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      • KCI등재

        달맞이꽃(Oenothera odorata Jacquin) 뿌리에서 추출한 항균성분의 특성

        신성진,권순경,이권행,성낙도,최우영 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1994 농업과학연구 Vol.21 No.1

        An antibacterial component was isolated from the roots of evening primrose (Oenothera odorata Jacquin). The component was purified by repeated preparative TLC of the chloroform-extract with solvent system of toluene(7): ethyl acetate(4) : formic acid(O.8). NMR spectrum indicated that it is a steroid compound containing radical(-C=C-C=0) and aromatic structures. Its antibacterial activity against strains of the genus Streptococcus was relatively high, the MIC value was 50 according to the Hoechst Manual-345, as compared with the other genera such as Staphylococcus and Escherichia.

      • 케일녹즙이 고콜레스테롤식이 흰쥐의 혈청 및 간장의 지질성분에 미치는 영향

        박필숙,강진순,정승용,박재옥,김행자 慶尙大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        체중 60~65㎏의 wistar계 숫쥐에게 cholesterol 무첨가식이에 물과 kale 녹즙을 각각 급여하여 혈청중 총 cholesterol 농도, HDL-cholesterol 농도, 간장중의 총 cholesterol 농도, 혈청 및 간장중의 TG와 PL의 농도 그리고 과산화지질 농도를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 혈청중 총 cholesterol 농도는 cholesterol 무첨가식이군인 1,2군산 cholesterol 첨가이식군인 3,4, 5군간에서 각각 유의성이 없었다. HDL-cholesterol 농도는 cholesterol 무첨가식이군인 1,2군과cholesterol 첨가이식이군인 3,4,5군에서 kale 녹즙을 급여한 군이 유의적으로 높았다. 2)혈청의 중성지방농도는 전 군간에 유의성은 없으나 물ㅇㄹ 급여한 군보다 kale 녹즙을급여한 군에 있어 약간 낮은 경향이었다. 혈청의 인지질 농도는 cholesterol 무첨가식이군 및 cholesterol 첨가이식군 모두 물을 급여한 군보다 kale 녹즙을 급여한 군이 유의적으로 높았다. 3)간장의 총 cholesterol 농도는 cholesterol 첨가식이군에 있어 물을 급여한 군이 약간 낮은 경향이었다. 4)간장의 중성지방농도는 cholesterol 무첨가식이군에 비해 cholesterol 첨가이식군인 3,4,5군이 유의적으로 높았으며, 이들 군간에 있어서는 kale 녹즙혼액군이 비교적 낮았다. 간장 인지질농도는 cholesterol 첨가식이군인 3,4,5군간에 있어 kale 녹즙과 녹즙혼액을 급여한 3,4,군이 비교적 낮았다. 5)혈청 및 간장의 과산화지질농도는 cholesterol 첨가이식군인 3,4,5군이 무첨가식이군에 비해 대체로 낮았으며 또한 kale녹즙과 녹즙혼액을 급여한 군에 있어 유의적으로 낮았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 kale 녹즙의 섭취는 혈청 HDL-cholesterol 농도의 상승효과가 있고 간장 중 cholesterol 및 인지질의 농도를 다소나마 저하시키며 또한 혈청및 간장의 과산화지질농도의 지하작요이 있으므로서 혈청 및 간장의 지질개선효과가 있는 것으로 사료된다. The effect of kale juice, Brassica oleracea, on lpid components in serum and liver were investigated by feeding male rats of wistar for four weeks. And the concentrations of T-cholesterol,phospholipid, triglyceride and lipid peroxide in serum and liver were analysed along with the HDL-cholesterol concentration of serum . The results were as follows: 1)There was not found ny significant influence on the concentration of T-cholesterol in serum, butsome of relatively higher inluence but some of relatively higher influence on the HDL-cholesterol concentration. 2)For the group fed with 100% kale juice the concentration of triglyceride was shown lower than for any other groups, while that of phospholipid was shown higher. 3)The concentration T-cholesterol in liver was shown a little lower for the kale juice groups. 4)The concentration of triglyceride in liver was remarkably decreased in the 100% kale juice group in comparison with other groups, whiel the phospholipid concentraion was not. 5)Lipid peroxide values in serum and liver were relatively decreased in the kale juice groups compared to other group.

      • KCI등재

        도농간 교육격차 해소를 위한 농촌지역 유형별 교육혁신 추진과제 탐색

        나승일,정철영,구자억,박행모,장호순,김진구,마상진,조단비,문세연 한국농업교육학회 2007 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.39 No.1

        이 연구는 교육혁신에 대한 이론적 고찰을 토대로 농촌지역 교육혁신 성공요소를 도출하고, 농촌의 지역특성을 고려하여 도농간 교육격차 해소를 위한 농촌지역 유형별 추진과제를 제시하는 데 목적이 있었다. 연구목적 달성을 위해 문헌고찰 및 사례연구를 실시하였고, 연구결과의 타당성 확보를 위해 전문가협의회를 실시하였다. 농촌지역 교육혁신 성공요소는 마을공부방 운영 등 26개가 최종적으로 도출되었다. 또한 농촌지역 교육혁신모형을 개발하여 목표와 전략을 수립하고, 이를 기초로 농촌지역 유형별 추진과제를 제시하였다. 농촌지역 교육혁신의 비전은 "도농간 교육격차 해소를 위한 교육혁신 실현으로 살고 싶은 농촌지역 구현" 으로 설정하고, 이를 달성하기 위한 목표는 도시수준의 교육기회 제공, 농촌형 수월성 교육 추구, 지역 인적자원개발로 설정하였다. 농촌지역 유형별 중점적으로 추진해야 할 과제는 발전 농촌지역은 마을 공부방 운영 및 학습도우미 지원, 중간수준 농촌지역은 교육환경 개선, 장학금 지원 및 다양한 교육기회 제공, 저개발 농촌지역은 기존 지원 유지, 적극적 학습 지원 및 교원의 근무여건 개선, 도농복합 농촌지역에서는 교통편의 제공, 학습기회 개선 및 학부모의 교육참여 유도 등이 선정되었다. 그리고 농촌지역 유형별 중점 추진과제에 대한 단계별 로드맵과 이를 적용하기 위한 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this research was to derive success factors and explore actions plan for the education innovation of rural areas for releasing education gaps between urban and rural areas. For the purpose, the researcher carried out literature reviews and case analysis were conducted, and experts council were executed. As a result, 26 success factors for the education innovation of rural area were derived. And, this study suggested the education innovation model of rural area including goals and strategies to identify action plan for the education innovation by types of rural areas. The vision of the education innovation model was making the place pleasant to live in by doing education innovation for releasing education gaps between urban and rural areas. The goals of the education innovation model were to provide urban-level educational opportunities, to pursue rural-customized education for excellency and to develope local human resources. This study identified several core tasks corresponding to each rural area: additional establishment and operation of village study-rooms and support for learning assistant system for highly-developed rural areas; improvement of educational condition and provision of scholarship and various educational opportunities for middle-developed rural areas; maintenance of existing support, active learning-support and improvement of teachers' working conditions for lowly-developed rural areas; provision of traffic convenience, improvement of learning opportunities and promotion of parents' educational participation for urban-rural complex areas. Moreover, this study suggested roadmap according to action plan divided by types of rural areas, and political proposal for effective actualization of that.

      • KCI등재후보

        Uzbekistan 공화국의 농업현황

        곽재균,조은기,김행훈,윤문섭,석순종,김창영 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        1. Uzbekistan은 전통적인 농업국가로서 농업이 경제의 축이며 농촌인구가 60%,농업부문 종사자가 전 산업에서 차지하는 비율이 44%이고 농업생산이 GNP에서 차지하는 비중이 33%로서 비교적 높은 편이다. 2. 이 나라의 농업은 강우량이 적고 건조한 기후조건 때문에 주로 관개에 의존하고 있으며 안공수로와 저수지의 건설로 관개가능 면적은 430만㏊ 이고 충분한 수량만 확보된다면 700만㏊ 까지 경작이 가능하다. 농업생산은 목화, 밀, 벼, 포도, 채소, 멜론재배가 주종을 이루고 있으며 특히 일조시수가 3,000시간으로 매우 길고 일사량도 많아 목화, 고품질의 포도와 멜론 생산이 유명하다. 3. 축산업도 농업에서 중요한 부문으로 주로 유목에 의존하고 있으며 염소, 고기소, 젖소, 면양이 주된 가축이고 양잠업도 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. 4. Uzbekistan은 맥류, 목화, 포도, 사과, 양파 등의 원산지 일 뿐만 아니라 박과 작물의 2차원산지로서 유전적 다양성이 풍부하고 특히 멜론은 많은 재래종 품종들이 분화되어 재배되고 있다. 5. Uzbekistan는 1995년 한·우즈벡 농업기술협력 가능성 조사 이후 1996년부터 양국간 유전자원 공동연구가 활발히 추진되고 있다 금후 인근 중앙아시아 각국과의 유전자원 또는 농업관련 공동연구를 수행함에 있어 우즈베키스탄을 전진기지로 활용하는 방안이 적극 모색되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the central part of the middle Asia. The area of the Republic makes up 447.4 thousands ㎢ and about 60% of the country is semi-desert or desert with only 4.5 million hectares of the area cropped. The average temperature in July on the plains' territory varies from 26℃ in the North to 30℃ in the South, and the average temperature in January falls to as low as 0℃ in the South and to -8℃ in the North. Precipitation primarily occurs during the winter-spring period. Annual precipitation amounts to 80-200 ㎜ on the plains, 300-400 ㎜ in the foothills area and 600-800 ㎜ on the eastern and south-eastern slopes of the mountain ridges. Natural pastures occupy 50.1% of the total area of Uzbekistan, and 9.7%(4.3 Min. ha) of irrigated lands. Irrigated land is mainly cultivated for cotton, spiked cereals, rice and potato. Cotton plants occupy 36.5% of the cultivated areas and grain crops 39.5%. Given the abundance of solar radiation and heat, the major factor limiting the use of agroclimatic and land resources is a deficit of water. Agriculture in Uzbekistan was and still is the largest sector in Uzbekistan's economy. Agriculture and it's related industries account for approximately 33% of GDP, and 55% of the hard currency revenues of the country is related to Agriculture. Approximately 60% of the population resides in rural areas, and 44% of the work force is engaged in agricultural production. Uzbekistan is the world's fifth largest cotton producer and the second largest exporter. Cotton has been center to the economy because it accounts for about 50% of the country's export earnings. At the same time, however, cotton production has depended on vast amounts of irrigation, and this has had a possibly significant irreversible negative impact on the Aral Sea. The development strategy in the agricultural sector in the country is targeted at ensuring food and environmental security, while increasing the efficiency and export-potential of domestic production. According to the macroeconomic forecast, the agrarian sector will maintain its leading role in the economy (at 25% of GDP). To meet the strategic development goals by 2010, annual growth in agricultural output must be at least 5-6%.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Seroprevalence in Korea: Rapid Increase of HSV-2 Seroprevalence in the 30s in the Southern Part

        Haeng Seop Shin,Jeong Joo Park,Chaeshin Chu,송현제,Kyung Soon Cho,Joo Shil Lee,Sung Soon Kim,Mee Kyung Kee 대한의학회 2007 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.22 No.6

        To determine the characteristics of seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection among Korean people, a cross-sectional study was conducted on three groups in 2004. The three groups consisted of the general public who visited public health centers, commercial sex workers (CSWs), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons. Among the general public, HSV-2 seroprevalence rates for age under the 20s, in the 20s, 30s, 40s and the above 22.6%, 32.7% and 32.3%, respectively, which showed rapid increase of the rate in the 30s (p<0.0001). In case of the above of 19 yr old, women (28.0%) was higher than men (21.7%) (p<0.0001). The rate of CSWs (81.6%) was about 10 times higher than that of general women. In case of HIV-infected men (47.6%), the figure was about 2-3 times higher than that of general men. The low rate in the teens and the 20s proved that it is essential to develop sexually transmitted infections (STIs) prevention programs of education and publicity for them as a precaution measure. This study is the first major study of its kind on HSV-2 and would provide basic data for prevention of STIs including information about target groups subject to vaccination program.

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