, in the third most commonly used strategy, that of rationalization, Japan and Korea tend to justify their gender ideologies by referring to objectives and future effects. However, another category of strategy, that of authorization, is seen only in Korea, as the country’s gender ideology is authorized by law. Moreover, both societies exhibit the tendency of putting feminists into a negative category, although there is an awareness of the equality of men and women and the need for preferential treatment for women in society. On the other hand, often Japan operates on the premise that in realtion to an allegation of sexual violence, the accuser is under suspicion, and conspiracy theories linked to politics and nationalism are rife. Furthermore, the situation in Japan is characterized by the acceptance of rape myths such as the subjectivity of victim’s actions and psychology, and their desire for sexual approaches. In addition, several false sexual violence changes in Korea have strengthened the premise that accusers are lying, and the resulting fear has had negative social effects and has led to the strengthening of the law against false accusations.

      • KCI등재

        Voltage-dependent Ca²+ Current Identified in Freshly Isolated Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) of Guinea-pig Stomach

        김영철,Hikaru Suzuki,Wen-Xie Xu,Hikaru Hashitani,최웅,윤효영,박선미,윤세진,이상전,이상진 대한약리학회 2008 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.12 No.6

        The properties of voltage dependent Ca²+ current (VDCC) were investigated in interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) distributed in the myenteric layer (ICC-MY) of guinea-pig antrum. In tissue, ICC-MY showed c-Kit positive reactions and produced driving potentials with the amplitude and frequency of about 62 mV and 2 times min-¹, respectively, in the presence of 1μM nifedipine. Single ICC-MY isolated by enzyme treatment also showed c-Kit immunohistochemical reactivity. These cells were also identified by generation of spontaneous inward current under K+-rich pipette solution. The voltage clamp experiments revealed the amplitude of - 329 pA inward current at irregular frequency. With Cs+-rich pipette solution at Vh=−80 mV, ICC-MY produced voltage-dependent inward currents (VDIC), and nifedipine (1μM) blocked VDIC. Therefore, we successfully isolated c-Kit positive single ICC from guinea-pig stomach, and found that ICC-MY potently produced dihydropiridine sensitive L-type voltage-dependent Ca²+ currents (VDCCL).


        Role of Gap Junctions in the Endothelium-Dependent Hyperpolarization of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

        Yoshimichi Yamamoto,Megan F. Klemm,Hikaru Hashitani,Richard J. Lang,Tsuyoshi Soji.,Hikaru Suzuki 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2001 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.5 No.1

        <P> Hyperpolarization of arterial smooth muscle by acetylcholine is considered to be produced by the release of an unidentified chemical substance, an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF). Several chemicals have been proposed as the candidate for EDHF. However, none of them fulfil completely the nature and property of EDHF. Ultrastructural observation with electron microscope reveals that in some arteries, gap junctions are formed between endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In small arterioles, injection of gap junction permeable dyes into an endothelial cell results in a distribution of the dye to surrounding cells including smooth muscle cells. These observations allow the speculation that myoendothelial gap junctions may have a functional significance. Simultaneous measurement of the electrical responses in both endothelial and smooth muscle cells using the double patch clamp method demonstrates that these two cell types are indeed electrically coupled, indicating that they behave as a functional syncytium. The EDHF-induced hyperpolarization is produced by an activation of Ca<SUP>2⁢</SUP>-sensitive K<SUP>⁢</SUP>-channels that are inhibited by charybdotoxin and apamin. Agonists that release EDHF increase [Ca<SUP>2⁢</SUP>]<SUB>i</SUB> in endothelial cells but not in smooth muscle cells. Inhibition of gap junctions with chemical agents abolishes the agonist- induced hyperpolarization in smooth muscle cells but not in endothelial cells. All these observations can be explained if EDHF is an electrotonic signal propagating from endothelium to smooth muscle cells through gap junctions.


        Voltage-dependent $Ca^{2+}$ Current Identified in Freshly Isolated Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) of Guinea-pig Stomach

        Kim, Young-Chul,Suzuki, Hikaru,Xu, Wen-Xie,Hashitani, Hikaru,Choi, Woong,Yun, Hyo-Yung,Park, Seon-Mee,Youn, Sei-Jin,Lee, Sang-Jeon,Lee, Sang-Jin The Korean Society of Pharmacology 2008 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.12 No.6

        The properties of voltage dependent $Ca^{2+}$ current (VDCC) were investigated in interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) distributed in the myenteric layer (ICC-MY) of guinea-pig antrum. In tissue, ICC-MY showed c-Kit positive reactions and produced driving potentials with the amplitude and frequency of about 62 mV and 2 times $min^{-1}$ respectively, in the presence of $1{\mu}M$ nifedipine. Single ICC-MY isolated by enzyme treatment also showed c-Kit immunohistochemical reactivity. These cells were also identified by generation of spontaneous inward current under $K^+$ -rich pipette solution. The voltage clamp experiments revealed the amplitude of - 329 pA inward current at irregular frequency. With $Cs^+$-rich pipette solution at $V_h=-80\;mV$, ICC-MY produced voltage-dependent inward currents (VDIC), and nifedipine ($1{\mu}M$) blocked VDIC. Therefore, we successfully isolated c-Kit positive single ICC from guinea-pig stomach, and found that ICC-MY potently produced dihydropiridine sensitive L-type voltage-dependent $Ca^{2+}$ currents ($VDCC_L$).


        Voltage-dependent Ca<SUP>2+</SUP> Current Identified in Freshly Isolated Interstitial Cells of Cajal (ICC) of Guinea-pig Stomach

        Young Chul Kim,Hikaru Suzuki,Wen-Xie Xu,Hikaru Hashitani,Woong Choi,Hyo-Yung Yun,Seon-Mee Park,Sei Jin Youn,Sang-Jeon Lee,Sang Jin Lee 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2008 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.12 No.6

        The properties of voltage dependent Ca<sup>2+</sup> current (VDCC) were investigated in interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) distributed in the myenteric layer (ICC-MY) of guinea-pig antrum. In tissue, ICC-MY showed c<i>-Kit</i> positive reactions and produced driving potentials with the amplitude and frequency of about 62 mV and 2 times min<sup>−1</sup>, respectively, in the presence of 1</SUP>ՌM nifedipine. Single ICC-MY isolated by enzyme treatment also showed c<i>-Kit</i> immunohistochemical reactivity. These cells were also identified by generation of spontaneous inward current under K<sup>+</sup>-rich pipette solution. The voltage clamp experiments revealed the amplitude of - 329 pA inward current at irregular frequency. With Cs<sup>+</sup>-rich pipette solution at <i>V</i><sub>h</sub>=−80 mV, ICC-MY produced voltage-dependent inward currents (VDIC), and nifedipine (1ՌM) blocked VDIC. Therefore, we successfully isolated c<i>-Kit</i> positive single ICC from guinea-pig stomach, and found that ICC-MY potently produced dihydropiridine sensitive L-type voltage-dependent Ca<sup>2+</sup> currents (VDCC<sub>L</sub>).

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