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      • KCI등재

        곡물대탈취: 1973년 미국-소비에트 곡물 거래와 국제 식량 체계의 위기

        이동규 ( Lee¸ Dongkyu ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2022 사총 Vol.105 No.-

        본 논문은 1970년대 초반 전 세계적인 식량 위기 과정에서 발생했던 소련의 곡물 대탈취(Great Grain Robbery)라고 불리는 사건에 주목한다. 1973년 소련은 농업보조금이 적용된 가격으로 대략 천만 톤의 곡물을 미국의 곡물 회사로부터 구매한다. 잉여농산물 판매를 통해 닉슨 행정부는 소련과의 관계를 개선하면서 동시에 소련의 농업 부문의 종속성을 강화하려는 의도를 가지고 있었다. 그러나 소련 정부가 다수의 곡물 기업들에게 개별적으로 접근하여 계약을 진행했기 때문에 미국 정부는 대규모의 곡물이 한 번에 판매되는 것을 인지하지 못했다. 미국이 예상했던 것보다 대량의 곡물이 판매되면서, 남북전쟁 이후 가장 높은 곡물가를 기록하게 되었고, 국제 곡물 시장에서의 곡물 가격 역시 급격하게 상승했다. 1972년 농업 생산의 감소에서 시작한 국제적 규모의 식량 위기는 1973년의 미소간 곡물 거래 이후 심화되었다. 본 논문은 곡물 탈취 사건을 통해 1970년대 초의 식량 위기의 단편을 살펴보고, 이를 통해 1960년대에서 1970년대로 이어지는 국제 관계의 변화를 식량이라는 생태학적 주제를 중심으로 살펴본다. This paper focuses on an event called the Great Grain Robbery of 1973, which occurred during the global food crisis of the early 1970s. The USSR purchased approximately 10 million tons of grain subsidized by the US government. The United States initially intended to consume American agricultural surpluses and improve relations with the Soviet Union while at the same time strengthening Soviet dependence on the United States’ agricultural sector. After the grain deal, the United States recorded the highest grain price since the Civil War, and the prices in the international grain market also rose sharply. A food crisis on an international scale, which started with a decline in production in 1972, resulted, deepening after the 1973 grain deal. The purpose of this paper is to examine a part of the food crisis in the early 1970s that arose from the grain deal.

      • KCI등재

        韓国の中等日本語教育における成果についての分析と考察 - KJ法を用いた質的データの解釈 -

        金東奎 ( Kim¸ Dong-kyu ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2020 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.86

        본고는 한국 중등 일본어교육의 성과에 대하여 한국의 H대학 교육대학원에 재학 중인 피험자로부터 수집한 데이터를 분석 및 고찰한 것이다. 수집한 정보는 질적 데이터 처리에 적합하다고 여겨지는 KJ법을 사용하여 분류 및 정리를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 여덟개의 그룹으로 나눌 수 있었다. ①【교육의 목표와 중점】 커뮤니카티브 어프로치가 교육이념으로 적용되어 커뮤니케이션 능력 향상에 이바지하고 있다. ②【교수법】 학습자 중심의 교수법이 널리 받아들여져 있고, 오디오 링걸 메소드와 문법번역법도 교수법으로서 사용되고 있다. ③【지도 및 학습의 스탠스 1 】 교실에서는 여러 가지 활동이 이루어지고 있다. 또한 일본문화를 일본어교육의 학습항목에 포함시키고 있다. ④【지도 및 학습의 스탠스 2 】 문법 용어를 생략하는 등 학습자의 학습 부담을 경감시키는 여러 가지 시도가 이루어지고 있다. ⑤【교과서】 교과서에는 자연스러운 일본어가 사용되고 있으며, 풍부한 시각자료로 학습의 부담을 경감하고 학습의 효과를 올리고 있다. ⑥【교구와 콘텐츠】 일본의 드라마나 동영상과 같은 매체가 교재로 사용되어 학습의 효과를 높이고 있다. ⑦【교육의 주체로서의 학습자】 학습자의 동기를 일정 수준 이상 유지하고 있다. ⑧【달성도】 학습자의 시험 성적은 대체로 높다. This paper is about the achievements of secondary Japanese education in Korea. The data collected from subjects at the Graduate School of Education at H University in Korea were analyzed and considered. The collected information was classified and organized using the ‘KJ-hou’ considered suitable for processing qualitative data. As a result, eight groups could be obtained. 1 The goal and focus of education : The communicative approach is applied as an educational philosophy, contributing to the improvement of communication skills. 2 Teaching method : Learner-centered teaching is widely accepted. The audio lingual method and grammar translation method are also used as teaching methods. 3 Stance of teaching and learning 1 : There are many activities in the classroom. Also, Japanese culture is included in the learning items of Japanese language education. 4 Stance of teaching and learning 2 : Several attempts have been made to reduce the learning burden of learners, such as omitting grammar terms. 5 The textbooks : Natural Japanese is used in textbooks. Textbooks are rich in visual materials that reduce the burden of learning and increase the effectiveness of learning. 6 The teaching tools and Contents : Media such as Japanese dramas and videos are used as teaching tools to enhance the effectiveness of learning. 7 Learners as subjects of education : The learner s motivation is maintained above a certain level. 8 The Achievement : Learners test scores are generally high.

      • KCI등재

        사립대학 특성과 경영정보의 관련성

        이동규 ( Lee¸ Dong-kyu ) 한국회계정책학회 2005 회계와 정책연구 Vol.10 No.2

        최근 대학들은 다양한 교육프로그램 개발 등을 통해 경쟁력 확보를 위한 노력에 안간힘을 다하고 있다. 특히, 학생 모집이 어려워지면서 사립대학의 재정 수입 중 가장 안정적인 수입원인 등록금 수입이 감소함에 따라 사립대학의 재정난은 가시화되고 있다. 이런 현상은 지방의 사립대학일수록 더욱 심각하다. 이에 교육인적자원부도 등록금 수입감소로 인한 대학의 부실가능성을 고려하여 대학 구조조정에 적극 나서고 있으며, 이를 위해 대학에 대한 다양한 평가를 수행하고 있다. 그런데 대학은 비영리조직으로서 교육서비스를 제공하는 조직체이기 때문에 재무적 평가지표만으로는 대학의 경영정보를 포괄할 수 없다. 즉, 대학의 평가는 대학의 활동에 투입되는 노력에 대한 측정과 함께 노력을 통해 달성한 성과의 측정이 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 서비스 노력과 성취에 관한 정보에는 필연적으로 비재무적 측정치가 포함된다. 이는 FASB 개념보고서 제4호의 내용과 GASB의 개념보고서 제2호(SEA보고) 등은 모두 이러한 정보가 반드시 필요하다는 점을 분명히 하고 있다.본 연구에서는 교육인적자원부에 제출된 2003년 사립대학 결산 및 경영자료를 바탕으로 재무적·비재무적 경영정보를 투입성과와 산출성과 정보로 구분하였다. 또한 경영정보를 사립대학의 특성인 학생수 규모, 대학의 소재지역, 의공대 유무여부에 따른 설치계열 등을 기준으로 각각 하부집단을 구분하여 비교·분석하였다. 분석결과, 대학의 학생수 규모, 소재지, 설치계열에 따라 대학의 투입성과정보와 산출성과정보간에 유의적인 차이가 나타났다. 또한 투입성과와 산출성과간에도 유의적인 관계가 나타났다. 따라서 최근 다각도로 추진되고 있는 대학내 구조조정 및 대학간 구조조정에 있어서도 이러한 대학의 특성을 바탕으로 한 규모 조정 및 재정지원 방안의 수립 등이 모색되어야 할 것으로 보인다. The circumstantial changes in accounting education raised several problems. One of the serious problems is that the number of accounting students has dwindled. Private universities in Korea are doing their best for surviving through developing new education program and utilizing their resources more effectively and efficiently. For achieving leadership in universities, they should know their condition of financial and non-financial viability. In order to know that, university should compare their financial and non-financial condition with those of other university and the averages in Korea. When comparing, we have to decide wether management comparison between universities should consider characteristics of universities such as size, regional position and kinds of colleges they operates or not.In order to prove those objectives, this study implements empirical analysis on variance among groups categorized by characteristics of private universities through Kruskal-Wallis method; independent variables are divided into kinds of colleges they operate, their location, their size, and dependent variables are financial and non-financial indicates such as rate of operation, rate of salary to operation revenue, rate of current assets, rate of fixed assets to net assets, rate of net assets and rate of borrowings, amounts of scholarship per 1 student, number of students per 1 professor and other performance measures.Kruskal-Wallis analysis shows that there is significant difference among sub-groups. This results indicate that comparison of management between universities should consider the characteristic of universities such as size of students, amounts of assets, location and kinds of colleges they operate. But with a few exceptions, the characteristics of location and accounting information were not significantly different in most indicators while the characteristics of size of students and the colleges they operate have a significant relationship on financial and non-financial condition Thus, this study proved that characteristics of private universities were strongly related with the operational results and financial stability of private universities.

      • 고분자 전해질 막 연료전지에 적용된 ORC의 효율에 대한 해석적 연구

        김동규(Dongkyu Kim),김선엽(Seonyeob Kim),류진우(Jinwoo Yoo),신동규(Dongkyu Shin),고재선(Jaeseon Ko),송한호(Han Ho Song),김민수(Min Soo Kim) 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2013 No.12

        In order to enhance efficiency of system, many researcher have been studied for reusing wasted heat from system. Several combined systems, such as combined heat and power plant, geothermal ORC system and solar ORC system, have been developed. This paper suggest novel power plant combined polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) and organic rankine cycle(ORC). At first, normal PEMFC system model is develpoed which include fuel providing system, air providing system and thermal management system. And then, TMS part is revised to introduce ORC. After proper coolant and capacity is selected for ORC, efficiency of ORC is analyzed. Lastly, influences to PEMFC are also studied.

      • KCI등재

        Post-annealing Effects on the Physical Properties of CoFe2O4-PbZr0.48Ti0.52O3 Composite Films Prepared by Using Pulsed Laser Deposition

        Dongkyu Jeong,도중회 한국물리학회 2012 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.61 No.4

        CoFe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>(CFO)-PbZr<SUB>0.48</SUB>Ti<SUB>0.52</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>(PZT) composite films deposited on the LaNiO<SUB>3</SUB>(LNO) coated SrTiO<SUB>3</SUB> substrate by laser ablation using CFO-PZT composite target were post-annealed in oxygen gas environment at various temperatures from 500 ℃ to 900 ℃. The CFO-PZT composite bulk showed chemical reaction behavior between two phases above 1100 ℃, while the composite film exhibited such behavior at a much lower temperature of 900 ℃. As the post-annealing temperature increased up to 800 ℃, X-ray diffraction peaks become sharper and grains with clean boundaries appeared, indicating that the crystalline property of the CFO-PZT composite film was improved. At 800 ℃, the Au/CFO-PZT/LNO capacitor exhibited minimal leakage currents at low voltages and significantly improved ferroelectric and ferrimagnetic properties. At 900 ℃, however, the multiferroic properties of the CFO-PZT composite film had completely disappeared. Our study will be a guide to optimize the post-annealing conditions for the CFO-PZT composite film.

      • Split Liver Transplantation for Retroperitoneal Immature Teratoma Masquerading as Hepatoblastoma

        ( Dongkyu Oh ),( Nam-joon Yi ),( Hyeyoung Kim ),( Hyun-young Kim ),( Hyoung Jin Kang ),( Myungsu Lee ),( Kyoung Bun Lee ),( Kwang-woong Lee ),( Kyung-suk Suh ),( Berik Rovgaliyev ) 대한간학회 2017 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2017 No.1

        Aims: Extragonadal teratoma originating from retroperitoneum represents less than 5% of all teratomas, and accounts for less than 10% of all pediatric retroperitoneal neoplasm. Until now, there is no report in the English literature about teratoma managed with liver transplantation (LT). The present study reports the case of an infant aged 3 months with retroperitoneal immature teratoma involving hepatic hilum and refractory to the chemotherapy, treated with liver transplantation. Methods: The patient was referred to our hospital for management of growing abdominal mass. The pathologic report for fine needle aspiration of the tumor lesion suggested the possibility for the hepatoblastoma with teratoid features. Cisplatin based chemotherapy was initiated at first. However, in spite of two cycles of chemotherapy, the tumor was rapidly growing with encasing the proper hepatic artery. LT was then planned, and split LT was carried out. Results: Pathological examination of explanted liver revealed the involvement of numerous neuroepithelial components, confirming the diagnosis of Norris grade III immature teratoma. Conclusions: The patient recovered well and was discharged at the 19th day after LT. He is now on postoperative day 84, under adjuvant chemotherapy based on vinblastine and doxorubicin, and the long-term outcome of a LT for immature teratoma should be followed up.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        On-Demand Remote Software Code Execution Unit Using On-Chip Flash Memory Cloudification for IoT Environment Acceleration

        ( Dongkyu Lee ),( Moon Gi Seok ),( Daejin Park ) 한국정보처리학회 2021 Journal of information processing systems Vol.17 No.1

        In an Internet of Things (IoT)-configured system, each device executes on-chip software. Recent IoT devices require fast execution time of complex services, such as analyzing a large amount of data, while maintaining low-power computation. As service complexity increases, the service requires high-performance computing and more space for embedded space. However, the low performance of IoT edge devices and their small memory size can hinder the complex and diverse operations of IoT services. In this paper, we propose a remote on-demand software code execution unit using the cloudification of on-chip code memory to accelerate the program execution of an IoT edge device with a low-performance processor. We propose a simulation approach to distribute remote code executed on the server side and on the edge side according to the program’s computational and communicational needs. Our on-demand remote code execution unit simulation platform, which includes an instruction set simulator based on 16-bit ARM Thumb instruction set architecture, successfully emulates the architectural behavior of on-chip flash memory, enabling embedded devices to accelerate and execute software using remote execution code in the IoT environment.

      • Effects of Channel Estimation Error on Full-Duplex Two-Way Networks

        Dongkyu Kim,Hyungsik Ju,Sungsoo Park,Daesik Hong IEEE 2013 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Vol.62 No.9

        <P>Bidirectional communication systems based on full-duplex transmission have been proposed as a way to increase the ergodic capacity of multiantenna two-way networks. This type of system enables simultaneous exchange of data between two nodes via bidirectional use of spatial resources. However, when channel estimation error is present, each node experiences both desired-channel interference (DI) and echo-channel interference (EI). This paper investigates the effect of channel estimation errors on the ergodic capacities for bidirectional full-duplex transmission (BFD) using one of two combining schemes: maximal-ratio combining (MRC) or optimum combining (OC). We derive the ergodic capacities as closed-form expressions and quantify the effect of channel estimation errors on ergodic capacities for BFD with MRC (BFD-MRC) or OC (BFD-OC). Numerical results demonstrate that full-duplex transmission in two-way networks is an attractive option when channel estimation error is present.</P>

      • KCI등재

        A Novel Barometric Pressure Sensor Based on Piezoresistive Effect of Polycrystalline Silicon

        Dongkyu Jang,Yoonki Hong,Seongbin Hong,Jong-Ho Lee 대한전자공학회 2019 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.19 No.2

        In this work, we propose a novel barometric pressure sensor based on the piezoresistive effect of polycrystalline silicon (Poly-Si). Key process steps for the fabrication of the barometric pressure sensor are explained. A sealed cavity is formed under the insulator diaphragm, and piezoresistors composed of 0.35 ㎛ thick Poly-Si is formed on the diaphragm. The distance between the diaphragm and the silicon substrate in the cavity is 2 ㎛. The Poly-Si is doped by implanting boron ions at a heavy dose and the effect of the dose is investigated. In this sensor, the stress and strain of diaphragm induced by an external atmospheric pressure are read by the piezoresistance change of the Poly-Si. The displacement of the diaphragm showed 0.17 ㎚ change at 1 h㎩. The changes in the strain applied to the Poly-Si on the diaphragm lead to a change in piezoresistance. The change in piezoresistance is amplified using a Whetstone bridge circuit fabricated on the same chip. The barometric pressure sensor has a sensitivity of 2.5 ㎶/h㎩ at a boron dose of 5×1015 ㎝<SUP>-2</SUP>

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