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      • KCI등재

        Symbiotic Framework for Campus Core and Modern Expansion

        Gwang Ya Han,Hong Ill Kim,Hee Won Lee,Hwan Kim 대한건축학회 2006 Architectural research Vol.8 No.1

        Campus core is an essential element in a university’s physical environment for symbolic importance of high educational philosophy as well as hierarchical significance of campus structure. Yet, as modern expansion develops into and out of campus core, a challenging design and planning problem for a growing university is how to integrate a new development into the existing core structure and how to expand the fastgrowing development beyond the core while maintaining a symbiotic harmony between the campus core and the modern expansion. Such challenge addresses four design frameworks for symbiotic development of the campus core and the modern expansion: (1) building grouping with territorial proximity; (2) building design rules for form and texture; (3) open space network with pedestrian walkway; (4) useprogramming for on-campus student community. This study aims to explore these issues with in-depth case study of the Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States. The study concludes that the Princeton campus is a result from successful synthesis of all the complex design elements, especially in relationship between the old and the new; and adds further that the development of a modern university campus requires a comprehensive plan that takes into account the older buildings when conceiving the new in symbiotic relationship along with open space network as well as functional program distribution.

      • KCI등재

        Symbiotic Framework for Campus Core and Modern Expansion A Case Study of Princeton University Campus, Princeton USA

        Han, Gwang Ya,Kim, Hong Ill,Lee, Hee Won,Kim, Hwan Architectural Institute of Korea 2006 Architectural research Vol.8 No.1

        Campus core is an essential element in a university's physical environment for symbolic importance of high educational philosophy as well as hierarchical significance of campus structure. Yet, as modern expansion develops into and out of campus core, a challenging design and planning problem for a growing university is how to integrate a new development into the existing core structure and how to expand the fast-growing development beyond the core while maintaining a symbiotic harmony between the campus core and the modern expansion. Such challenge addresses four design frameworks for symbiotic development of the campus core and the modern expansion: (1) building grouping with territorial proximity; (2) building design rules for form and texture; (3) open space network with pedestrian walkway; (4) use-programming for on-campus student community. This study aims to explore these issues with in-depth case study of the Princeton University campus in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States. The study concludes that the Princeton campus is a result from successful synthesis of all the complex design elements, especially in relationship between the old and the new; and adds further that the development of a modern university campus requires a comprehensive plan that takes into account the older buildings when conceiving the new in symbiotic relationship along with open space network as well as functional program distribution.

      • 농업가뭄지도제작 시스템

        이광야 ( Gwang Ya Lee ),이상일 ( Sang-il Lee ),고보성 ( Bo Sung Koh ),한정호 ( Jeong Ho Han ) 한국농공학회 2017 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2017 No.-

        농업가뭄지도제작 시스템은 2016년 도입되어 운영되고 있으며, 2017년 1월부터 범부처 가뭄 예·경보제도 정식 운영에 따른 지원방안 마련 필요성(운영지원)과 농업분야 대외상황 및 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 통합적인 접근 대두에 따라 현재 까지 진행 되었던 저수율과 토양수분만으로 농업가뭄을 판단하는데 한계점이 있어 유관기관 간에 기초자료의 시스템 연계 방안 마련, 영농대비 용수확보 방안 제시, 한해대책 시행 시기 결정 등의 보다 효과적인 농업가뭄 예측과 대책을 위한 의사결정 지원이 필요하게 되었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 「농업·농촌부문 가뭄대응 종합대책」 중 가뭄대책(4대전략 16대과제) 일환으로 농업가뭄지도 및 가뭄상황판단을 통한 선제적 가뭄대처를 위해서 농업용수 정책 의사지원 및 대농민 가뭄(물 절약) 대응 기반 구축과 범부처 가뭄 예·경보 운영지원을 통한 기후변화에 따른 농업가뭄의 과학적 분석 및 의사결정지원 체계마련을 하고, 농업가뭄 관련 기초DB 구축 확대 및 농업가뭄 분석능력 강화를 통한 농업가뭄의 선제적 대처를 위한 분석 시스템을 구축하며, 가뭄분석 및 예측정보 공유를 통한 항구적 가뭄대책 추진 지원을 통한 대내외 가뭄정보 제공으로 상시가뭄대응체계를 구축한다. 궁극적으로 농업·농촌 가뭄관련 각종 기초정보를 수집·생산·통합하고, 가뭄상황 분석 및 향후 전망을 통하여 가뭄 전 주기(예방-대비-대응-복구)를 대상으로 선제적·체계적 가뭄관리가 가능하도록 농업가뭄지도제작시스템을 구축한다.

      • KCI등재

        수변환경과 도시구조간의 물리적 상관관계에 관한 고찰

        한광야(Han, Gwang-Ya),여혜진(Yeo, Hye-Jin),송지은(Song, Ji-Eun) 한국도시설계학회 2010 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.11 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 도시의 하천 수변공간과 도시구조간의 기능적 관계와 물리적인 배치형태의 특성에 관한 이해이다. 본 연구는 미국 보스턴 찰스 강의 수변환경이 주요 도시기능의 입지들과 어떠한 물리적인 독립성과 연계성을 가지며, 이러한 관계가 도시 전체의 구조와 형태에 어떤 영향을 주는가의 연구질문을 가지고 문헌고찰, 지도분석, 현장답사로 사례연구를 진행하였다. 관찰된 하천과 도시기능의 물리적 배치관계는 (1) 도시의 다양성 조성을 유도하는 하천수계와 네이버후드의 분산 배치, (2) 수변의 도시재생을 통해 공공 접근성 증진과 주거 커뮤니티 구축을 유도하는 대학캠퍼스와 R&D 기능의 네트워크 배치, (3) 공공환경의 도시 중심성과 민간개발의 확장방향을 제시하는 도시 오픈스페이스와 공공주도의 중심부 개발의 직각·평행배치로 그 유형적 특성과 가치가 관찰되었다. 이러한 수변공간의 물리적인 배치특성과 가치는 공공공간으로서의 수변공간의 가치증대와 낙후된 도시하천의 개선과 복원을 통해 수변환경과 연계된 도시구조의 변화가 필요한 국내 도시설계의 목표와 방향의 설정에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. This study examines the spatial relationship of a river with the city using an in-depth case study of Charles River and Boston, USA. It investigates the physiographic arrangement of the riverfront and the context areas with an inquiry of how riverfront is likely to influence the structure and form of the urban development and land use pattern. The three types of physical arrangements are highlighted: (1) asymmetrical growth and spill-over expansion of neighborhoods stemed from the watershed, which contribute to the city-wide social and physical diversity; (2) linear formation of university campuses and the affiliated R&D complexes along the river edge that form riverfront residential communities with extended public access and pedestrian linkage with the adjacent blocks; (3) parallel and perpendicular arrangement of open space networks to the riverfront which, enhancing the structural centrality of public realms in private developments. The findings suggest the spatial structure of a city be effectively improved by the deliberate incorporation of riverfront area with major urban functions, which critically determine the quality of urban environment.

      • KCI등재

        한국도시의 형태변화 모델

        한광야(Han, Gwang-Ya) 대한건축학회 2014 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.30 No.10

        This study aims to develop a model that would explain the morphological transformation and development pattern of the Korean cities. To do so, it proposes HanJoo, a hypothetical city that would experimentally characterize the development process of formation, growth and decline of small and medium-sized cities. HanJoo focuses particularly on functional relationship with the adjacent cities in regional setting, locational orientation and topographical condition of the city site, and morphological characteristics and structural shift of the city growth characterized by a set of four-staged development phases: (1) walled town (675-1890); (2) town expansion via modern grid blocks (1890-1945); (3) industrial district and the company town linked by inter-city highway (1946-1994); (4) new community development and massive suburban growth (1995-present). The findings expect to be useful for improving the understanding the Korean cities particularly whose city layout and locational features in the formative stage, their transformation in the Japanese colonial period, growth and decline mechanism in modern and contemporary settings have not theoretically identified.

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      • KCI등재

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