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      • 고온에서 HAN 계열 추진제 액적의 거동에 대한 연구

        황창환(Chang Hwan Hwang),백승욱(Seung Wook Baek),한조영(Cho Young Han),김수겸(Su Kyum Kim),전형열(Hyung Yeol Jeon) 한국연소학회 2012 KOSCOSYMPOSIUM논문집 Vol.- No.45

        The droplet behavior of 83.9 wt.% HAN water solution was investigated experimentally with various ambient temperature and nitrogen environment. At the initial stage of evaporation under thermal decomposition temperature of HAN, gradual decreasing of droplet diameter was observed. After that, the droplet started to expand due to the internal pressure build up by water nucleation inside the droplet. The micro explosion was observed at higher temperature than the decomposition temperature of HAN and the remaining droplet showed similar behavior of single composition droplet. The decreasing rate was augmented as the ambient temperature increasing.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of the Crystallization Behavior of Silica Between Mg and Al‑Phosphate Used in Tension Coatings of Grain‑Oriented Electrical Steel

        Hyung‑Ki Park,Min‑Soo Han,Chang‑Hwan Chang,Jong‑Tae Park,박창수,Hyung‑Don Joo 대한금속·재료학회 2020 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.26 No.3

        The effect of the phosphate component on the thermal stability of tension coatings was investigated with a focus on thecrystallization behavior of amorphous silica in the tension coating. After stress-relief annealing, core loss of samples coatedwith a Mg-phosphate was improved, while that coated with an Al-phosphate was deteriorated. The domain wall spacing ofthe samples coated with Mg- and Al-phosphates was respectively increased and decreased after stress relief annealing. Thismeans that the stress relief annealing did not much diminish the tensile stress for Mg-phosphate coating but much diminishedthe tensile stress for Al-phosphate coating. Based on FTIR and XRD results, we found that the crystallization temperatureof silica with Al-phosphate was lower than that of silica with Mg-phosphate. The crystallization of silica was accompaniedby an abrupt volume change, which formed cracks in the tension coating and deteriorated the tensile stress.

      • KCI등재

        해방 후 김기림의 행적(업적) 속에 담긴 문화정치사적 함의에 대하여

        한형구(Han, Hyung-gu) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.58 No.-

        본고는 해방 후 김기림의 행적을 포괄적으로 추적하고 그 의의를 검출하고자한 논고이다. 이를 위해 우선 선행 작업으로 일제강점기 시기 김기림이 보인 행적부터 살펴본 바, 그 중 주목할 만한 사안 중 하나가 김기림의 소위 ‘전체시론’이라는 입론 내용임을 확인하였다. ‘전체시론’이라는 그의 포괄주의적 시론 입론속에는 당대의 경향문학적 입장, 태도를 구출하려는 그의 생래의 절충주의적 태도가 다분히 깃들어 있는 것으로 살펴질 수 있었기 때문이다. 해방 후, 김기림은 ‘조선문학가동맹’ 측에 발을 디딘다. 1946년 2월 중 개최된 ‘전국 문학자 대회’에서 시분과 대표 보고 발언을 행하였던 것이다. 김기림의 이 발언은 대체로 신중하고 온건한 내용 양상으로 좌우 구별 없는 민족적 통합에의 자세를 시사한 것이었다. 하지만 이로부터 1947년을 지나 1948년 정부수립기를 맞을 때까지, 혹은 ‘문학가 동맹’ 중심 인사들이 대체로 월북 행을 선택, 남한 쪽의 ‘문맹’ 측 활동이 유명무실해지는 상황을 맞기까지 그는 대체로 공식적 정치노선 상으로는 ‘중도 통합론자’를 표방하면서도 실천적으로 대개 ‘문맹’ 측에 편승하는 비평적 행보를 보여주었다고 할 수 있다. 그러던 김기림은 남한 정부 수립 이후 1949년 ‘보도연맹’이 조직되는 상황을 맞게 됨에 다시 한 번 그 이데올로기 실천상의 표변을 공식화하는 계기를 맞지 않을 수 없게 된다. 말하자면 현실적, 이데올로기적 강박의 분위기로 인하여 하나의 전향선언문격 글을 공식화하여 발표하고 그의 행방 직후 시기 언설적 실천 양상을 스스로 부인하지 않으면 안 되었던 것이다. 하지만 1950년 6월, 남북 간에 전쟁이 발생하는 상황을 맞게 되자 그의 상황 판단은 다시 한 번 흔들리고, 결국 인민 정치 보위부 앞에 스스로 몸을 노출하게 됐던 김기림은 이후 체포되어 끌려가는 상황을 맞게 되고, 이로써 그의 생의 마지막 행로는 영원히 실종 상태를 감수하지 않을 수 없는, 민족사적 비극의 또 한 유형을 이루게 되었다고 볼 수 있다. 해방 후 좌고우면한 김기림의 이러한 행적은 기본적으로 김기림이 이데올로기적 인간이 될 수 없었음을 말해준다. 김기림은 실무적으로 뛰어난 인간이었다고 하겠으며, 그 실례로 그의 마지막 저서이자 문체론 저작인 문장론 신강을 제시할 수 있다. 여기서 김기림은 ‘한글 문체 수립론’을 주장하면서도 어휘 현실에 인위적으로 개입하는 정책은 바람직하지 않다고 보았다. 이를 통해 김기림의 성향인 절충주의적, 중도주의적 면모를 재차 확인할 수 있다. Through this paper, I wanted to trace and reveal Kim, Ki-rim’s achievement and it’s historical signficance in the Liberation Period or Later 1940’s decade of Korea. For the sake of it, I, first of all, investigated Kim Ki-rim’s early activities during the time of Japanese colonial domination of 1930’s. And so, I could recognized that Kim Ki-rim’s theory of ‘total lyricism’ was one of the key points to understand a literary characteristic and the life of Kim Ki-rim. Because his theory of ‘total lyricism’ was made up with a neutral characteristic feature or eclecticism in his personality. After Liberation Event of Korea in the middle times of 1940, Kim, Ki-rim joined firstly ‘the Union of Chosun Literary Men’. Then, Kim Ki-rim presented a notable lecture at the main meeting of that union in 1946. But that lecture had an stance of political neutral basically and appealed a literary and political union or integration of Korean people. But after the government of south Korea established under the 38th parallel in 1948 and ‘The national Guidance federation’ was constructed in 1949, Kim Ki-rim’s political strides came to narrow because almost of his left-wing literary comrades went to North Korea over the 38th parallel. So he had no choice but to announce the declaration of political conversion. But, over again, at the beginning of Korean War, he had to confront another situation to make an another political choice, and at last he was taken as a political offender and escorted to an unknown place. It was one of national tragic scenes happened in Korean War. In conclusion, Kim Ki-rim’s inconsistent political traces above mentioned show that he could not be an ideological person or an ideologue. But he showed a talented gift to deal with intellectual practical problems, and it was exemplified by his book, 『A New lecture on rhetoric』, written in early 1950 or the just pre-war stage of Korean War. In this book, he insisted very eagerly that Korean alphabet system or Han-Gul should be established as a sole literal system for a newly born nation, Korea. So, even though his life came to a tragic end during the times of Korean war, but his passionate cultural and intellectual achievements in Liberation period in late 1940 will never be forgotten permanently.

      • KCI등재후보

        강원도 화천군 수달(Lutra lutra) 서식지의 식생 구조

        서형수 ( Hyung Soo Seo ),신영섭 ( Young Seob Shin ),이경은 ( Kyung Eun Lee ),김윤미 ( Yoon Mi Kim ),전미나 ( Mina Jeon ),남택우 ( Taek Woo Nam ),한성용 ( Sung Yong Han ),정연숙 ( Yeonsook Choung ) 한국하천호수학회 2014 생태와 환경 Vol.47 No.special

        In order to determine whether vegetation would be one of the factors for the selection of otter home range, vegetation structure and other potential factors were studied in Hwacheon, Korea. Thirteen sites, otter’s activity found and not found, were investigated in North Han River and connected tributary streams of Hwacheon-gun. Three types of vegetation were classified by cluster analysis, which is short grass, tall grass and shrub type. Vegetation zone of each channel is composed of either one type, or mosaic of tall grass and shrub type. Short grass type is common in Lake Paro and upper North Han-river where water level is highly variable throughout a year. Therefore, annual species such as Persicaria nodosa, Fimbristylis dichotomam and Chenopodium ficifolium are the most dominant. Shrub type is common at the downstream sites of Jichon stream and along mainstream of North Han River down Lake Paro. A shrub species, Salix koreensis, is the most common. Tall grass type is dominant occupying the most vegetation zone of the tributary channels. Phragmites japonica is absolutely dominant. Due to its dense cover, a few plant species are co-existed. Otter activity was found in all three vegetation types and no marked activity was found at some sites of tall grass type. There is no difference in species composition and physiognomy between tall grass sites with and without otter activity, while it shows significant difference in fish availability between two groups. Overall we found that home range of otters in the region is along the mainstream and downstream of tributary streams with high fish availability in all vegetation types and in various human activity levels.

      • KCI등재

        학생선수용 체육진로흥미검사지의 다집단 동일성 검증

        권형일(Kwon, Hyung-Il),한시완(Han, Si-Wan) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Career should be understood as a process of continuous changes and development, rather than a fixed choice at a certain time (Super, 1990). Career guidance for student-athletes should reflect cultural specificity that both study and exercise are required at the same time, and should be conducted systematically by utilizing proper tools suitable for each development stage. The purpose of this study is to test if sport career interest inventory (SCII) for student-athletes, which was developed in the previous studies (Kwon Hyung-il, Bang Shin-woong, Han Si-wan, Yoo Jeong-ae, 2016), can be used in common by a group, that is, by school and class. For the study, 342 subjects (172 high school students and 170 university students) received multi-group construct invariance test of SCII. As a result, configural invariance and measurement equivalence were tested. These results provide supportive materials for construct invariance of SCII and can be utilized for comparative study by school and class to explore career according to the change in grade of the students.

      • 공생별의 고분산 분광선 연구 - CI Cyg 방출선

        형식 ( Siek Hyung ),이성재 ( Seong Jae Lee ),한경아 ( Kyoung A Han ) 충북대학교 과학교육연구소 2015 과학교육연구논총 Vol.30 No.2

        1998년 9월 12일 (위상 □ = 0.90)와 2002년 8월 12일 (□ = 0.47)에 Aller 와 Hyung이 관측한 Lick 천문대의 HES 고분산 분광 자료, 그리고 2009년 10월 21일 (□ = 0.54) 보현산 천문대에서 형식과 이성재가 관측한 BOES 고분산 분광자료를 이용해 공생별 CI Cyg를 연구하였다. 방출선 윤곽과 선세기는 관측시기의 별 위상에 따라 변화를 보였다. 우리는 O I, O III, [O I], [O III], N III, [S III], Si II 선들의 윤곽을 제시하고, 이를 통해 공생별CI Cyg를 구성하는 뜨거운 백색왜성과 M4 분광형을 가진 차가운 적색거성 주변 가스의 물리적 조건에 대해 논의 하였다. We investigated the high dispersion HES data of the Symbiotic star CI Cyg observed at Lick Observatory on September 12th, 1998 (phase □ = 0.90) and on August 12th, 2002 (□ = 0.47) by Aller and Hyung. along with the BOES data observed at Bohyunsan Observatory on October 21st, 2009 (□ = 0.54) by Hyung and Lee. The emission line profiles and their line intensities show change depending on the phase of different observing periods. We present the line profiles of O I, O III, [O I], [O III], N III, [S III], and Si II and discuss the physical condition of the nebulous gas surrounding two components of the symbiotic star CI Cyg, i.e., a small hot white dwarf and a cold M4 type red giant star.

      • KCI등재

        슬러지 전처리와 고농도 MBR을 이용한 슬러지 감량화 공정연구

        한규철,염익태,정우진,김형수 대한상하수도학회 2003 상하수도학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        From this research, the performances of a sludge reduction in the sewage sludge aerobic digestion was experimented by using a sludge pretreatment and membrane bioreactor. The submerged plate membrane was used as the solid-liquid separation membrane . After drawing small amounts of sludge in a bioreactor and then doing the alkaline treatment and ozone treatment, the sludge was sent to back to the reactor. The HRT in the reactor was set as 5 days and the operation in the reactor was carried out at the DO of 1㎎/L on average. After 100 days of operation in the reactor, it was shown that the reduction efficiency of total solids was more than 83%. Most of volatile solids were removed through mineralization, and the considerable portion of the nonvolatile solids was dissolved and then flowed out with the effluent. Only about 16.3% of total solids in the sludge was accmulated in the reactor even without the loss of volatile fraction. Also, by deriving nitrification and denitrification in one reactor simultaneously, more than 90% of nitrogen removal effect was realized and the experiment was run smoothly without fouling of membrane, even in the high concentration of MLSS. Based on this experiment. sludge can be reduced considerably at a low HRT by these two newly suggested approach.

      • 불확실한 시변 시스템의 제어기법 연구

        한형석 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 1995 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        In this paper, the problem of a stabilizing controller design for the linear system with time-varying uncertainties is considered. The proposed control method for such systems are based on the several stability conditions which are derived by Gershgorin Theorem and the properties of Metzler and M-matrix. In order to stabilize the uncertain continous-time systems, the several linear inequality equations should be solved or numerical methods are applied to design the controller. In the paper, The feasibility of the proposed method is also examined with the computer simulation for the underwater vehicle control. The simulation results shows that the proposed controller gives better performances than those of the existing controllers.

      • 반측안면소체증의 측두골 전산화 단층촬영소견

        한종규,한경렬,백병준,김형환,배원경,김일영 순천향의학연구소 2005 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.11 No.1

        Hemifacial microsomia(HFM) is a craniofacial disorder and complex malformation syndrome with a variable and asymmetric malformation involving first and second pharyngeal arch derivatives. Multiple etiological mechanisms for HFM have been considered. Mechanisms proposed include genetic factors, early embryogenesis insults involving abnormal neural crest development and migration, and stapedial artery hematoma. HFM is the second most common craniofacial malformation but has been rarely reported in korea, and we report five cases of HFM in temporal bone CT findings. The temporal bone CT findings of five patients aged 6 days and 19 years(mean, 9 years) with hemifacial microsomia were reviewed and evaluated. Particular attention was focused on auricular malformation, external auditory canal, volume of middle ear cavity, ossicular anomaly, facial nerve anomaly and inner ear anomaly. In all patients, temporal bone CT scans revealed the stenosis or atresia of external auditory canals, decreased middle ear cavities, matoid underdevelopment and ossicular anomalies including ossicular ankylosis, but only one patient showed facial nerve or inner ear anomaly. In conclusion, temporal bone CT scan is a useful diagnosis modality of hemifacial microsomia, which is especially more useful in preoperative evaulation and estimation of postoperative prognosis that demonstate middle and inner ear anomalies.

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