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      • 조선주자학(朝鮮朱子學)과 조선실학(朝鮮實學)

        조성을(Cho, Sung_Eul) 연세대학교 강진다산실학연구원 2014 다산과현대 Vol.7 No.-

        Between Korean NeoConfucianism and Korean NeoNeoConfucianism is the Continuity and Discontinuity. These two thoughts were composed with three respects, namely Philological Research on Confucian Classics, Philosophy and Social Thought. At first the differences between two thoughts were not big but gradually the gaps were enlarged and in the end the thoughts became completely different in the abovementioned three respects. First, in the respect of Philological Research on Confucian Classics, on the one hand Korean Neo-Neo-Confucianism, partially influenced by Korean Neo-Confucianism, formed its own interpretation systems in the end. Secondly, in the respect of Philosophy Korean Neo-Neo-Confucianism became completely different from that of Korean Neo-Confucianism in the fact that the former is dualism but the latter is monism. Thirdly, in the respect of Social thought Korean Neo-Confucian Social thought was based on the landownership and status system. However Korean Neo-Neo-Confucianism wanted the lift of status system and landownership. Thus in character the latter tried to maintain Korean Medieval Society but the former wished to build up the new equal world, even though the new one is different from modern western one.

      • KCI등재

        금전에 있어서는 점유와 소유가 일치한다는 학설의 기원

        서을오 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2016 法學論集 Vol.21 No.2

        통설에 따르면, 금전은 동산이기는 하지만 물건이라기보다는 가치의 표상이므로, 금전을 점유한 자는 곧바로 소유권을 취득하게 된다. 따라서 금전의 반환 문제도 항상 부당이득 반환청구에 의할 것이지, 소유물 반환청구는 적용되지 않는다. 이러한 우리 학계의 통설은 일본의 통설인 스에카와·가와시마(末川・川島)의 학설을 받아들인 것이고, 이것은 다시 독일의 막스 카저(Max Kaser)의 학설을 수입한 것이었다. 이 논문의 목적은 카저의 견해를 선의취득의 학설사의 관점에서 평가하고, 그의 견해가 1930년대 이후 독일에서 퇴출된 이유를 해명하는 것이다. 로마법은 사용취득이든 장기간의 취득시효에 있어서든, 금전의 시효취득을 특별히 우대하지 않았고 금전을 다른 동산과 똑같이 취급했다. 금전의 혼화와 소비에 있어서는 원소유자의 소유물 반환청구가 부인되고 부당이득 반환청구만이 인정되었지만, 이것은 카저의 견해처럼 금전의 점유자가 곧바로 그 소유권을 취득해서가 아니라, 그 물건 자체가 더 이상 존재하지 않는 것으로 파악됨으로써 소유물 반환청구의 요건이 갖추어지지 않았기 때문이었다. 선의취득 제도의 역사적 발전을 살펴보면 그 어떤 경우에도 카저의 견해와 같이 취득자의 선의 여부 등을 고려하지도 않고 금전의 점유만 취득하면 즉시 소유권 취득을 인정하는 예는 없었다. 또한 금전의 유통성을 특히 보호하는 근대의 입법들의 경우에도, 금전의 경우에는 그것이 도품・유실물인 경우에도 선의취득을 인정한다는 내용일 뿐, 카저의 견해처럼 금전의 경우에는 아예 선의취득이 문제되지 않는다는 입장을 취한 예는 결코 없었다. 본고장인 독일과 유럽에서는 퇴출된 카저의 견해가 오로지 일본과 한국에서만 통설의 지위를 누려온 것은 그것이 입법의 불비를 해결하는 간편한 방법이었기 때문이다. 그러나 이것은 어떤 학설이 등장하게 된 역사적 맥락에 대한 충분한 고려 없이, 그 결론만을 가져다 쓰는 태도에 따르는 위험성을 보여주는 좋은 예이다. It is commonly accepted that the possession of money is equal to it's ownership because the money is not a kind of goods, but a symbol for value. This opinion is derived from Japanese common opinion and from the view of Max Kaser. This paper aims to evaluate the validity of Kaser's view in view of dogmatic history of bona fide possession. The Roman law established the principle of absolute ownership. Therefore it had to cope with the needs of commercial security by usucapio and longi temporis praescriptio. The Romans treated the money specially in many aspects. But they did not regard it exclusively as a symbol of value. The german principle of "Hand wahre Hand" made some contributions to developments of bona fide possession. Nevertheless it's history shows no sign of regarding money solely as value symbol. The European codifications since 18th century also indicate the same result that the Roman tradition about money has not changed in it's essence. Max Kaser invented his view in the era of German Nazzis. However his view was totally rejected by most of German scholars because his view was too extreme. Only the Japanese and Korean scholars fully accepted his theory about money, which can only be explained as an example of inadequate acceptance of foreign theory neglecting its historical backgrounds.

      • KCI등재

        로마법상의 선관주의의무

        서을오 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2018 法學論集 Vol.22 No.4

        It is commonly accepted that the possession of money is equal to it's ownership because the money is not a kind of goods, but a symbol for value. It is commonly held that “the care by the good manager” is defined as “the general principle of the duty of care in the civil law” to “the degree of care required for the average person in trades”. In the end, the duty of care is one of the important examples of the modern principle of fault responsibility. It is also generally accepted that the duty of care in the current law goes through the Japanese Civil Law and the French Civil Law and ultimately to the duty of care by “diligens et bonus pater familias” of the Roman law. The goal of this article is to show in what way and in what ways the “good manager” in our civil law is different from the “bonus pater familias” in Roman law. In order to do so, this article first examines the historical process in which not the notion of bonus pater familias, but the concept of culpa and dolus, is formed in the Roman law. Then, we look at specific cases of the duty of care in the Roman law according to individual contract types. In conclusion, the duty of care in the present law obviously derives from the Roman term “the duty of a good paterfamilias”. However there is a big difference in the meaning of both. The term “the duty of a good paterfamilias” is only one of the terms used and developed by the Roman lawyers in relation to the relationship of culpa and dolus. The former term itself never expresses the whole of Rome's legal reasoning. The identification of the two is perhaps a result of uncritically projecting the conceptual legal thought of the current law into the Roman law. 통설은 ‘선량한 관리자의 주의’를 “거래상 일반적으로 평균인에게 요구되는 정도의 주의”로, 즉 민법상의 주의의무의 일반적인 원칙을 규정한 것으로 이해한다. 결국 선관주의 의무는 근대적 과실책임의 원칙이 표현된 중요한 예의 하나라고 볼 수 있다. 그런데 현행법의 선관주의 의무가 일본 민법과 프랑스 민법을 거쳐서, 결국 로마법상의 ‘주의 깊고 선량한 가장(diligens et bonus pater familias)이 기울이는 주의’에 기원한다는 것은 일반적으로 인정되고 있다. 이 글의 목표는 우리 민법상의 ‘선량한 관리자’가 로마법상의 ‘선량한 가장’과 어떤 면에서 동일하고 어떤 면에서 차이가 있는지를 보여주는 것이다. 그러기 위해서 이 글은, 로마법상의 ‘선량한 가장의 주의’라는 개념 그 자체가 아니라, 그것을 포함하고 있는 보다 상위 개념인 유책사유(culpa, dolus)가 로마법 속에서 형성되는 역사적 과정을 먼저 살펴본다. 이어서, 로마법상의 유책사유가 개별 계약 유형에 있어서 구체적으로 어떤 모습으로 나타났는지를 살펴본다. 결론적으로, 현행법의 선관주의의무는 분명히 로마법의 ‘선량한 가장의 주의의무’라는 용어로부터 유래한다고 할 수 있겠지만, 양자의 의미에는 큰 차이가 있다. ‘ 선량한 가장의 주의의무’는 로마 법률가들이 유책사유와 관련하여 사용하고 발전시킨 용어들 중의 하나일뿐이지, 결코 그것은 로마법에서 형성된 유책사유 법리의 전체를 표현하지 못한다. 양자를 동일시하는 것은, 현행법학의 개념법학적 사고를 로마법에 무비판적으로 투영한 결과가 아닌가 한다.

      • Gyrotonic Expansion System운동프로그램의 척추측만증 개선에 관한 임상적 고찰

        김을교,윤숙향 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2003 藝體能論集 Vol.14 No.-

        The novels of Park, Wahn-Seo have witnessed the reality and hidden background of the world surrounding our lives, reminded us that we are the ones causing all these irrational contradictions in the world and eventually implying that we are both the parties to the crime and the victims at the same tune. The significance is found in her grasp on the problems that have been ignored and left underneath the surface of our conscious. This thesis is approaching the critical features appearing in her work with her unique technique. The summary of this study is as fallows. Her unique technique of writing is to picturize her autobiographical experiences In repeated manner: It is like factorizing the dynamic moments of our age. Such writing style reflects her interest in the critical situation of her own the reality of and the overall society surrounding her. For her personal wounds in heart and the destructive realities causing such wounds, her novels are the way of activating both 'revenge' and 'healing' : in the mode of her writing In the mode of 'revenge' and 'healing' is her narrative strategy decided after her severe search fur herself and a literary style reflecting her critical mind toward society. So far, as looking at Park, Wahn-Seo and her literary world, this study has a significance as a quest for an answer f3r this question, "Through what kind of narrative strategy, as a practice of alternative plan, can novels possibly become the way of encounter the life?" At the same time, it may be a meaningful attempt in the sense that is a romantic exploration about problems in modern Korean society.

      • 점증적 최대운동부하가 테니스 선수들의 혈액 성분에 미치는 영향

        김을교,최동재,조영호 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2001 藝體能論集 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of maximal exercise ability and LAC, NH3, LDH, Glucose on the progressive maximal exercise in high-school tennis players. The total sample was 14 students of high-school male, consisted of 7 students for athletes group, 7 students for non-athletes group The results were as follows : 1. HR was shown to significantly low in between athletes group and non-athletes group. 2. VO2max was shown to significantly high in between athletes group and non-athletes group. 3. Immediately after exercise LAC was't shown to significantly in between athletes group and non-athletes group. 4. Immediately after exercise NH3 was't shown to significantly in between athletes groups group and non-athletes group. 5. Immediately after exercise LDH was't shown to significantly in between athletes groups group and non-athletes group. 6. Immediately after exercise Glucose was't shown to significantly in between athletes groups group and non-athletes group. From the study, long-term tennis play was elevation cardiorespiratory functions and exercise ability in high-school tennis players, effective to improvement on tolerance functions

      • 忠北 『生命의 숲』 造成成果와 環境性 提高를 爲한 "새천년손자숲"造成方案

        柳乙烈,金洪殷,朴在仁 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Since 1996 the government of Chungbuk province has established and managed "Forest for Lif" to enhance the environmental effects of forest on human life. In the year of 1998, "the National Campaign for Establishing Forests for Life" in initiated nationally as a civil movement. In this study, the achievements of "Forests for Life" in Chungbuk province and "Forests for New Millenium Grandson", a new movement driven by the provincial government, were reviewed in terms of environmental science, public economy, forest policy and planning to maximize their environmental effects. The followings are suggested. Four ways of financial supports(fund-raising, donation of seedlings, provincial bond, and public fund) are suggested for running the movement. Among these methods, fund-raising is considered the most proper one. The establishment of model "Forests for New Millenium Grandson" is proposed in public land rather than private land in every city and county in Chungbuk area, after consideration of environmental factors such as soil and wind direction. Three type of "Forests for New Millenium Grandson", forested park, ecology Park, and urban park, are recommended to develop, and each park should have its optimum size due to the own environmental characteristics. Tree species recommended by Chungbuk Forestry Authorities and showing low susceptibility to pollutants are recommended to be planted for "Forests for New Millenium Grandson" movement. The following suggestions are recommended for better "Forests for New Millenium Grandson". 1) Environmental education should be spread to the general public for effective volunteering participation in tree planting. 2) As for enterprises, total control system combining afforestation performance and carbon dioxide output to induce to participate the movements. 3) In the case of selecting "the model company for environmental quality control", the Ministry of Environment authorities has suggested to include afforestation effort as a selecting criteria, Otherwise, the governor of the province should have full authority to select the winning company for environmental quality control.

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