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      • 島山 安昌浩의 民族主義 敎育思想과 體育運動

        吳東燮,孫俊丘 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1992 체육과학연구지 Vol.8 No.-

        Since the modern physical education of Korea begins with regime crisis following Japanese Imperialism's aggression, its primary nature can be characterized to be nationalistic. The aim of this paper from this point of view is to establish a subjective historical viewpoint of physical education in Korea with defining Dosan's physical thought and its content as practices. For the research it was considered such as the activities of nationalistic physical education of Shinminhae, Hungsadan, and Daesung School, the national education institutes, and the conslusion is as follows : First, performing of physical education had been transformed to substantive method for nation liberating ideology. So its significant portion was constituted with gymnastics and physical activities like a Spartian exercises. Second, it was exploited for encouraging the national unity so that its effect led to inspiring nationalistic sentiment and arousing the patriotism. Third, it was operated as a basic factor to cultivating sound personality. Rather than mental education rearing-up a patriotist was given the first primary emphasis through the bolstering morality and robust physical exercise.

      • Spiess의 體育思想과 Prussia의 學校體育

        吳東燮 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1989 체육과학연구지 Vol.5 No.-

        Adolp Spiess has always been fondly remembered as the founder of school gymnastics in Germany and of gymanstics for girls in particular. His system, which was designed for masses of schoolboys and schoolgirls was more rigidly formal than Jahn's turnen for small voluntary groups. It demanded absoslute obedience and disciplien and had no room for individual innovation or preference because the entire group performed simultaneously, as a unit, and because Spiess sought to ensure that every part of the body was exercised. Parts of the general program in Spiess gymnastics remain in use even today, constituting a living memorial to Spiess. The purpose of this paper is to study the contents and the programs of Spiess gymnastics in addition to the physical education systems in Prussian schools.

      • 獨逸體育의 道德的 思潮

        吳東燮 慶北大學校 師範大學 體育學硏究會 1984 體育學會誌 Vol.12 No.-

        Physical education is used in a broad sense to include physical activities practised with a primarily recreative aim. Moral education is used in its customary sense of the inculcation of notions of right and wrong, good and evil, virtue and vice, regardless of whether they would be likely to find approval today. Such ideas were embedded in philosophies which had political, social, racial implications. Throughout their history, the German people have engaged in various forms of physical education and recreation. At each stage of German history such activities have been associated in the minds of those who preached or practised them with moral as well as physical ends. The aim of this study is to trace the course of this association through Greman history.

      • 體育의 學問性과 專門性에 관한 考察

        吳東燮 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1990 체육과학연구지 Vol.6 No.-

        This paper discusses various issues related to the body of knowledge, fragmentation, specialization debate by attempting to identify critical factors that have contributed to the present knowledge structure of physical education. Three major factors are considered in depth : (a) historical development of physical education as an academic discipline, (b) lack of a clealy defined knowledge structure, and(c) vertical development of independent subdisciplines that have been guided and dominated by the present disciplines, with those factors the future direction of physical education study is also involved.

      • 都市地域住民의 生活體育 意識構造

        鄭相澤,吳東燮,安禹洪,金正子,林銖遠 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1991 체육과학연구지 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was aimed to elucidata Taegu citizens' consciousness about Sport for All. 950 subjects responded to the researcher's questionnaires. The results are as follows; 1) 88.8% of whole subjects felt necessity of physical activity in every day life. In view of sex, 91.0% of male and 86.5% of female felt the necessity. 2) 73.4% of the subjects put weight in health improvement and 19.1% of the subjects put weight in strong mental power in relation to the value of physical activity. 3) About the local facilities of physical activity, only 8.3% of the subjects satisfied. A largy majority(65.7%) of the subjects reveated dissatisfaction. 4) Preference orders in relation to the expansion of facilities appeared as follows; tennis court(24.5%), swimming pool(14.4%), badminton court(12.5%), gymnasium(11.4%) and football field(7.0%). 5) 76.1% of the sujbjects thought that physical activity contribute to reduce demoralized life style, but 3.2% of the subjects not thought so. 6) About present participation in physical activity, 31.8% of the subjects answered being participated, but the large majority(68.2%) of the subjects answered not being participated. 7) Subjects' favorite physical activitier are tennis(18.6%), mounteering (12.9%), football(8.9%), golf(8.6%), badminton(8.3%), jogging(8.3%), gymnasics(7.3%) and swimming(7.0%) 8) The places of physical activities are private facilities(33.4%), work place(13.6%), private house(12.6%), school(10.9%) and physical education park(9.3%). 9) 73.9% of the subjects answered that they were participating in physical activity for health improvement. 10) 70.6% of the subjects felt the necessity of coach of Sport for All. 11) In case of not attendance to the physical activity, 70.6% of them answered that the main reason of not attendance was lack of leisure. 12) In case of not attendance, 33.7% of them spared time to TV watching, 28.8% of them to housework and 18.0% of them to sleeping. 13) 13.5% of subjects wanted to participate in swimming, 12.9% to tennis, 11.7% to table tennis, 10.8% to mountaineering, and 10.3% to badminton if circumstances permit.

      • Sohn, Kee Choung : A Tale of Two Cities

        Oh, Dong-Soub 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1988 체육과학연구지 Vol.4 No.-

        1936년의 Berlin 올림픽은 國際的으로 대두되고 있던 Nazi 獨逸에 대한 批判을 拂拭시키고 Naziism의 대대적인 宣傳을 위하여 Hitler가 주도한 대회이었다. 유럽을 중심으로 한 당시의 國際情勢는 Nazi의 人種主義 政策과 軍國主義, 全體主義에 대한 體制批判이 비등하였으며 이러한 體制는 共産主義의 확산을 저지한다는 명분아래 이루어지는 Fascism의 擴大를 초래하였던 것이다. Nazi 올림픽의 결과는 "Aryan族의 優秀性"이라는 神話를 무산시켰지만 이러한 結果를 가져온 대표적 선수의 한 사람이었던 孫基禎 選手가 마라톤에서 優勝하였다는 사실은 1936년에 韓·日關係를 대변하는 커다란 波紋을 일으켰다. 불행하게도 孫 選手의 승리는 世界人의 주목을 받지 못하고 오히려 國內에서도 日帝의 탄압으로 그 명예를 기리지 못하였다. 本 論文은 孫 選手의 勝利에 대한 韓國과 日本의 民族的 感情과 당시의 政治的 零圍氣를 比較함으로서 스포츠의 政治的 性格을 이해하고자 하였다.

      • GANEFO and the Olympic Movement

        Oh, Dong-Soub 慶北大學校 體育科學硏究所 1986 체육과학연구지 Vol.2 No.-

        本 論文은 1963년 제3세계를 中心으로 창설된 新生國競技大會(GANEFO; Games of the New Emergin Forces)가 올림픽運動에 미친 영향에 대하여 고찰하였으며 특히 GANEFO運動의 政治的 性格과 Asian Games와의 關係에 중점을 두었다. 본 硏究를 위하여 다음과 같은 사항들이 考察되었다. 아시안 게임의 創設 ; 아시아國家들의 植民支配로부터의 獨立과 友互協力을 위하여 1947년 인도에서 개최된 아시아關係會議에서 처음 發意되어 1948년 런던올림픽에서 확정되었으며 3회 大會까지는 문제없이 잘 進行되었다. 4회 아시안 게임과 政治的 問題 ; 대회를 주관한 인도네시아가 台灣과 이스라엘에 대한 비자거부로 문제가 발생하였다. 인도네시아의 中共, 中東國과의 관계로 인하여 스포츠와 國際關係가 결부되었으며 결국 주관국이 IOC에서 축출되었다. 가네포 創設 ; 수카르노는 소위 西方帝國主義勢力을 거부하고 아시아, 아프리카, 라틴아메리카 국가들의 결속을 위하여 가네포大會를 창설하였으며 올림픽運動을 植民主義政策의 한 수단으로 보고 이에 대항하고자 하였다. 가네포와 IOC와의 關係 ; IOC의 승인을 받지 못한 가네포大會에 IOC의 비회국인 中共이 참가함으로서 올림픽운동에 직접적 영향을 미치게 되었다. 이 대회에 참가한 인도네시아와 北韓의 선수들은 도쿄大會 참가가 거부되었고 남아프리카공화국의 人種分離政策에 반대하는 아프리카 흑인국가들은 올림픽운동을 離脫하여 가네포진영으로 참여할 위험이 있었다. 結論的으로 가네포운동에서 나타난 民族主義는 올림픽운동에 심각한 위협이 되었으며 스포츠가 國際關係와 결합하여 國際勢力鬪爭의 한 도구로 이용되었다. 따라서 국제스포츠경기의 政治的 性格을 인정치 않으면 올림픽을 비롯한 국제경기의 제반문제를 효과적으로 처리하기 어려울 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        화랑도의 신체수련에 나타난 儒·佛·仙 사상

        오동섭,김복희,정경숙 한국체육사학회 2002 체육사학회지 Vol.10 No.-

        In this paper, the effect of the thought of Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism onto the physical training of Wharangdo has been researched and its result is as follows. First, the Confucian thought of physical training of Wharangdo was found through the thought of patriotism, filial Piety, courtesy and music which are expressed in many activities such as filial piety thought implemented in the process of Yuo from Wharang, grasping the situation of many local places, cultivating group mind, accompanying Ga-ack, loyalty to the country when they die in the battle, fostering virtue, courtesy and Taoism in arrow-shooting for physical training vowing the friendship with a real friend which was shown in Chungdojipji of Imsinseogisuk. Second, the Buddhist thought of physical training of Wharangdo was able to be understood through a variety of activities, such as Buddhist mass to inspire the thought of country-protecting Buddhism for the royal family, the practical morality for the custody of the life in everything which was shown in the case of monk captain Heisuk's hunting monk captain's assisting Kuksan, operating organizations of Wharang, a role as a leader of Wharang, religion of Mireuk. Third, the Taoism thought of physical training of Wharangdo can easily found through many element, such as Sinseon thought, the special tao-trend of Shilla which had Sinseon-like character and enjoyed free life and nature, their pursuing Samwha process which is the mental training method Songa. With above comments, Shilla accepted properly the merits from Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism and connected those with the spirit of Wharangdo, which was developed in harmony to the unique and ideal thought, Pungryudo.

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